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Nylee Mar 8
Slowly taking away every piece of me written from this place
My power is limited, but I love the feeling of purge
it will be fresh start, gradually and then all of a sudden
It will be blessing in disguise, a hidden current,
Stilled in backdated history, written words are not immortal.
Nylee Feb 28
Are we closer or
farther apart from where we started?
are we becoming more or
less human?
we simmer in the water,
existentially becoming bleaker
in a world that is going faster.
Nylee Feb 24
I wish I could become best thing in your life,
You are The One in mine,
But I'd never curse it that way
I never can trust my fate
I, myself, am in a bad shape
at the other side of gate
And you, deserve the best in the world,
You stand out in a herd,
deserve someone exceptional
and the best is certainly not me,
cannot be this face I carry
You find your best thing
from the rest of the world
I'd be happy for you.
Nylee Feb 16
Anger flares, then dissipates,
But what remains in its wake?
Do you pace forward, fists ready,
Or stall, your heart ablaze?

In the darkness, do you recount
The lies, the destruction unfold?
Do nightmares and dreams converge,
A story yet untold?

When the anger reemerges,
Do you give it a voice,
A pen to honor its pain,
A chance to make its choice?

It can make you be reckless
It's hard to reign in once it comes
There are innumerable consequence
You don't realise what you become.
Nylee Feb 11
My shoulders are weak,
My mind is strong
I survive the week
with my head all along
The answers reek
the mess within
they call me freak
All muscles give in
But I will not let it show
It's my deserved pain
it will always grow
It is just in vain
All back and fro.
Nylee Feb 7
Shed few tears more
Five years are no less
I break my back for you
For seeing the disdain on your face
Gave you more than love
Respect is a bitter fruit

It's all over
Written on my face
Running away from your case
Filing letters of application
Get myself out of this situation

Nights are sleepless
You running like a reel in my brain
Speaking all the words that you said
You read me like a book
But I have coloured all pages

Murky road ahead, future seems dull
I am not meant for this
I should throw away every snip
Track back to the right track
This is all going to be biting back.
Nylee Jan 30
This is how you lose it
there was momentum
in the beginning you had nothing
And it follows you across till the end.
Nylee Jan 20
I'd always die for your attention,
I'd always cry for your attention,
I'd always lie for your attention,
I'd even live, if I get your attention,
Love, care, whatnots, I just need your attention,
It is suffocating, this suppression
attend to this sensation.
Nylee Jan 10
In the toxic crunch of work's latent surge,
We drone on, trapped in a much bigger surge.
Deficit of time, of money, of life,
In this job's toxic strife.

Words become meaningless,
As we toil on endlessly.
Our spirits drained, our souls consumed,
By this job's toxic fume.

But still we persist,
Driven by the need to exist.
In this toxic world's toxic race,
Where time is money, and money is pace.
Nylee Jan 4
Grab my hand, barge in my fantasy land
Freak me in, freaked out me
It's like a convergence of parallel realities
Combined to be the one
Sunny side up, Moony side comes
Pacing with different lengths
Crossing roads, holding hands.
It's a plus score, to match wavelengths
Scheming and unscheming
Unscrewing and ******* up the plans
Now it is out of controlled ideology
what becomes of we.
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