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v Oct 2022
good luck on your search

sifting through the dirt for fool’s gold

looking for a partner that can shine bright enough

just bright enough to match the gold you thought you had

the gold you’ve now lost
v Oct 2022
prideful and egoistic

stubborn and unwavering

but then i met you

we had our troubles and it was i who was to blame

it was a good run

and i am not so blind as not to see that i am better now because i met you

but i am still trying to be better even though now it may not be for you

i not the naive boy that came before

but a young man with much to learn
v Aug 2022
growing up i have always thought that how mature a person may be was not tied to age

however as i am now i think it could be

i believe now that age does have a tie to maturity

maybe not directly but as a causality

what comes with age is experience

so those who experience more when they were younger

age faster
v Aug 2022
when i say i hate liars

i mean those that lie to hide their shame

the lies meant to protect their image

the lies that leave a hole in your chest

the ones that cause you pain

when i say i hate liars

i don’t mean those with little white lies

the lies that hide mischievous cheekiness

the lies that that lead to good surprises

the ones where love remains
v Aug 2022
how confident are you that you would live to see tomorrow?

because every single moment following this day promised

so treasure the gift of the present

for you may not wake to see beyond the barrow
v Jul 2022
when you meet someone new you can’t help but to be mesmerised

their eyes - their smile - their voice

captivated by their presence

but you don’t know if it was mutual

before the emotional attachment inevitably comes expectations

even if they weren’t by choice

so it does not matter either way

the let down would be different than if there were prior attachments

but you would be let down just the same
v Jul 2022
cleaning up my things

and the things you left behind

the things that belonged to us both together

the things i did not want to find

i look back at our time together

i look back at them fondly

yet it leaves a bitter feeling in my chest

a feeling i do not wish to have
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