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Aaron E May 2020
"The thing about sht, is it rolls down hill"
My grandfather told me that.
He was a chemist.
"I know about some sht," he said.

"You get sht on by the people above you,
and you sht on the people below."

"Some may let sht slide,
some can't let sht go."

But you never sht on someone beside you.
That's how you make sht grow.
I don't really know how to tag this, because I'm not even sure who would be interested in searching for it. Please consider sharing my sh_t on these fine interwebs.
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
First see new photo, or else won't make sense.

Word is out
Animal kingdom on red alert,
No animus allowed near the chair,
Tween human and animal.

Good eats, good writes to be had,
Near that ye old adirondacke chair,
Where scribbles float in
L'air du temps,
Ripe for the plucking.

Arrived in the night dark,
Twelve eyes grinning, sheepish,
Wasn't tho no sheep, just a  veritable
**** deer herd munching the shrubs,
Who when head lighted, indifferently said,
Yo *******, it is September, remember,
Get the fk off **our


Coffee-armed. Tablet shotguned,
Went to write in the fall sun,
When to my shock n' awe,
A gaggle of geese, awaiting.

And I mean a good-god-**** giggling-gaggle, no sht!
Probably resetting, resettling, looking for forgiveness,
For ******* all over the hard scrabbled grass.
Well no atonement boys, Yom Kippur notwithstanding,
I ain't the forgiving type!

No, no poet!
We stand before you on the Jewish Judgement Day,
Decorously waiting, in a row,
Before the throne, tho honking a little rudely,
Impatient for inscribing in Natalino's
Hall of Fame, Book of Life for the coming year.


Well, in that case,
(Ego melting secretly inside),
Here is a poem just for you.

Fly south safe,
Inscribed and sealed you will be,
In both the Book of Life and Prosperity,
But only if you, stay off my grass in perpetuity!

Done and off they flew,
Me smiling, proud of my new fame,
Until I found their presents
Under my flip flops.

******* deer.
******* rabbits.
******* geese.

I wish they were not such
Poetry fanatics.



10:11am Yom Kippur morning.
The photo of a dozen plus geese lined up to hear me recite has been changed.   Send me a message if u would like to see it post reading the poem. N.
Nat Lipstadt Jul 2013
Notes From The Poet's Nook: My Body Has Changed

There is this moment
When the mirror solicits an
Unwanted confess,
No tort or tortuous devices required,
The self-evident, undeniable.

It is almost as if someone punctuated your life with a

Traffic light. Stop. Red. Green. Go.  

Stop n' go.

But while you're momentarily waiting
Some convertible-rider boys pull up aside,
Whooping n' hollering,
Cause they like what they espy,
A woman, no more a changeling,
That excites their almost mature juices.

You call them idiots,
Flip them the eagle bird,
Smiling somewhere where only you and
Poets can envision,
That grin, a womanly gleaming,
Deserves a poem unto itself.

Other moments, other lights,
When time whispers kindly,
It's  now, today, is my-time.

Alone you go the drawer,
It's Bikini Collection Day.

Valuable space wasters,
Even that one, resident of the night table,
In the photo momentous,
You and the kids, on your lap,
Unchanged from the way you know it,
The one you swore forever keep.

Not to the trash they go,
After all, perfectly usable,
So drive to thrift store depository,
Where reusable dreams are stored,
And now future memories to be
Husbanded by someone else's husband,
On someone else's night table.

Got a mortgage, two college funds,
A ton of worries and a
Paunch, a gut, to hold 'em all.
Stand up straight, breathe in hard,
Still there, as if you didn't know, unchanged,
What ya gonna do about it?

You got too much stuff, no way it's the poet's fault!
Go to the couch  and bake a plan!
Cause that's why linguists gave us, maybe and tomorrow,
My fav word when rhyming sorrowful...

You see that child in the photo next to me?
In the baby seat, skeptical of all the cooing noises?
That look I treasure, for she be my genes,
My grand baby, who trusts no one but
Mom and Dad to pick her up,
Sensibly cautious, even tho I blow kisses
On her belly button, the one that says Press Here,
For raucous laughter and present-ed her 25% of herself.

Nowadays, almost two,
Her body a change machine,
Now she is a pusher, not a pushee,
Pushing Elmo in his carriage
Look me up, but see her.

Dressed to the nines, a Manhattan lady.
I missed that moment, too many came, coming.
Changeup and fastball
The only pitches in her repertoire,
So far, but if her dad don't teach her a cutter
**** right you smarmy left handed hitting boys,
Her Poppy sure as sht will.

Ok, you know me. Got remind myself to stop
Before I get dribble mouth.
Guess that's kinda of a
Momentous change for me,
But lucky for you,
I can still do it,
Write a poem 1,2,3...
5, 6, 7, times a day,
If that stops, it wail be
Because....something changed me permanently.

July 6th, 2013
For my Izzy.
Nat Lipstadt Oct 2013
How do you know....
That you've grown old

When you see a luscious
human creation,
And don't think
Hot damnation

How do you know...
That you are an adult

When you see a diving board,
And think holy sht,
As a seven year pushes past you,
Climbing up, screaming with glee

How do you know...
You are married happily

when each of you knows
The other snores,
But neither ever mentions it

How do you know...
it's time to file

To divorce the twit you married
When you were young and so dumb,
When you introduce her as
My Wife but think secretly I'm wasting my life

How do you know...
You will be an ok parent

When you offer to press your  lips
To a child's cut, wounded knee,
Proclaiming confidently your kisses
Will make the boo boo feel all better,
And believe it is the  absolute truth

How do you know...
It is genuine 100% love sickness, heartbreak disease

When you see her at the cafeteria, a conference,
She doesn't glance your way even once,
And you can't take your eyes off her skin,
And the chronic ache in your chest that has been there
For months, suddenly become a full fledged pain,

How do you know...
You-believe -

Is when
The question
No longer occurs

How do you know...
When you have acquired wisdom

When you hold your sobbing daughter of eighteen
In your arms, saying over and over,
It will be ok,
Knowing full well
It will be too

How do you know...
It is time.

I don't know, but when I do,
I will surely tell,
With that titled poem,
**One Last Write, One Last Rite.
Market Street
San Francisco
Courtney Ja-Vaé Aug 2016
Boy get out my face
You fcking lame
Talking sht but eatting it
Being dumb but actin tuff
Knownin you a super ***

Go home you mamas boy
You cant even handle being alone
Get your **** together boy you
lookin real dumb
A job at 8.25 will never guide you wrong
But your playing a role you will never fill
Cause a drug dealing stealing **** aint the way to live

Keep that act up boy youll learn the way
Your image grows to show how
fake you are made
Dont look at me I might catch a case
Your dumb disease might get me chased

You steppin to a real one
You better play your cards right
If you actin shady you better
get your mind right
Cause **** with me ill be that b
Becoming your worst enemy
All your dreams will be of me
Ill destroy you mentally

So keep on laughin
Keep on Actin like your better then me
Your soul wont see me come in and take everything
I won this race cant chase
what you could have embraced

As your world burns
ill be at your burial
Being the last one youll see
The creator of this place you now call home....
FionaGrape Jun 2015
I wish I saved that sht
But I deleted it
Didn't want to torture myself again
Love lost nobody wins
I guess you call this..
The Dead End
FionaGrape Jun 2015
The deed is done
You have succeeded in making me
Feel like sht
For your own selfish sense of gain
And strength
It hurts
Having a place for you in my heart
That I now don't know
How to deal with
Cleaning out my soul
Of anything negative
Trying to fill the void you left
With happiness
You can let go but a memory stays a memory and sometimes no matter what a person does you still find it in your heart to forgive them even though they've hurt you in ways you never thought they would.
Genevieve May 2017
crying tears and fallen laughter,
what to expect from then, there after!?

To those who are here to destroy ,    
***** you we are not all the paranoid!

Faded dreams into realistic nightmares
awoke and turned on the news crap!!
I wasn't asleep all this is really F'ing happening!

It was slowly creeping in that sudden panic!!
oh sht it's set in. So this is true my nightmare begins.

The scoundrel of a **** will take it, ring it out
this world we live in for his power now
!!How could this be ?is this for freakin' real?
All those thoughts flooding in so swift like!

*** they voted this man in this narcissist who's only
in it to win it and tell all a big F you Your fired with I'm Right
your Wr0nghh!"  eh eh eh hand shooshing you.)

Quickly he begins to deny rant and rave about all the bad things that people do say
not letting it go; Putting forth a man trump who cannot experience empathy nor compassion and this is who some elected?!

Are we just gonna wait til many HuuuuGe Mis_Takes
take one camera, take two, I mean this millionaire out of touch
lying ****** is cutting a loss
because even his fellow
Repubs call him out
on his constant Shht,

So lets have us a chat about the reality is that
this man is unequipped brings zero tools of know- how or of
how to cope with the Huge stresses being president does take!
Cannot vacation all the time and shout out orders for all to follow or call a retake!

so why can't we all agree to do a mega re-vote!!
Even though for trump be hard to swallow, We need to do
what is right for our children's future and their future babies So this is most
Enormous to discuss..... Being done with Trump is a Must!!.

Fallen men, children too what else will we need to have to get irate more mob type interactions? can we really all just sit around and wait? We need a Voice and we need to be loud in a gentle direct and intelligent way.

but for real seriously this mans got us running into fire and fire
time and time again so now it is time for someone else to be fired my friends!
Look Obviously not everyone will enjoy this read because it speaks politically! I only wrote this to let out my personal frustrations of having to see this man so grotesque in more ways than one So this is my Venting  . Please don't speak if its a debate I am not up for that its too exhausting,
Diana Rop Nov 2019
Sorry for the smile am wearing now
I'm sorry for the way my life turned out.
And i guess there is nothing more to say
Other than a thank you note
So thanks for making me a fighter
You stole the love that I saved for myself
I found the light you shut inside
Those wounds you made are gone
They made me muuch stronger,
They made my skin a little bit thicker.
Thank you for making me much wiser.

I heard you're going around playing the victim,
But don't even begin feeling like i am the one to blame,
After all the stealing and cheating.
Dont even start that sht with me,
I got issues of my own, i aint no time for this drama.
I heard you're told your friends i am just not your type
If thats how you really feel, why did you call me last night?
asia Jan 2020
i knw dreams arent real but,
its fckd up tht ive been havin these dreams since i was little.. and
every time i go to sleep
i dream of a nightmare
and.. every night IT wants to hurt me.
when i mean IT, i mean scary sht...
any type of non existent things that my head
creates like monsters, ..zombies
that wants to hurt me.
always wants to come after me.
are in my dreams.
but different dreams..
different nights & times
is my dream me somethin? like my fears or?
am i runnin from somethin?
im desperate to knw
these dreams..
im tired of them.
based on something real..
jan 2020 8:30am
Infamous one Jan 2020
He said I love you she sht him down
Blinded going strong moving onto next
Lots of lust and no love hard to get close
Ruined by the past ruining current relations
The new said I love you hard to say it back
Trying to be himself told he's doing wrong
But doesn't like everyone trying to change him
Opposed and separated from the crowd
In his own world his head is his safe place

— The End —