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Cutezeni Jan 2022
You can’t fly, see X-ray or shoot laser beams,
You feel broken, abandoned and incomplete it seems,
The carbon is not quite the dazzling diamond that reflects and beams.
But you were cut from another rock,
This gem isn’t lack-lustre,
Power through, for you can muster
To find the source of light
That ignites a fire from within,
And burns even bright.

No you are no boy wonder in blue
No wonder you are always so blue
Holding this torch of virtuous morality,
Living the life of accredited banality.
It’s okay to venture out of his shadow;
To peak at new skies and fallows
To run amuck with frenzied emotions,
It is okay to be shallow.

‘You are Superboy and I love Superman’ I say
I try to find his heart in your gaze,
Spitting image you may be so,
Is it wrong to love your face?
You came with a mission to destroy this earth,
Dark and twisted, you were fated for this birth,
You walked away to a way,
Up and away, far away,
You chose to see the light of life,
Then why can’t I see you in a different light?

You are not his shadow or reflection
You are not a reason for pain or affliction,
Your face is a constant reminder of a missed chance
It’s fine, the moment’s passed in a trance,
Find your vision and pride,
Live for yourself and provide
Yourself with the love that you never received,
Perhaps one day you will have some for me?

It’s always a question mark when it comes to you and me
Cause you are oh so black and blue
Don’t have a clue
Of your intentions or our future
Yes I know you know that I love Superman;
It’s not a rite of passage to turn from a boy to a man;
You are you and he is himself,
You are like nobody else
Just be true to yourself.
Superboy  is maturing from a boy to a man and in his own way, is becoming a Super’man’.
M Mar 2015
all this life is learning your place
and all next life is living there
Francie Lynch Nov 2014
I'm long overdue thanking
The heroes of my youth.

Thank you Superboy
For teaching me how
To read plot and character
And dialogue.
Your comics
Brought phonics

Thank you Bouncing Boy
For being somewhat chubby,
And teaching me
Patience and understanding
Of those not quite the
Shape of me.

Thank you Mon El and Ultra Boy
For helping me focus
On one strength at a time;
I've held my  
Weaknesses back from
Overpowering me.

Thank you Lightning Lad
For teaching me that
Accidents happen;
I can move on,
Learn and be stronger.

Thank you Karate Kid
For teaching me that
An average boy,
Through practice and determination
Can achieve what
I dreamt.

Thank you Cosmic Boy
For teaching me to channel
My energy, work with forces
Greater than myself,
And maintain control.

Thank you Chameleon Boy
For the lesson on
Adaptability and attitude

Thank you Colossal Boy
For making it resoundingly clear
That stature and success are fleeting.
One always returns to
The one before.

Thank you Invisible Kid
For teaching me that I
Will not always go unnoticed
In an opaque world.

Thank you Brainiac 5
For teaching me the importance
Of education and life-long learning.

Thank you Sun Boy
For teaching me to
Shine and look my best,
But never forget
What's inside is brighter still.

Thank you Elastic Lad, Jimmy Olsen,
Who taught me that a loner, a cub,
A red-headed, freckled-faced boy
Could stretch himself,
Can walk with Heroes.

Thank you Shrinking Violet,
Saturn Girl, Phantom Girl,
Lightning Lass, and Supergirl
For all the shapliness
And upskirts
A young lad needs;
You saved ***** Lad
From a life of celibacy
In a Jesuit Seminary.
A Big Thanks!
The Legion of Superheroes are more than childhood comics.
M Jan 2016
superboy and the invisible girl
son of steel and daughter of air
he's a hero, a lover, a prince,
she's not there.
lyrics. not mine
ƛrtie Apr 2017
Unseen and uncounted,
did I sat and look
around –pathetic girl–
the only sound heard
the gentle move
of me easing myself out
your lucky hand.

Shadows casting by
the thin rays of moonlight,
the gaps in your heart.
Gnarled fingers
wagging at me
when my carved
feelings fight
and perform
their macabre dance.

And then I'm
just breathing again,
trapped in bornout faces,
lost in wrong places,
with just a superboy in my chest.

Managed to force
my way out,
doors locked,
lights and eyes shut,
just you testing
my sour mouth,
before my heart is done.
Dr Peter Lim Jul 2018
What do you want to be
my dear boy Robbie?
to be Superboy flying free
with Superman-to every country!

— The End —