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Andrea Diaz Jun 4
Did I really have any other choice?
The minute
the minute
the moment you came and graced these lands with your presence,
                                                                                I was already awestruck.
While other’s just bowed to the things you have done for us,
                                                                                  I bowed to your beauty
                                                                                                    your essence.
                  Yet mortal feelings should have never reached you.
You belonged to the stars
                                                                                    I belonged down here.

                                            Yet here you were
                                                                                               with us mortals,
Here you were in robes that hardly touched the mortal plain
                                        And I’d still honor the grounds you walked on.
Here you were
dancing with the gods you made
singing with the mortals of the world you gave.
You kept coming, and going.
And each time you came back,
                                   I must have seemed older over the years.
                                                And yet
                                                                                 My heart still yearned…
                                               And yet…
                                                                    My heart still yearned.
Your rubellite eyes,
Asked to stay
But no god would listen
For the curse that could incur.
And when your rubellite eyes met my sapphiric ones,
                                                                   Your name came across my lips,
                                                    the name I told myself I’d never call you.
                                                           A name I knew that would link you.
                                   Then you looked at me,
                                           And asked me
Could you stay?
                                                                Who was I to give you an answer,
                                                         Who was I to command your wishes?
You gave me the answer.
                                                                                                      I met you as
                                                           A boy who knew nothing
                                                                                              And I see you as
                                                   A man who wanted everything.
                                         And as I look at you
                  Your name came out above a whisper
And You stayed
And You stayed.
                                        And I will never regret the decisions I’ve made.
"Do you know how a celestial falls from the stars above? It is when they are given a name. For you see, a name grounds us, it tells us not only who we are but to who or what we attach ourselves to. Celestials don't have names, for they belong among the stars, and when a celestial is named, they now belong to the mortal that named them. And there is no going back from that. For it is a cosmic sin to name a being that lives out in the stars."
Zywa May 13
The statues destroyed,

temples without a roof, gods --

that are still alive.
Poem 29. "Ionikón" ("Ionic", 1911, Konstantinos Kaváfis)

Collection "Held/True"
Viktoriia May 3
she borrows the light from the sun
just before it can set,
slipping to the other side of the horizon,
reflecting it in her irises,
covering them in liquid gold.
she's the entity that the pagans prayed to,
the object of countless legends.
she slips into her skin like a hand-sewn dress,
and everyone who ever loved her
is now consumed by the earth.
she picks flowers that took root in their skulls,
wears a crown of white ribs
and grows around their remains like moss.
she's the end of all things,
the silent watcher of time,
meeting the travelers on every single one
of the countless roads.
she borrows the light from the sun
just before it can set,
breaking through the other side of the horizon,
reflecting it in her irises,
standing by as the world around her burns.
A celestial event, a message, a warning,
A solar eclipse, God showing us to believe,
Care, love, each other every day. The moon,
Between the sun and earth, actually happens,
Every twenty nine days, to see darkness, during,
The day light hours, the moon has to be at a perfect,
Angle, to block the suns rays. God the almighty power,
Reminding us he could darken our life, any time, any day.
The power involved, hundreds of thousands people,
From around the world, not thinking of the cost,
For travel, lodging, waiting in traffic for  hours, that day,
For a three minute, view, the unseen power, pulling them,
To the area on that April day.  At the totality, a special feeling,
In the air, and your body, blessed, peace, no word of disturbances,
At any viewing sites, a perfect day, to reflect, and be reminded,
Why we are here, in this life today.

                                          The original: Tom Maxwell © 4/11/2024 A D
2 eclipse crossing the same spot in Illinois 7 years apart ?  the number 7 is related too in many religious writings.....
Oh fair mortals, heed my call
For I am the God of the hunt, mighty and tall
In forests deep and meadows green
My presence is felt, my power unseen

With bow in hand and arrows true
I roam the land, my prey in view
The beasts of earth, both great and small
Are subject to my aim, one and all

Oh how I revel in the thrill
Of the chase, with every skill
My keen eyes scan the terrain
For my next target, I shall not refrain

From the mighty stag with antlers wide
To the timid hare, I do not hide
For I am the master of this game
And all creatures within, know my name

But do not think me cruel or cold
For I am also the protector bold
Of balance in nature, I ensure
That life and death remain pure

So heed my call, oh mortal kind
For in me, your strength you'll find
For I am the God of the hunt
And in my realm, all creatures are one.

So when you wander in the wild
Remember me, the God of the hunt, mild
For in every creature, my spirit lives
And in their survival, my power thrives.
Anais Vionet Jan 2
I tried to draw the attention
of the disinterested God
who builds the weather.

“Send us snow - just a few feet -
make our Christmas fantasy complete”
I pleaded, but she never interceded.

Angels, that will-less posse of hers
only seem to watch earth’s slaughter
as the wind carries a warm disregard.
Peter (my BF) flew out last night. #harshrealm

(*BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: posse = a friend or working group*)
Where Shelter Dec 2023
In God’s No~Fly Zone

blessedly, so many of you are
unaware of the full color spectra
that be can seen only when an
age of experience has been reached,

reached, not attained, for the no~fly
zone is no place to be, without any
redeeming colorations, it is dark hued
twilight that inhibits vision clarity,
a precursor warning of the hungry
that offers to swallow one
into shades of sad remorse, and other

How came I to earn this distinction,
was not by acting out, rather by inaction,
the failure to pick the  correct fork in a
life of sentence diagramming, sentence
in the prison sense, all my sentences,
broken down,  no connection sensible
to the next phrase, next phase,  so I
sit beneath my vine and fig tree, unable
to fly, unable to tear shed,
grounded, pounded in my head
Mark Wanless Sep 2023
what we call gods
do not care they
do not exist
xjf Sep 2023
Promise kept, for the sake of promise kept.
Robes worn, for the sake of robes worn.
Wedding bands, and oming hands.
The value in virtue, I will willfully adorn.
Its tightening locks of golden strands
the lightning rocks me, but it understands.
I must work through what I've made,
I trust the solace in this, a stoic slave.
I picked my lot and hold it fast,
I'll stick my spot, this mold is cast

Doubt will cause a shadow
and I've drunken all I had, so
a deep drink in divine, then have your spew.

Trust in the voice
that made this choice,
and for this lifetime, actually see it through.
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