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-Clouded by love

Although its as clear as day that you and I could never be,

My stubborn heart refuses to search for other fish in the sea.
-From my heart

If you were to google the definition of beautiful, my dear,

A photograph of your sweet and radiant face would then appear!
MsAmendable Jun 1
Golden Sunlight unfolds herself from the cracks of the frozen earth
Like silk, her fingers warm and soft against my cheek

She stands herself gracefully from among the glittering frost,
Tending to the falling and calling for the lost

She softens the scrape of black trees against the thin skin of the sky
And offers forgiveness from the endless nightly cry
Ivy Chakma May 29
Why does pain create the most beautiful songs, the most passionate poems and the lifelong eternal bonds?
Just a feeling that dawned upon me as I sat by myself listening to some of my all time favourites. A feeling that never got replaced but kept getting added onto.
maria Apr 12
Some people remind me of a campfire,
a source of eclectic senses:
the smoky wood,
the evolutionary fascination of the flame,
the warmth and chill of a starry night.

Others remind me of a snow day in grade school,
a source of jittery incongruence:
the sprinkles of white,
the disruption of monotonous school work,
the mischief of nature coming to the rescue.

You remind me of an early morning rain,
a source of calm melancholy:
the soft droplets on leaves,
the lessened saturation from the overcast,
the heightened realization and contentment of one's existence.

The essence of people
epitomized as scenes and collective experiences;
it is not so much of what it is
but rather how it makes you feel.
SomeOneElse Apr 9
Sweet delicious wonderful
Stunning **** beautiful
Cute addicting loveable
Loving friendly delightful
Hypnotic gorgeous amazing
Hot alluring dazzling
Kind sincere compassionate
Thoughtful brave considerate
Bold passionate capable
Soft romantic sociable
Helpful bright impeccable
Charming smart sensational
Cheerful peaceful admirable
Intelligent tolerant
And simply irresistible
romantic poem
Ander Stone Apr 9
There's beauty in sorrow,
if you don't let it grind you down.

I wanted freedom,
But I have been trapped
Between a rotting lemon
And a hard place
For my bones of glass
To bask in the sun.

There's beauty in sorrow,
if you don't let it grind you down.

I wanted shelter
From the acid rains
That came spitting out
Of their ignoble mouths,
Pattering upon my rind
And souring the lemonade.

There's beauty in sorrow,
if you don't let them grind you down.

I wanted love,
But there wasn't any rainbow
At the end of that
Cursed *** of gold
They're all chasing feverishly.

There's beauty in sorrow,
I tell myself, lying as I see nothing else.
Kelsey Mar 26
Language is so beautiful
So strong
The most powerful thing a person has
Is their words
The ones they speak
The way they say them
When they say them
The ones they keep hidden
Words have the power to change minds
They have the finesse to draw out emotions
They have the ability to flip the world upside down
Or right side up
Words are like candy
They can be sweet
Or sour
They are like the sky
Or clear
Words can eat you up from the inside
Or destroy you from the outside
There is nothing more simple yet potent that exists
Words rule the world
So choose yours carefully
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