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Julie Grenness Apr 2016
As we commemorate this Anzac Day,
We shall remember them this way,
Forever asleep, young and brave,
Heroes now resting in foreign graves,
We thank them for our freedom today,
Forever asleep, always young and brave.
Alan S Bailey Jul 2015
I have everything I need, or so I'm told,
We get by being just another girl or guy,
Make the most of this without eccentric goals,
Give me a break, this is what I "need" in life.
The truth is we're all about making a scene
When I finally get to live my "dangerous" dream,
This place has food and shelter and "life,"
Sure we've got it made, this way of life is obscene,
One way or another while I wonder about "it,"
These "insane" feelings of nature just never quit,
When the time comes I'll magically find the "right place,"
But until then who knows if my dream is a streaking bet,
Don't even bother going naked, I'm already just a "disgrace,"
You "Go Army" and die, my basic needs are all too well met,
But along with these words are the reasons I wont move just yet.
Being filled with scientific knowledge is nothing without creativity, for you have nothing to apply your knowledge to or do with it. Einstein himself said something like that I think...maybe.
Alan S Bailey Mar 2015
So it is a controversy. So they say,
Marriage sours if your parents are gay,
The idea of this seems like a self-centered
View, that gay marriage partners aren't
Well to do. Get over it, gays need rights as well,
It's not to decide, as if you were a god,
Whether they will wind up in this place
You call hell. Leave them alone, let their dream be,
You call this a free country where marriage is free?
Or maybe you believe in the idea that all marriage
Should be defined as only for straights, it's per my
Humble opinion that is a favouritism argument
Geared just against gays.

— The End —