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12.9k · Apr 2019
Poetress2 Apr 2019
"Come to me," he said one night,
and I will make your world alright;
"I will fill your heart with love,
my precious, little, snow white Dove."
I will calm your weary soul,
never will you feel alone;
Protect you from all types of harm,
wrap you in my arms of warmth.
Cuddle you when you're afraid,
give you what you've always craved;
Dry the many tears you've cried,
give you comfort, give you pride.
I will do all this for you,
because my dear, I love you true;
And if you should e'er need a friend,
on me you can always depend.
3.4k · Apr 2019
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Within these lonely walls of mine,
sometimes I wish that I could die;
I curl up in my Mickey Mouse sheets,
and quickly pretend, that I'm asleep.
Just like the nights I've faced before,
I hear them open up my door;
They quietly lay down in my bed,
and I truly wish that I were dead.
I push their hands down, everytime,
but to no avail, they begin to rise;
The shame and guilt seems all too real,
for that is almost all I feel.
They leave me torn,
they leave me shamed;
They leave me damaged,
yet it's me I blame.
1.9k · Apr 2019
Poetress2 Apr 2019
She never wanted to be a Mom,
and now her life is nothing but wrong;
What will she tell everyone she knows,
maybe she'll wait until she shows?
The Fetus who slumbers in her Womb,
one day will be running out of room;
She must Abort this one in her,
for shame she simply can't endure.
She makes an appointment at the clinic,
know one must know, no one must see;
She arrives the next day, still so unaware,
that her Fetus is growing, lots of hair.
They lay her on a Hospital bed,
where soon the Fetus will be dead;
The Doctor inserts a clear, long tube,
where it wreaks havoc, within the Womb.
The baby moves away from it,
it feels like she has just been bit;
Upon her face, there is a scowl,
it's much too late to turn back now.
The hose clamps on to her very, small hand,
the Fetus can't cope, nor understand;
It pulls the hand right off the arm,
yet Mother thinks she did no harm.
Next it grabs onto her hip,
and her tiny leg begins to rip;
Emersed in pain, she pulls away,
she'll not live to see another day.
At last it latches onto her head,
the heartbeat stops, this child is dead;
She smiles, her reputation intact,
a conscience is one thing she lacks.
I watched a video on a live abortion.  It had such a sorrowful impact on me.  My prayer is that these words, while graphic, may save but one baby's life.
1.5k · Dec 2018
Poetress2 Dec 2018
The mirror is my enemy,
its' reflection makes me cry;
For what I see, looking back at me,
is a Monster in disguise.
I avoid them like the plague,
I'd like to take them down;
'Cause every time, I look inside,
my heart falls to the ground.
A false view of myself,
is all I ever see;
For every time, I pass one by,
depression visits me.
I'd like to shatter all of them,
but it wouldn't change a thing;
So I will still avoid them,
I hate everything I see.
This is about a disorder I have...BDD.  It stands for...Body Dysmorphic Disorder.  I can't see what I truly look like, for my reflection is distorted.
1.1k · Apr 2019
Poetress2 Apr 2019
She sits in the Doctor's office,
with one thing on her mind;
To rid herself of this Fetus,
so she can go on with her life.
Her dreams would all be ruined,
if this child were to be born;
She just can't let that happen,
thus she decides to Abort.
They call her back to a room,
she follows the Nurse's lead;
Gently she lays on the bed,
then sees the ******* machine.
Her mind is filled with doubt,
"Am I making a huge mistake;
The baby isn't even alive,
get a grip, for pity sakes."
Then the Doctor enters the room,
he is really quite polite;
Inside of her, he inserts a tube,
and she squeezes her eyes tight.
But deep within the occupied Womb,
the Fetus flinches away;
As the hose begins to tear apart,
how and what it may.
Then it grabs onto her tiny hand,
no longer a thumb to ****;
The baby's eyes are filled with tears,
for the pain is just too much.
Little by little, it tears her apart,
no one can hear her screams;
But parts of her pass through the tube,
thanks to that horrid machine.
Her tiny head is the last to go,
donned in curly, black hair;
She's simply but a memory,
Mama's product of an affair.
855 · Mar 2019
Poetress2 Mar 2019
For all that I am,
and all I will be;
God has a great plan,
and a purpose for me.
While the Earth, still void,
I was on His mind;
As He was creating,
this (One of a kind.)
I am special indeed,
God formed me this way;
He was the Potter,
and I was the Clay.
In His own image,
I was made to be;
Unlike any other,
I'm completely unique.
838 · May 2019
Poetress2 May 2019
A Demon  was buffeting a woman,
this went on for many years;
She tried and tried to rebuke him,
through her multitude of tears.
He would constantly remind her,
of things that she'd done wrong;
Things of her days in the past,
it was like a really bad song.
Night after night,
and day after day;
He tortured her,
in so many ways.
She finally prayed to God,
to make the Demon stop;
But all God had to say was,
"Rebuking him's your job."
799 · Dec 2018
Poetress2 Dec 2018
Let me introduce myself,
I'm known by all as "Greed;"
I want what others have,
not things that I may need.
My name is very popular,
"Rumors" it would be;
I ooze about your town,
bringing lies and false beliefs.
"Deceipt" is what they call me,
some use me everyday;
To cause chaos and havic,
as I go my merry way.
I think that I am worse,
I'm the "Failures" from your past;
I bring back painful memories,
my devastation's vast.
792 · Apr 2019
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Depression plagues this woman,
who can't find the strength to move on;
Stuck inside this Rabbit's cage,
exactly where she belongs.
She feels like her heart's been broken,
it's is damaged and torn to shreds ;
"Snap out of this sadness you're feeling,"
is what all her loved ones have said.
She wishes it were that easy,
but she can't control her moods;
She's tucked away in misery,
in the corner of her bedroom.
No happiness dwells within her,
no excitement does she ever feel;
No smile you'll see upon her face,
"Maybe this nightmare is real?"
She's everything she's hated,
everything that she has become;
And if she strays too far away,
back to the Cage she will run.
788 · Nov 2019
Poetress2 Nov 2019
When I think of what, a Mother is;
You are at
the top,
of the most special list.
Your touch is as soft,
as a fluffy, white cloud;
I'm always Blessed,
when you are around.
You always have time,
to spend with me;
You certainly are,
a Blessing indeed.
So on this Merry Christmas Mom,
I wish I could give you,
more than this song;
I'd give you the World, I'd give you the Stars,
and I'd help you to see,
how special you are.
710 · Mar 2019
Poetress2 Mar 2019
When I'm sad and lonely,
I go to God in prayer;
I know that He will hear me,
in His Throne Room, He is there.
I cast my cares upon Him,
and He listens intently;
He cares about my burdens,
as I cast them at His feet.
When my heart is broken,
I go to Him in tears;
"Hush now, my dear child,"
as He takes away my fears.
This is how I live my life,
taking one day at a time;
Just knowing God is there for me,
eases my heart and mind.
679 · Mar 2019
Poetress2 Mar 2019
I stopped at a run down Diner one day,
on the menu were dishes I couldn't even say;
I asked the Waitress, "What do you suggest,"
"Poodles and Noodles, it one of our best."
"I need a minute, could you give me a few,
I can't decide on what I will choose;"
"That's fine sir, but the soup of the day,
is pickled Grasshoppers, on a bed of hay."
My stomach did flip-flops, as she walked away,
but I decided I'd try something new, anyway;
She returned shortly after, with a large Menu,
"I'll try number 4, the Baked Possum Stew.
How fresh is this dish, did you catch it today,"
"This morning our cooks scraped it off the Highway;"
I waited patiently for my meal to arrive,
hoping that after this, I would survive.
It wasn't half bad, if I say so myself,
     so I paid the bill, left the tip on the shelf;
I decided that if I ate there again,
I'd bring one of my very best friends.
612 · Apr 2019
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Squirrels gather nuts,
to prepare for the Winter.
They plan very well.
611 · Dec 2018
Poetress2 Dec 2018
I write because I love to,
I write because it's me;
I do not write for fortune,
or much publicity.
I write from my own heart,
the words just seem to flow;
I write to make  a difference,
I write to give men hope.
I write because I'm called to,
by my Father, up above;
I write to spread my words,
I write to spread my love.
596 · Apr 2019
Poetress2 Apr 2019
After the nightly news,
she faces the ***** wall;
She ***** her wrinkled thumb,
as she curls up in a ball.
She knows what's soon to come,
it happens every night;
When the nightly news is over,
this small child's full of fright.
And just like all the nights before,
they come into her room;
She has to reassure herself,
"This will all be over soon."
Her breathing becomes shallow,
"Perhaps they'll think I'm dead;"
"Your being such a good, little girl,"
is the only words they said.
Motionless she lays there,
as they touch her baby soft skin;
She feels overwhelmingly ill,
guilty and shamed from within.
When they are finished using her,
they leave without saying a word;
She shakes as she cradles her Teddy,
this precious three-year old girl.
563 · Jan 2019
Poetress2 Jan 2019
"Goodbye John or Amy,
though I know you can't hear;"
"But I really can Mommy,
with my tiny ears."
"I think this is better,
this thing I must do;"
"Better for me,
or easier on you?"
"I don't think you'll feel it,
'cause you're not alive;"
"If you believe that,
you're living a lie."
"Here comes the Doctor,
this shouldn't take long;"
"Don't let them **** me,
I've done nothing wrong."
"Are you positive Doctor,
it won't feel a thing;"
"The pain is intense,
from that ******* machine."
"Is it almost over,
I've somewhere to go;"
"It pulled off my leg,
and it went up that hole."
"I hope you know,
it's for the best;
"You got your wish,
it's crushing my chest."
"Thank God it's over,
my life can go on;"
There was now, no child,
no voice to respond.
532 · Apr 2019
Poetress2 Apr 2019
The Boxed Jellyfish,
is the deadliest creature,
on this whole planet.
516 · Apr 2019
Poetress2 Apr 2019
The hungry Lion,
kneels down as it hunts its' prey,
cunning in its' ways.
511 · Nov 2019
Poetress2 Nov 2019
In all their glory,
leaves change from green to orange.
Fall is here again.
505 · Apr 2019
Poetress2 Apr 2019
To all of you,
I want to say;
Thank you for bringing,
Sunshine my way.
The comments you leave,
truly makes my day;
I no longer feel,
my words are in vain.
I do not write,
for compliments;
I write for all,
the ones' depressed.
And what I pen,
is from my heart;
I have no other,
place to start.
So thank you all,
for encouraging me;
Sometimes that's all,
I ever need.
504 · Mar 2019
Poetress2 Mar 2019
I can not seem to find,
the words I long to say;
To tell you of my feelings,
I live with every day.
For if I were to tell you,
I hate the way you lie;
You'd turn your anger towards me,
so fierce, I'd want to die.
And if I were to tell you,
your cheating's not okay;
You'd say it was my fault,
I caused you to stray.
Now if I were to tell you,
that ***** *** is wrong;
You'd fly off of the handle,
and tell me it's my job.
And if I were to tell you,
we can't communicate;
You'd tell me I was crazy,
with a heart so full of hate.
So if I were to tell you,
you have broken my heart;
You'd come unglued, like an old shoe,
blaming Satan for your part.
491 · Apr 2019
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Love me like you use to do,
when we first met, and I was new;
Cherish me, with all your might,
as when at first, I spent the night.
Respect me for the woman I am,
in the days, when you first held my hand;
Protect me as when we first met,
and we didn't know each other yet.
Take pride in everything I do,
even if you don't approve;
Be on my side, through thick or thin,
please believe in me again.
488 · Apr 2019
Poetress2 Apr 2019
At first I felt quite tingly,
when the withdrawals first set in;
Two days without my medicine,
I need my Klonopin!
Then I felt numb all over,
I'd bump into the walls;
I didn't even feel it,
though my bruises told it all.
I feared taking a shower,
that I'd encounter a Snake;
My fears were based on the withdrawls,
how much more could I take?
Nausea and Diahreah,
became my two, best friends;
For I had spent much time with them,
so I prayed, "When will this end?"
My appetite was no matter,
I couldn't eat a bite;
My appearance began to decline,
and I felt as if I would die.
I couldn't stand to be touched,
it actually made my skin sore;
I was at the end of my rope,
and I wondered, "How much more?"
But I survived the Hell,
that the lack of Klonepin caused;
I clung to my Heavenly Father,
and held His hand, because.
488 · Apr 2019
Poetress2 Apr 2019
A Snake in the grass,
is very sly and cunning,
and ready to bite.
481 · Mar 2019
Poetress2 Mar 2019
Horses are gorgeous,
as their Mane flows in the wind.
I love to ride them.
464 · Apr 2019
Poetress2 Apr 2019
An Owl on a branch,
with 20\20 vision,
stalking her dinner.
458 · Apr 2019
Poetress2 Apr 2019
It was in late Spring, time for me to go to school.  As I carefully walked down the age-weathered stairs, it was a balancing act between the rickety steps and my black, leather pumps. The stairs won, and down I went, hitting my head on the wrought-iron Banister

"What a way to start the day," I thought to myself as I rubbed my head.  I picked myself up and continued on the 3.5-mile walk to
school.  My head was still pounding when I arrived.

I saw my best friend Bonnie, as she came around the corner of the school.  We had known each other for ten years, and there wasn't anything we didn't know about each other.  "Hey Bonnie," I yelled.  She turned around and gave me a huge smile.  The rays of the Sun made her blonde hair glow.  With a stature of 5'9, she was a real beauty.

The day was uneventful, just a normal day.  Bonnie was in three of my classes; Math, Science, and History.  She made the day go incredibly fast.  We cheated off one another, here and there, praying we wouldn't get caught.  No wonder we were straight-A students.  We were both highly intelligent.

After school, she came to my three-bedroom-home to study.  I liked my ranch home and was proud for everyone to see it.  We sit on my bed, skimming through the pages of our History book, trying to remember what we read, for tomorrow's test.  
Soon it was time for dinner, so Bonnie went home.  We talked later on our Verizon phones.

After taking a shower, I climbed into a nightgown and brushed my teeth.  They were pearly white, always being complimented on.  I said my prayers, then turned off my blue and white lamp.  I went to sleep, hoping I would pass the test tomorrow.
Inspired by me, falling down the stairs on my way to school one day.  I hope I am not just rambling on and on.  Such a silly write.
454 · Apr 2019
Poetress2 Apr 2019
When she was but a child,
she built a man-made shell;
And there she would retreat,
on her many trips to Hell.
No animosity or strife,
did ever reside there;
She was at peace within it,
no expectations or cares.
She felt peaceful and secure,
as she rid herself of the Beast;
Who tortured her, every night,
before she went to sleep.
There was no chance for escaping,
for it came without a sound;
And in the quiet of the night,
her teardrops hit the ground.
At least she had her tomb,
a place where no one came;
If not for her safe place to hide,
she might have gone insane!
450 · Apr 2019
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Her Mother doesn't want her,
her Daddy, just the same;
They think she is a burden,
she's the only one to blame.
When bedtime has arrived,
they send her to her bed;
No hugs or kisses for her,
no, "Sweet dreams" ever said.
A hug she would delight in,
someone to hold her tight;
The words, "We love you so much,"
only exist within her mind.
She craves what she has not,
someone to love her so;
But all she ever feels,
is their touch, so icy cold
445 · Oct 2019
Poetress2 Oct 2019
"Give me your life,"
the Lord told me;
"And I will set,
your Spirit free.
I will fill your heart,  with wonderous peace;
I'll provide
for you, all of your needs.
I'll lift you up, should you e'er fall;
You'll always hear me,
when I call.
Always remember,
that I love you;
No matter what,
you say or do.
Now trust in me,
and do not fear;
For I am always,
very near."
436 · Apr 2019
Poetress2 Apr 2019
An Anaconda,
captures it's prey, then eats it,
swallowing it whole.
435 · Mar 2019
Poetress2 Mar 2019
Majestic Mountains,
reach up to touch the blue sky,
with beautiful hues.
430 · Apr 2019
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Wolves hunt in a pack.
They look out for each other,
like a family.
429 · Apr 2019
Poetress2 Apr 2019
No one ever told me,
that life would be this hard;
That men could be so cruel,
it simply breaks my heart.
Some with power and money,
rarely think about the poor;
They're the worse of all,
always wanting so much more.
The epitomy of selfishness,
only thinking of themselves;
Slamming doors upon the needy,
refusing to lend their help.
With a smirk upon their faces,
they snub all those in need;
Refusing to help all those,
who are starving in the streets.
They sit at their fancy tables,
with food in abundance to share;
Not concerned about the hungry,
these Vultures do not care.
Do they ever feel remorse,
having more then what they need;
They hoard all their possessions,
consumed by heartless greed.
When night time falls upon them,
they climb in their, soft beds;
Their souls are full of darkness,
their hearts', already dead.
421 · Apr 2019
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Submerged to its' eyes,
Crocodiles hunt their prey.
It is very still.
407 · Mar 2019
Poetress2 Mar 2019
My Mother-In-Law lives with me,
and boy does she need some help;
She doesn't brush her hair anymore,
she's given up on herself.
Her outlook is mostly negative,
for she sees no good at all;
I which she was a Horse,
so I could put her in a Stall.
I cringe whenever she wants to cook,
for a Pancake she can't even flip;
I'd love to take her for a ride,
and push her off of a cliff.
She's become a bit, "Man Crazy,"
she'd take anyone who can breath;
So I took her to a Nursing Home,
she replied, "Too old for me."
I began to feel quite sorry for her,
so a "Blind Date" I one day arranged;
He brought her home, 'fore ten p.m.,
and said "She was much too strange."
Her bleach-blonde wig kept slipping,
and her teeth, they wouldn't stay in;
I believe she doesn't stand a chance,
of finding a date, e'er again.
She has no taste in men,
so I never allow her to date;
I keep her hidden inside all day,
'less Bigfoot wants to mate.
It seems I'm truly stuck with her,
so I'll take the good with the bad;
For she has a never-ending love,
that I am so blessed to have.
I truly love her.  She loves it when I write insulting poems about her.
Poetress2 Apr 2019
My RIGHTEOUSNESS, like filthy rags,
weighed heavily on my mind;
I BID my Lord to take the weight,
for I knew He would in time.
A quiet KNOCK on my heart's door,
I answered it right away;
T'was my Jesus, standing there,

JUSTIFICATION He brought to me,
the moment I opened the door;
Satan would BUFFET me each day,
when Jesus became my Lord.
When Satan threw his NET out,
trying to LURE me in;
His plan, it failed quite miserably,
this QUACK, who was nothing but sin.
My Jesus, He gave me a hug,
it showed His love and CARE;
I knew He would never leave me,
for my God is just and fair.
These are the words my husband gave me to write a Word bank poem with.  I really enjoy writing them.  If any of you would like me to write a WB poem for you, just let me know.
402 · Apr 2019
Poetress2 Apr 2019
I once had no direction,
I felt so very lost;
My sorrow came with a price,
my misery, with a cost.
I longed to find a purpose,
in this crazy world I lived;
A place where I belonged,
somewhere that I fit in.

Then one day I met the Lord,
Forgiver of men's sins;
The One who truly loves me,
the One who helps me live.
I asked Him to forgive me,
I asked Him in my life;
He then became my Savior,
and I became His Bride.
Jesus is my Lord of Lords,
I gave everything to Him;
He laid His life down for me,
and washed away my sins.
397 · Jul 2019
Poetress2 Jul 2019
The deadly Mongoose,
hunts and kills a King Cobra,
by crushing its' neck.
385 · Mar 2019
Poetress2 Mar 2019
My tears, they fell like raindrops,
as they softly hit the ground;
Then they began to cease,
when I heard an awesome sound.
It was a still, soft voice,
that was calling out to me;
I knew it was my Jesus,
as I fell upon my knees.
His voice I heard quite clearly,
His comfort I could feel;
His grace was most abundant,
His love was truly real.
"My child," I heard Him tell me,
"The fears that you now know;
I too felt in the Garden,
so many years ago.
I asked my Heavenly Father,
if He could take my cup;
Yet if it not be possible,
to give me strength enough.
I did all I could do,
and obeyed my Father's Will;
I must trust in Him always,
no matter how I feel."
The storm in me subsided,
Peace filled my heart and soul;
I always want God with me,
whatever I may go.
384 · Apr 2019
Poetress2 Apr 2019
A Thunderstorm is brewing,
the likes I've never seen;
It's headed in my direction,
coming straight towards me.
It will be most deafening,
how will I stand the sound;
As my flimsy house of plastic cards,
goes crumbling to the ground.
I can not stop its' furry,
and it's much to late to run;
So I'll face the roaring Thunder,
and Clouds that block the Sun.
A product of my past,
and the pain I've held inside;
It's building up too quickly,
and I've nowhere to hide.
So I'll wait the lightning out,
prepared to face that day;
When I must tell the truth,
hoping I'll know what to say.
An explosive temper, her husband doesn't like for her to have an opinion.  She doesn't talk to him, for this reason.  She knows she must tell him how unhappy she is, she's just not ready to do that just yet.  She fears him.
381 · Jul 2019
Poetress2 Jul 2019
Against a blue sky,
stands a Mountain tall and proud,
majestic to view.
378 · Apr 2019
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Why do the dark nights seem darker,
when you are all alone? I do not have the answer. 
It's as if loneliness tangles its' frayed fingers around your hair,
and encompasses you like a sand storm.  
It seems as though there's not much hope of escaping this endless nightmare.
372 · Dec 2018
Poetress2 Dec 2018
You are my strength,
when I am weak;
You are my voice,
when I can't speak.
You are my eyes,
when I can't see;
You are the wind,
beneath my wings.
You are my ears,
when I can't hear;
You are my comfort,
when I feel fear.
You are my Lord,
You saved my Soul;
You hold me tightly,
You'll never let go.
368 · Jul 2019
Poetress2 Jul 2019
Red breasted Robins,
are a sign that Spring is here.
A beautiful sight.
351 · Apr 2019
Poetress2 Apr 2019
I went to the park one day,
just to watch the children play;
And upon one of the Swings,
I saw the saddest thing.
There sat this lonely child,
whom I never once saw smile;
It broke my heart to see,
this nine-year old, next to me.
I quietly said to her,
"How are you, little girl?
Would you like for me to play,
with you, on this beautiful day?"
She never made a sound,
as her teardrops hit the ground;
"Didn't mean to make you cry,"
she answered, "It's really alright.
I must be going home,
Mama doesn't like me to roam;"
And then she disappeared,
so full of anger and fear.
I climbed into my car,
it wasn't parked very far;
And sitting in the back seat,
there sat a part of me.
I turned and gave her a smile,
"Can I come with you for awhile?"
"Of course you can, I replied,"
to the child I am inside.
348 · Apr 2019
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Oak branches reach up,
as if to kiss the blue sky,
a breathtaking sight.
346 · Apr 2019
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Sweet smells of a Rose,
and the beauty of them all,
are simply priceless.
346 · Dec 2018
Poetress2 Dec 2018
On the late Summer night,
of 1942;
I took the life,
of my brother Hue.
He was dear to me,
and I loved him so;
But on that night,
he had to go.
Mama would have shot me,
if only she knew;
That it was I,
who killed her Hue.
He was Mamma's pet,
and I always knew;
That more than I,
she loved her Hue.
So I grabbed my gun,
put it to his head;
I pulled the trigger,
and Hue was dead.
I came to my senses,
when I heard someone screaming;
Then I woke up,
I was only dreaming.
343 · Dec 2018
Poetress2 Dec 2018
I'll proclaim it from the Mountain tops,
I'll proclaim it by the Sea;
That Jesus Christ, lived and died,
to set His Captives free.
I'll proclaim it to the multitudes,
I'll proclaim it to the few;
That Jesus came, to heal the lame,
and give His life for you.
I'll proclaim it to the wealthy,
I'll proclaim it to the poor;
That Jesus Christ, shed His blood of life,
to forgive our sins e'er more.
I'll proclaim it to the weary,
I'll proclaim it to the strong;
That Jesus lived, free from sin,
not once did He do wrong.
I'll proclaim it to the Saintly,
I'll proclaim it to the unsaved;
That the blood He shed, for you my friend,
was the saving grace He gave.
I'll proclaim it during the daytime,
I'll proclaim it during the storm;
That if you want Him, to enter in,
He'll become your friend and Lord.
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