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aimecaesar Nov 2019
The heavens know I love her.

Yet shamefully, my body aches for lust.

I confide in the intimacy of other women. Ashamed of my actions, I can't dare tell her of my exploits.

As nature would have it, karma was the order of the day. Confronted by the most stringent of ultimatums, I had to give in.

I had imagined that this moment would have arrived on the eve of judgement day.  But here I stand in front of her, trying to spare what's left of my blushes.

As I plea for forgiveness, I witness her trust, one that I took forever to build, crumble before my eyes. I had to salvage what was left, I had no option. I can't lose her; Not now, not ever.

I'm currently in limbo, I await her judgement. I desperately need to regroup, the world doesn't care about my feelings.

But while I wait for her to decree our fate, I comfort myself in the pleasures of poetry.
aimecaesar Nov 2019
how are you old friend?

thought you forgot about me for a second. I was just thinking of you.

I'd love to stay and chat but you've sadly caught me at a bad time, I was on my way out.

haha, you've always been the charmer, you know that?
aimecaesar Oct 2019
She is independent and assumes every inch of her being.

She doesn't submit to the stochastic process that is love. Love is painful and uncomfortable, yet we withstand it for its sporadic moments of magic. She knows this.

She does not seek approval from him.

She's empowering. And rightfully so.
aimecaesar Sep 2019
I don't know what it holds, I never did.

Although I can't traverse past the speed of light, of late I've been wondering what lies beyond this point. My journey to the west has triggered this feeling; the complement of nostalgia.

Strangely, I can hear the whispers from the other side in the chaotic and cacophony-ridden west. The beauty of a cosmopolitan.

I'm positive. The sounds are telling, like music from the Congo; Beautiful.

It's true. We live in Schrodinger's paradox.

But these sounds are telling.
aimecaesar Sep 2019
Quite ironic how I peg the different states in my life against the day that you were no more.

I had been disillusioned by the various moving parts of life only to recently realize that my admiration for you was the only thing that stayed. I left, despite my plea, thinking that it would be best for both of us. I don't regret doing so, because I know that we are both benefiting from this decision.

I, however, still wonder if the future still holds something interesting for us. Friendship? Lovers? I don't know. I am tempted to check up on you, to find the individual that I once knew and loved. But for the very same reason, I still believe that it won't be best for us. I patiently wait for the moment when this won't be the case. If the stars align just right, with the Good Lord smiling on us, perhaps
we can revisit the stage we once knew.

You were a delight and sadly, our love was shortlived.

— The End —