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The Birth Of Gaia

"The changes themselves are already under way for quite some time. They are energetic changes, not so much on a physical 3D level. The Hunab Ku wave signal, on its way to Earth aka Gaia, will open a Stargate. The wavefront will get here by the end of 2012.

In physical terms Hunab Ku (Hunab Ku aka Perseus aka Ouroboros, the Milky Way Serpent who swallows its own tail) is a quasar radio source, also known as Sagittarius A, 'weighting' about 4 million suns and so 40 million kilometers (or 2 light minutes) across and about 25,627 lightyears distant from the core of the Earth.

The changes will result via energy Matrix changing not the planet itself. Gaia's ascension is interdimensional, not physical.

Changing the rotation and inertia of Earth (geographic pole shifts,..etc) could easily destroy the planet. The higher dimensional envelope is changing (subtly seen in environmental changes).

Energy shift is slowly displacing the old Matrix - this is the ascension. By 2013 it will complete the reconfiguration. Old humanity will be "forced" to either adapt or go crazy. The less "dense" reconfiguration will enable the ET (extra terrestrial ) contact by then. Until that time, ET will only be seen as plasma (white light, orbs..shadows of 4D).

There will be a pole shift....but at the center of the Earth. Its a dimensional 'Opening' or Rupture of spacetime itself as a 'SelfIntersection', of geometry. The wave signal will than bounce back and begin transmitting all the gathered data from Noospehre aka Akashic Records aka... to the entire universe."

Geovanni Alfaro May 2014
The Sixteen Sacred Palm-Nuts of Yoruba
all enclosed in my fists,
ready to spread holiness in Uganda and Baja California.

I slept last night at the beach
after a long hike down the Sierra Madres.
(The Blackhawks were facing the kings of the western region tribe of Tongva,
and if I were to be a spectator
the privileged white male would win:
so I didn't want to sin).

No more.

I went to Rent-A-*****,
that sunny afternoon.
To my surprise
it was stationed at the shore.

Those were my goon days when I followed the guru
     Long hair, beaded necklaces, and silk indigenous shirts from Nayarit.
Just to **** Hunab Ku
For you.
Geovanni Alfaro Jun 2014
Valley dripping of milk and honey.
Chestnut washed lands and symmetrical hills with two temples
burning incense to Ganesha.
A deep cave yet unsettled by civilization.
The environment pronounces "devastation" wrong but the mind
was conquered by a Greek.

Oh scattered freckles like pebbles orange.
It's mid June,
still, Hunab Ku is my one true Lord and red lipstick on brown girls
still turns me on.
So who am I really running from?

At a distance, successful X.O.C.H.
is holding hands with Salvador Domingo Felipe Jancinto Dali i Domenech.
- RAW -

At a distance, a rusted gold coin with exact exchange value of one half dime
buys El Castillo de Chapultepec without a fight,
but who am I really running away from?

Valley fortified and in control.

She is Queen of flowers
- RAW -
Only if that is what you desire.

— The End —