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Ashwin Kumar Jun 1
You are the friend I cherish the most
When it comes to unconditional love
Undoubtedly, are you the best
As long as I live
Will I be on your side
Together, can we turn the tide!

You are the friend I cherish the most
And someone I would love to arrest
For the crime of "being too nice" !!
A sweet smile on your beautiful face
Does wonders to my mental health
Always, will I be ready to assist
Should you need anything
To me, does your friendship mean everything!!

You are the friend I cherish the most
When it comes to trust
Seriously, are you absolutely unbeatable
Also, are you extremely capable
As far as work is concerned
So much, have you achieved
Yet, are you humble to a fault
Even can the hardest of hearts melt
After coming in contact
With a human being as compassionate
As you are
Really, are you such a dear!!

You are the friend I cherish the most
Without you, will I be lost
So precious, is your advice
Indeed, are you exceptionally wise
As well as a model of patience
Always, do you give people second chances
Because, are you kind as Helga Hufflepuff
Irritating you is very very tough!!

You are the friend I cherish the most
Thanks to you, have I started thinking less about my past
And liking myself more
If I ever get stuck in a mire
It is you, whose help would I seek, above all
In the stock market, you are the bull
Because, are you so positive
You make me believe
That I can finally conquer my demons
From you, have I learned many a lesson!!

You are the friend I cherish the most
With you on my side
I believe I can pass any test
Because, always will you come to my aid
In fact, are you not merely a friend
But also an unofficial sister
So happy am I, to be your brother
And to you, may the Lord always be kind
Take care and continue being the awesome human being you are!!
Poem dedicated to Shruti, a very close family friend of mine.
Ashwin Kumar May 8
Thou art my coolest friend
Always, do you follow the trends
Though you live abroad
With you, never do I feel bored
Always, do you enliven my day
And even help keep my stress at bay!

Thou art my coolest friend
A conversation with you, has almost no end
Patient are you, to a fault
Under pressure, very rarely do you wilt
Never can I imagine you angry
Even when exceptionally hungry!!

Thou art my coolest friend
In you, is there nothing bland
I totally love your photos and reels
They're so good that they nearly feel unreal
A class apart, is your cooking
I could go on eating!!

Thou art my coolest friend
Really, are you a godsend
Because you are sweet as caramel
For you, could I even sing a Christmas carol
Truly, are you such an angel
That, never can you even be touched by the Devil!!

Thou art my coolest friend
Any help, if you need
All you have to do, is to ask
I'll get done the task
Even if I have to die doing it
Just kidding, of course
However, without you, my life just feels false!!

Thou art my coolest friend
When put through the grind
Almost always, do you thrive
Not to mention, are you quite brave
As well as exceptionally smart
Never do you fall apart!!

Thou art my coolest friend
I am yours to command
Because, always is your love and support unconditional
And with you, never can life be dull
I will be with you through thick and thin
After all, you are as good as my kith and kin
So, keep rocking and keep inspiring
May God shower you with a multitude of blessings
And may your life be filled with love, happiness, peace and prosperity!!
Poem dedicated to Shruti, a very very close family friend of mine.
Ashwin Kumar May 6
You are a very precious friend
Whom I would always defend
No matter what
Of course, you know that
Always, do you understand me
Even better than I understand myself!

You are a very precious friend
By nature, are you quite kind
Very helpful and trustworthy
Always, do you make people happy
Very sincere and hardworking
And last but not the least
Quite sweet and caring!!

You are a very precious friend
Of whom, am I very fond
You were even a fantastic colleague
So proud was I, to be part of your league
Going to office together
And returning together
Absolutely nothing can beat those days
Because we managed to keep stress at bay
Of course, there were a lot of issues
However, our friendship ultimately saved the day
You in particular, showed the way
With your fierce determination and indomitable spirit
From no one, did you take any ****!!

You are a very precious friend
With an extremely shrewd mind
Twice, have you saved me from a crisis
Always do you happen to know, what goes amiss
Your family is my family
And my family is your family
Our relationship is proof
That blood need not always be thicker than water
And for you, deeply do I care
May the Lord bless you
With loads of love, happiness, peace and prosperity!!
Dedicated to Tamil Elakiya, a very close family friend of mine
Ashwin Kumar Apr 3
Thou art a beautiful friend
For whom, never does love end
Selfless are you, to the core
And never do you bore
Though we are not related
Our families are closely connected

Thou art a beautiful friend
Whom I will always defend
Always are you there, for me
Talking with you helps set me free
Often, do we talk for hours
You know the famous saying "When it rains, it pours"
Similarly, when we open up to each other
Nothing can stop us
Which is a major plus
As far as our friendship is concerned
Neither do we get bored
Nor do we get tired!

Thou art a beautiful friend
In you, is there nothing to amend
You are humble and unassuming
For you, is kindness everything
Neither have you hurt a fly
Nor have you told a lie!!

Thou art a beautiful friend
It is wonderful to have you around
A lot of talent, do you possess
There is hardly anything
Which your eyes miss
Very creative, is your thinking
Especially when it cometh to graphics
Is there anything that you cannot fix?

Thou art a beautiful friend
We share an amazing bond
If there is anything you need
All you have to do, is ask
I promise you, I'll be up to the task!!
Be the way you are
Develop more self-love and self-care
And may the Lord bless you
With loads of happiness, love, peace and prosperity!!
Poem dedicated to Rahul, one of my best friends.
Ashwin Kumar Jan 21
Dear Tamil,
Wish you a very very happy birthday in advance!
May you get a chance
To make this occasion extra special
Rarely, are you dull
About you, that's what I love the most
Not to mention, never do you boast!

Go back a long way, do we
And very special are you, to me
From colleagues to family friends
May our relationship have no end!

One of the best things, about my first job
Was the fact that you cared not
About my strange mannerisms
Never was my autism
An issue to you whatsoever
Because you judged people never!

A long way have we come, since then
Very supportive, have you always been
Saving me from a disastrous marriage
You truly released me from a cage
In which I had been trapped, for over a month
Thus, do I turn to you the most
When my confidence is at its lowest

We may be in different places
But our friendship has a strong base
Occasional misunderstandings and fights, there may be
But always care for each other, do we

You are a loving wife and mother
Very close, were you and my late maternal grandmother
A good friend of mine, is your husband
Of you, is he extremely fond
A mischievous but cute boy, is your son
Being with your family is always fun

Very caring, is your mother
You brought me closer to my own sister and father
Well, wish you the happiest birthday ever
May you change never!
Poem dedicated to Tamil, one of my closest friends; whose birthday is tomorrow.
Ashwin Kumar Nov 2023
You are my source of comfort
The candle that provides me light
On the darkest of nights
The day I met you
Was the luckiest day of my life
Over nine years has it been since
And has our relationship grown
From colleagues to friends
From friends to best friends
And last but not the least
From best friends to family friends

Cared, have you, for me
Like Hermione Granger did for Harry Potter
And vice-versa, of course
Advised me on many an occasion
Even took the liberty to scold me
Not to mention, once asking me to google "Friendship"!!

Living proof are we
That a boy and a girl can friends be
In fact, not just friends, but best friends!!
Not to mention, even after your marriage
Has our bond continued to flourish
In fact, grown has it, by leaps and bounds!!

Fought have we, many a time
However, on each occasion
Has our understanding deepened
As has our mutual respect
Our relationship having a foundation
Even mightier than Team India in this Cricket World Cup!!

Saved me, have you
From a trainwreck of a marriage
And a few other crisis situations
There simply ain't nothing
You can do for me not

A part of my extended family, are you
And vice-versa too!!
Lost count have I, seriously
Of the number of times
Have we helped each other out!!

I love you
As I love my sister
And shall we continue
To be there for each other
Till Death do us part
Thank you for entering my life
And may God bless you
With oodles of love, peace, happiness and prosperity!!
Poem dedicated to Tamil Elakiya, my BFF!!
Ashwin Kumar Aug 2023
You were my neighbour
And I felt good vibes from you
Right from the start
We soon became good friends
And as the years passed by, our bond strengthened
Now, I see you as not just a friend
But also a family member
You are very simple and humble
Not to mention, loyal to a fault
However, underneath your calm exterior
Lies a burning passion
Especially when it comes to gaming and Hindu mythologies
The best part about you
Is that you always want to do the right thing
Even if it means losing friends in the process
Of course, as I told you recently
Those people are not truly friends
But haters in disguise
You are also extremely selfless
A quality that makes you very likeable
And at the same time, vulnerable
Anyway, as I said before
You are as good as a family member to me
And your family also sees me
As one of its own
Our phone conversations are usually very long
And I love how you take time out for me
Right in the middle of your busy schedule
I feel I can trust you
With anything and everything
Just remain the way you are
And believe in yourself a little more
Take care and see you soon da!
Poem dedicated to Rahul, one of my closest friends.
Ashwin Kumar Jul 2023
We've known each other
For more than ten years
Initially we were neighbours
And it didn't take a lot of time
For us to get along with each other
Moreover, it also helped
That my maternal grandmother
Was a good friend of your mother
So, we soon became good friends
Since we had a lot in common
The most important of all
Was the fact that we lacked friends
And by "friends" I mean true friends
With whom we could share anything
And who were always ready to help us
If the need arose
Well, I badly needed such a friend
And I am really glad to say
That you fit the bill very well indeed
Because you are extremely humble and unassuming
Don't judge anyone
Possess a lot of patience
Don't get angry easily
Are very gentle by nature
And above all, are thoroughly loyal and trustworthy
Whenever I've visited your home
I've always been treated like a family member
Your mother is extremely kind and sweet by nature
And understands me as well
As my own family does
I've also enjoyed visiting your game centre
And watching movies for free
You are very talented indeed
And I hope and pray
That all that hard work you've been putting in
Finally pays off one day
I feel very comfortable sharing things with you
Seriously, it gives me a lot of relief
Since you are a great listener
And more empathetic than you give yourself credit for
Similarly, you are also welcome
To share anything and everything with me
I am always ready to listen
And offer you moral support
Last but not the least
I will always help you whenever you are in need
Take care, keep smiling and may God bless you da
Dedicated to my close friend Rahul in Chennai.
Ashwin Kumar Jan 2023
The most beautiful relationship of all
Is not romance
It is friendship
Because there are no rules
No layers or complexities
Just shared understanding
Which is unconditional in nature
When I think about friendship
I think particularly about you
Whom I've known for ten years
Mind you, I've known quite a few friends
For a longer period of time
However, none of them are as special
As you are, to me
Very humble and unassuming
And yet having an enthusiasm
That is hard to match
When it comes to your favourite topics
Such as gaming, movies, animes and Hindu mythology
You have an easygoing and amicable nature
That would appeal to most people
Which is why I'm surprised
That you don't have a lot of friends
But then, it is better to have a few friends
Who mean the world to you
And would do anything for you
Rather than a large group of friends
Who are only there to share your joys
And are unable to support you
When you need it the most
I follow this principle to the tee
In fact, we both are in the same boat
You have always stood by me
In my hour of need
In fact, you are more of a family member
Than a friend
And I am really glad
That your family sees me the same way as well
In fact, your mother was a very close friend
Of my late maternal grandmother
And it is no coincidence
That Patti came in your dream
Just before she left for her heavenly abode
Our friendship is indeed a beautiful relationship
One that will last
As long as we ourselves do
Just be the way you are
And have a little bit more faith in yourself
Most importantly, thank you for coming into my life
And staying with me
Through good and bad times
Because that's what friendship is all about
Poem dedicated to Rahul, a close friend of mine; who used to be my neighbour in Chennai earlier.
Tysheanna May 2016
I'm so tired of having to choose
Where I'll be and what I'm gonna do
Where do I go?
Every direction i go seems to be against the flow
And who will I be?
What does it even mean to just be me?
Every night I lie awake
My thoughts come rolling in
Love is won, love is lost
And loves that might have been I see the ghost of long lost hope
And shattered broken dreams I know it's time to carry on
But It's harder than it seems
But I gotta let it go, all the pain and strife and
I gotta let it go, and move on with my life but
I wanna know but I don't know
Which way I'm gonna go
Where will I go?
Which way will I go?
At times I can't tell what's up or down
My head spinning' all the time
Every time that I turn around,
There's another useless sign
I wanna know but I don't know
Lost in confusion
I feel like I'm losing it all
Where do I go from here?
With all this confusion,
Now who's gonna break my fall?
There's no one left to call
As times gone by,
I can't deny
They've left their mark on me
Nothing is clear anymore
Did I let you down?
Sorry my good intentions never seem to come around
I gotta let it go, it's time to let it be
I gotta let it go, and then I can be free if not its going to hold me back from things i never thought i could do
Don't understand the master plan
That only God can see
I need to know, I wanna go
And lock it all inside
I wonder why and I say goodbye
And gather up my pride
And I have to believe
That there's an answer that I can'tĀ  see right now
I know I have the will to carry on
Life's is what make me strong
I've learned too much to turn my head away now and i got more to learn
I just so tired of having' to choose
What i want to do or what others want me to be
I gotta let it go, all the pain and strife
I gotta let it go, and move on with my life
So now I'm just gonna start over
piece by pieceĀ  I'll build my life again
And I'll begin
To learn from all of my mistakes
Then let them fly away to help some one else
Now its time to let it go
I got to let it go,
We got to let it go for good but before i go, God please
Tell me, where to go?
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