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Anna Mar 17
walking on and around broken glass
I gingerly avoid the shards of my heart
I’ve already bled enough, it smells like quarters
In my bedroom
Anna Mar 15
As I drive the wriggling starts up again
Behind my eyes it crawls and laughs
Anna Feb 2
But slowly
I see the faces I have loved
And lost

I hit the water
Slip soundly beneath
The old bridge
And the seaweed
Sings me a sad song
Anna Feb 1
The nothingness takes up so much room
It invades every crevice consuming the light
It starts small and grows grows growls into
Anna Jan 3
Photo printed of geese and children
Framed in an aged brown and sat upon a shelf
***** with time and passed by
Picked up by a brown haired girl
Taken home to be hung on the wall
Home again
Anna Nov 2023
Seeing colors within the blackness
I wish it all to fade
The fire that covered my world in ash
Was black on my pink sweater and grey
Under my nails
And i wish the fire was in me
And not in my apartment
Where I had buried so very much
And hidden what truly mattered
And I wish the fire was in me , and I wish it was extinguished
Shut off the lights
Please it hurts my eyes
Anna Nov 2023
I lit the cables and I said goodbye
Woke up to the flames so hot the paint melted off my windowsill
I told you some but not never nearly enough
Of what you did to me
And how I loved you, my liar so
Oh how I ached and it ended in flames
And it ended in no real apology
And I’m grateful for that (if you know what I mean)
And it ended in silence
I poured water on the flames and
Those blue eyes , they’ll drown you one day.
When I hear the news
I do not  believe I will cry.
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