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Zak Feb 2021
She is a picture of strength

Crumpled and frayed

At the edges

Her firm resolve

Held together by a single thread

Her glass heart safeguarded

By paper walls

Her feet secure

On unsteady ground

Teetering on the edge of a

Destructive Hope.

Quiet Whispers echo off paper walls

With renewed promises of an

Ethereal Hope.

She belongs to a moment now

Each moment she is shattered

Then put back together again

Lost then Found

Each moment a thread

In a garment of her destiny

Muddled voices hushed by quiet Whispers of

"Persevere in the moment

For the moment"
Zak Feb 2021
Silent Thought
Resurrected on tattered pages
Set ablaze by reticent verses
Concealing a Truth
Her Truth
Raw and unbridled
In every word
In every pause
And in the spaces between.
Arcane verses
Hold fragments of a truth
Her truth
Zak Feb 2021
Why wait for the Light
At the end of the Tunnel
When in Time
You will learn to see
In the Dark

— The End —