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Scatts Jun 2014
i will be famous and that is for sure

i will write and write a lot
people will love me
and hipsters will use my quotes as Facebook statuses
you know hipsters like to brag they read
and critics would glorify my prose
even though I never liked critics at all
(if they don't write, hoy can they even judge other's work?)

mum would be proud
her girl finally made it after all that hard work
she's finally succeding after that time her boyfriend dumped her
and she spent months doing nothing but
going outside, a little
crying, much
writing, very very much
writing like her life depended of it
and now honey finally made it
her name now appears in book covers
in shiny gold cursive

my life will be shiny gold cursive too
i will spend my money in libraries and nice hats
and eat swiss chocolates in a king sized bed
(loaded with pillows, of course)
huge lines for book signings
******* shades with crystals and the pointy upper corner thing
i will be interviewed for famous magazines
and have margaritas in pretty glasses by the pool side
and get drunk, but fancily
with cigars and diamonds and couture dresses
yes sir, i will live good
and you will remember

you will remember as you flip the pages of my book
that time when you insisted on reading my poems
not because you like poems, since you hate them
just because your vanity was stronger
you will flip though my best seller
your name as title
no picture, just pure white emptyness
just your name and mine in a side
(by your side, like i used to believe i wanted to live)
you will read about you
after all this time, you will see
i will make sure i say something nice about you here and there
because you were stardust
but honestly, you were more of a black hole
and i will them them about that
i will tell them everything
that day when you called
that day when you didn't
that day when you told me writing was a waste of time
that day when you said "maybe we would be better off apart"
that day, a week later, when you got a new lady as company
they will know you
they will ask about you
and i won't answer

until i win a really good prize
a prize good enough to stand up and say a little speech
and i will thank, on the verge of tears
you know tears always look good in those cases
(even though tears were useless when i missed you)
i will thank, this order:
to god
no speech would be complete without thanking our lord
and momma and poppa
you told me to reach my dreams and this night feels like a dream, actually
my editor
who believed through thick and thin
and mostly, to you
because without you, nothing of this would have happened

if you didn't turn away that night
maybe i would have still loved you
maybe i wouldn't have aspired to become better
maybe i would have lived forever by your pathetic side

luckily you did
and you will remember
you can be sure as **** i won't let you forget.
...this revenge sounds a little shallow, isn't it?
mEb Jun 2010
I glanced fancily upward, taking quick notice at the 5 bladed ceiling fan that had always resembled the most crooked demeanor. Dust had been caking on her old worn blades for decades, building towers of particles of all sorts on the oak finish wood she was given at the factory she was produced in. Without the slightest mince of doubt, I would confirm China to plead the fifth. Shaking, this fan has never shook it had not been used since last summer. I heard ear splitting low toned roars as if boulders were forming an army only to be dropped from high jacks in the clouds. As I figure, these trains that run through this nearly vacant ghost town were shifting from one track, to one of the other six sets. Young, lying amongst my spring filled bed, the roars should have terrified most kids, but for me that signified life in a lifeless, sub-cultured society. Those roars had put me soundly to sleep.

My dark brown, small gritty eyes received a bit of that ceiling in them on the average August day of trains and mirages down the road. Determined to productively put this tired body of mine to good use I begin to scramble around the house for handy-man looking objects. Hammers, wrenches, nails, these things are hard to come by with two females under one roof alone. A ******* child I am, but ever long have accepted that. Luck had struck my view as I finally found myself in the parasitic garage infested with cobwebs, and every insect relevant to Kingdom Animalia. Running with all of these essentials may not have been the smartest decision, but hesitantly, in abrupt nature, I stopped. The roaring had been a continuous cycle of low blows against the hot sona air. It seemed like pendulums gaining momentum the closer it rose. I thought so keenly at the fact that a single human pair of ear drums should not rightfully pick up such low, non chromatic scale frequencies without crouching helplessly in fetal position.

Running to the front gate, mounted and bound by wires and steel, setting foot on the end of the premises of my humble abode, I felt utter desperation for everyone around me. The neighbors, sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, all our town’s elders that had been scornfully slothful over the years, were shifting about frantically. Leaping in panic-like modes into there vehicles. Into other neighbors vehicles. My mother, that had been off working four towns west, away from the commotion, makes the predicament that I will do just the same. But I boycott her judgment…as always.

The day had come. Finally, a vacant ghost town of my very own for merely minutes seemed like the longest, most eventful lifetime I had fulfilled. How badly the urge set upon my mind to grab wooden spoons and the biggest stew *** in the pantry I could possibly find. Just to gain and take name of my own sound while the calm was at its most content. For that piece in time, I would cherish every second. To warn no living thing, just me and the atmosphere, that I am here. I am the only one here. I am every characterized town in one. I am the law, I am the doctor, I am the city inspector. I blink as I erase my silhouette from this illusion. The roars are now visible. I can see how white and violent there pitches are. I see every color in the nearing explosions because the whitened bomb bends and blends them all together, and holds them firm. They begin to paint the sky gracefully on its pale blue canvas on the mid-august summer day.

I grab my essentials of handy-man objects that I almost lost feel of. Slowly returning to the home I know best, I intended on removing that dust covered fan and I did. Without ever knowing any father figure I would give him that fan, the only token of my existence he would submerge over. I own up to the simplicity and humorous thought of doing everything without him.

Reminiscing back to when I was young, lying amongst my spring filled bed, just as I am now. I thought, the roars should have terrified me like the town, but for me that signified life in a lifeless, sub-cultured society. The roars had put me soundly to sleep.
Keith Wilson Oct 2017
Red headed
fancily dressed
All of eight
four feet tall

I was all of six.
when at ten years
She emigrated
to Windermere

Now she's my next door neighbor
I emigrated too
After eighty years
We're both in Windermere
wordvango Jun 2015
fancily dressed we stride
on main street down the barely lit
side streets to get to

The view, on the edge of town,
west of here and now,
where sunsets are gathered
into red and sorrows.

Or we live across the tracks,
where fancy is just washed and patched up,
we stride with the same
in mind and soul.

Futures are still written
only  with pen and papers, any
rich man or pauper shares.

May we someday, be equal.
Ruhani Mar 2019
I still remember the day
sitting idle in the lab mundane
Smell of acid although causing pain
But i was still taking in,
like a toxic gain.
And then she came in
like a soft gush of wind
sat beside me
saw me all strained.
I asked
why people leave
without giving reason
and I poured my heart out
like a kid with a toy broken.
I was inconsolable
as if I saw death of a closed one.
and that closed one was my heart
deep inside it was fallen apart.
And then she told
me a hard truth
how she loved her mom
who left part way
without witnessing her triumphs
her chosen love and all fame .
How she all wanted was to gift her a saree
and take her to a restaurant to feast fancily.
I looked into her eyes
and she into mine
we both lost a part
of our hearts
and we together washed away
the pains filled deep inside
I was crying over a lost love
and she over a lost soul
and I wondered
whether my pain was even worth despair
we walked through our pain
while finding life all regained.
That was easy
wasn't it?
no stress
less mess
than usual.

Some days like today or
really any Tuesday can
be fun
finish work
a walk in the autumn sun
a trip to the park and as it
gets dark
amble on home
to a hot cup of cocoa.

I know as you do
that's life almost a
walk through
some like to run through
I never do.

And when it's like this
a slight kiss
from her ladyship
makes me trip the
quite fantastic.

to try as I might
I can't stop
I must write.


addictions are and will always be
the ink of the pen and the words
within me

more than simply understandable
easily readable too

I seldom do fancily worded verses
I write plainly and at times
painfully so.

That was easy
and definitely
time now
to go.
Larry Feb 2020
Excitement weens
Lost on same means.
Capital letters advance
Derivative fiends.

Thought to know
Knew an understanding
Understood falsehood
Uncovered branding.

Sowed my prairie
Seriously when initiated
Before then merrily
Long lines tarried.

Uncovering happening
Uncovers everything.
Depths found futile
Resounds blaspheming.

Looked onto lies
Sought unto skies.
Regarded partially lost
Time's, " Robert Frost ".

Still now retain
My lost for gain
Each day innuendo
Earmarked by same.

Heroes to our legend
Formed fancily stowed
Mind's willful haven
Sourcing its unfold.
Justin S Wampler Dec 2020
I did not care
For writing poetry
This week.

I did it,

Thoroughly unaware
Of what anything
Actually means.

Words vomited,

Finding scraps there,
Like digging through
A mental trash heap.

Merely poetic

Trying not to care,
Subsiding on refuse
& What's buried beneath.

— The End —