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  Jul 2015 Zahra Akbar

Like waves upon the evening sea
Reflecting quiet moonlit stares
Washing slow upon the beach
Whispered tides and windswept cares

Breathless I do hold this view
Feeling soft your hand in mine
Walking ‘long this silken sand
Pure emotions intertwine

Footprints wander woven glow
Seashells linger perfect bliss
'Neath a heaven’d starfish shine
Sweet the taste your wondrous kiss

As these moments come to pass
Scattered forth on heartbeat dreams
Alone with you this midnight trace
Lost amidst enchanted beams

I feel at peace, for this I know
Like waves upon the evening sea
As endless as this pristine shore
*Our love shall last eternally
Good night Beautiful
  Jul 2015 Zahra Akbar
Silhouettes and darkened skies
Nightfall finds a lonely heart
Wishes sent on fireflies
Thoughts on velvet heavens chart

Promises of wind born flow
Shadows dance a slumbered song
Here beneath a full moon glow
Dreaming as the night is long

Parting fields, desire’s cry
Calling out in echoed whim
Imagination, child’s eye
Pleading you were here again

Reaching out for what I miss
Far beyond this empty stare
Seeking tenderly your kiss
Moments in the night to share

The hour late, a silence falls
My eyes now gaze a northern star
Appearing as it softly calls
So very close, so very far

Yet in this vision I can see
Illumined on the sky so bright
That you do send your love to me
*A perfect feeling on this night
Good night Beautiful
  Jul 2015 Zahra Akbar

An aura pink of painted sky,
breathless thoughts float free the breeze
while footprints in fresh dew outline
tiger lilies dancing along a fence line of dreams
and I breathe in you, for your scent is my heaven
on this slumbered morn in early hour’d moments
when my heart beat is my alarm
awakening me to another glorious day
*alive within the sunshine of your love
Good morning Beautiful

Thank you to Cream for the title.
  Jul 2015 Zahra Akbar

For this of castled velvet throne
A queen does weep a single tear
Bleak shadows of this night have grown
To cast upon her heart this fear

Reflection polished marble floor
Her silhouette of humbled reach
Now shutters via nightmare’s pour
Alone of bridges fought to breach

Beyond the window valleys sleep
Soft candle flame in slumbered night
Flickering her pain felt deep
Burning through in cautioned light

An empty throne aside her heart
Its warmth now chilled of worried feel
That day her love he did depart
Read messages to long conceal

Her single kiss of cherished due
A farewell bid, pled safe return
Lost amidst this sorrowed view
And loneliness again did burn

As if the dawn had been his shield
In misty haze on moor’s harsh breath
Of forest frame it had concealed
A moment quick of arrow’s death

She takes this single tear she’s cried
Into a glass of liquid clear
This droplet of her love applied  
Her broken heart to wish him near

And brings this potion to her lips
Such bitter taste slow going down
A whispered hope in swallowed sips
To then remove her saddened crown

Upon his throne of gold now rests
She breathes one final moment pure
Her eyes now close of wishful quest
*To be with her sweet king once more
  Jul 2015 Zahra Akbar
This humid night lingers,
along weeping fence lines
of tear drop perspiration
peppered in glistening spider webs
and I am missing you

Staring up at a melancholy sky,
counting hours on the face of the moon
while minute hand comets
slowly float by in orbiting arcs
getting nowhere fast

I see shadows reach beyond
June bug buzzings
to far away borders
of maple leaf pathways
and cherry blossom whispers,

And I know this is
where my heart longs to be
as I walk towards the North Star
hoping constellations
*will guide me home to you
Good night beautiful
  Jul 2015 Zahra Akbar

My flower, my precious one
to know your love
in the drifted rise of dawn and
honeysuckle flower
is to dream euphoric splendour
in the middle twilight glare,
the whispers of moonbeams
on incandescent sky star,
to breathe the breeze effervescent
flowing on the windswept
fields of petals of sunflower
under enchanting blue sky wishes,
to fall without cease in the love
beyond the borders of the north and
faltering horizons
of a desperate distant desire
My flower, my precious one
to know your love
is to know a world does exist
*for us only
Good morning beautiful
  Jul 2015 Zahra Akbar
Angel you came to my window
watching me as I slept
tapping gently on the glass
until I opened my eyes seeing
the full moon illumining your face
as you blew me a kiss
and I smiled for I knew
*my dream had come true
The first line of this poem is the opening line to the chorus of
Bad Company's "Deal with the Preacher"
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