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Nov 2021 · 2.5k
Solitary Walk
David Lessard Nov 2021
Unexpected rain falls softly
on the arid ground I walk
glistening in the shadows
of the twisted weedy stalk.
Clouds drifted like a shroud
somber, gray and creeping
like wandering ghosts in fog
silent -   wispy -   weeping.
The coolness of the morning
embraced my face with pleasure
it kissed my cheek and brow
like a momentary treasure.
How sweet the breath of life
in 45 minutes of walking
no traffic and no noise at all
nothing marred by talking.
Unexpected rain fell softly
tickled my nose round every bend
as I left the trail of cottonwood trees
and finished at its end.
Nov 2021 · 3.0k
Great Expectations.
David Lessard Nov 2021
If I give you love
what will I get in return?
will it be acknowledged?
or will it be but spurned?
If I offer my love
will you be mine forever?
or will you laugh at me
and say to me   - not ever.
Am I just a fool in love?
head over heels and blind?
silly and sheepish, blushing
not knowing what's in my mind?
I stand on the steps of happiness
worried, lest I fall
falling at your feet
all curled up in a ball.
Columbus took a chance
and by God - he did all right
I cannot leave you now
without putting up a fight.
I smiled and said I love you
my voice began to crack
but your eyes lit up I swear
as you smiled at me right back!
Nov 2021 · 1.2k
David Lessard Nov 2021
My last poem went to cyberspace
thrown back in my own face
of it I can find no trace
I suppose it's a sad disgrace

I had a good one going
the seasons of life showing
dying tragically, not knowing
only the sun and moon still glowing

A speck of man
nothing goes according to his plan
but he fights as long as he can stand
not content with the earthly life he ran

He's forgotten his own Maker
the earth and heavens shaker
he was never a giver, always a taker
he was never authentic, always a faker

So, God forgot him and his sins
his foolish fancies and whims
his beer, his whiskies and gin
where his soul and his mind had been.
Nov 2021 · 1.1k
I tried kale once
David Lessard Nov 2021
I tried kale once    I suppose it is like medicine   if it tastes bad it must be good for you     I am not swayed by that logic.

I don't know much about kale
could they make of it an ale?
I'd consider drinking that
crushed into liquid inside a big vat.
I'd give it a shot, maybe two
if I didn't puke when I was through
can it be any worse than hair tonic?
wouldn't that be a bit ironic?
Other veggies I love to hate
seldom make it to my plate
I taste them with a finger
then let them alone to linger.
Like chock boy and collard greens
I leave them to my putrid dreams
untouched   unloved   uneaten
even when they may be sweeten.
That's my take on kale
I'm still hardy and I'm still hale
take it i you must
but the others I don't trust.
Nov 2021 · 1.6k
A New England Memory.
David Lessard Nov 2021
The cold never bothered me
the snow and ice never fazed
the days of early childhood
never left me dazed.
The rain was always pleasant
it brought joy to my senses
the sight of damp stone walls
were my images of fences.
The summer days spent swimming
first - like a dog might do
but I became proficient
once the summer days were through.
Autumn days were magic
colored leaves came drifting down
jumping into heaps of them
was delightful I soon found.
Seasons of a growing boy
lodged deep in memory
printed here for you to read
thanks for sharing it with me.
Aug 2021 · 1.7k
Breathe In.
David Lessard Aug 2021
Breathe in, the fragrance of the morning
just past the sawn, when things are still
another day of life to cherish
get outside, beyond the windowsill

Take a little walk and stretch your legs
in the woods or open pasture
get the blood to flowing freely
don't let inertia be your master

You were made for moving, not for sitting
walk off the stiffness in your limbs
shut off the idiot's lantern in your room
put aside your silly foolish whims

Wake to a day that's spilling sunshine
bright light that nourishes the soul
if raindrop fall, don't be concerned
the one above is in control

Breathe in, the beauty that surrounds you
look to the mountains, not far away
discover wonder- on nature's trails
and thank God- for this favored day.
Jul 2021 · 1.1k
David Lessard Jul 2021
Always...the questions in my head
why we live- What happens when we're dead?
Where do I search, where do I look?
man has no answers, but they are in the Book

The one rejected by those who walk the earth
of real and certain truth, there is a dearth
Man's problems hidden from their view
answers are before them, if they only knew

Along the way there's a bump, a poke, a ****
the time to stop and listen, a call from God
Everything becomes both bright and clear
answers are provided for those with ears to hear

The Way's not easy, the price of change is high
but you'll possess true knowledge before you die
Trials and tests still come each day
but wisdom comes to those who walk His Way

With peace and assurance you'll be blessed
great rewards will come when you confess
God has a plan to save us in His way
Satan loses, when Christ returns to stay

Let's live each day in service to the King
walking in God's way, eternal life will bring.
Jun 2021 · 747
David Lessard Jun 2021
How splendid are your seasons Lord
that pass throughout the year
the varied times of changes
so subtle. yet so clear.
Spring comes with rain and wind
it brings forth gaudy flowers
blossomed by the sun
after each and every shower.
Summer comes with creeping heat
with sunny pleasant weather
endless days of lazy chores
without much thought or measure.
Autumn comes with colored trees
grand beauty on display
enchanted and engaging
in the coolness of its days.
Winter falls with quiet grace
snowflakes dancing down
the frost and cold come quickly
to lace the frozen ground.
The seasons come - the seasons go
according to God's plan
created by His power
and polished by His hand.
Apr 2021 · 808
Praise Poem For The Father.
David Lessard Apr 2021
Thank You for this day my Father
full of cool and windy weather
we face the usual trials and tribulations
with joyous heart and merry measure.
Knowing that Your still in charge
though the devil is deceiving
causing turmoil, causing strife
setting wayward hearts to grieving.
But he will run when faced with truth
where God's light is brightly shining
where God's people spread His love
and His word is strong and binding.
We will praise His name forever
repenting of our sin and guilt
singing loud His songs of glory
till the edge of heaven tilts.
Till the sun goes down in darkness
till the dawn returns again
we will pray and ask forgiveness
till the Second Coming's end.
Mar 2021 · 1.5k
One life to live...
David Lessard Mar 2021
Racing down the hall to a code response
I arrived breathless at the scene
grabbed an AMBU bag
it was like something out of a dream:
Surreal yet stark reality
we all had parts to play
we did everything we could
but the patient slipped away.
We zapped, compressed the chest
I gave the oxygen real fast
the patient didn't change
we knew he wouldn't last.
But we we did everything we could
but alas, it wasn't enough
sometime life is way unfair
sometimes life's just rough.
So it was today
so it may be tomorrow
but we're committed to saving lives
as well as enduring sorrow.
Allied Health care notes
Mar 2021 · 827
Hello Poetry
David Lessard Mar 2021
Hello poetry, did you talk to God today
or were you burdened with the world?
did you take some time to pray
as the day progressed,  unfurled?
Did you thank Him for your blessings
and for another day of life?
or were you full of second guessing
brought about with weary strife.
Did you say hello to strangers
or comfort those in sorrow
with no worry of fearsome dangers
but filled with hope of our tomorrow?
Did the thought of God prevail
did you remember to be humble
or did some troubled thoughts assail
to make you halt or quickly stumble?
Hello poetry, did you say hello to Him
and to His precious son that came?
to forgive us all from our sin
and not remain ashamed.
Dec 2020 · 791
Pagan Dreams.
David Lessard Dec 2020
I see the lights of village dwellers
of gaudy, festive Christmas glee
that honors not our Savoir
but invades the Bible's truth we see.
Celebrating Jesus's  birth
they have the date all wrong
it's in the Autumn He was born
when angels joined in song.
The people give away their gifts
they drink the new year in
foolish resolutions made
as they frolic in their sin.
Pagan holidays fly by
forgotten in one night
they live in utter darkness
blinded by God's light.
Ignorance is bliss they say
but is that really true?
in ignorance they perish
for a world they never knew.
Nov 2020 · 1.2k
The Shepherd
David Lessard Nov 2020
The shepherd knows the flock
they answer to his call
he keeps them safe from harm
so none of them will fall;
he rules them all with love
guards them through the night
under heaven's stars
until the morning's light.
The shepherd gives them feed
that nourishes the heart
that gives them happiness
to every daily start.
He keeps away their foes
that seek to do them wrong
giving peaceful whispers
with a litany of song.
The shepherd guides the flock
past the obstacles of life
away from present danger
avoiding troubled strife.
Nov 2020 · 642
Someplace Down The Road
David Lessard Nov 2020
Someplace down the road
Lord Jesus waits for me
He's counting I show up
for His truth has set me free;
He's the prime example
we must follow in His way
He'll give us the strength
to get us through the day.
Someplace down the road
I'll run into my Savoir
His words are full of love
It's Him that we must favor;
by faith and our endurance
we can overcome our trials
changing frowns to grins
changing scowls to smiles.
Someplace down the road
I'll be a resurrected soul
replacing flesh with Spirit
then -  becoming whole.
David Lessard Oct 2020
Hi Judy -

Here I am in sunny Arizona
a mile high, up in the hills
bought myself a ranch house
nothing fancy, no silly frills;
Hope you are doing well
sorry that I left so fast
but our marriage was a shambles
and I knew it couldn't last;
I bet you hate my guts, for leaving
please tell the kids - hi for me
I'm hoping to be back for visits
but for now, I'm enjoying being free;
I will call you when I can
but do not hold your breath
you know I'm irresponsible
and you said it best;
Just a postcard from the wild
so you'll see that I'm all right
gotta say so long my love
forgive my sudden flight.

- Punch
Oct 2020 · 559
David Lessard Oct 2020
It's a morning like no other
fresh and somber, quite unique;
it's a matchless wonder
of the poetry I seek.
Wrought with burning fire
that lights the eastern sky;
ceaseless repetition
and all that it implies.
My heart is filled with wonder
my soul is full if love
as the morning light progresses
expanding from above.
The envelope of hope
the promise of a dream;
that dwells within the mind
of a vast exploding scheme.
Treasures fade in memories
the sorrow does not last;
as we cling to happiness
to this life that we hold fast.
Sep 2020 · 492
Sudden Wind.
David Lessard Sep 2020
The wind is rushing thru the willows
they arch and bend but do not break
the gusts of air are strong with power
unanchored on the porch,  things shake.
The green carpet rolls itself into a ball
the chairs around a table fold and fall
large big stuff holds solidly in place
things that go in motion are mostly small,
I feel some drops of rain but not too much
no thunder and no lightning do appear
the torrent of the wind is hard and steady
my dog takes caution - into the house
he won't return outside until he's ready.
I stand, let the hurried breezes hit my face
like a sea captain , most assured, would do
bracing myself alone - against the storm
happy and contented, to see it through.
In grudging, humble admiration, I submit
to nature's sudden,  wild and wacky ways
it's rare and scarce and quite bewildering
it livens up and and embellishes my days.
Aug 2020 · 424
God's Attributes.
David Lessard Aug 2020
God is light. Darkness knows it not
this world is blinded by the night
burdened by their heavy loads
they don't know our loads are light.
God is love. We can't fathom hate
and we cannot practice malice
nor abide in hidden sin
lest we lose God's promised palace.
God is life. Eternal life, His gift
by His grace we strive to live
keep enduring till the end
we choose not to get, but give.
God is truth. A lamp that lights our path
we travel on a narrow road
fight off the evil, ugly thoughts
His strength's strong, to lift our load.
God is mercy. Forgiving and forgetting
He's comforting and tender
He does not tally up our faults
and to Him we're all one gender.
Aug 2020 · 864
David Lessard Aug 2020
Father thank you for this day
that comes softly and quietly
I stretch and yawn in my way
enjoying my coffee silently.
Watching Venus light the morn
before Old Sol takes reign
as the rays on the hills adorn
just as you first ordained.
I take up your book and read
the gospel is full of good news
your words are  mighty indeed
in me - the Spirit renews.
The world continues to falter
confusion and chaos and hate
people have left from your altar
abandoned themselves to fate.
I still pray and repent of my sin
I still ask for forgiveness from you
you've erased where once I had been
forgotten the man I once knew.
Jul 2020 · 443
David Lessard Jul 2020
Hello Poetry, how things go for you today?
ready for thoughts that come your way?
expressions of pain and love and strife
that hurt and heal and cut like a knife.

Ready for confessions that say enough?
for the things of life that do get tough?
for the constant battle of passing days?
for those that leave and for those who stay?

The world's a stage as Shakespeare said
a famous line from one that's dead
the greatest writer you never did see
he was good for some, but not for me.

My best loved poet wrote of the north
into the snows,  he ventured forth
under the aurora  borealis he strode
in search of a good poem...not gold.

To each, his own, the saying goes
when a poem comes, it often flows
making the writer feel real good
but isn't that how, poetry should?
Jul 2020 · 465
Faithful Servants
David Lessard Jul 2020
Let us endure, until the final end
facing every trial and tribulation
that comes around the bend
give Him praise and adulation.

Let's preserve and stay steadfast
in the essence of His being
holding to the truth that lasts
to the prophecies we're seeing.

To he that overcomes with grace
in the midst of chaos churning
we must keep a measured pace
for Him to whom we're yearning.

In our faith, we have His blessing
that His word is strong and true
with no doubt, with no guessing
He will stand and see us through.

Though hampered in those final days
we will not deny His name
we'll follow still His righteous ways
and His promises we'll claim.
Jul 2020 · 379
One Thing.
David Lessard Jul 2020
Guess what. I can run the dishwasher,
fix my own meals and never hunger;
but there's things I cannot do,
except when I was younger.
But I can vacuum floors and such,
wash my clothes and run the dryer;
I have trouble reaching stuff,
sometimes I use a wire.
I pay the bills quite promptly,
pay the credit cards real fast;
stretch the meat and peanut butter,
so that way, I hope, they'll last.
I take care of what I need to,
I don't bother with the rest;
I take my share of naps
sometimes those are best.
And if, by God, I need to,
I'll work my fingers to the bone
only one thing I can't handle
and that's to be...alone.
Jun 2020 · 333
God's Ways.
David Lessard Jun 2020
Heaven is my throne and
the earth, my footstool
He shouted from the
thunderous skies
where is the house that
you can build for me?
bolts of lightning were
the only replies.

Tell me quickly if
you you've a tongue
answer me now,  if you can
I'll ask but once -
this one time only
where were you
when I created man?

I am a God above all gods
asking only for your love
for your support unto my laws
that come down from up above.

I will forgive if you repent
if you're baptized, and don't fear it
if you're agreed - to receive
the gift of the Holy Spirit.

I will bless all those that bless you
those that curse you I will curse
if you're obedient to my ways
and fear me not, for the worse.
Jun 2020 · 318
Solitary Hike.
David Lessard Jun 2020
Where breezes are a-blowing,
'tis there,  that I'll be going,
high in the pines, still green,
viewing places seldom seen;
In the fresh and fragrant air,
hiking sure, without much care,
I revel in the silence,  grand,
with only God to take my hand.
The wind caresses every tree,
blows clouds away so I can see,
the brilliance of the sun so bright,
it magnifies my squinted sight.
The leaves are rustled, with no sound,
here,  the soul at rest is found,
the troubled world lies far below,
and peace just like a river,  flows.
Here,  I find the breezes blowing,
here,  I find contentment, knowing,
that nature soothes the savage breast,
and sometimes... solitude is best.
Jun 2020 · 307
David Lessard Jun 2020
Show me a place where the breezes are a-blowing
where pines shine green, that's where I'll be going
where weather's kinda fickle, and comes by chance
that's where I'm headed,  like a dancer to a dance.

Like a rooster to a hen-house, like a bee to the honey
it's freedom of the soul, and you don't need money
air where there's no stink, skies that glow so clear
where you lose your blues, with nature so **** near.

Where the sun is bathed in shadow, to ward off any heat
all you hear are footsteps; it's the sound of your own feet
the view from ancient hilltops is super-sweet and grand
and you marvel of creation, made by God's own hand.

There's the quiet all around you, still, the silence speaks
your reward, greatest grandeur, that weary hikers seek
that brings joy to your heart, sparing you from older pain
now, you know you've shed the hurt and it is on the wane.

Yes, there's a place I know quite well, where wind is blowing
and you've probably guessed by now, that's where I'll be going
with a knapsack on my back, and some cool water on my side
I'll see you - sooner or later- for now's the time I hide.
Jun 2020 · 323
Chaos and Confusion.
David Lessard Jun 2020
This world is hard to bear Lord,
when no one speaks Your name;
when they shun the church Lord,
and pitch and toss the blame.
That our president is crazy,
and the cops are not our friend;
that we can sort it out this time,
where does the madness end?
When will we pay attention,
and note the futile plans;
nothing more is gained, but lost
according to men's plans.
When will the nations realize,
without Him, we are lost;
and were headed for oblivion,
regardless of the cost?
The world is sliding down the tubes,
confusion in the streets;
with chaos in the cities Lord,
and where the suburbs meet.
Jun 2020 · 297
Praise Poem
David Lessard Jun 2020
All Your ways are truth Lord
in righteousness You dwell
You heal the unforgiven Lord
and make the sick ones well;
You make the mountains high Lord
and the valleys sweet and low
You make my heart at peace Lord
and make all waters flow;
You bless the faithful people
Your power keeps them safe
the winds of trouble still do blow
but they no longer chafe;
You are the way to heaven Lord
and the the glory is all Yours
You make Yourself available
to those inside Your doors;
The Prince of Peace is Your crown
all else is mass disorder
I thank You Father for Your call
within salvation's border.
May 2020 · 304
Passing Through
David Lessard May 2020
Winds are sweeping through the pines
as I drive to Aspen Creek
exit the car, taking my dog
edging to the trail I seek;
It's a cool and quiet place
not too far from town
but different here with trees
and nature's to be found;
The sky is blue and brilliant
the path before us calls
we stride with quickened steps
as we merge into its halls;
As majestic as a temple
with a babbling stream nearby
air that's sweet as perfume
pleasant breezes sigh;
We spend an hour walking
on the ridge the town's in view
we pay it scant attention
after all, we're passing through.
May 2020 · 304
Sun and Shadow
David Lessard May 2020
All my life's been sun and shadow
brought about in different ways
youth and vigor, aging seasons
brilliant light and dark-filled days.
Interspersed with rain and snow
blown by winds both mild and strong
days of happiness, too short
sleepless  nights that went too long.
All my life's been sun and shadow
winsome days, with little care
days of turmoil, tinged in sadness
just a step from deep despair.
Fleeting now, the bloom of youth
present now, the chilly wind
darkness gains upon the light
eventually,  the seasons  end.
All my life's been sun and shadow
chased by moods both good and bad
but the good outweighed the other
of every season that I had.
May 2020 · 291
For Richard Wayne Penniman.
David Lessard May 2020
Good Golly Miss Molly
rock  and roll has died
with your passing yesterday
rock and rollers cried.
Long Tall Sally says goodbye
the heart of soul has gone
we will miss the shouts
that sparked your earthy song.
Lucille and Rip It Up
have faded in the light
buried with your mournful voice
that echoes  in the night.
Little Richard gone from sight
with others of his kind
but the music, it lives on
in the framework of the mind.
Apr 2020 · 541
David Lessard Apr 2020
I buried my anger in the ground
out of sight and out of sound
buried hate and fostered love
got the message from above.
Found the truth and cut out lies
sang His praises to the skies
gave forgiveness, got it back
mended all my hidden cracks.
Got the blessings that I need
cut off envy, swallowed greed
gave my burdens up to Him
turned my back against all sin.
Fed myself the Bread if Life
fought off Satan, eased the strife
put His mighty presence first
from His fountain, I don't thirst.
Became instead, a new creation
raised my soul to a higher station
wrapped myself in His great Being
aware of beauty I was seeing.
Apr 2020 · 266
Once and Now.
David Lessard Apr 2020
Once, we ate the bread of adversity
satisfying ourselves, alone;
greedy with the cares of life
heavy hearts, etched in stone.
Once we ate the bread of wickedness,
delighted in our sinful ways;
unconcerned about tomorrow
forgetful of the passing days.
Once we ate the bread of affliction,
fleeing from oppressive foes;
wandering to a promised land
where the milk and honey flows.

Now, we eat the bread of heaven,
blessed and sent from up above;
with prayers of thanks to Him
who first showed us, His love.

Now, we eat the bread of life,
seasoned with the fleeting years;
tempered by the blood of Christ
who buries now our earthly fears.
Apr 2020 · 256
In place of...
David Lessard Apr 2020
In place of hate, I put love,
instead of war, I put peace;
and the blessings I received,
have yet, to come, to cease.
In place of pride, I am humble,
instead of anger, I just smile;
and the joy,  that I felt...
has lasted all this while.
My wickedness caused me pain,
but truth called to my heart;
and with God's Holy Spirit,
I made a brand new start.
Became a new creation,
cast off the chains of sin;
free from it's strong bonds,
aware of where I'd been.
In place of wounds, found healing,
instead of sadness  -  hope;
in the promise of tomorrow,
a place where I can cope.
Apr 2020 · 256
COVID 19 musings.
David Lessard Apr 2020
Have they come to rob the store?
these people that wear those masks
only one of those my fickle friend
we have to save for those that ask.

I used to broad jump over six feet
social distance's now's the goal
keep away from me my pal
play your prim and proper role.

Don't touch your face at all
you don't know where those hands have been
don't cough or pant for breath
when will this virus ever end?

Stay at home for months and months
locked up in your dwelling
don't buy from take out food too much
who knows just what they're selling?

Read or watch the television
listen to music too -
we're all going bananas
this much I know is true.
Mar 2020 · 245
When You Came Into My Life.
David Lessard Mar 2020
When you came unto my life
it brightened up my day
some doldrums faded swiftly
I threw the rest away.

The first date is the standard test
will I like her, will she like me?
I was pleased and jubilant
(the way it worked you see).

You were charming and delightful
as we chatted about life
about ordinary things
work and play, stress and strife.

Old loves, better times and music
books we liked and ones we hated
food we loved, the past and present
and things  better left unstated.

When you came into my life,
you were like sunshine after rain
I felt whole again, revived
like someone finally free of pain.
Mar 2020 · 254
Coronavirus Blues.
David Lessard Mar 2020
In this time of trial and tribulation
social outcasts in one stroke
we face each other, nation to nation
wondering if its all a joke;
hardly a joke my puzzled friend
fevers, coughs and short of breath
we may be close to our own end
shaking hands with doctor death;
let's pray to God for our salvation
repenting of our sinful ways
irregardless of our station
we must be wary of the days;
wash those hands, wash them clean
disinfect the counter-tops
**** the viruses unseen
until its presence stops;
until this ****** pestilence dies
until we can be close again
let's silence rumors and silly lies
and look back at where we've been.
Mar 2020 · 226
David Lessard Mar 2020
Cards and letters, gone unanswered
several questions, left unsaid
no e-mails and no phone calls
I may as well be dead.
Faded memories, ancient photos
now a cobweb in my mind
turned to dust and ashes
down a river I can't find.
Sweet hellos and sad good-byes
linger long in silent thought
of a happier existence
not the hurt that time has brought.
Alas, our love was too one-sided
and the pieces never fit
dissolving slowly in the wind
little fragments, bit by bit.
Now there's just this empty shell
no love; a heavy heart, like lead
words that seem to only echo
I may as well be dead.
Mar 2020 · 228
He Reigns.
David Lessard Mar 2020
When you come to me
I shall be ready
with honor and with glory
and with praising song
because you turned my life around
and revealed to me
what is right and what is wrong;
Gave me the truth that
I was searching for
gave me the strength
to go through any door;
Caused me to hope
when everything went wrong
put me with other people
where I felt I belonged;
Renewed by faith in God
with the promise of tomorrow
where death will be extinguished
where there will be no sorrow;
Where all will place God
above all else
the name above names
where peace and love and joy
forever reigns.
Mar 2020 · 234
Unsatisfactory Things.
David Lessard Mar 2020
Things that do not satisfy,
are things I shun the most -
like zombies & werewolves,
sorcery and ghosts.

Movies laced with violence,
excess profanity in bools -
music that's just noise,
proud and haughty looks.

Things that do not satisfy,
from such, I turn away -
they only seek to scar he soul,
to mar a perfect day.

Give me truth and beauty,
that satisfies the soul -
poetry that nourishes,
to make the body whole.

Things that do  not satisfy,
I gladly set aside -
to be contented in this world,
to never have to hide.
Feb 2020 · 472
My Heart Is Yours Alone...
David Lessard Feb 2020
My heart is yours alone Lord,
to do with  what You will;
I only know with You Lord,
it's peaceful and it's still.
Free from a worried mind Lord,
free from a damaged life;
beating just for You Lord,
absent from all strife.
My heart is yours alone Lord,
to keep Your truth in hand;
to keep the narrow path Lord,
in the place that I now stand.
My soul is with You always,
I've turned my back on sin;
keeping Your commandments,
aware of where I've been.
My heart is yours alone Lord,
to sing You songs of praise;
humble and obedient,
until my final days.
Feb 2020 · 227
You have to be called.
David Lessard Feb 2020
You have to be called
to share His hope
to sing His song
so you can cope;
You have to listen
to really hear His voice
you have to choose
the only rightful choice;
You have to set aside
all the things you learned
from this deceitful world
by which you have been burned;
You have to change
the way you have been thinking
open up the eyes
do a lot less blinking;
You have to be called
to be a new creation
else you'll stay the same
at your previous old station.
Feb 2020 · 230
Long Ago and Far Away.
David Lessard Feb 2020
Long ago and far away
you came into my life one day
stayed with me - on the run
until we lost our first son.
Shotgun marriages seldom last
due to one's misguided past
subject to a quick demise
full of ugly hidden lies.
Long ago and far away
you were  doomed to never stay
I was running from your arms
indifferent to your wily charms.
Chasing after foolish hope
drinking so that I could cope
Stupid, I threw it all aside
in the event that I could hide.
Long ago and far away
loving you was only play
we couldn't stay together long
when death began its mournful song.
Feb 2020 · 413
So we might understand.
David Lessard Feb 2020
Mary Magdalene followed Jesus
seven devils in her past
but Jesus blessed her heart
and His blessings always last.
She came to His tomb with spices
to anoint His sainted head
but he was risen and gone
raised from His fleshly dead.
As a spirit, to his Father in heaven
to sit at His right hand
to await His earthly return
so we might understand.
To judge the righteous and wicked
to rule with an iron hand
to correct our carnal mistakes
so we might understand.
To establish His heavenly kingdom
all part of salvation's plan
to give us all life eternal
so we might understand.
Jan 2020 · 200
God praise.
David Lessard Jan 2020
There is beauty in His being
there is beauty great and strong
there is beauty in His seeing
there is beauty in His song.
There is justice in His voice
there is justice in His power
there is justice in His choice
there is justice He will shower.
There is mercy in His heart
there is mercy in His eyes
there is mercy on His part
there is mercy none can buy.
there is wisdom in His laws
there is wisdom in His soul
there is wisdom with no flaws
there is wisdom He makes whole.
There's forgiveness in His arms
there's forgiveness in His word
there's forgiveness without alarm
there's forgiveness when He is heard.
Jan 2020 · 367
The Lost Ones.
David Lessard Jan 2020
Scoffers, skeptics, fools,
too far away from God
laugh at my convictions
and often call me odd.

Because my faith is solid
because my faith is strong
I laugh right back at them
and call them wrong.

Morals have been lost
values down the drain
ethics out the window

The devil throws the dice
and wins most of the time
most anything now goes
what's done is just a crime.

It's too late to save them
from the lake of fire
they've tossed it all away
by the flames of their desire.
David Lessard Dec 2019
You are the Bright and Morning Star Lord
Your name, above all names;
yesterday, today and tomorrow Lord
Your truth remains the same.
You are the Everlasting Father Lord
Your word is clothed in Glory;
dying for our sins Lord
in the never-ending story.
Your the Alpha and Omega Lord
the beginning and the end;
I'm at peace with all Lord
from the blessings that You send.
Your King of Kings and Lord of Lords,
and also, Prince of Peace;
the gift of all salvation
Your great wonders never cease.
Your the Bright and Morning Star Lord
of the world that needs Your light;
to bring all out of darkness
and knowing wrong from right.
Dec 2019 · 215
David Lessard Dec 2019
New earth will be an Eden
like it was so long ago
when our parents knew no evil
and had that God-like glow;
when the air was pure and clean
when the animals were tame
before the serpent's touch
before we knew of shame;
when  angels clapped their hands
at our glorious creation
before they wept in sorrow
at the sins of every nation;
before man slew his brother
before the sin of Cain
when God protected us
when we had all to gain;
There is a new world coming
when again, the angels sing
when Christ returns in power
to reign on earth as King~!
Dec 2019 · 271
Disciplinary Segregation.
David Lessard Dec 2019
In my den, I paced,
measured the width
from each angle;
eight by eight.
One bulb burned
brightly overhead.
The commode was a
cold stainless steel thing
projecting from a wall.
My bed was a metal one
with a thin mattress,
with two sheets and
a blanket.
I was in
disciplinary segregation,
(that's another term for Solitary)
Two weeks for refusing to
obey a direct order from a
I was in the stockade
going AWOL (in peace-time)
I was ornery and a hard-***.
They jailed my body -
but they never broke my mind.
Twice I was in solitary,
but they never broke my mind.
Yelling **** and bayoneting
a straw dummy was not
my passion.
And so I ran away from it all.
Discovering pacifism at
the age of seventeen.
Crossing the ARMY off
of my things to do list.
Dec 2019 · 216
David Lessard Dec 2019
When I didn't know the seasons
when time to me was nil
everything was innocence
no sense of time to ****;
I finally learned of Spring
and the promises of love
that wafted down from heaven
and bright-lit skies above;
Then Summer came along
with marriage, jobs and kids
music, friends and laughter
just before I hit the skids;
Suddenly came Autumn
beautiful… serene…
scarred by circumstances
that erased my dreams;
Now- in the throes of Winter
I've accepted my true fate
ready to renew...once more
once more, to clean the slate
Dec 2019 · 224
Cold Batteries.
David Lessard Dec 2019
In a world of silence
I run on batteries
walk a mile or two
on wrinkled aging knees.

Hearing nothing as I sleep
most things won't wake me up
I sit in awesome silence
and sip my coffee cup.

Closed caption on the t. v.
informs me of the news
the world is still divided
violent, bitter,  bruised.

Time for my daily walk
check the batteries, they're fine
attach the hearing aids
the sun begins to shine.

My dog waits patiently
with uncomplaining love
it's a chilly wintry day
I reach to take my gloves

The air is frosty clean
I leave the car at home
and step with Jax, off the curb
in the neighborhood, to roam.
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