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I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called,

2 With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love;

3 Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling;

5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism,

6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.

7 But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.

8 Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men.

9 (Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth?

10 He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.)

11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;

12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:

13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:

14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

15 But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:

16 From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.

17 This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind,

18 Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart:

19 Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness.

20 But ye have not so learned Christ;

21 If so be that ye have heard him, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus:

22 That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts;

23 And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;

24 And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.

25 Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another.

26 Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:

27 Neither give place to the devil.

28 Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.

29 Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.

30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.

31 Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:

32 And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.
As one chosen by God, certain attributes
are demonstrated with loving regularity;
despite one’s beliefs, showing kindness
requires a daring of spiritual temerity.

For The Lord expects His children to give
Love towards people without expectations;
know that being tenderhearted, helps one
to naturally extend actions of compassion.

Don’t think lightly, about the richness
of kindness, it may one lead to repentance;
its warm embrace softens the heart, while
Salvation overrides Death’s life sentence.

The merit of kindness can’t be overstated;
being accepting, forgiving without judgment
means not rigidly imposing beliefs on others.
As His children, one should make investments

in the individualized development of others.
With the “Fruit of The Holy Spirit”, growth
and maturation can be properly accelerated
when applying by the principle of God’s oath

to “humbly walk in Love” (as He requires).
Kindness is patient, when paired with respect,
justice, long-suffering and unconditional Love;
the value of kindness, no one should neglect.
Author notes

Inspired by:
Eph 4:32; Gal 5:22-23; Heb 6:10; Rom 2:4;
Luke 6:35; Col 3:12; Prov 3:3; Mica 6:8

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2016, All rights reserved.
Marian Jun 2013
I therefore, the prisoner of
the Lord, beseech you that ye
walk worthy of the vocation
wherewith ye are called,
2 With all lowliness and
meekness, with longsuffering,
forbearing one another in love;
3 Endeavoring to keep the
unity of the Spirit in the bond of
4 There is one body, and one
Spirit, even as ye are called in one
hope of your calling;
5 One Lord, one faith, one
6 One God and Father of all,
who is above all, and through all,
and in you all.
7 But unto ever one of us is
given grace according to the
measure of the gift of Christ.
8 Wherefore he saith, When
he ascended up on high, he led
captivity captive, and gave gifts
unto men.
9 (Now that he ascended,
what is it but that he also
descended first into the lower parts
of the earth?
10 He that descended is the
same also that ascended up far
above all heavens, that he might
fill all things.)
11 And he gave some, apostles;
and some, prophets; and some,
evangelists; and some, pastors
and teachers;
12 For the perfecting of the
saints, for the work of the
ministry, for the edifying of the
body of Christ:
13 Till we all come in the unity
of the faith, and of the
knowledge of the Son of God, unto a
perfect man, unto the measure
of the stature of the fulness of
14 That we henceforth be no
more children, tossed to and fro,
and carried about with every
wind of doctrine, by the sleight of
men, and cunning craftiness,
whereby the lie in wait to
15 But speaking the truth in
love, may grow up into him in all
things, which is the head, even
16 From whom the whole body
fitly joined together and
compacted by that which every joint
supplieth, according to the
effectual working in the measure of
every part, maketh increase of the
body unto the edifying of itself in
17 This I say therefore, and
testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth
walk not as other Gentiles walk,
in the vanity of their mind,
18 Having the understanding
darkened, being alienated from
the life of God through the
ignorance that is in them,
because of the blindness of their
19 Who being past feeling have
given themselves over unto
lasciviousness, to work all
uncleanness with greediness.
20 But ye have not so learned
21 If so be that ye have heard
him, and have been taught by
him, as the truth is in Jesus:
22 That ye put off concerning
the former conversation the old
man, which is corrupt according
to the deceitful lusts;
23 And be renewed in the spirit
of your mind;
24 And that ye put on the
new man, which after God is
created in righteousness and true
25 Wherefore putting away
lying, speak every man truth with
his neighbour: for we are
members one of another.
26 Be ye angry, and sun not: let
not the sun go down upon your
27 Neither give place to the
28 Let him that stole steal no
more: but rather let him labour,
working with his hands the thing
which is good, that he may have
to give to him that needeth.
29 Let no corrupt
communication proceed out of your mouth,
but that which is good to the use
of edifying, that it may minister
grace unto the hearers.
30 And grieve not the holy
Spirit of God, whereby ye are
sealed until the day of
31 Let all bitterness, and wrath,
and anger, and clamour, and evil
speaking, be put away from you,
with all malice:
32 And be ye kind one to
another, tenderhearted, forgiving one
another, even as God for Christ's
sake hath forgiven you.
gaga linda May 2015
Dear mom, i said a prayer for you ,
to thank you to thank the lord above,
for blessing me with a lifetime
of your tenderhearted love and your sweet love.

i thanked God for the caring ,
you've shown me through the years ,
for the closeness we've enjoyed,
In time of laughter and of fears.

And then i think of how you are the one who taught me life,
the one who knows me best ,
the one who told me whats right and whats wrong ,
am blessed for God sent you from Above,
you are my love,my life,my mom.

And so ,i thank you from the heart
for you are the greatest friend i know,
for all you've done for me,
and thank the lord for giving me,
the best mother there could could be.
My love , my life , my mom...
Allyson Walsh Oct 2015
My heart was all too soft.
For WY

For my tender heart

Love Affair - Copeland
Frieda P Sep 2013
Your embrace, the sweet taste of hot mulled cider
touching upon my poetic soul like burning embers

Scent of sun's ripplings upon ocean's salted clean air
I hear a soft babbling brook, aside a majestic tower

A rhyme sung out in epical tunes of yesteryear
calling upon idyllic temptation's imagination

Swept away in the grasp of imperfect rapture,
zealous release of poetry's tenderhearted bliss
mothwasher Jul 2021
after an oil spill mowed the lawn
for eleven an hour,
tiny migrants crowded the greenhouse gate.
the bug ****** moonwater muddied
the steps of the tenderhearted
community (of seed undertakers),
and made its way by means of caked rubber
into the cytophotocycle,
where the moonwater volatilized.
liquid volery.
vivid luck.
awoken like post-dream nap perspirants -
oneiroceiving precipitate;
the greenhouse grew murals in condensation,
the accidents si quieros.
a misty opacity attrited
like deskinning a spider,
with a definitude of exo scaling tons;
memories shed,
shies misled.

        ⌂ the greenhouse stands where a glacier once
        slipped, clumsy as steadfast could be.
        foreign fruit fits inside it.
        it knows not what it grows.

        🌢 the moonwater was salt-lipped for a while.
        where it passed through, it was soiled.

you’d be surprised how many things hit glass.
the moonwater didn’t realize what volume
seizes space
until it heard its kind on the outside. from the inside.
Venus has a reassuring kiss when a drone is dampened.
there were three rows for puddling;
one for naps,
one for not naps,
and one for knotted gnats laying hot eggs
in lustrated bloom.
flume frustrated.
somewhere far up the chain, a worn-out manager
ordered inventory off-brand,
and enchanted a horticultural hobbyist.
the devil is ennui and god is curiosity.

        ⌂ there could be a greenhouse next door, but
        it would be an accident, a leaky shed
        with errant sprouts.
        as it would seem to my lustrous heart.
        lagging and callous.

       🌢 the moon was uninterrupted that night.
        mighty sky drifters never passed between them.
        like a parent with patience or a friend with faith.
        like a husk that stole your pose.

the maceration was mutual with leaky infusions
of purpose and imagination
materializing into groundskeepers
that tamed the pressure of an ever encroaching periphery.
one time the moonwater nearly fumed its way dry
after a political candidate entered the greenhouse
with scissors promising bonsai.
but pesticides pass by.
and pictures of fabric mean less than bird song
or beetle guides.
for the frame never mattered to the moonwater.
no more than a furnace in winter,
than a flower in summer.

        ⌂ when it comes time for the greenhouse to deracinate,
        to throw her vines like limbs over garden walls
        and access roads, eye to eye with cumulus
        monoliths; her moonwater sweat will slip
        through the glass glue and slide down to
        her fingers . . . to feel what she feels

        🌢 i love pooling here
        🌢 i love steaming and raining here
        🌢 i will love being the halo in your refraction
a love poem spawned from thoughts on meticulousness and maceration.
Thomas W Case Dec 2021
A tenderhearted rage flows from my
pen, like the Mississippi river after six
months of a hard rain.  
Suffering released, I long
for peace, as I grab the pen like
a ****** grabs the syringe, like my
very life depends on it because it
probably does.

The passion that flows within
my veins give a voice to my
soul when the pen vomits
words on the paper, like a
drunk the morning after a
night on the town, trying to
drown the memory of her.

I'm bent on writing because the
world's dim lighting cast shadows on
everything that mattered to me.
I'm shattered you see by
circumstances beyond my control.
Life just seems to roll right over me,
but I take my plight with the fight of
a soldier, whose battle cry is:
furor scribendi, a rage to write; because
in the revealing comes the ultimate
healing and that ******* light will
never die.
furor scribendi is Latin for a mania for writing.  Link to my you tube channel.

check out my youtube channel

check out my youtube channel.
Kiagen McGinnis Jul 2011
That chair creaked
as if rocking rocking rocking would rock away the
That cat curled
on his lap as if its warmth would dissolve away the
That frosted the air of
That house
That body
That life

it is there,
and then it is not.

his children inherit his things that they are mostly too tenderhearted to use and laugh because of new understanding that everything is fleeting.
claire Jun 2015
I write for people
who have not made it
out of the dark yet
I write for girls and boys
and everyone burning between
I write for those with gardens of pain
bursting in their lungs,
for everyone so tenderhearted
they quiver
at the red wilderness
of splendor and absurdity
around us
I write for souls with teeth,
for shadow eyes,
for scapulae fighting to become wings,
for rage and awe condensed to the point of
Allyson Walsh Dec 2015
I feel I am a true educator
Standing in front of my class,
And the time slips away.

A teacher when I fake a smile
For the sake of my students;
Unwilling to cry in front of them.

An instructor at heart
When I am willing to
Show that I am human as well.

A teacher in vulnerability.
Personable in profession.
Tenderhearted in being.
For myself

Needs editing.
No title yet.
Helen Jan 2012
Only the mirror cannot lie to me
unlike you with your words of Love
I’ve tried to be deaf to all your shouts
but I can’t hide from the mirror
that shouts at me, over and over
why do I continue to pick
Olive branches from my hair
and continually step over the bodies
of each and every dove
Even at the birth of each new moon
I’m nowhere near my end destination
the fires that burn are upon wet wood
heaving beneath a false assumption
that it’s warmth it would share
I’m left shivering with cold
beneath a thin blanket of resignation
There was not a lot that I had to offer
but no other could I be
bruising in your brutality
tenderhearted as others would see
given that I was not one for this world
you used me to get further away
from Hell but now
Heavens gates won’t open for me
an oldie :)
Harsha Dec 2014
Known I have you, its been a while.
But memories I have of you is a huge pile.
Always nice to see you speak with a beautiful smile.
Want you to always go an extra mile

Happy I am for you, for you fly across oceans.
You won’t be near , so there will be few sad notions.
I know you’ll have a plethora of friends.
So the fun in your life never ends.

I admire you, coz you are hardworking and dedicated.
You are tough-minded at the same time tenderhearted.
You have a strong mind and a strong will,
U have a plan and implement you will.

I know in life you reach greater heights.
And in times to come achieve greater feats.
You have been an awesome friend.
People like you are very hard to find.

Here is me with lots of love and care,
Wishing you all the best and great future.
KD Miller May 2018

I hear the first mourning doves of the year
somewhere high in the branches of this toohot day
like your calling me then going away

You are sick, sick
your head implodes with the fetid treacle
of thought.

and i have done what i could
this is:

i will marry one day and be happy
fat and glowing, tenderhearted
i will send you a letter

perhaps you will know
if you want to know
but for me this year is this

the talking too much
and hating the
taste of cherries

the last blue nights by the fountain have passed
there are scarcely poems to write.
a plane flies high in the sky

white and dry
to jump from it,
broken parachute

and land at your feet, liquified
is a fate of which i
can only fantasize.
We are all made in different skins
From the soft purple for tenderhearted ones
To hero like black ones
Yet under one umbrella we all gather
Living for today and hoping for tomorrow
Falling off the face of the earth
And forgotten when our bodies decompose
What more then should we strive for
Other than the ***** of our father, our God
Who in him is our daily strife
Life and death.
Sid Lollan Sep 2017
-in adoration of Bill Evans

Welcome, night;fall from finger
stride the keys— handsome young ghost
on my computer screen, as You
are known to me;

Deliver air of great gusto! to sleepwalking ‘verses’
—from quaint Grace of piano seat;
Virtuosity,smoothly reverberates
,relieve pretensions:
a coiled palm under ev’ry word
i write.
Compelling ‘nuff a reverie to fool me.

Timeless, God
**** good
because it’s so sincerely
the kinda Human that transcends pasty body
you gotta feel it rumblin’ right in yr gut,
flow thru arm,leg,arm,leg,
up the stem of yr whistling brain
Down to the bone-gristle and greasssomesoulgears
makes you wanna learn to play
But i can’t play piano,
like him,so
i write
like me.

But i haven’t found my
self compelling enough
to fool anybody
into daydreams yet.
Irina BBota Jun 2018
What kind of fool am I
to believe that I own the sun
in tenderhearted, enchanted mornings,
singing a ballad of a worried prisoner
who has secret storms in his blood,
and his sweet melody is calming down
my storms and my distress...

What kind of fool am I
to believe that I once lived in a castle,
and til the morning of the midnight
I was reading tales of the darkest knight,
but then... a strange voice through a cloud
called me “the unearthly child”, out loud...

What kind of fool am I
to believe that the grass is my pillow.
I'm like a downhill dreamer,
walking barefoot in the park,
hand in hand,
waiting to be called into
the Promised Land,
saying the holy vows of Heaven...

What kind of fool am I
if I dreamt the sky burning
as I walked on midnight's alley,
feeling dispossessed of the
sweet things that seem so far...

What kind of fool am I
if I play the game of survival
in the longest season of rain and lightning,
if I take a second glance at life
and catch that amazing moment
when two wrongs can make a right
and don't want to give up, not without a fight.

Well, I must say:
I'll get through all the barriers one day,
even if I end up being the last star from the left,
cause love... will always make me sail like fool,
as long as I'll breath
the miracle of life in my chest.
Scotty bruner Jul 2023
My life on earth
from the beginning
I'm saying at the birth
wasn't worth winning..
Couldn't have a great life
life for me was hard
you could cut it with a knife
and couldn't move forward.
Been rough on me
ever since i was a kid
as  everyone can see
all these feelings I've hidden.
As I got older
everything is still the same
my life has gotten colder
yes I feel I'm to blame.
Yet what I say is true
all in the world knows that
is I'm too tenderhearted too
that's where my weakness is at.
I'm too good to everyone
don't even think about me
help them when they're done
done my part as you can see.
Lillian May Dec 2019
air out your grievances, hang them up to dry
but be careful to whom you do,
because a tenderhearted girl I knew
grew a shell, an exoskeleton of caution
to guard herself from heartache and exhaustion
the important things in life are painful to learn
and if it isn't important then what would we earn?
a life without depth, in cold two dimensional existence,
the hardest fight is with your own self-resistance
trust is hard
Travis Green Aug 2022
Wrap me in your remarkable
Tenderhearted charmingness
Your heavenly hypnotic stalwartness
Smooth intoxicating *******
Sweet kissable brick

I preserve your marvelocity
In my heart and soul
You are a four-star orbital joy
My mantastically freshalicious eye candy
I am so absolutely crazy about your crash-hot flashy flex
So lost in blossoming ardency with you

Caught in your delectable manly web
Draw me deeper into your artfully
Attention-grabbing magicness
Boldly colored and spectacular mover and shaker
Imaginatively smashing attraction
Masterful rhapsodic majesticness

Let me smooth my hands
Over your vibrant and luxuriant canvas
Rise in your sublime virile delight
The boundless ripeness of your delightfulness
Your compellingly impressive effectiveness
The fellowship of the brokenhearted,
Meeting universally in another land,
Has brought forth a new destination,
Leaning forward into dreams of hope.

A mask for those who know nothing,
With nowhere to go and feel themselves,
No one hears their cries and sorrow,
Except for the ones with tears from heaven.

Those who walk with pain and unsteadiness,
Look into the eyes of the young and restless,
Laugh hard with no consequence tomorrow,
Living for the day that speaks nothing or care.

The gathering of the ones with no direction,
Meet in a meadow with green fields of joy,
They feel the sun soak up their worn skin,
Finally finding their truest face to wear.

This is for the ones so  tenderhearted,
Who wears the face of sorrow and loneliness,
For coming soon will be the words that save,
Creating a place where you can finally breathe.
Tiger Striped Jun 2021
I never told you how
your room looks just like you.
I can't help but notice its
soft edges and
and the way the mountains swell
determinedly outside the window
across from your bed.
When it's quiet enough, I can hear
your heart beating like music
from your chest of drawers.
The mismatched knick-knacks atop
your tenderhearted wooden nightstands
and I
watch you as you read, and we
try not to smile
as the lighting obliges
to make you
the central, most beautiful feature.
Frodewolfe Apr 2019
I feel a great pain,
Yet it does not show in my eyes.
My tears fall like rain,
Yet i do not cry.

My body shakes with thunderous sobs,
Yet i do not move an inch.
My screams strike like lightning bolts,
Yet you hear no sound escape my lips.

You may see a happy person before you,
But that is just a facade.
A broken man sits before you,
Yet you are blind to it.

I am full of Hidden Emotion.
Do you know who I am?
Or do you see just the facade of happiness?
I am but a simple, tenderhearted man,
Filled with Hidden Emotions.
Travis Green Aug 2021
He was the only man
That could spellbind my mind
Take me to places
That I had never been before
Make me soar into prolific
Lands of euphoria
Feel your tenderhearted touch
Love me, hug me, rub me
Let me stay close to you
I never wish to walk away from you
Travis Green May 2022
His tenderhearted touch thrills my skin
The feel of his soft, wonderful fingertips
Sweetly sliding on my full, ****, and fleshy bouncers
Tease and twist my delectable tips
Envelop me in his smoking machoness
In his undoubtedly irresistible
And magical fire of desirableness

Enrapture me with his solacing sensualness
Touch me everywhere
Bring inspiration to my inner space
I crave to clamp his dive, lithe, and powerful body
So supernaturally spectacular and incomparable
Youthful, salubrious, respectable, and venerable
Stupendously streamlined fineness

He impresses me with how he caresses me
How he seamlessly flexes and flaunts his hotness
Such a dynamic radiant sensation
A supreme gleaming machine
I feen to be at his chamber door
Marvel at his brassy and earthbound rarity
His treasured masculine allure

Feed me his hot and tender loving
Let me travel in his intensely sensuous atmosphere
Sink into his brilliant obsidian eyes
His remarkable ripe lips, his thick, luscious neck
I ache to inhale him into my gaylicious vessel
Stream in his endless beaming memories
In his effervescent depths
So far gone on a highly intriguing and gemlike eminence
Travis Green Sep 2021
Close your walnut brown eyes
And visualize me by your side
Feel my tenderhearted strokes
All around your body
Feel my delightsome lips kiss yours
Let my fingertips flow around
Your attenuate mustache
Adoring the softly solid shape
Of your face, how when
You are fixated on me
I feel like a brilliant
And feathered blue jay
Lost in your blossoming allure

— The End —