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life can be a burden it can get you down
take away your smile leave you with a frown
break your heart in two take your love away
life is always changing different every day

you just never know what your life will do
one day it is bad next day good to you
it is up and down like a yoyo on a string
you just never know what your life will bring
my neighbour has a dog it comes to visit me
comes in to my house climbs up on my knee
its a little yorkie as soft as soft can be
he just loves attention a loving dog is he

loves it when you stroke him his tail goes to and fro
stays with me a while then back home will go
he will be back tomorrow visit me once more
my faithful little friend that only lives next door
i love it down the beach on a sunny day
watching all the children as they begin to play
building lots of castles underneath the sun
bucket and there spades having lots of fun

have a barbecue to fill your appetite
bathing on the beach beneath the sun so bright
playing with a beach ball with friends and family
strolling on the beach swimming in the sea

having lots of fun on such a lovely day
underneath the sun as it shines way
i wake up in the morning and open up my eyes
i can see the daylight as the sun begins to rise
i can here the birds singing in the trees
singing there sweet song in the gentle breeze

i can here the cockerel crowing very loud
sitting on the fence looking very proud
then i rise from bed to welcome in the day
and say a geat big thankyou to mother natures way
poems can be expressive.  you can express you
write it down in words what you want life to do
choose the words you use what you want to say
use them to express yourself as you write away

say it all with feeling let your feelings show
and the you inside people they will know
they can see the person that is really you
to express yourself in words is the thing to do
when a heart is broken its so hard to mend
find someone to to talk to family or friend
they are there to help you listen to your pain
there to comfort you mend your heart again

everyone needs someone to tell there troubles to
they will understand are there to comfort you
tell them how you feel this will ease your pain
do te best they can to mend your heart again
if we could live in happiness with a life thats free
we could live together one big family
no matter what the color no matter what the race
just a world of joy one big happy place

just a world of peace  where we could live as one
no more wars to fight war it would be gone
united all together happy as can be
we could live as one and be forever free
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