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Arindam Barooah Sep 2020
Fingers loosely interlaced,
caressing the flesh
cuddling the palms
brimming with pristine emotions.
I feel subtle touches
tender, warm, responsive.
Certainty intertwined
commitment gently placed
a promise of keeping knitted.
Something runs deep through the veins
affectionate racing pulses.
With hands clenched
and walking side by side
we vow a journey of acceptance
forever and for always.
Arindam Barooah Aug 2020
I woke cold,
just when loneliness caressed,
unkind and unfriendly,
as in life unfolded in a series of sombre events.
I woke hesitant,
just when uncertainty tickled,
muddled and confused
as in life was lost in circles of iffy.
Drifting slowly into insight,
I had a sudden epiphany,
just when my mind slipped into composure,
interspersed between moments of stillness and emotions.
Arindam Barooah Jun 2020
In the thick of happenings,
an air of melancholy surrounds me.
Footsteps echoes of a dear soul,
piercing my deep dark heart,
doleful, withered, haunting.
For now, this is my requiem,
reverence, recollections, thankful
with a wistful smile.
Arindam Barooah May 2020
Greetings, Human!!
I am Dehing Patkai!!
I wish you're in fine fettle.
I too wish the same for myself,
alas, I couldn't!!
I fortuitously overhear something
that might sabotage
my substance,
my identity,
my flesh,
my elements.
Am I not being kind and worthy enough?
Am I not being able to fulfil your necessities?
Am I not giving solace and allowing nature's peace flow into you?
Yet, you plunder my soul,
because of your complacency and avarice.
Why so insatiable?
I am not able to sleep,
I am not able to respire,
I feel restless,
I feel agitated,
I shed tears,
I wail because of many cuts and incisions,
I might be felled,
I might be torn down.
Destruction might leave me soulless.
I am for you,
You are for me.
Your walks into me vivifies,
your touch enlivens.
We together bridge symbiotic relationship.
Don't let your greed ruin
our sanity,
our harmony,
our biodiversity.
Please stop these atrocities
I plea, Save me!!
Save yourself!!
Save Dehing Patkai!!
The Poem is about a Rainforest, Dehing Patkai in Assam, India also known as 'Amazon of the East' which is now in grave danger due to excavation for coal mining work sanctioned by the Govt. of India
Arindam Barooah May 2020
I still hark back,
the silhouette you etched
against dimming mist.
I Inked,
an impression of smoke breeze
your cigarette leaches.
I still behold,
that cajoling demeanour,
in a gathering haze,
yet a hunch,
facade masked in pretence.
I still embrace
that oomph sillage,
lingering in mist of heat.
I yearn.
I still do.
Arindam Barooah Apr 2020
Hilarity surrounds monotony,
Originality surrounds plagiarism,
Certainty surrounds dubiety.
I go round in circles.
Sanity is questionable,
happenings ridicules reality,
mirroring self in shambles.
Am I a stooge of quarantine,
inhibiting the vehemence of reaction
all equipped in a blaze of glory!!
Arindam Barooah Apr 2020
A mere feeling
of imaginative or elevated thoughts,
intersects mellow melody.
Poignant, vivid, subtle
entwined into
soul of songs.
An inkling enunciates,
emotions trickle as fluent.
On second thought,
Are songs and poems the same?
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