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aegeanforest Nov 2013
One day I will be selling remedies for memories and songs for souls in my own little curiousity shop, just a turn into a corner of Greece’s small town, the bricks pure, and grander of them all is the clear blue sky that knows not boundaries; the sea filled with jewels shining like aquamarines, and I will be there, naked and sunbaked; a transcient. Only a tattoo of hope remains.

Or I will be strolling down the corridors of Paris, traipsing the Champ-Elysses, flirting with the French Patisser and receive an abundance of chocolates, my personal symbol of happiness, stuffed into my hands, and I saunter like I have the world backin’ me up, a curve on the face like no any other, flying chocolates into the air and hoping that whoever catches them will be in bliss, the pain made temporal.

I’m living in a city where poetry is considered a luxury, a place where words can never fill your stomach and love is but air which starves. I choke on the air I breathe everyday, filled with smoke, vengeance, the monday blues and friday hues, the petty complaints of ordinary civillans and insecurites about what their future will bring. What will my future bring? In school, an instituition which ought to develop but instead chains up, bringing me back to being a premature new born, just lacking the innocence of one. I write still, but of mindless formulas and definition of ‘gini coefficient’ which is futile when the gap between me and them widens every single minute, leaving me helpless and screaming, my voice sinking in the deep abyss. The moments creep. I weep now as on my bed I lie, extremely unprepared for the impending doom I will be facing, the regurgitation of memories which I have none, and a cloud of darkness looms.

Who shall dwell?
Pixievic Aug 2016
Imposing Slate
Brushes shoulders with veiled divinity
Commanding attention from Sky Blues
Sliver cloudbursts
Spread tiny droplets of Crystal
To yield luscious Emeralds
Peeling off in sun kissed hues
Cascading towards pebbled Greys
Shots of Crimson
Mingle with Aquamarines
Gently swaying amongst traces of Gold
White tips race towards shingles
Churning Sapphires into Inky Blackness
Shepherding in an opaque understanding
Preserving its secrets
Anticipating .......
Ready to explore distant waters

(C) Pixievic
Some more Welsh beauty ......
Hues unseen

Velvets and
Mercury retrograde

Projecting lines
Of constant course

Meanders and oxbows
Hinting at future and past

Dancing to songs

An effigy for love

A garden of tears
Unwrapping the present

Pistil and stamen

Ones and zeros

Bifurcating from binary to analog
Or amalgamating the two

Becoming one
Reprogramming matrices

With personal

Everything looks neo
Through this lens

My purple iris contends

Something in her eyes
Took 1000 years to get here

Something in her heart
Something in her heart
Borrowed some lyrics from U2 ~ Iris (Hold Me Close)

Written in Santa Barbara
Bee Feb 2018
I would re-name the planets after galaxies in your eyes.
The stars finally know what it feels like to burn with envy.
There are constellations tracing the soft skin of your back.
Following dips and curves, I would draw maps with *******
of everything that matters.

Freshman science taught us about untouched miracles;
and just like that-
the ultraviolet cosmic phenomenon
fixed us to spiral arms in far-away planetary
nebulas, like the ringed Cat’s Eye.

The milky skies whispered
so that only we could hear,
"Heaven's dust will fall"
You feared last night you could hear the earth
cracking under the weight of the universe,

paralyzed with a crippling guilt
you'll only see the stars after they've died.
Neighboring nova would spectate
our telescopic wavelengths-
needing the prisms to reflect on

our kaleidoscope refractions.
No matter the efforts of a tangible spectrum,
one could never quite touch our frequency.
Between lazy and lively,
our whitecap love remained visibly invisible.  

Our infrared vessel to space, raced clusters of runaway stars
past post-distant intergalactic bodies,
shooting through beasts, astrologies, gods.
We window shopped stellar bursts of dust clouds
above our clouds, a gravity shelter.

Meteors became our faithful companions
glowing gassy flowers of dusty debris.
The pressure (we couldn’t touch) generates combustion;
atoms gazing psychedelic pinks, greens,
soothing tones of aquamarines.

Ever since then you've been the glittering
black hole, heaving me in.
The only thing I’m able to taste is  
the way your luminous Milky Way kiss
gives gifts of halos to terrestrial light rays.

But the flavor of your lips are the
battalions inspiring the star shining front lines-
Integrity a marathon taking laps
to the moon
to Pluto and back, the long way.

Blizzards of stars rewrite our language
in the moon beams,
guiding us past lost letters to Pluto.
How do you sleep among dancing stars
while the rest of the universe watches?

I made my home in your eyes
and you made your home in the sky.
In the midst of a cosmic allure~ness and misty mountains
floating through vastness of space and time oceans waves were licking your fragrant feet tickling you in a charming mind-boggling sensation starting from your travelling lines across acupressure spots massaging your head and navel through meridians running up along your
tree veins not forgeting to **** too grounded wide cute toes
climbing vigorously up to knuckles
affirming your upper musculature as a living statue
of wit and limitlessness of a great spirit i love you!
We waver in wonder why there's such an exuberance:
There is pure oxygen! Let us inhale. Breeze deep. Emerald lake is a gem tear falling from my left eye and at the bottom of your right one I inquire with curiosity ~ oh, wow ~ deep blue aquamarines drowning in wisdom. . . writing
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic beauty
starling Jul 2014
my insides creak, like glacier

sliding past glacier, touching

with the raw ache of same

scraping same

and becoming less

and you are gently touching

the stars embedded into my shoulders

like opals, or aquamarines—

but never diamonds

(because diamonds are too precious)—

and you are hurting me…

I want you to touch more, this is not enough,

this is too slow for my heartbeat,

a fever-pulse

everything is embarrassing—

the night tangles itself around telephone poles

and I feel ashamed of how it clings to everything;

stars arching like a back, in slow motion.

my mouth hurts, like I’ve tasted

something I shouldn’t have.
Amaranthine May 2017
Two inverted hearts lies in those eyes
changes colours with different angles

Rich midnight blue pupil heart,
Union of dark night with ocean's aquamarines...

Shiny teal green iris heart,
Union of sunlight with earth's​  purple mountains & lush greeneries.....

Copper brown sclera of those eyes
Is full of chocolate pool....

Those coffee eyelashes with shiny yellow & lilac liners can make anyone fool.....

Many secrets are hidden & alluring charm of glamour is yet to unleash
Beauty & mystery of those eyes
Are hard to consume....

This shimmering glimmering play of hues is nothing but iridescent peacock's plume...
Just randomly staring at gorgeous quills​....Since god knows what time.......I felt they are staring at me too.....

#peacock #plumes #hearts #eyes #iridescent

— The End —