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NTK Jun 2019
Scenery full of gases so effervescent /
Volatile fumes i find ever so pleasant /
Only seen by those pursuing glorious academia;
Pursuit of it, is self Euthanasia ;
Oh field
Full of wonder and excitement!
In the branches of your tree
I find enlightenment ;
Sculpt for precision
A weapon so fierce and sharp ;
What bravery ? What skill ?
Dare ignite thy spark ?
Scenery full of gases so effervescent;
Pursuit for your fruit
I shall embark/
Knowledge/Childish Wonder/Education/Science/
NTK Jun 2019
Somniferous agents all about;
Luminous ambiance of the night;
Mind's mush, turns to cloud
Angels winged, morph to things of fright;

No matter how straight, tunnel visioned horse's path
One's exposed to nefarious things at large;
Nebulous hazed forgotten lanes;
Now gaunt and hushed, by all profane-

Prayer prayer teary drops;
Divine entity give me sword:
Evil evil Bleaken thoughts;
As dreams fade alas winter falls...
Waning faith/Temptations/Losing Hope/Prayer for Strength/
NTK May 2019
With Branches surrounding me like tree vines-
And fruits sweeter than the ripest peach;
Your shady personality my pantry of retreat;
Unspoken pleasures evident from these lines-

You provide the very air I inhale;
Take away the bad air I exhale;
I'm tasked with nurturing the very soil you're in-
Wetting the shoots.roots of your green being-

You are my muse for life;
When your leafs wilt and fall to the soil
I retrieve them so they can't die;
And when you come to full bloom
I spring for joy;
Because in essence you are my tree of life...
Love/Green thumb/Metaphorical/Open ended/
NTK May 2019
The eyes we lock embody my
feelings for you//

Fugacious intention
surrounds my every word//

By Cupids arrow i'm impaled for you
An enigmatic feeling which carves my very soul//

An insurmountable wedge seems to exist
One never leaving us to be//

Now we are at worlds end//

With the divine barrier still intact
And my rotting flesh still outstretched.
unspoken love/death of an admirer/undying love
NTK May 2019
Raging seas boil
And spill over the eye lined gaze;
As my lids shut
An ocean descends-
Leaving all soaked
In the despairs of yesterday;
The effulgence of the moonlit sky
Forming only whispery shades of light;
Unconquered by any dark-
Unblessed by any spark;
A puddle engulfs the very well i'm in
Sinking deeper and deeper;
With light but a speck of dust
And dying echoes siphoned same
With fugacious inhale..
Drowning/Depression/Hopelessness/open ended/
NTK May 2019
Tear drop in one half/
Smile on the other/
Broken into one part/
Each bit a land of ice and fire//
short/schizophrenia/hidden emotions/
NTK May 2019
Shall i compare thee to a winter night ?
With lips red as the most blazoned winter flame/
And skin frozen as death's cold embrace/
Oh fairest maiden icicled to you is my waning sight/

In your presence my perspiration's courses lay in frost/
Mind ceases function and blood runs to heart most/
Dearest maiden my spine chitters underneath your snow white skin/
And your sunless eyes shining light to my shadowy gleam-

Woods of fire burning ever so dim/
Puddles forming on slippery floors/
Ashes crumble to forgotten dreams/
With your cold gaze frosting unto me no more/
The freezing chill of summer
Succumbs my world as before
Liquid poem
Up to the reader's imagination
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