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Poetress2 Dec 2018
Christmas would come in the morning,
and Santa was on his way;
Yet there was no tree for a nine year old,
to cheerfully decorate.
Dressed warmly in tattered, old rags,
into her backyard she strayed;
Determined to find a Christmas Tree,
to bring home and proudly display.
Upon her bended knees she searched,
until she finally found;
A tree that looked as lonely as her,
so she pulled it from the ground.
She placed it in her living room,
used twine to hold it in place;
Then she found the few decorations,
that she had managed to save.
When the last ornament was hung,
she plugged in a strand of lights;
And how that lonely tree she found,
became a most beautiful sight.
"Now Santa will have a place,
to put our Christmas gifts;"
She smiled as she thought to herself,
"I hope all our presents will fit."
She took her mother by the hand,
to show her what she had done;
Her mother smiled, as she said,
"This is truly beautiful, hon."
"I'm glad you like it mommy,
now we're ready when Santa arrives;
I wanted to put a Christmas Tree up,
and I knew you would be surprised."
"Now listen to me Sweetpea,
you know how poor we are;
I have no money to buy you gifts,
though I love you with all my heart.
The child looked at her mother,
and saw the tears in her eyes;
"We will still get lots of presents,
'cause Santa Clause never lies."
When Christmas morning arrived,
the child sprung from her bed;
She woke her mother up and said,
"Let's see what Santa Clause left!"
Beneath their beautiful, Christmas Tree,
there were presents piled everywhere;
Her mother stared in disbelief,
at the gifts stacked here and there.
Then they both heard the sound of a knock,
upon their living room door;
On the porch were sacks of food,
how could anyone ask for much more?
They sat down later that evening,
and enjoyed their huge, Christmas meal;
They both gave thanks to the Lord,
and could feel that Christmas was real!
Poetress2 May 2019
Inside I'm curled up in a ball,
afraid to stand for I might fall;
I tell my feelings to no one,
it's hard for me to just feel loved.
No one seems to understand,
no one's there to lift a hand;
I yearn to laugh,
I long to smile;
I guess I'm much to evil and vile.

So here I stay,
in my man-made shell,
is there any way that I'm in Hell;
In here I feel both safe and sound,
even when my teardrops hit the ground.
Poetress2 Jan 2019
I met an old man,
at the park yesterday;
Although he was quiet,
he had much to say.
I sat down beside him,
this one with no coat;
My heart, truly touched,
as he shook in the cold.
He appeared to be hungry,
it was simply a hunch;
For he watched me intently,
as I ate my sack lunch.
I held out my sandwich,
to offer him some;
His reply was, "No thank you,
I've more than enough."
I was puzzled at first,
so I asked what he meant;
"Everything that I have,
has been Heaven sent.
I gave my own lunch,
to a poor, hungry child;
And the look on her face,
put on mine a huge smile.
I watched a young man,
shake in the cold;
So I gladly gave him,
my warm, winters' coat.
To a family of five,
who had not a home;
I was able to bless them,
when I gave them my own."
I sat in still wonderment,
on that icy, park bench;
As I then understood,
what at first he had meant.
I then realized,
this man I just met;
Was full of God's love,
was truly God sent.
Poetress2 Apr 2019
"Come to me,
my little one;
We're going to have,
alot of fun.
I'll make this playtime,
a pleasure for you;
So come on in,
take off your shoes."
Just what they meant,
I did not know;
As I entered my bedroom,
of pink and gold.
My little hands,
began to sweat;
Down my back,
shivers were sent.
They laid me on,
my Minny Mouse sheets;
I was not happy,
I was not pleased.
They tortured me,
that's how it felt;
And then they told me,
not to tell.
They walked away,
bearing a smile;
They left behind,
a tortured child.
Poetress2 Apr 2019
"Come to me," he said one night,
and I will make your world alright;
"I will fill your heart with love,
my precious, little, snow white Dove."
I will calm your weary soul,
never will you feel alone;
Protect you from all types of harm,
wrap you in my arms of warmth.
Cuddle you when you're afraid,
give you what you've always craved;
Dry the many tears you've cried,
give you comfort, give you pride.
I will do all this for you,
because my dear, I love you true;
And if you should e'er need a friend,
on me you can always depend.
Poetress2 Mar 2019
Can you picture Jesus, on the Cross,
where He laid down His life, to save the lost;
Can you see Him hanging, on that Tree,
where they strung Him up, for all to see?
Can you imagine, the pain He felt,
when into Him, they drove three nails;
And from the beatings, of which He took,
Human was not how Jesus looked.
Can you feel the betrayal, can you understand,
why His flesh, it hung in ****** strands;
Can you hear within your own, small mind,
the crowd as they called out, "Crucify?"
Can you see Him suffer, could you watch Him die,
would you turn your head away and cry;
Do you think you'd remember, the reason He came,
"twas to set the Captives, free from blame.
Poetress2 Apr 2019
I know I love you, this is why,
I'll dry each teardrop that you cry;
I'll comfort you, when you are sad,
make you smile, when you are mad.
I'll never leave you all alone,
help you find your way back home;
Believe in you when others don't,
and guide you on each path you roam.
I'll lift your spirits, when they're low,
show you where you need to go;
Stand by you, through thick or thin,
and then repeat it all again.
My love for you bears no disguise,
my precious little, child of Mine;
I will never leave your side,
I've loved you since the start of time.
Poetress2 Mar 2019
When you face disappointment,
or nothing goes you way;
Just count all of your blessings,
you'll see a brighter day.
When you ponder on your past,
mistakes that you have made;
Just remember that you're Human,
God created you this way.
When you dare to have your dreams,
which rarely do come true;
Simply cherish each tomorrow,
where another dream could bloom.
When your trials and temptations,
seem more then you can bare;
Confide in your Heavenly Father,
He's only as far as a prayer.
When you think you've had enough,
and you can't take anymore;
God will give you strength,
to greet another Morn.
Poetress2 Oct 2019
All throughout my darkest night,
shadows seem to come to life;
Closets house such ghastly things,
I see them in my every dream.
Demons gloat with every tear,
as they feed upon my hidden fears;
I shut my eyes with all my might,
as I have done throughout my nights.
The things of which I've seen and heard,
can't be described with just one word;
I can not take this very much more,
as howls cry out behind the door.
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Within these lonely walls of mine,
sometimes I wish that I could die;
I curl up in my Mickey Mouse sheets,
and quickly pretend, that I'm asleep.
Just like the nights I've faced before,
I hear them open up my door;
They quietly lay down in my bed,
and I truly wish that I were dead.
I push their hands down, everytime,
but to no avail, they begin to rise;
The shame and guilt seems all too real,
for that is almost all I feel.
They leave me torn,
they leave me shamed;
They leave me damaged,
yet it's me I blame.
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Why do the dark nights seem darker,
when you are all alone? I do not have the answer. 
It's as if loneliness tangles its' frayed fingers around your hair,
and encompasses you like a sand storm.  
It seems as though there's not much hope of escaping this endless nightmare.
Poetress2 Mar 2019
Do you ever feel,
as if life's not real,
and your on the outside, looking in;
This happens to me,
quite frequently,
and I know it will happen again.
I pull myself up,
even though I'm not tough ,
my weakness' get in my way;
I must keep in mind,
that I'm one of a kind,
and I'm going to make mistakes.
So whenever my day,
is going astray,
I accept I'm not perfect at all;
So now I can take,
whate'er comes my way,
and bounce back after I fall.
Poetress2 Dec 2018
Later and later, he'd come home to her,
said, "Business was booming, down where he worked;
Paperwork and deadlines, just couldn't wait,
so go on to bed, 'cause once more I'll be late."
She never questioned he was telling the truth,
so she slept all alone, in a bed made for two;
Day after day, and night after night,
she'd play the role of a good, little Wife.
Her patience ran out, her trust all but died,
as she wondered how many times he had lied;
So one night she followed him, after he left,
and if he had lied, she'd have her revenge.
At a two-story home, he pulled in the drive,
where a woman was waiting, arms opened wide;
She watched as they kissed, she watched the whole thing,
then something within her, snapped like a string.
No more would she play, the fool he had made,
and within her emerged, an Ocean of rage;
She reached in her glove box, and pulled out a gun,
tonight she was going to have some fun.
Up to the door, she strolled with a grin,
he never would lie to her, ever again;
Then she entered the home, through the solid, oak door,
where she found them both naked, embraced on the floor.
She pointed her pistol, not a word did she say,
and into their bodies, the bullets did spray;
Then she climbed into her bed made for one,
and under her pillow, she slipped the small gun.
She'd never slept better, then she did on that night,
when at last from her back, she pulled out the knife;
She learned quite a lesson, about who she was,
if you ever betray her, she'll reach for her gun.
Poetress2 Dec 2018
Don't tell me I can't do it,
I'll disprove you every time;
Don't tell me I won't make it,
when I've made it all my life.
Don't tell me that I'll fail,
I'll make you eat your words;
Don't tell me that you dare me,
I'll take your dare for sure.
Don't tell me I'm a loser,
when I have known success;
Don't tell me I'm a quitter,
when I've seen you quit yourself.
Don't tell me I'm a liar,
when all I say is true;
Don't tell me that I'm hopeless,
when I hope good things for you.
Don't tell me God has left me,
the Bible is my proof;
Don't say a single word,
'til you've walked in both my shoes.
Poetress2 Mar 2019
My abuse began when I was small,
large, were the teardrops I cried;
They fell to the ground, without a sound,
in the darkness of my nights.
The pain I felt was endless,
I carried the shame in my heart;
I blamed myself for everything,
as they tore my world apart.
Each night they would come to me,
their hands began to roam;
They explored each inch of my body,
'til I wanted to explode.
I'd lay in bed, eyes shut tight,
and endured until they were through;
Then they'd leave me to myself,
hoping I'd forget the abuse.
As I grew up I wondered,
"Do they remember too;"
Were they proud to harm a child,
guess I'll never know the truth.
Poetress2 Jun 2019
I'm sorry I'm a burden,
count the hours, count the days;
'Til I won't be here anymore,
and off your shoulders falls this weight.
I hate the way you look
at me,
when I ask something from you;
Seems lately I can see that look,
in everything I do.
I know I must leave soon,
it's better for both of us;
for I lost something you've never had,
a simple thing called trust.
Poetress2 Apr 2019
As the Moon glows, on top of me,
God's miracles, I can clearly see;
He created and molded everything,
even a sinner, just like me.
Yet even though I sinned against Thee,
He died upon a Dogwood tree;
Forgiveness He did grant for free,
He granted for the likes of me.
He shed His Blood,
died in my place;
Offered Salvation,
through His saving Grace.
What a Father, I now do serve,
His forgiveness, I do not deserve;
I love Him with every breath I take,
I'll meet Him at the Pearly Gates!
Poetress2 Jan 2019
If you ever feel God's presence,
consider yourself blessed;
For He will bring encouragement,
He'll give your body rest.
He'll fill your heart with love,
give you peace you've never known;
He'll shine His grace upon you,
where ever you may roam.
He'll impart a joy unto you,
that you will ne'er forget;
He'll teach you His forgiveness,
how to live with no regrets.
He'll make your life much better,
if you will let Him in;
And give you many gifts,
that He wants so much to give.
Poetress2 Dec 2018
When my Father calls me home,
what a wonderous day t'will be;
Fellowshiping with the Saints,
and sitting on God's knee.
I'll talk with those of old,
Abraham, Isaac, and Job;
And I can visit God,
upon His mighty Throne.
I'll be seated for a Feast,
where the other Saints will dine;
We'll sit and eat together,
they'll be no sense of time.
Peace will overcome me,
I'll praise my God each day;
I'll soar just like an Eagle,
and land where e'er I may.
I know Jesus will hold me,
I'm the Apple of His eye;
What a glorious day t'will be,
when I meet Him in the sky.
Poetress2 Dec 2018
From morning until evening,
and all throughout the night;
The men of our Armed Forces,
are standing by to fight.
They give of their own selves,
to protect this precious land;
They do it with conviction,
they do the best they can.
Maintaining freedom is their goal,
with the tears and sweat they shed;
They fight through their own tears,
and they'd do it all again.
With guns in hand and ***** boots,
they trample through the mud;
Defending our great country,
this land they dearly love.
Singing, "God Bless America,"
it gets them through the day;
And when they go to bed at night,
this is what they pray.
Poetress2 May 2019
From morning until evening,
and all throughout the night;
The men of our Armed Forces,
are standing by to fight.
They give of their own selves,
to protect this precious land;
They do it with conviction,
they do the best they can.
Maintaining freedom is their goal,
with the blood and tears they shed;
They fight through their own fears,
and they'd do it all again.
With guns in hand and ***** boots,
they trample through the mud;
Defending our great country,
this land they dearly love.
Singing, "God Bless America,"
it gets them through their days;
And when they go to bed at night,
this is what they pray.
Poetress2 Oct 2019
"Give me your life,"
the Lord told me;
"And I will set,
your Spirit free.
I will fill your heart,  with wonderous peace;
I'll provide
for you, all of your needs.
I'll lift you up, should you e'er fall;
You'll always hear me,
when I call.
Always remember,
that I love you;
No matter what,
you say or do.
Now trust in me,
and do not fear;
For I am always,
very near."
Poetress2 Mar 2019
The hot, sticky air,
looms heavily in the night,
causing me to sweat.
Poetress2 Apr 2019
An Anaconda,
captures it's prey, then eats it,
swallowing it whole.
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Anteaters eat Ants.
How can they taste the small Ants,
their delicacy?
Poetress2 Aug 2019
Ants should be leery,
of an Anteaters tongue,
which preys upon them.
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Ants work together,
to gather food for their homes.
They could teach us much!
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Oak branches reach up,
as if to kiss the blue sky,
a breathtaking sight.
Poetress2 Jun 2019
The feared, King Cobra,
is the heaviest land snake,
in south Africa.
Poetress2 May 2019
A Mountain Lion, also known as a Cougar,
kills before thinking.
Poetress2 Apr 2019
A black Cow grazes,
in the midst of a Hayfield,
in the Summer air.
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Submerged to its' eyes,
Crocodiles hunt their prey.
It is very still.
Poetress2 Sep 2019
"Caw," goes the black Crow,
as he sits atop a Tree;
in the foggy air.
Poetress2 Apr 2019
A Deer stands frozen,
when it sees my bright headlights.
The Deer can not move.
Poetress2 Mar 2019
On a winter's day,
a beautiful, baby Doe,
was born in the snow.
Poetress2 Nov 2019
In all their glory,
leaves change from green to orange.
Fall is here again.
Poetress2 Sep 2019
The Honey Badger,
is a fearless animal; He kills what he hunts.
Poetress2 Apr 2019
A Horse is graceful,
as it gallops through the field,
proud and majestic.
Poetress2 Apr 2019
The Boxed Jellyfish,
is the deadliest creature,
on this whole planet.
Poetress2 Jun 2019
Small but venomous,
beautiful Krait snakes are blue.
Their bite is deadly.
Poetress2 Sep 2019
The leaves are vibrant,
as they change colors for Fall;
red and yellow hues.
Poetress2 Apr 2019
The hungry Lion,
kneels down as it hunts its' prey,
cunning in its' ways.
Poetress2 Jul 2019
Two Love Birds nestle,
upon a sturdy branch.
Their love is priceless.
Poetress2 Jul 2019
The deadly Mongoose,
hunts and kills a King Cobra,
by crushing its' neck.
Poetress2 Jul 2019
Against a blue sky,
stands a Mountain tall and proud,
majestic to view.
Poetress2 Mar 2019
Majestic Mountains,
reach up to touch the blue sky,
with beautiful hues.
Poetress2 Mar 2019
The newborn nestles,
softly on her Mother's breast.
How precious is this?
Poetress2 Jul 2019
A Newborn Baby,
so precious and innocent,
God's gift to us all!
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Bare feet in the sand,
as it squishes neath my toes.
I love the Ocean!
Poetress2 Oct 2019
The cool, Ocean breeze,
is quite invigerating,
and calms my Spirit.
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