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Terry Collett May 2014
I stood in line
to be weighed
in the bathroom
of the nursing home

Anne crutched herself
behind me
you haven't
got a chance in hell

of winning
that chocolate bar Kid
she said
I've seen more meat

on a butcher's pencil
stuck behind his ear
might win
I said

might fly
she said  
the kid in front of me
got on

the green metal scales
and the nun
moved the weight
along the top

not you Malcolm
she said
the kid got off sulkily
I got on the scales

and the nun
moved the weight
I looked at her
black and white

her pinched features
not you Benny
she said

I got off
and walked away
Anne awkwardly
got on the scales

holding herself
on her one leg
the stump
of the other

hanging there
best so far Anne
the nun said
told you Kid

you didn't
have a chance
guess not
I said

as she crutched herself
along side of me
not to worry
if I get the choco bar

I’ll give you
a quarter for being
a good friend
no other

in this *******
gets a look in
we went along
to our rooms

come in Kid
she said
I hesitated
come in

I want to
ask you something
I stood swaying

what if
one of the nuns
comes along?  
what if I don't give you

quarter of the choc bar?
she said
I followed her in
to the girls dorm

no one else
was there
just she and me
she closed the door

with her backside
right Kid
I want you
to do me

a favour
I said
sensing uncertainty

hit my gut
yes I want you
to sneak along
to the kitchen tonight

and liberate
some biscuits
I said

yes you know
what biscuits are
don't you

those hard things
with cream in the middle
or chocolate
on one side

I know what biscuits are
I said
but what do you mean

take some
from the big tin
they have
on the shelf

in larder
I said
you mean steal?

whatever word

you want
to use Kid
what if I get caught?
don't get caught

but what if I do?
Anne sighed
sat on the edge
of her bed

I thought you
were someone
I could rely on Kid
not some cowardly custard

yellow belly
I looked
at her leg stump
sticking out

the other leg
reached to the floor
if you're really good
I’ll let you touch

my stump
she said
no need
I said

I'll try tonight
sneak down
after lights out
good Kid

she said
she took my right hand
and lay it
on the stump

and held it there
it felt warm
and soft
she let my hand go

good huh?
wish the rest
was there
she said

off you go
and don't get caught
I nodded
and backed out

of the room
seeing her cover
the stump
with her dress

and smile
see you
I said
you bet

she said
I walked away
of the big steal

of biscuits
unthought through
by my 10 year old brain
as yet.
Terry Collett Nov 2012
It was a warm day
and you were sitting on the lawn
of the nursing home
when Anne came across the lawn

on her crutches
her summer dress
flowing as she moved
come on Skinny Kid

she said
I want to show you something
you said

never mind
what just follow me
and so you got up
from the chair

and followed her
across the lawn
and along the path
that went through the trees

to the back gate
open up the gate then Kid
she said
standing impatiently

while you opened
the gate
you lifted the latch
and opened the gate

and she crutched
her way through
and you followed
letting the gate

swing shut behind you
what you want to show me?
you asked
but she just cursed

and swore under her breath
and moved across
the pavement
and onto the beach

until her crutches
became stuck in the sand
and she stood still
staring out

at the sea
look at that
she said

you asked
the ******* scenery
she said
pointing at the horizon

with one of her crutches
I’ve seen the sea before
you said
yes maybe

she said
but have you let it
embrace you
and hold you? she said

I’ve been in the sea sure
you said
looking at her
beside you

I want to go in
she said
you’ll get your dress wet
you said

I’ve got my swimming costume
under the dress
she said
help me get out

of this ****** dress
and I can go in
what here on the beach?
you said

undress here?
yes here
she said
now unzip me

at the back
so you unzipped
her dress at the back
and she said

now pull it
over my head
so you lifted
the hem of the dress

and began to lift it
over her body until
her dress was in your hands
and she stood

in a bright blue swimsuit
with her stump hanging
where her leg used to be
then she slowly

crutched herself
down to the sea
until she was at
the waters edge

you stood just behind her
holding the dress
right take the crutches
she said

but you’ll fall
you said
I’ll swim
she said

can you swim
with one leg?
you asked
of course

I can ******* swim
with one leg
she said
and handed you

the two crutches
and fell forward
into the sea
where she made

a big splash
and then she was off
into the sea
her leg and stump

out of sight
her arms moving in motion
and you stood there
with dress and crutches

staring at her swimming away
what if you drown?
you called out
but she just sang loudly

her voice mixing
with the sea’s sound
just you and Anne
with no one else around.
Terry Collett Jul 2014
Anne crutched her way
over the grass
from the nursing home
to the white seats on the lawn
and sat down
in one of the chairs
and threw her crutches
to the ground beside her

I sat in a chair
next to her
she had on a blue skirt
and white blouse
her one leg stuck out
from the end
of her skirt

the other kids played
on the swings and slide
or walked around
avoiding being
near Anne

I wonder
if the nuns have periods?
She said suddenly

I don't know
I said

might explain
their crabbiness some days
she said

I nodded my head
unsure of the topic

periods of what?
I asked

she looked at me
sternly for a moment
you don't know?

I shook my head
gazing at her

it's *******
in real terms
she said

none the wiser
I looked at her
hair dark
and almost shiny
where she’d
brushed it so much

do you know that?

no not heard of it
I said

she sighed
and looked at me deeply

do your parents tell
you nothing?

not about
******* anyway
I said
my old man told me
about the Plague of London
in 1665
and rats and stuff

**** the Plague of 1665
she said
this is real stuff
it may come handy
one day to know

I doubted it
but said nothing
I looked back
at the nursing home
for rescue

do you know anything
about the female cycle?
She said

my friend's sister's cycle
didn't have a cross bar
I said
remembering Jim's sister
and the bicycle
I sometimes rode

no no Kid
not that kind of cycle
her body cycle

I noticed as she moved
on the chair
her leg stump
became visible  

when a female
gets to a certain age
her body gets prepared
to put an egg
in a place in her body
ready to be fertilized

I saw the stump clearly
it looked like the end
of a plump elbow

Kid do you hear
what I am saying?

I said

now if the egg
doesn't get fertilized
by a certain time
her body gets rid of it
in a cycle
and she bleeds
the whole package out

It didn’t sound too good
but I nodded
what kind of egg?
I asked

what do you mean
what kind of egg?
A ****** human egg
what do you think
a ****** hens' egg?
She sighed deeply

and I wondered where
she bought her one shoe

how old are you Kid?

10 nearly 11 years old
I replied
studying her black shoe  
and wondering
what she did
with the other shoe

what's fertilization?
I asked
looking up at her
sitting in the chair
her eyes focused on me

go ask the nuns
they'll know
she said snappily

I said
I will

she reached for her crutches  
and said
right Kid
let's go to the beach
out of the eyes
of the *******
and their reach

and so I walked
beside her
out the back gate
and onto the path
that led
to the sand and sea
blue skies
white clouds
and Anne and me.
Collily Sep 2014
The world watched as Hope entangled itself around the minds of the willing.

They watched as Justice took its first breath as the seed that sprung from Freedom's *****.

An illegitimate child of chaos,born a burden to a crutched nation.

The world looked away as dozens of corpses piled up into skyscrapers.

Skyscrapers,for eagles to perch and nest their wealth over spilt blood.

Forgiveness was wrapped around the mouths of the unsatisfied.

Muted screams of those whose hearts were set ablaze with vengeance.

Hushed down by Nelson Mandela's words of healing over wounds of discrimination.

Now up and about,a nation on its feet,embarking on this journey of union and peace.
i was born free but nevertheless history scars my thoughts.....really emotional about this one
Terry Collett Apr 2013
Anne crutched her way
through the narrow path
and back gate behind you
on to the side path

that led to the beach
the sky was overcast
she moved up beside you
as you stood there

looking at the horizon
look at the sea
and sky and gulls
Skinny Boy

look at that wildness
breathe in the air
she said
fill your ****** lungs

with it
you breathed in deeply
smell of sea salt
filled you

if I had both my legs
I’d go out there
and swim
she said

she moved forward
until her foot
and crutches
touched the start

of the sand
come on Boy
breath it in
you breathed in

deep again
she stood there
her green skirt
billowing in the wind

her dark hair
blown about
this is ******* life
this is it

all I want now
is a tall ship
to sail her by
or so

the ****** poet
said somewhere
she said
you looked at her

standing like
some captain
of a ship
her skirt rising

and falling
carried by the wind
now and then
her stump showed

and her other thigh
with her white leg
what do you think Boy?
good huh?

you said
breezy and fresh
you stood

trying to keep
your balance
your short trousers
moving in the breeze

the white tee shirt flapping
she crutched herself
onto the sand more
you followed

moving near her
she gripped
the crutches firm
we found that fish

on the beach
up there
you said
she looked

where you pointed
yes and they cooked it
for dinner next day
she said

and it was ******* rank
you laughed
and she grinned
it was up there

by that wave breaker
that you kissed me
she said
you made me

you replied
well you enjoyed it
didn’t you?
you nodded

the wind
carried her voice away
her words
were broken up

individual words
came here
and there
then away again

she looked up
at the darkening sky
o hell
she said

here comes
the ******* rain.
Terry Collett May 2014
one legged,

crutched herself
through passageway

and hall,
passed kitchen,

leg stump swaying,
green dress flowing,

out through
the French windows,

moving by me
in the doorway,

pushing by
the boss-eyed nun,

out into the garden,
shouting loudly:

THE ****** SUN!
Terry Collett Jun 2012
One leg Anne
crutched herself
to the window

and stared out at the rain
Look at the ******* weather
she said

she let go
of the handle
of one crutch

and scratched her thigh
you stood just behind her
watching her standing there

like a dejected Napoleon
What do you think
they’d say if I got you

to push me out
in the wheelchair
in this Skinny Boy?

she said
looking at you
over her shoulder

They wouldn’t allow it
you replied moving up
beside her

and peering out
at the rain
on the lawn and trees

I don’t give a donkey’s tail
what they’d allow
she said

being politer
than she usually was
Why do you want

to go out in the rain?
you asked
Because I hate

being shut up
in my room
or being pushed

around the corridors
like fecking Guy Fawkes
she crutched herself

away from the window
Come on Skinny Boy
let’s venture out

But we’ll get wet
you said following her
out of the room

Hush do you want
the grown ups
to know our plans of escape?

you stood beside her
by the backdoor
your eyes watched

the rain falling on
the path outside
Bring me a wheelchair

Skiing Boy
we’re going to explore
you went to the store room

and pushed a wheelchair
to where she stood
and she sat down

and gave you
the crutches
Right off we go

she said
and you opened
the door

and wheeled her out
the raindrops
pattering on

and around you both
and she bellowed
Go go

on on
and so you pushed
and the rain fell

and she laughed
and opened her arms
and her hands

and said
This is living Boy
better to live

and be wet
than dry indoors
and dead.
Terry Collett Jul 2012
It was Friday evening
the time for being weighed
before bath in the nursing home
and Anne was standing

behind you in the queue of kids
leaning on her crutch
the stump of her leg
just visible beneath

her short red skirt
and she whispered to you
how much do you weigh Skinny Kid?
I don’t know

you replied
maybe 84lbs
she snorted 84lbs?
my ***** weighs more than that

she whispered
her warm breath
on your ear
the kids in front of you

moved up and Monica
the girl with burn scars
climbed off
the weighing scales

what do you weigh Scarface?
Anne called out
don’t be cruel Anne
the nurse near the scales said

oops sorry nurse
it just slipped out
Anne said
(so the bishop said

to the actress
Anne whispered
in your ear)
after a few more kids

got on and off
the scales after
being weighed
it was your turn

and you climbed on the scales
and the red line
showed 77lbs
and the nurse said

what it showed
and you got off
and Anne crutched herself
onto the scales

and you stood
and watched
as the red line showed 112lbs
now that

said Anne looking at you
is real poundage
and as she got off the scales
she ushered you outside

into the passageway
and said
here feel my thigh
go on

have a feel
and she grabbed
your hand
and made you

touch her thigh
it was smooth
and warm
you’re such a thin *******

Skinny Kid
you need to fatten yourself up
she released your hand
and you followed her

along to the lounge
where others waited
for bath time
she nibbled

your earlobe affectionately
and crutched herself
over to the armchair
in the corner

and pinched Monica
on her way
giving out
a snort of laughter

as Monica uttered
loud moans
and you sensed
the dampness

on your earlobe
like a loving memento
which you hoped
would last

but knew
it would
like passing time
soon go.
Terry Collett Mar 2012
It was the boys’ bath night
and you had bathed
and were drying yourself

with the white towel
they had given you
when the bathroom door flew open

and Anne stood there one-legged
in her pink flowered nightdress
perching on her crutches like a hawk

her eyes bright and dark
a smile lingering on her lips
well ****** me

she said
what a sight
for a girl’s lovesick eyes

and she entered the bathroom
and pushed the door shut
behind her with her bottom

almost uncrutching herself
in the process
you pulled the towel

tight around you
and stared at her
it’s the boys’ bath night

you muttered
girls aren’t allowed in
while boys bath

she moved over
to the mirror
and gazed at herself

you’re right
she said
I’m not a boy

I’m a tight titted girl
and she laughed
and crutched herself

over towards you
making you flatten yourself
against the wall

gripping the towel with one hand
and holding her back
with the other

and she leaned down
and kiss the back of your hand
then looked you deep in the eyes

what have you got hidden
behind that towelling skirt then?  
she said

and you gripped the towel tighter
with both hands
and she menacingly moved

one hand cautiously towards the towel
her armpits gripping
the crutches tightly

as she moved
you shouldn’t be in here
you said

I’m not in there yet
she laughed and grabbed
the towel away with a force

that took her and the towel
toppling to the bathroom floor
where she lay

like an overturned beetle
you stood naked
your hands covering

what your father
called your toolbox
gazing down at her struggling

to get up
well don’t just stand there
like a prize parrot

help pick me up
she said
and so with one hand covering

you knelt down to help lift her up
but then she pulled you
down beside her

and laughed
and her laughter echoed
around the walls

but then she paused
and put a hand
over her mouth

hearing Sister Bridget’s
nearby footsteps
and noisy calls.
Terry Collett Sep 2013
Anne didn't like
the sight of the rain
she saw from the upper bedroom
she stood supported

on her crutches
gazing out
through the net curtains
look at that ****** rain

she said
I suppose we'll be stuck
in here all day Kid
you stared out

standing next to her
we could do jigsaw puzzles
or read books
you said

I don't want
to do any more
******* jigsaw puzzles
I've had enough of them

she said
stomping her crutches
on the wooden floor
I want to go out  

she said
but it's raining
you said
and they won't let us out

while it's like this
who cares about them
she said
I'm going out

but they'll see you
you said
not if we're careful
she said

you said
yes we Kid
me and you

are going out
you stared at her
beside you
her dark hair

brushed neatly
her dark eyes
gazing at you

you said
the sisters are everywhere
they'll see us
she closed her eyes

and stomped to the door
of the room
and pushed it shut
with one of her crutches

we're going Kid
and that's it
you looked at her
standing there

her back to the door
her one leg firm
on the floor

you said
which way out?
we'll go out
by the side door

and along through
the side trees
but you can't get
the wheelchair down there

it's too narrow
you said
we'll walk then
she said firmly

you said
and she smiled
good Kid

now go see
if the coast is clear
and I'll come down the stairs
as quiet as I can

she said
she moved out the way
and you went outside
and along the passage

looking to see
where the nuns were
and if any
were near the stairs

none was there
you walked back
to the bedroom
and told Anne

who nodded
and followed you
along the passage
and down the stairs

her crutches click clicking
on the way down
at the bottom she stopped
and looked both ways

you listened for voices
or footsteps
come on Kid
she said

and crutched her way
along the side passage
which led to the side door
you followed

at the door she paused
and looked out
at the rain
you looked by her

and saw the rain
hitting the glass panel
open up Kid
she said

and you opened the door
and she pushed you out
and followed close behind
her crutches going

at quite a pace
as you walked
through the rain
along through the trees

you sensed your clothes
getting wet as you moved
the raindrops falling
through the branches above

she was just behind
cursing and swearing
her dress clinging to her
as she moved along

then you moved
under the shelter
of the small summer house
at the back of the garden

near the back wall
here you both stood
out of the wet
watching the rain falling

and near by here and there
birds were calling
and there as you turned
to look at her

the dress showing
the outline of her leg
and stump
the dampness showing

her 11 year old frame
and from the nursing home
someone was calling
out her name.
Terry Collett Mar 2012
Anne crutched her way
from the large house

onto the lawn
where you sat with your sister

and a girl called Monica
recovering from burns

can anyone sit here
or only two legged freaks?

she asked
you don’t have to be rude?

said Monica
shut your mouth Scarface

and pull me up
a ******* chair

Anne said bluntly
you mustn’t swear

Monica said
I shall tell Matron you swore

go **** a lemon
between you legs

Anne replied standing
pulling a face

Monica and your sister
got up from the small white table

and ran off towards the swings
and left you gawking at Anne

and at her flowery dress
which came to her knees

revealing space
where a leg should have been

had your look?
Anne said looking at you

sitting in the chair

you replied
just realized

you’ve only got one leg
well stop gawking

and pull me up a chair
she said

you got up
and pulled out a chair

behind her
and she sat down with a sigh

and you sat down again
still ******* hurts

even though its not there
she said giving you a stare

what happened to your leg?
you asked

it went for a walk
and never came back

she replied
pour me a glass of juice

she ordered
and you poured her

some orange juice
into a tall glass

and gave it to her
thanks for being a saint

she said and drank a gulp
of juice then put

the glass down
on the table

and you still stared
at her missing leg

when she said
want to see the stump?

And with that
she pulled up her dress

and showed her stump
and the outline

of her white underwear
you looked at her face

and flushed a little
she pushed her right hand

through her black hair
and smiled

you should be honoured
it’s not everyone

I show my stump off to
or my ******* either

she said in a Mae West
imitational voice

thank you
you muttered softly

still carrying the image
of her leg stump

and white ******* with you
as you looked away

at the sun coming over
the tall trees and gulls

flying in the blue
morning sky

and apart from the sound
of the sea there was only

her deep painful sighs
and you (imagined)

her staring
deep blue eyes.
authentic Nov 2016
It is the late afternoon
The sun is setting over the city of Seattle and shadows fall underneath buildings
One after the other, lying on their backs mimicking jealousy to the tall giants
She will be in her kitchen stirring lemon grass tea, humming a song she'd heard earlier that day
Perhaps on the radio, perhaps on television, perhaps on the train
She'd glide onto her balcony over-looking endless roofs of houses, buildings and cars
She will never jump, she will never lean
She will simply sit and read books, mystery books, love books, books about everything, books about nothing, she read it all and he loved that but he hated it too
Wondered how someone could detach themselves from the real world to live in one made of only words
Yet though he questioned her motives, she continued
It has been a year, 4 months, and 3 days since her eyes last met his
Time has moved slow, crutched along, eased forward, never taking steps back
The tape hardly ever rewinds and if it does, only for a brief moment
She will be on the train and suddenly he steps inside
He looks just like him from behind
The jacket, the hair, the shoes and then he turns, revealing nothing but a stranger on a train
She will be sitting in a café and suddenly, the sweet and distinct smell of him reigns over her
And she will look around frantically, perhaps he is here
But then reality reminds her that he is back home, swimming in the little city
Accustomed to every street name and curve in the road
She is in Seattle, a runaway, a dreamer
It is late afternoon
The sun is setting over the city of Seattle and shadows fall underneath buildings
She will be in her kitchen, stirring lemon grass tea, humming his favorite song
Terry Collett Mar 2012
You followed Anne
and some others
along the path

from the large house
out the back gate
across a sidewalk

onto the beach
and stood looking out
at the horizon

and the sea
and Anne said
watch out those ******* gulls

don’t **** on you
and some of the other kids laughed
and you stood watching how

she stood there on the beach
on her crutches
the leg missing

and she pointing up
at the seagulls flying overhead
and the smell of salt in the air

and the sound of the sea
crashing on the beach and shingles
I used to swim until I lost my leg

Anne said
but I will again someday
get my ***** all wet

and she looked around at you
to see your response
her deep blue eyes

searching you out
her tee shirt tight
to her figure

and her skirt
just above her knees
but the stump not showing

what do you reckon?
she asked you
coming closer

as the other kids
ran down onto the sands
sure you will

you said feeling her breath on you
as she stood in front of you
her small but developing *******

pressing against you
I could kiss the lips off you
she said but didn’t

she nodded for you to follow her
as she crutched onto the sands
the crutch ends sinking slightly

but still she went onwards
singing if I were a ******* seagull
I’d **** on you all

especially Sister Paul
or Sister Gail
and her loud voice

carried along the beach
and blue and white sky
like an echoing wail.
There I sat with a cast and black eye
Just got small children down for the night
Tim decided to take tots for a swim
"Over my dead body", I yelled at him

We discussed our views in loud voices
Continued to fight, made bad choices
Very soon Westminsters finest pulled up
Domestic situation, cops abrupt

Got both sides of story, mine in jest
Smart *** me, I was soon under arrest
Handcuffed, shoved into waiting squad car
Was ******-cussed at my treatment so far

"I want your badge number", I threatened the cop
Ill sue for false arrest, and no I won't stop
Assault and battery on who, on Tim?
Refused to put out cig, didn't touch him

Got booked, printed and a soggy sack lunch
Wore old lady ******, rode up in a bunch
In population still in cast with black eye
The word spread around that I battered a guy

I crutched my way across shiny jail floor
Eyes following me as if to implore
Came up on a woman, looked like a ****
Then she asked, "**** girl what's he look like?"

Got released next day, had court appearance
Plead not guilty with no interference
Set date for jury trial of my peers
Never been in court in all of my years

With public defender at defendants table
Jury looked at me as if I were unable
To batter, assault a serious offense
I was so small, this did not make much sense

I bravely testified on my own behalf
Brought up Tims prior abuse, hid a laugh
Too late, the jury heard what I had to say

They filed out to deliberation space
Came back in fifteen, looked Tim in the face
The judge read the verdict, not guilty at all I was a free woman and skipped down the hall
This unfortunately was true. It happened in 1991.
Terry Collett Aug 2012
Sister Bernadette
came rushing
across the grass
to where Anne

was screaming
about the pain
in her amputated leg
sitting next to you

by the small white table
where does it hurt?
Sister Bernadette asked
in the leg

Anne screamed
but the leg’s been amputated
the sister said
lifting the hem

of Anne’s skirt
showing space
where once a leg
had been

you turned
your head away
Malcolm was swinging
on the swing

his hands gripping
the steel chains
on either side
as he rode his ride

I know the ******* leg’s gone
Anne screamed
but it still hurts

in front of the children
Sister Bernadette said
I’ll speak to Matron
and see what she says

and off the sister went
leaving Anne following her
with her deep eyes
you looked back at Anne

taking in her dark hair
plaited into two plaits
I think they call it
a phantom leg

you said
what is?
Anne said
turning and staring at you

a limb amputated
but still causing pain
you said
what you a doctor now Skinny Kid?

you said
just saying what I read
some place

forget it
she said
hand me my crutches
you handed her her crutches

and she stood up
and crutched herself away
towards the far end
of the garden

come on Skinny Kid
she said
let’s go catch the sea
coming in or going out

and breathe some salt air
you said
running to catch her up

her one leg
swinging forward
a lonesome traveller
across the well mown lawn

her naked thigh and calf
showing as the skirt rose
in motion
and filling the air

like a gull cry
her bellowing laugh.
Terry Collett Oct 2013
Behind Sister Bridget's
black habited back
one legged Anne

gave her a one fingered
up you sign
the nun unaware

walked on down
the lush green lawn
the girl with burn scars

on her arm and leg
I'm going to tell

but her wide eyed stare
she never would

just a maybe

hey Skinny kid
Anne said
in lowered voice

hand to the side
of her mouth
as she'd seen spies do

in war films
or on TV
how about we sneak

into town?
the Kid impassively

his narrow shoulders
buy you some sweet
if you'll come?

that decided it
and he nodded
and as the nun

walked down the lawn
chatting to the other kids
who were convalescing

from sicknesses
or burns or accidents
Anne and the Kid

sneaked off back
towards the big house
now a nursing home

for children
she on her crutches
he following behind

looking back
towards the lawn
and once inside

they ventured out
the side door
along the path

by the hedge
and down the side road
that led into town

pass traffic
she crutched along
the Kid bringing up

the rear
her one leg treading
the paving

the stump swinging
beneath her skirt

and the Kid
catching her up
walked beside her

and she said
got to get out
of that **** place

with all those
other kids
and those holy nuns

with their tall tales
and frustrated dreams
the Kid said nothing

he was thinking
of the night
she wanted him

to scrub her back
in the bath
or that other time

when he helped her
from her wheelchair
and accidentally

touched her tight ****
by mistake
and the WHAT THE ****

of her words
and the secret feel
had him wandering

his safety zone
like a child at night

finding themselves
in the dark
all alone.
A one legged girl and her 11 year old friend in 1958 in a nursing home.
Terry Collett Jul 2013
So I told her
Anne said
stomping around
on her crutches

like a demented Amazon
I told her
to go **** herself
Baruch blushed

at the word
his ears tingled
as if they’d been slapped
what did she say?

he asked
she said I’d go to Hell
for using words like that
Anne said

crutching herself down
by the children’s slide
and shooed away
the children playing there

I told her
I’d see her there
she added
Baruch scratched his head

what did Sister Paul
say to that?
she said
if she were my mother

she’d put me
over her knee
Anne laughed
and stomped over

to the children’s swing
where little Miss Sad
was sitting but who fled
as Anne approached

so you aren’t allowed
to go to the beach then?
Baruch asked
no Skinny Kid

or so she said
not to go
without a member of staff
he nodded his head

she pulled a face
he fiddled
with his fingers
she scratched

the stump of her leg
so what do we do?
he asked
his eyes caught

by the exposed
remaining part
of her leg
go to the beach

of course
she said
and stop gawking
at my stump

will you Kid
unless you want
to kiss it
he looked away

back at
the nursing home
behind them
what if she sees us?

she won’t
she couldn’t see a fly
on her nose
Anne retorted

but what if we get caught
down there?
he asked
think positive Kid

we won’t
they won’t miss us
no more than Sister Paul
misses ***

she said
Baruch hesitated
he hated getting
into trouble

felt uneasy
about the deed
shall I get
your wheelchair?

no then they will know
if you go wheeling that
across the grass
no we’ll walk out

the back gate stealthily
she said
he looked at her
and smiled

she stared back
towards the nursing home
he stared
where her stump hung

just beneath
the short skirt
then looked away quick
as she gazed at him

let’s go Kid
and she crutched herself
forward between
the avenue of trees  

and he followed
looking back
at the windows
of the home

wondering how many
eyes were there
but she was going on
at a determined rate

not caring a fig
leaving all things
to some unknown god
or fate.
Sam Temple Aug 2015
I can’t breathe….
the weight is too great and my fate waits
I need only choose it as it sits so near
I can touch it
crutched ******* munch my lunch
my growing hunch bunches
and I get a headache –
the macabre steps out
rotten curtains hang limp around eyes
coated with think and smeared mascara,
earlobes gauged and a professional gapper,
lifts its 6 fingered hand
reaching for the peaches –
cheap fruit on the veranda molds
plastic bowls hold cracked eggs
and her legs stretch to the moon
swooning, I come unglued and swallowing ludes
like a Bill Cosby date I wait again
for my fate to begin –
peeling paint and fainting actresses
plaster masked maniacs along muddy hallways
shinning pennies give the illusion of care
but rarely is flare so debonair
the holey underwear share in my despair
we were unprepared –
There be no more a white chapel
at Whitechapel
nor a blind beggar to see that
I saw,
they've built up a city of concrete and steel,
unreal for the real and there ain't
nothing more.

Bishopsgate waits for the next Bishop to come
St. Paul is a mugger and carries a gun
the crutched friars were tried and found guilty of heresy and at the bank where blasphemy rules
they've fooled us all
except for St Paul
who makes a strategic withdrawal.
gd Mar 2016
My life is at ease.
Unstoppable, but still at ease;
similar to tidal waves,
unable to stand still
yet calm in its constant wavering.

For once,
I feel so unattached
from my surroundings
so much so that I no longer depend
on crutched souls similar to myself.

I no longer cower
at the thought of solitude
or cringe at the sight of corners
or frown at the feel of nothing
except for my own hand to hold.

I am okay.
I am not great.
I am not disastrous.
I am just okay.
And I am okay with that.

{I'm sorry I've not answered you}
joy and laughter?

they seem to be lost forever in an urn full of ashes

his daily evidence of this?

empty liquor bottle after empty liquor bottle he releases from his numb hand to drop,
crash and left to mingle on the floor with the others

one's death has inspired another's death

ebon spirits beg for his soul

"drink up you wretched soul" they beg

"we await your tortured soul so that we can,
torture it some more"

upon his death,

joy and laughter died and turned every day into endless night

the shadows never leave

their abundance
now comforts him as his only company... ..

"drink up"!
EMPstrike Aug 2016
Social creature
Never claiming such.
With "abnormalities" un-crutched,
You've touched.

The imprints you've left are what may haunt you,
Otherwise, loneliness may overtake you.

Let them in, speak your mind
Open up, back down
It's time to hide,
And find a familiar place to confide.

A familiar mind that appears to know you.
It's all you need.
Somewhere you can open.

Now your imprints can be left without worry.
"Who was here?" Is comforting in the midst of confidants.

Now, no lonely concern of recognition
Paradoxian desires bursts minds in hiding.

To be known and unknown.
Appreciated but unshown.

Wanting anonymity.
Under guise of being idle.
Your home is exclusivity.

A social creature, intentionally untitled.
little Nov 2019
A sign reads follow me
Into the trees
We explore
Whipping past branches
Lungs sore
We zigzag

Feel the passing breeze
Mistakes and chances
They walk on all fours
Close to the ledge
Dry cough
We drag

Lost in the weeds
A voice announces
On the floor
Crutched and wheezing
Still alive
We flee
sandbar Aug 2019
Dandelions growing out blind eye sockets
Lose clutches of speech crutched up concertina wire
High flyer, blind buyer, accepting all risk
The vessel plunges, then lists, blisters on fists
Two tone tracphone ******* in to many things
The possibilities sparkle and teem, little salt waves
Potassium possum plunging into your pressure points
Cold water anoints ****** brow, wonder how
we got here
Some things far, nothing near, not even a
wheel to steer
Can't even drink a beer anymore, be sick for
four days
It's funny, the ways these pills will make you
Like tarnished, peeled, a blank soul ready to
What's even real anymore, I pose that question
My perception is subjective and ruled by prescription
Chemical diction, dictated by milligram
Trying to learn to give a ****

— The End —