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Jeremy Betts Feb 8
You thought I was falling apart before
But at that point I still had my feet on the floor
Now, I don't even see the ground anymore
No clues on what I'm in store for
For now or for forever more
Did I drift or swim out far to far from the shore?
I'm far further than a metaphor can illustrate, further than ever before
Memories so distant they've been redesignated as basic lore
What more can you do when you've lost your core
And it was you who held open the door...
...once more

Jeremy Betts Feb 7
Does the score even matter when it's no longer about a win
Past, present and future always battlin'
While I try my damnedest to locate a viable position
Cause really I just want to keep playin' or at least keep that an option
And for the long run

Jamesb Jan 25
I fell over the other day,
Silly and embarrassing really,
Also ****** painful and in truth?

But it got me thinking because
I was pulling on a rope when it happened,
A rope that then gave way,
It doesn't matter how,

And as I fell
I grasped that natural fibre cord
Even harder as if it
Even then would save me

From the painful landing,
No breaking fall,
No twist or roll just falling
Holding a slack hempen line,

But we all do this in life,
We hold our dreams long past
The point where they
Even slightly may come true,

We grasp them ever tighter
Even as they slip through the fingers
Of our hearts
And lonely souls

Until we land as I did
In a heap - covered not in mud
But in the knowledge not sjust
That it is over (whatever "it" may be)

So much as that it never was

Nor in fact would ever be
Okay maybe I banged my head upon the woodland floor but I  often see people who have just realised their dreams were never going to happen. The light leaves their eyes even as they sadly put down the rope and clamber to their feet
Jamesb Jan 25
I fell over at the weekend,
Fell clenching a rope
That was no longer there to support
And so it didn't,
And James hit the deck with a thud,

And it hurt if I'm honest,
Knocked the wind right from me
And sent shock waves
Through every *****
Every sinew vein and muscle,

As I lay there with a
Worrying spikey pain,
I wondered whether I was damaged
Or just jarred,
Okay or out of the game,

But then the cameras came out
And so did pride
And pragmatism,
And a rapid standing up
Because - well - you know....

This is not the first time I have fallen
And probably wont be the last,
Because **** happens like that
in life and just the same in love,

Because stuff,
And people,
Will always
Let you
Written while still aching
I have dreamt
of falling stars,
although the
beauty of
your heart's
tears grow
farther in
light than
the reaches
of the heavens,
will you soar
forever in the
the secret skies
of my embrace?
In this moment,
let us heal
our wounds,
for we will
behold time
in this endless
love song
Ren Sturgis Dec 2023
Break open
Soft shell echoes
Capatulted darkness
Pillowy landing
You break my fall
Caged eyes
Jeremy Betts Jan 2021
I'm an enigma, a quitter and survivor, a pioneer weary of the change that literally defines the career
In desperate need of a savior or at the very least a lucky rabbits foot souvenir
One to keep me free and clear from the type of bad karma that's over the top severe
I've been thinking I don't belong here, I don't know if it's me talking that talk or the fear
I let it take the wheel and steer, my driving advise from the rear seat falls on a deaf ear
I guess I ain't suppose to interfere with the charioteer, the why isn't clear
Now I've gotta kick it into another gear to commandeer my own life like a buccaneer
This deer in headlights nonsense won't get me anywhere near my "new beginnings" frontier
I lost track of my trail guide mountaineer, forgotten about like I'm the fourth musketeer
The sheer volume of every collected tear almost drowns me at least once a year
Or acts like pavement when I smear across it after falling from the atmosphere
My guardian angel is a horrible puppeteer, seems to disappear when needed most like he's the one with crippling fear
...go figure

xavier thomas Oct 2023
I’m having a moment
As you were revealed
Cause you are a Queen that
should have not been labeled
A fantasy, that’s real
My heart kept on beating, babe
Soul dancing inside
You made me feel good, then feel blessed, & feel life
Is this Paradise?

Crazy how I realized
The cutie pie of all the pies
If you don’t know then I’ll sing it
So, no need to wonder
Crazy how I realized
The cutie pie of all the pies
If you don’t know then I’ll sing it
So, no need to wonder

Let me ask how long
How long it’s gonna take for you to believe me baby?
Cause I unseen you in my life
Journey right by my side

You’re so appealing
Appealing in my life

It’s, crazy how I realized
The cutie pie of all the pies
If you don’t know then I’ll sing it
So, no need to wonder

Crazy how I realized
The cutie pie of all the pies
If you don’t know then I’ll sing it
So, no need to wonder

Crazy how I realized
The cutie pie of all the pies
If you don’t know then I’ll sing it
So, no need to wonder
no need to wonder

no need to wonder
no need to wonder
no need to wonder
no need to wonder

no need to wonder
no need to wonder
no need to wonder
no need to wonder
Nabi Sep 2023
Falling sound asleep
Your fingers tickle me
I look at you with glassy eyes
You look at me with fire

Soft murmurs carry me
Up into the clouds
And so myself starts to wonder—
Could this really be love?
playing mine by the 1975 while i watch you doze off into your dreams
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