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I have been to the deep blue
Where my faith had tested my fears
Boundries were crossed
And I had raised my own waters
So high, the sun began to disappear
It was dark there in the shallow
My heart was racing, time running
As my body submerged into- suspence
While the deep I faced challenges
Many creature's in Adam's ale
Shark attacks and eel whip lash
Fish that snap and jelly fish stings
Not knowing there are lessons taught here
I earned trust in faith and I rise again
On the pier I lay sprawled
In all my glory to the sky
It started to pour showers of healing
I rose from drowning, losing breath
Now free to continue my journey
In this baptism on my crown
I had been ready for this world
And these storms blossemed rain showers
Over everything I had faced
Will continue to remind me again
It can't remain stromy forever.

© S .T. Rebel of Eden
Justin G Dec 2014

I once was a dreamer and a lover of dedication.
There was nothing in my path I couldn't overcome or revolutionize.
I was the practitioner of self indulgence;
the preeminence of gluttony.

I held myself in the highest regards.

Whatever I desired, I made sure to obtain.
Whoever I desired, I made sure to detain.

I was fascinated by my own passion for existence
It was only natural for me to bear hatred for those
who I condemned wasteful and destructive.

Throughout my years on this planet
I desperately and yearningly needed space.

I wanted to be distant like the stars,
so I decided to disconnect myself
from society altogether.


In my own world away from the world I was in
I often found myself counting minuscule grains of sand
left in the hour glass that brutally executed my ancestors.

I have counted approximately eighty six thousand
four hundred and fifty six grains of sand before I realized
how insignificant and meaningless it was to persist.

I asked myself, why must I be so flagrant? Why am I so conflicted between my ability to be sane and in my inability to be inane? How was I to know I would become what I hated most?

I have become wasteful and self destructive.

I wasted so much time in counting the time I had left,
I neglected myself from moments that were essential and nutritious for me to experience and treasure.

I realized how timing and planning aren't always most important.

Sometimes it is better to simply take chances and jump without worrying too much about where we land because it is the memories that we cherish most in thee end.

All fears and boundaries come secondary. They are all subject to change. I learnt to think of them as illusioary variables.


All I ever wanted out of life was to talk and express myself
in a way that will be cogent to everyone.

I wanted to express my deviation in a way that will be supplemental to our everyday life. I urgently felt the need to be ingenuous and indispensable.

I knew it was necessary to be more direct and down to earth,
but my head was too far stuck in the clouds. I was duped into thinking that love was in the air, and all wealth and knowledge were all at the top.

I was naive enough to pilot myself through stromy weather in the high hopes of finding better.

Flying fearlessly reckless I swore I would keep my distance
I swore to reach far beyond the stars, and rock the milky way, but unbeknownst to me I learnt an undisputed truth.
The sky above is truly the limit.

The space I thought I desperately needed ended up being lifeless and unbearable.


I went above and beyond just to be unworldly enough to give you the world, but doing so only left me feeling alienated. I was too blinded to see the rocket I flew was built with infatuation.  

I misconceptionally thought love was the highest power,
but in actuality it is the most deepest.

The sound of rain and thunder deafened me from sound advice and good judgment. Reality struck me out of the skies above,
and harshly colluded me against the cold deep blue sea
where I struggled to survive and failed to overcome.

The aphotic pressure below was far too much for me to endure alone.

My strength hasn't quite recovered from the impact of the collision. I tried to recall how I gotten myself into this predicament, but the only thing I could remember was me searching for something. I was too weak to move, too weak to admit defeat. Nothing made much sense to me anymore.


I was told our lives flash before us just before the moment of our demise, but it wasn't long before my confidence along with my dignity were instantly crushed. My eyes widen when my heart shattered.

My voice sealed shut by the suffocation of silence.

I had no memories to cherish, and had no one to save me. I had no one to breathe life back into me. It was all elusive and reclusive. I had fallen from the skies and crushed deep into the sea where it swallowed me whole.

My mind locked away in a book of endless darkness and pure abyss, but somehow my body managed to remain functional and intact.**

My body was washed ashore on a remote island where it continues to walk in a path of agony and unfulfillment.
I wrote a little heavily here, but if you manage to finish this lengthy gem I'm sure you might find a bit of inspiration and joy from the twist and turns of a young man's inner journey to an unexpected enlightenment.
Hannah Logsdon Mar 2018
Before the ship sailed
I looked at him
and said
"love is dead"
he dried my stromy eyes
licked the salt from my skin
and said
"love is not dead, it just skipped a beat"

-Something I will never forget
In the morning,
I woke to this sky that was white
Brightly lit by the sun's light.
Then the temperature rose,
So rose the water droplets in the air
And now my sky was a soft blue
Reflecting all that came its way.
The show ended with all hues,
Creating unparalleled balance of confusion and grandeur
Just like it had planned to.
Then the sky was smeared and smudged with black
Just like the tired,innocent face of a child
After an entire day of play.
But the cold night is made warm
And it's emptiness filled
With the bright bold moon, that radiates
Like the red round dot between the jet black brows.
The tiny sparkling stars
Like the sandalwood paste on a bride's face
Shouts in celebration for all the greatness it has witnessed.

But sometimes without any rhyme or reason
The sky turns grey,
Like most of the time is my mood.
I thought it would rain,but it turned out to be like me too.
Sometimes the grey is too long
The clouds too big.
And they collide like warriors
Producing sparks from their swords.
Thus comes the lightning,the expressions on my face.
The thunder follows close,where I raise my voice.
Then finally it breaks,never into drizzles
But always a stromy rain
Causing destruction
Claiming life's on its way.
Now I have finally realized
It's better to have a drizzle every now and then
To cool the soar,instead of deepening it any more
With either the flood or the drought
Wai Phyo Win Jan 2019
They know not
what's inside your fragile heart
losing your future a la carte
not to depart from platinic love
a pure chemistry of beautiful art
a sharp saw cannot cut
of the true love that lasts like trust

They know not
I'm climbing the hill to see cloud nine
like commendos ready to fight as they're deployed
crossing stromy ocean destined to enjoy
I'm not letting you wander into the labyrynth
where there is the twisted serpants
their fangs full of toxic substance

They know not
how to plan best for your future
suffer like a cancer cachexia
I'm striving to find a way how to cure
blowing through an embouchure
seven times around the fortress wall closure
making sure it will fall as in book of Joshua

[ 18 January 2018 ]

— The End —