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Either I am untruthful or you are insane
Dishonest is something I'm not
Morals to you are invisible
During battles hard-fought
You remain blind to true character
After many months have gone by
Won't give the benefit of doubt
Yet don't have a good reason why
I'm feeling undervalued
Even more than that overlooked
You are impossible reasoning with
Against all sense I remain hooked
I believe you should bestow better treatment
Than accusations
Condescending words
Always finding justification
The way you view world is absurd
You'll start argument over something made-up
Afterwards realize you were wrong
Attempting to understand the thoughts in your head
Have trouble following along
It's like you expect to have your mind read556o
I look to the heavens for a shooting star
Outer space is empty tonight
So I h8î h just 66666y trys 5l65gight
Eventually even the darkest night ende5
I am human after all
Tempted each day
I am foolishly blinded by love
Sliver by sliver resolve fades away
I am immobilized by agony
Weight grows hard to bear
Tip over so I can be free
Off edge to fall somewhere
Toppling head over heels in a haze
Comparable to Jack and Jill
Chain snapping as moment occurs
Crashing at bottom of this hill
I am the statue everyone sees
Poised awaiting instruction
Off-track I tumbled through the trees
Cracked by calamitous destruction
Start healing wounds all over skin
Created from own poor decisions
Gravity not willing to let me advance
Rolling accumulated incisions
Back and forth I wander
Earth tilts beneath my feet
Dizzily confused I can't figure out how
To steady myself preventing defeat
It's impossible getting where goals are
Wobbly with each step I take
Top of the mountain seems so far
Luckily legs do not ache
It seems this journey will not ever end
The wind
Rattling bones that comprise my skeleton
Rampant running around
It's not fair punishment by any means
Served my time in this location
Already processed surrounding scenes
Fists balled due to brain's frustration
Downward I cast exhausted eyes
Driven by instinct to carry on
I am accepting of demise
All hope is gone
If hope is what makes us human I must be something else
For a woman I am a decent driver

Enough to hold wheel
You once told me

Argument admissable

That mastery majority of female species lacks

Like testosterone and equality

I am evidence that there is an exception to every rule
I hate when people stereotype women as bad drivers but then I see so many ****** drivers behind the wheel who end up being female and I shake my head and sigh because the clique is correct and the majority of women reinforce that idea... Tsk tsk...
I love the way you come crawling back

Sing false promises

How birds chirp meaningless melody

Turn white morning air to grey diluted clouds

I appreciate how nature is always concrete

Honking goodbyes are fowl flying above our foolish heads

In dark black pupils stories rooted so deep they will never be told

Against skies of blue-black and pink pose in continuous grace

I adore the way you hunt me like a wild predator prowling for it's next meal

I keep track of the number of times you plunge on me
Teeth puncturing prey
Tearing into shreds

And dreams we shared shatter before my empty eyes

You'll come back
You always do

Attracted due to an invisible natural force
Too dynamic to resist
Take a bite of my heart tonight
Trouble spilling in paradise
I won't make a peep
Words worthless anyhow
You know talk is cheap
I keep struggles stitched up tight
In patches sewn underneath my skin
Stress wears seams until they snap
Bystanders get a glimpse within
And God forbid living souls witness
Damage or wear and tear
I strive to become a statue
Motionless to every passing stare
I know you wish to be perfect
Such a thing does not exist
I am not the best at navigating
Trails of life that turn and twist
I am rueful for not being grateful
The way you juggle our problems with skill
Probably am an anchor you drag along
Not quitting though hike is uphill
I long to help carry burdens
My arms are simply too thin
Fear I'll drop precious cargo from hands
Soon as movement begins
I would not blame you if resentment
Started erecting high walls
Disappointment forced you away from me
On road paved with regret and missed calls
I don't hear how you are able to see beauty
In my reflection I just see my mistakes
Don't have an explanation
For why heart constantly aches«
But you lift the sun a little bit higher
Clearing dark clouds in skies
With flick of the wrist you beckon their return
Rain pours from both heaven and my tired eyes
I do not think I deserve most poor treatment
All I want is to find your laughter
You've got this bad habit of putting me down
Feeling bad for it after
I should battle FOR you
Not with you
Be my first priority
If you stopped imprisoning my heart
Would realize it's you who holds the key
Putting something you love in a Box will only make it that more likely to fly away once it is finally opened
Precise trajectories of Cherubs' projectiles

Get miscalculated time to time

All focus in the world doesn't guarantee a bullseye every single shot

The most critical hit can be foiled by the right breeze

Entry points only come into view every now and then

Watching target
Waiting for the right moment to release arrow into the air

Helplessly flying by only to strike the person standing behind them

Words of sweetest honey senselessly dripping out of the open wound

Have a tendency to heal hesitantly

To maximize velocity
I think Cupid should upgrade his weapon to a crossbow
Because regular old school bow and arrows just aren't cutting it anymore
Is your house built out of certainty
are the walls made thin or stout

Is your mind filled up with questions
do you live in fear or doubt

Is your spirit free or servile
is your will unchained or slave

Is your heart the trowel you build with
and love
— the bricks you lay

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2017)
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