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Zywa 15h
The farewell party

is especially festive --

for those who can stay.
Film "Les magnétiques" ("The magnetics" / "The audiotapes", 2021, Vincent Maël Cardona)

Collection "Em Brace"
Zywa 3d
Farewell, time to go.

Walking to their home, she cries --

and keeps looking back.
Epic "Ilias" ("Troy",  750 BC, Homerus), book 6, line 494-496 - Andromache and Hector

Collection "Moist glow"
Shofi Ahmed Mar 31
Lo, another Ramadan dawn breaks,
millions more feelings of solemnity fill the air.
The time to bid farewell is upon us,
a moment both heavy and sacred.

O blissful Ramadan, brimming with purity and reflection,
when hearts and homes open wide, embracing all.

Prepare to leave, adorned with the beauty of Allah’s bounty:
Your movement like déjà vu moonlight,
your grace as delicate as the finest Muslin.
Let every rose from the garden encircle you,
a garland of farewell.

In the golden hour of dusk,
when Iftar and Suhur beautifully intertwine,
the sweetness of the evening fills the air, nourishing souls.

With a nectar of kindness, bid adieu to every friend of nature
their essence lingers in memory,
sweet as the moments spent in devotion and joy.

'Alvida' - a farewell not of forever
but of waiting until we meet again.
Draw the last stroke of parting on the canvas of the sky,
leaving a promise beneath the rainbow.

Parting with the crescent moon, hearts overflow with hope
O Ramadan, until we welcome you again,
let the essence of your purity and peace remain with us.

Farewell, O holy month
Your parting leaves behind a trail of light,
guiding us until your return.
Safana Mar 30
Our guest has arrived.
He is about to end his visit.
We began to say farewell before disappearing.
We trust Allah (The Almighty)
has prepared us for another encounter.
To see your appearance again.
Until another day, our friend.
Until another day, our brother.
We bid farewell to our Ramadan.
9 days to end his visit (RAMADAN)
Zywa Feb 2
She planned it and said

goodbye to each of us, as --

we later found out.
Novel "jl." ("recently" - the title also refers to Juno Linnaarts, 2016, Anjet Daanje), chapter September 23rd, 2011

Collection "Em Brace"
My Dear Poet Jan 15
anything that reflected you
from glass to a mirror
I would shine and polish
till I saw you clearer

anything that sounded like you
from a poem to a song  
I would sing and recite  
and quote you all day long

anything that resembled you
a painting, a clipping, a frame
I would keep, collect, store
and label with your name

Yes, anything
absolutely anything
that came remotely close to being you
made up my life and all I ever knew

my whole being was all of you
and you were all I became to be
It’s no wonder now without you
I spend my time in search of me
Zywa Jan 14
Farewell: we don't eat,

it just seems that way, as you --

also see in plays.
Novel "Een Fries huilt niet" ("A Frisian does not cry", 1980, Gerrit Krol), chapter 4.1

Collection "After the festivities"
She's going away to another journey now
I hope it will be a bit smoother than our current one
I'm sure there will still be hurdles and mountains
Ones she will climb with glee

She'll pass them and come back a little tougher
I just won't be there to witness the heights she'll reach
I'll be climbing my own mountains then
And I can't support her in times of need

Then again, she doesn't need my help in the first place
Though I sometimes wish I could still give it
She's small but she has a giant soul
One capable of devouring dragons

She cares for me not, and it's fine
A story as old as my life
Caring for someone doesn't need a return
A smile in my face to help the people I care about

A martyr maybe, but why do you care
This time a pushover, that I am aware
I don't want any trouble and drama
I just want her to smile and to last in memory
A poem before bed to help me sleep. Will probably polish it in the nearby future, but for now, I present to you this flawed piece.

created: December 6, 2023
last revised: December 10, 2023

A coworker is leaving, and I am sad.
Sombro Nov 2023
And thus she went
Leaving behind her the many kind words
And lingering hopes that make all good things seamless,
But which fade like her perfume in places she slept.

When I saw her face disappear
Behind mirroring train reflections
I saw those who stared when we waved
Caught in the crossfire of our connection.

They should know, as all should, how
Our iron-clad love is feather armour
Marking a true knight of the cloth
The world's spasms worn about our backs with many gold brooches.

Such it is to be anointed, to filter all out
With your inestimable standards
Held high for those to see
How much she loves me.
Saying goodbye to a loved one
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