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missuppfostrad Jan 2022
Du är lika vacker som en morgonsol

Din ikea-blåa hud,
dina rosenröda kinder i januarikylan.

Ditt leende när du ser mig,
dina blickar som du ger mig.

De besegrar mig.

Jag älskar dig.
missuppfostrad Oct 2021
pärlgråa vindar
stryker köld över kinder
en film spelas upp
en man som är en skugga
visar hemvägen
missuppfostrad Mar 2020
We are the opposite observers
of eachother’s eyes

We are the opposite endings
to eachother’s lives
missuppfostrad Sep 2019
I'm one hundred yards away from a lens into the world

And you are one hundred yards deep into that careless extension

I died over a hundred times reaching for your empty palms thinking they were blank slates

But your fingers remain shoulder to shoulder, standing at attention

Always pointing downward
as the awning to these weeping sleeves
missuppfostrad Jul 2019
A cold appartment
Eyes spread across my face
Centering everything beautiful in the holes of her pupils
Charged and ready to explode

An impasse with an endless concrete wall
Wrapping ourselves into the swallowing umbra
Concealing us from the world into cocoons of black hides.

Awaiting as a resonating swan song in the soundless skull
I am nothing but harm.
missuppfostrad Jul 2019
My heart is choked up all the time but I rarely cry anymore

I'm just listening for breaths or the flicking of a blade

Waking up in the middle of nowhere from the noise of nothing

My room for long minutes in the dark
on feet that unwillingly awakens you

All the heat is in my ears
All the weight is inside of me

— The End —