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Malia May 8
I just don’t know
How to live a life
Thinking that everyone
Is bad all the time.

Everyone’s wrong,
Inherently wrong,
Ever so wrong,
Then who’s good?


No, I am far
From the best person
I know.

To believe otherwise
Would be to put myself
On a very high horse
On a very high pedestal
On a very high hill
That I am 𝘯𝘰𝘵
Willing to die on.
Treated like a queen
Now afraid of her majesty

Reluctantly, I have seen
confidence becoming vanity

From self-love to narcissism
ongoing insanity

From king to servant
emotional tragedy
His5Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people.
CI Thomas Aug 2020
You put me on a pedestal
Where everyone could see me.
You asked for a favour,
Then another and another.
"Don't let me down!"
You were joking,
But you're eyes adored me.
I couldn't fail,
I couldn't let you down,
I couldn't breathe.

I tried,
That's all I can say.
Ankita Dash May 2020
I was still covered in placenta when they locked me in this golden cage

fast at work,
they didn't care how calloused their hands got
rough ropes fed through the pulleys,
and sewed into the heavy haze of distraction.

I promise you,
if they could leave this pedestal and share the warmth that is burning and bubbling for them, they would do it;
but the fall would **** them first.

there are two ways to rob someone of their humanity-
to idolise them
and to ignore them;
so perhaps we all share the same emptiness that way.
annh May 2020
Better to stand on my own two clay feet,
than bolster someone else’s crumbling tarsals and fallen arches.

‘I didn’t want to deserve better as long as I had you.’
- Lidia Longorio, Hey Humanity
annh May 2020
If you place me on a pedestal,
I can’t help but disappoint you;
For no one is infallible,
No one survives unbroken,
No one remains unchanged.

When it all turns to custard,
Who do you blame?
Me for letting you down,
Or yourself for doing the same,
By expecting too much of me.
To shamelessly paraphrase Yotam Ottolenghi: ‘I am inordinately fond of pedestals...and...custard in any shape or form.’
Kylee Dec 2019
You deserve the moon and the stars

And I’ll do anything to make you feel like the sun

neth jones Jul 2019
Don’t let the medium dry
Moisten This Creation                                   
by ANY MEANS necessary

It’s vulnerable

For This Creation to become pedestal WE MUST :

feed it
off of a capillary bag

mist it
under a dense healthy breath

lead it
to suckle an engorged breast

we risk it becoming husk ;
good only for digs and dust shops.

For This Creation, WE MUST queue

with our blood tapped
and ready

our breeding fluids
our various flows carefully labelled
and in sterile pouches

our donor cards filled out
steady for sacrifice

Keep This Creation wet
and it shall be a beacon
a call to awareness
a beckon of craft for us all
and not some common art-hole
Arts’ Monster
It’s vulnerable
(a toothed Whale out of water
  awaiting a machine strong enough
  to return it to the ocean)
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