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I was walking through the woods,
As I was passing a pine tree,
I noticed in the needles on ground,
The cap’s of a few mushrooms, just staring at me
Realizing, it was late in the season, i moved some needles,
My curiosity, made me take a peek to see,
From my Shroomology experiences, of the past,
I could verify that these were edible mushrooms indeed.
I pulled a few from the ground, they were fresh,
The blanket of needles providing warmth,
Protecting them from a freeze,
I was getting a little hungry, so I took a sample taste,
Remembering, home grown vegetables were good for me.
I was sitting on a hollow log, watching a beautiful sun set,
To the west, waving goodbye, to me,
Enjoying the colorful streaks, in the sky,
Then I felt the log move, under me,
I heard some leaves making noise at the end, of the log,
As I turned my head to investigate, I saw,
Two of the biggest racoon eyes, you may ever see,
I then realized, I was an unexpected, house guest,
So to show appreciation, I shared some of the mushrooms,
I had with me, he nibbled on a few, then ran away,
Not having nothing important to do, I turned around on the log,
To watch the sun rise in the East,
Then I felt something, holding the back of, my jacket,
It felt like a crazy beast, to my surprise, it was the racoon,
His eyes, even larger, as if something scared him, off his feet,
I calmed him down, then he sat on the log, we watched,
The rising sun over the trees, to the East, then he started,
Crawling back into the log, he winked, I said, thanks for the feast.

The original: Tom Maxwell c 12/15/23 A.D.
Don't you just love mother nature
There is one thing most of us would agree,
We do not like those who are selfish, and live a life of greed.
Through most of the media outlets. evil, filtered through mind manipulation,
Is recruiting more followers, every day, slowly removing, Jesus Christ,
From his own birthday, Christmas Day.
I was at a local watering hole, on Friday night, a longtime friend,
Walked in, a fluffy white beard, red pants, black boots, Santa Clause, right,
The holiday, is to honor the birth of Jesus Christ.
If you were showing respect, and dressed up like Jesus, today,
Many would laugh, others may start a fight.
When asked, most people believe in God, Jesus is his son, he sent, To save our soul, our soul, that is who we are, how often today,
Do you hear, save my soul, compared to, save my ***?
Many like to gamble, a bad bet, if you think we would be here today,
Without the first Christmas day.
It’s been many moon’s ago, over 2023 years ago, where was your soul?
The populated, parts of the world, were at, what many are chasing,
Wanting today, one central government, that controls you, everything, you have, do, or say,
One fact, they want to eliminate, teaching history,
In schools today, It was so bad before Jesus, most everything is lost,
Everyone wanted to forget the past, they even changed the, calendar, to B.C.
Today people like to name drop, talking about famous people,
No one, comes close to Jesus, he and his father, God, they have,
In the past, and in the future, always will be the first, and second spots.

We see and hear about broken families today, Jesus was conceived,
By a ******, his mom Mary, Joseph, her man, right by her side,
A hard working carpenter, The world has been so turned around since then,
Still going on today, How many men would consider living, staying, with,
A ******, today, love has changed from feelings of the person, their soul, to what I can get, run around and show,
We, our souls, have past, and future life’s, Christmas, is a time, to think, pray and believe,
Many want the most expensive gifts, just for tell and show,
Find discover, your own soul, the gift God gave each of us, you want to be, popular, you will never forget someone, who took time,
To touch you with their soul! Those expensive, gifts, large amounts Of money, are chump change,
Compared to eternity, have patience, believe, help others,
Show appreciation, we are here to build our soul, to perfection, Through our, actions words and thoughts, from our mind.
Jesus is still around us, incognito today, there are also prophets, Teaching, angels, who watch over us, and help in our moments,
Of serious need. The word has been out there, for a long long time,
Jesus, will be back,
On center stage, a second time, to save his father’s creations,
Will the calendar, change again, with memories of us forgot,
Believe, live by what you say, Merry Christmas, AKA,
Happy Birthday Jesus, celebrate, the most wonderful holy day,
                                        Merry Christmas

                                      The Original: Tom Maxwell © 12/16/2023 A.D.
Sitting at my desk, staring out the window,
Looking through the woods of leafless trees,
As the seasons change, there is always,
A new picture to, admire and see.
The green summer colors, have changed,
To the fall & winters, dormant brown,
The fallen seeds, waiting to germinate,
When the warm spring air, wakes them up,
They rise and grow, never making a sound.
The birds fly south, so patient, in a V,
They each wait their turn, flying in front as the lead.
As the squirrel’s, bury their nuts, to supply their winter feed.
Today’s, temperature is hovering around forty degrees.
About time to lay down my pencil, go outside, blow some leaves.
Humans are a part of nature,
Not as hard as the wood, of an old oak tree,
Mother nature, is a best friend, for without, we would not be,
Everyday, take time, visit outside nature, Thank God,
For the beautiful planet, he created for our soul to visit, and see.
One of many stops along our way, leave your toys inside,
Get your hands *****, listen to the peace, of nature’s sound,
Healthier than you realize, those items you cherish,
You constantly carry around, have many more germs,
Than in the dirt, that makes up the ground.
                                        The Original: Tom Maxwell © 12/09/2023 AD
There is an opposite, to everything,
In life this time, moments, you will make,
Mistakes, decisions in your mind,
Other days you will glow so bright,
Everything you touch or do, will,
Turn out right, be honest with yourself,
So much time can be wasted,
Trying to chase dreams, your soul and spirit,
Will let you know, they will never be in your sights.
I treat everyone the same, honest words, no games,
Life is to short, all the people, since the first two,
Adam & Eve, we each are equal to one drop of water,
In the largest sea, or one grain of sand on the beach,
You see, your words, stories, and made up excuses,
Are not as important as your actions every day.
Think of someone you loved that has passed away,
You do not picture, clothes, cars, or any other,
Material thing, You feel the energy, they shared,
And gave, while taking time from their short life,
Through actions, showing you, they truly cared.

                                               The Original Tom Maxwell  © 7/26/23 AD
The way you think, creates your attitude,
And how you react every day, when ideas,
Or suggestions, come to you in different ways,
Do you say that sounds like fun, or think of,
Something negative, to say.
Are you always looking for new activities, or do you always,
Sit in the same chair, facing the same way.

Never have a fear of failure, if you will not give something,
A fair try, and chance, excuses become a habit, it doesn’t,
Matter if you live in a box, or on a ranch, it’s having confidence,
In yourself, not worrying about what others will think, you never,
Know how long you will live, do not convince yourself, you had your,
Last dance.
If you enjoy watching people work their job, on TV,
You could take acting classes, to see how you would be,
If you enjoy nature and honey, you could start raising bees,
It’s your only chance at this life, you’re here to discover you’re,
Soul, and you never know, when the best day of your life may be.

                                       The Original: Tom Maxwell © 7/9/23 AD
                                                              ­                                             6:15 am
Always keep searching
This life is a learning experience, as we journey, on our way,
We each have a different finish line, never knowing our last day,
Everyone thinks, and acts, a little strange to others, in many ways,
New ideas, and messages arrive to us, we share every day.
Who, how and why, are the false prophets around, among us today,
Those who control your life, in person, not recognizing you in any way.
Respect, morals, sharing, with hard work,
Has kept human life alive on this planet, till today, control is the reason,
So many spend hours a day, inhaling, the negative hot topics, of each day,
Through, media, artificial intelligence, which can ruin anyone, in many ways.
After they program one like you, the false one’s can take everything, they started,
Eliminating who you are, your name, means nothing today, now you are an,
E-mail, pass word, then they still do not trust, you do not have any choice,
So they send an email with a code to return, you have no record, not even, the day,
If you jump through the hoops right, they might believe, it’s you.
Look ahead, the near future, robots, clones, looking like, acting, knowing everything,
You do, then at any moment, the false ones, can take every thing you own,
With your name, and possessions, who or what, are you?

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 10/4 /23 AD
every one addicted to screen staring, more time every day, our lives being taken away from the inside, and every month we pay.
True happiness, peace, and satisfaction,
Everyone has inside, society, makes people believe,
You have to have a lot of money, or a certain,
Special person, always by your side, many spend,
A life time, chasing what they think they need,
Never noticing, their life is passing them by.
There are so many excuses, to hide, from your reality,
Why you are here, your purpose, in this life, never,
Listening, or feeling, your soul and spirit inside,
Most just play, follow the leader, whoever, they think,
Is cool or popular, a social high.
We are all spiritual beings, traveling through,
This human experience, in our journey, at this time,
To discover our soul, listening to our spirit, as we,
Make decisions, in our mind, without the inner guidance,
We would always chase material rewards, and live a life,
Based on fear, and anxiety, following the evil, and unkind.

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 10/29/23 AD  
4:20 am
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