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Àŧùl Jan 2013
Pocket Full Of Plastics!
Was Under Me - And -
The Bed Broke Down!
A humorous poem. Not all can understand it!
NV Dec 2015
i sometimes wonder why you still visit my mood swings,
left in abandoned playgrounds between my chest.
why you still visit even though the slides may only carry you down to somebody like me.
somebody difficult to love,
somebody who cannot tell the difference between crying and laughing anymore.
why you haven't left this soul,
who's bones can't seem to find enough strength to push my side of the sea saw,
who can't seem to move past three poles on the monkey bar,
simply because of the weight on top of my shoulders.
this flesh of complete brokeness that couldn't bare ringa ring rosie,
because at some point one gets tired of always falling.
i often wonder, why me.
why me, with all my chipped paint and countless dents.
why you still visit,
when this isn't the grass on other side that's greener.
because God knows,
i'd understand if you look for a park elsewhere.
a park worthy of you.
Yenson Mar 2022
Products of State assistance
after a pint and two packets of crisps
to be raised unintelligent
in non questioning mindless indoctrination
to be fooled and tamed into blind obedience
the cannon fodders and Erranders of Red dusk-set
hollering fake news
swallowing delusions
******* themselves in ******* to **** up
La bohème  Bolsheviks drinking Quixotic wine
specially farmed to do as told
theirs is not to think or question
the State picks up the tabs
the Reds scribble neon cheques
from the Bank of Envy and Jealousy
and the dumbs march up and down in unison
besotted and obsessed with the one that sees through it all
down with the black blue prince
with gold in his heart and pockets
who laughs at the ridiculous
in their war of the roses
and the slave traders now playing as game-keepers
Chetan Bhati Apr 2015
Sitting in this dark room, with my eyes closed
I feel a world,
the feeling is so lively, so beguiling, as this world slowly unfolds

Its a world where people don’t talk, but sing
Where people don’t walk but hop
Where people don’t fight for the spotlight
Where people greet each other with ringa-ringa-roses

Where bruises are cured by gentle fondles,
Where people cry laughing,
Where everybody is a proven man,
Where everybody is a lovely woman,
Where nobody fights with his own friend trying to win over him in his fight for the first
Where ego is only as real as satan,
Where god is seen and felt in every human being
Where money is just a piece of paper
Where religion is music and dance
Where peace is filled in air and is felt in every breath
Where strangers dance and sing together,
Where heart breaks are as sinful as ******
Where school is a place to learn what is life about
Where the teacher teaches how to live it fully
Where we are one with the universe and universe is one with us
Where one is no different from two and two is no different from three
And zero is as high as one-not-four
Reappak Apr 2020
Dark clouds, bright moon
The sky painted with ashes
Twinkling specks of white
Another night gashes

On the devoid streets,
remain untouched puddles,
No child to jump in them!
Empty corners, empty benches
No child to blow bubbles

Only the stray cats meow
Puzzled and surprised
No sellers, no gamblers, no families
Why's everyone inside?

So mighty is this unseen enemy
Wearing Harry's invisible cloak
No feet, no gun, no sword
yet it kills nearly every folk

It gracefully ballets with loneliness
The streets are now his
This place once used to be
A stage for the poor kids

This place was once
Something else
It was a place, where
Merriness never blunts

Mornings, bakers delivering eggs
And folks running to jobs
Ladies catwalk, holding baskets
whilst children enjoyed corns on the cob

The singers sung songs
By the deep wells
And in the green lawns
The old ones, planted bluebells

This place once echoed giggles
The children played "ringa ring o roses"
And the sun too admired
their pockets full of poses!
Yenson Feb 2019
I was never good at doing the hokey cokey
didn't know how to put one foot in
and one foot out and then turn it all around

Ringa a ringa Roses did not charm me much
as well
I was adverse to all these, Athishos we all fall down
they wouldn't even let me fall down on top of Misanne
my cute kindergarten girl-friend

Now the Grand ole Duke of York was something else
Why should I be marching up and down
and then neither up nor down
I told the teacher I wanted to play cowboys and Indians
She said I should get in Line

I rebelled about all these nonsense
No foot in, no falling down, no marching up and down
Let's play Chase and Kiss the Girls, I suggested
The two teachers sent me to go see Mother Superior
in the office

I asked Mother Superior why she was superior
as I'd kissed six girls behind the games room
so I am more superior
She gave me a note to take home to my Mum
Mummy said to stop kissing girls at school or I'll get germs
and die, and I won't go to heaven

I did not stop and kissed a lot of gals and liked it
twenty years down the line and countless girls in my wake
I discovered that adults do the hokey-pokey and a lot
of falling down and going up and down

And then just as I became a certified expert at this
Something happened and I was jolted into the realisation
that there are some bad people
who can mess things up
putting their oars in and their oars out
and shaking things all about
and athisho  and you fall down
and then they march you up and march you down
and you are neither up nor down

But like all those years ago, I didn't like to play
So I sat down and watched them play
but there are no girls around to play chase kiss with
Well, I suppose I won't get germs now
and I'd be allowed in heaven...........
Lekha Nath Sep 2018
Ring-a-ring -a roses
Pocket full of posies
Hayi Sha hayi Sha
Only I fell down
Why did I only fall down?
Because you forced me to fall
And then stripped me all
And then you ***** me off
And left me to rot
You ran away
Leaving me in a frenzy sway
I was a stranger to you
A lonely little girl
Playing ringa ringa
A lil girl
A lil girl
A girl to you is just pleasure
I curse you
I was dead
The moment you left
You will be cursed
I swear
You will die and rot in hell
You wicked man with no regrets
You wicked man I hope you die
For stumbling upon my peace and making it cry.

— The End —