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O, say it ain’t so,
I’ll go deaf in Heaven?
I’ll go blind in Heaven?

Then what is Hell?
Pragmatic fears fueled by pessimism,
Though I see through the ruse,
The Trap of it all.

I pick Heaven,
With great sounds an sights.

The ultimate Sin,
That lies within,
Is but a test.

I’ll gladly gleam,
Between the seams,
Skip two, do not collect 200,

Sights and sounds,
Lead me through nights and Bounds,
In delight, fleeting on the ground.
Vices, healthy or not, all have a price.
The water, calm or rowdy, comes in, slowly.
Swarming tides soon become too much,
Drowning me-
And I remain motionless,
As I fear nothing or, am paralyzed by fear,
No, the real movement comes when I am lost.
As I try to find my way time and time again.
Begging for the waters to return,
For true motion to return,
And for my tears to freely flow into the water once more.
Just because I can fight back, does not mean I know the way. Succumbing to emotions requires balance. Just struggle to remain afloat while discovering the tides of the universe.
What will I see
When I’m outside the Veil
Dreams and Desires
Failures and nightmares
Those I love and lost
A wall of disappointment
Or reasons to stay
Jeremy Betts May 21
I guess my calling is free fallin'
I realized about halfway back, this parachute will never open
Lost all hope right then
Still forced to listen to a double backed friend playing pretend
As they defend a shallow position
But sure, I'll humor you, go ahead,
Tell me how exactly I am suppose start again
While I dangle here in suspended animation
Somewhere around the middle of my end
And on the day I meet the ground I shall call it friend

Sarah Lane May 20
It was a sunny day in May
When my hopes were stuck at sea
Counting blessings for the day
Waiting that grace might set them free
I came across a horseshoe crab
Life seemed as heavy as its shell
Burdens tacking on the tab
Waves relentlessly unquelled
Flipped helplessly undisguised
Grand purposes washed away
Blindly withering to gull cries
Despair cast around the bay
My stare breaks misfortune’s luck
Faith set aright by stronger hands
Plodding heartened from the muck
Sorrows evanescent in the sand
A weakened creature found favor
Now glides peacefully towards the deep
Trusting I too have a Savior
I surrender to His keep
Have you ever tasted bittersweet?
Have you ever felt broken, incomplete?
Has life ever not been fair blue skies?
Have you always seen through complacent eyes?

Sometimes, comforting the grieving soul
It isn't easy, but you don't know
Seeing tears, you're repulsed and unsure
You'd rather argue than console

Sympathy was made for thee
Apathy thy familiarest treat
For your lukewarm meals I pity thee
Your have never tasted bittersweet.
If you're reading this, it's not about you, don't worry
Ash May 19
as I step into this expanse
wild, roaring ocean and fields of sand
a breath enters and escapes me;
I find that my ghosts are falling behind
I made it to high school graduation. ❤️‍🩹
I've found happiness
Sweet and empty,
Moments where pleasure
Teases and tempts me.

Let me float on,
And want for nothing,
Not money,
Not love,
No worries for me.

The world is in chaos,
Let people resent me;
I'd never repent,
Let my mind represent me;

Through violence
And vengeance
And dreams of
A silence,

A place we've destroyed
Through ignorance
And finance,

Where money and blood
Buy you bullets
And diamonds,

And everyone else
Can be bought or
Be silenced,

Where loyalty gets
Bought through
Hope and through fear,

And you spend
Every night hugging
Those you hold

When the sun's
Early light is a
Moment of peace,

And you look to the sky
And you sigh
And you

A contrast of sorts.  This poem is both what I'm feeling now and what I've felt and seen before. It's a kind of half dream, half vision I'm currently having. I'm kinda ******, hahaha! So... I don't really know what else to say about it. It can be sung like a traditional song.
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