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Anya Jul 2021
when I was young
my uncle was so broken
from something his daughter did
that he shot himself in the chest.

he felt that his heart was so hurt
that he should help it to shatter completely
he never once thought that
maybe he could fix the broken pieces
he just took that leap
to not feel broken anymore

I think about that a lot
how maybe someday I could take that leap too
to you know, end my pain and suffering
but then I remember
he’s still living with that pain
how if he moves an inch in the wrong direction
he becomes paralyzed with pain

and then I change my mind
because I would rather
experience this hurt now
than to live with it my entire life
Anya Jul 2021
Do not tell him how much he means to you
until he tells you first.
Do not break your back until he shows
he would do the same for you.
Do not come off too strong, for boys don’t like
a girl with too much confidence.
Do not even think about cursing
if you want to be considered “wife material”
Do not think of yourself as your own person
because Lord knows your husband owns you.
Do not think freely, for you do not know
right from wrong.

Do listen to every godforsaken story he has to tell,
no matter how boring it is.
Do be attentive, never assertive, always willing.
Do let him in your pants even before
those three words are spoken because men want
a woman who knows her way around a ****.
Do appreciate every single thing he does for you,
even if it’s something you never wanted.
Do believe every word he says,
even if you know it’s a lie.
Do fall for all of his immaculate attempts
at explaining why you are wrong.

Do not listen to a single thing
on this stupid ******* list
if you want to fall in love.
Anya Jul 2021
a break up with you
would be catastrophic
the worst tsunami that there ever was

I am just not sure
how I let myself fall
so head over heels
Anya Jul 2021
she told me to find the one
who treats me like the royalty i am
the one who writes my name in the stars
and delivers the moon to my doorstep

she said to never let them
forget to buy me flowers
to always remember
our love should be shouted
from the rooftops

she told me to find the one
who loves me unconditionally,
and brings the world to its knees
the kind of love where
we speak within the silence

i forgot to tell her
she was my one.
how should i edit this??? i feel like my point isn't clear...
Anya Jun 2021
I can't write poetry like I used to.
I don't live life the way I used to.
Yes, this is a good thing
And, yes, it does show that people change.
But I can't write poetry like I used to.
And nothing is more upsetting than this.
Anya Nov 2020
bees, I am told, are going extinct
"save the bees!" everyone proclaims
because everyone is an activist these days
and why shouldn't we protect the bees?
after all, they are just bees
looking to drink nectar
it's not as if they do harm to the flowers
they leave behind

he told me that someday he would taste
the sweet nectar of my blooming flower
and when I kindly said
he grabbed my face
and threw me to the ground.
he left me,
wilting from the pain
and i had then learned
the difference between
the boys and the bees
Anya Mar 2020
I used to look to the stars
to determine our fate
But the stars that used to shine so bright
are bleak and darkened
Maybe the stars knew
that our time was limited

Turning toward the sky now,
I realize
That no matter how much time
you have
to appreciate something,
You only truly miss it once it's gone

And I guess you could say the same for people
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