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14h · 36
I understand your madness.
It explains your starry night
humanity so black and white
colors splendid in the light.
1d · 43
I Broke Hearts
I broke my own first
maybe it was worst.
It hurt me from Dad
war's scars were bad.
So much love wasted
Lovers barely tasted.
1d · 51
Sing these poems silent
make them your song
feelings always spent
right a certain wrong.
I see wires naked
all machines dancing.
Sociopaths are prancing
I turn my hand around and
all the lines on my palms
are full of ***** traffic.

Even when our lives are sleeping
our souls are slaughtering friends.
Dress in black to pretend sorrow
for their inevitable ends.

I stay in the car an extra moment
and don't turn the key.
in a sepia of symphonies.
my loneliness is your sea.

this morning,
there was a mother walking
her little girl to school
hand in hand,
and they swung their arms
in seconds and hours.

this afternoon,
a woman threw her ball
and her dog ran and chased
dropped it by her feet,
and there was love in them
and she ruffled his face
and let him lick her nose
like wet snow does.

Tonight the clouds bloomed
black blood and the graffiti
on the walls of factories had run,
the bins were overflowing,

The train rattled and hummed on the
El tracks, slowly crawled to its knees
delivering me to the busy emergency
shot in my vein and shot in my back.

I don't know
our place in all of this.
city of big shoulders.
hog butcher and this
paradise purgatory.

this waiting room
of fate and throwbacks
this sick bed,
this snow covered meadow
of a blank page.
this black mirror.

I was lost in mutation years ago,
pulling out the wires,
scratching off the barcodes,
turning tricks.
flocking licks.
walking backwards
through the
wreath of my own ribs.
holding back something,
maybe complete collapse.

I don't know
if the universe
is fair if you pray
or just persist.

a single raindrop dancing  ballet
   on the windshield after falling,
streaking, blooming in a rivulet
of the God awful calling.

take a breath
and go inside
to the funeral
minister speaking
soothing lies
as we say
our goodbyes
nobody cries.
Born of a ******
so many of us are.
Why Christ a Godson?
I want Tablets of God
in burning bushes
giving us more rain
demanding less pain
so much to explain.
I was well into my cups by then
angered by my arrogant cowlick.
I always go to war at midnight
armed with beer's beloved logic.

I juggled scissors and mirrors
snip snip drink more beers.
Wake hungover hair butchered,
wife wanting divorce in tears.
2d · 40
Death Is
Death is a rebirth back
into infinity's dark mystic
the vast door opens a crack
into time's lonely final tick.
3d · 27
God's Eye
My machine lost power
for a moment heart stopped
wet and **** perfect flower
hospital janitor mopped.
So many tests were run.
Nothing was really wrong.
Treatment was never begun.
Dead or living do I belong?
God's all seeing eye
midnight's full moon
angry sun stares at noon
watch us living as we die.
4d · 109
Pretend Lover
A beard or discover
a truth in between
She/He a real lover
bulges seldom seen.
4d · 42
Imprisoned in memories
no escaping if you please
every cruel thing I've done
another bullet in my gun
begging for a final ending
to  ******* pretending.
4d · 30
Dry Rain
You used to set my blood afire
      burning my guilt to the ground,
      a dry rain quenched the blaze.
      That's when my truth was found.
     Lovers always come and go.
      Fire and rain defined my heart.
      Angels steered me home to
      try fixing lives I've ripped apart.
Show me your desires
reveal your wildfires
never mind my neglect
I have to face my regret.
I stumble over vowels and fall
slapstick like over consonants.
I use cuss words and talk about
my needs and girl parts and so
I guess I'm writing drunk again.
Truth is so hard to cough up and
put on the page naked in spotlight.
I need a little liquid courage.
5d · 35
Grandpa Bill
I will be gone long
while you live life
into your own song
avoiding your knife.
5d · 17
I'll bring Sunflowers
  calling on you, Dear.
  Bouquet sworn vows
  until promises wear
  time's ragged edge
  begs my suicide flight
  from top floor ledge
  I miss tomorrow light.
6d · 43
How I Die
Heart attack.
  Cancer ate me.
 ­ Dingo ate me.
  Aborted at birth.
The alcohol was kerosene
lust crazy house on fire.
Naked in our bed obscene
flames feeding our desire.
We're pyromaniacs in love
but always end in ashes.
Our smoke drifts above
laughter dead in glasses.
7d · 44
Drunk old man's postulation
  on the beginning of creation:
  angry fierce crude hot lover
  energy exploding forever
  we made a God who made us
  to teach His splendid Opus
  we made a heaven and hell
  and sins to count and tell.
  We all transition to death
  rage against final breath.
Jun 6 · 36
Making Katie
I think of us creating you
the backseat Mustang view
fog the windows in our heat.
Eat White Castles for a treat.
We have a name for everything.
This thing in which we exist is
called life. Like tadpoles exist in
a shallow creek swimming
among their gods.
Like fields of poppies
swim among the wind in
their own piece of heaven.
As rivers flow gently or angry
over the banks to punish those
who try to contain it.
This thing that we name.
Jun 6 · 32
Vampire Love
Clock ticks
hearts beat
love decays
into retreat
always seeks
younger skin
vampire love
begins again.
Jun 5 · 65
The Other Side
I'll bring all
our dreams
when I die
no what or why.
Just pieces
of us to try
again on the
other side.
Jun 5 · 66
I play the game my own.
Love never breaks me.
I break my heart alone.
Always set myself free.
Jun 4 · 30
My Dick is Broke
I tried so hard to ***.
It doesn't work now.
I almost broke my neck
seeking *** somehow.
Jun 4 · 25
What about the children?
You **** a new ******
and leave us orphans.
Soon enough we'll be dust.
Children's cries are mute
in lust's thick walls.
  I put them in orphanage
while I suicide every
  night but still wake in
unwanted mornings with
  ugly sunlight bathing my
bitter coffee I stir you into.
Jun 4 · 28
Addict's Baby
I exploded into my life
born in fierce storms
of light and thunder
faceless light aliens
clean me and fit my
blue straight jacket
hand me to the stranger
they call her mother
who comforts me forever,
if snake eyes roll never.
nothing seems to matter
her spoiled breast milk
nothing worth a splatter.
Conflicted addicted real
world **** we live in curse
offer ******* to buy a shot
and beer and call it commerce.
Stay drunk and no worse to feel.
Jun 3 · 33
First Kiss
Kids say swear words,
  smell sweet girl hair
  I never knew before.
  Susan Tucker was my
  first confusing kiss
  loved forever more.
Jun 3 · 44
First Love's Blood
In summer's tall green grass
  we planned our picnic hidden
  from God's all seeing eye
  to hide our secret forbidden
  we gave our virginity away
  as one at the altar of blood
  radio troubadour serenaded
  our marriage baptized flood.
Jun 2 · 60
I Remember
The full moon fills my window.
  Worries bounce around my brain
  like pinball's on gravity flight.
  I wait for a sunrise judgement.
  Where will death's gavel land?
  Inside a Savior's morning light.
Jun 2 · 40
Truck Stop Lovers
Perfume is dizzy in diesel zippers
gorgeous ******* beauty strippers
choose carefully from the menu
men or fem boys or indoor venue
stripper poles lap dances and more
inputs outputs old fashion *****?
Drain and fill your tanks before
you drive off for another hour.
Jun 1 · 41
Be the Sun
I've been breathing the fumes
of child abuse in dark rooms
full of innocent mushrooms
suffering through full moons.
Jun 1 · 23
Longest Journey
Forever the journey takes
from our  birth to a death
full of love and mistakes
like a movie at last breath.

Loved and hated the same
always tears at the wake
there's never any blame
for all the living's sake.
Jun 1 · 35
16 Again
I want to be 16 again
looking for mortal sin
Catholic girls' willing
to spend God's shilling
to forgive the 'shoulds',
naked in Winton Woods.
May 31 · 49
I Miss You
Everyone I've laughed with
and parted ways awhile
I laugh at every memory
I miss you with a smile.
I'll weave words
into a quilt of who
and not forget what
time demands when
point the map where
***** explains why.
May 30 · 34
Our Lives are Prisons
We're embryos in a prison, no escape.
  Released after serving 9 months inside.
  Finally on the outside in a searchlight;
  aliens grab for me while I cry in terror.

  Time passes and I'm allowed to join peers.
  Daycare is where we compare notes and learn
  about wardens keeping us from our freedom.
  We pinky swear allegiance to our new cause.

  We are imprisoned in elementary school and
  bored to a death sentence. Cursive, add, subtract,
  multiply and divide. Memorization of everything.
  History is reduced to indoctrination. God save us.

  Middle school is blemished skin and puberty at
  odds with one another. Let's get close. Eww!
  Cliques are the prison gangs. You belong or not.
  We take care of our own and you can go to hell.

  High School is the big house. ****, nerd or normal.
  There's a special cruelty reserved for "losers".
  Those are people different from established groups.
  They're prey to be driven to their own demise.

  College is the great escape. Finally on our own.
  We can drive our own lives wherever we want.
  Study and obey the rules, or party every night.
  No middle ground. **** the torpedoes!

  I enter the work force. I'm an associate at Target.  
  I'm tethered by a walkie talky.  We're drones.
  I feel like I'm a cog with a target on my back.
  I marry a coworker and we serve time together.

  We raise a family of prisoners and near the end
  when our health is waning, I go into the garage
  and put a hose from the exhaust into my window,
  and finally find my way out of Alice's Wonderland.
May 30 · 52
Stephen Dunn
Stephen Dunn is dead at 82.
He captured life on the page
in lines I felt when I was 42
heart's know nothing of age.

Valentine in his shirt pocket
suffered from Love's black kiss
used to be its favorite neglect.
It's always been a hit or miss.
May 30 · 48
I'm shadows
of the gallows
from long ago
carnival show
our cold sheet
yearns for heat.
May 29 · 37
I Thought
I thought you loved me
the same way I loved you.
I was just a piece of ***
after a beer or maybe two.
Always a broken heart
right beneath the surface
falls through thin ice.
We always pay a price.
When I grew into my ball's
puberty I drank a first beer.
I puked that night on walls.
Then I knew how to steer
my own course in my life.
I know right from wrong
I know songs of *****'s
from Ulysses's shores
blinded by the sun light
in never ending night.
May 29 · 18
My Hunger
If I could bring you
close enough to my heart
where you could hear
the universe's tiny start

you might just forgive
my appetite for lust
my passive aggressive
lack of anyone's trust.
May 28 · 31
  We seeded discontent
  increased the angry want.
  We butchered our oppressors
  became the new expresses
  we were elite suppressors
  buried unwashed confessors
  called it the flip of a coin.
  Queen, off with their heads.
  The sheep survived and join
  Reds starve them no breads.
May 27 · 22
Buying Back Virginity
The ****** pooled their money
given the judge for his honey
to allow for all proper society
to recognize their re-virginity.
May 26 · 110
Parts of Me
I found parts of me
inside of my poetry,
that I could never see
in my strange reality.
May 26 · 58
Last Breath
I heard about this all my life.
It existed like Easter Bunny
or winning the lottery
or time versus infinity.
I knew it would come
as night meets the sun.
May 26 · 41
How to Live a Life
If I knew how to live a life
my daughter would talk to me.
She left me dead like a ghost.
Neither of us can actually be
the best of ourselves the most
forgiving. Please set us free.
May 25 · 47
Drunk as a Skunk
I love everyone.
Hate has no room here.
The world is full of sun.
Hide the hidden fear.
May 25 · 41
Judas Beast
Slit a throat
stab a heart
sacrifice a goat
just do your part

kiss Christ's cheek
mark of the beast
just don't be weak
celebrate the feast.
May 25 · 106
Love is Slippery
Love is slippery full of lies.
I hear promises feel your heat
seduction into my secret garden.
Feast on my sacred ****** treat.
May 24 · 51
I'll Save Your Life
You drank too much sorrow
choke in sleep by tomorrow
overnight we had a fight
you took your final flight.
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