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Oliver Philip Dec 2018
ABCDERIAN   poets Army.
Awake my giant cause and fast defend
Be proud of your selection to this human race
Cheeks to be turned , struck and turned again
Discover sooner but not too late my friend
Evil forces satirise the devils work
Fight for God , however low the demons swoop
Gold are his tools and you are living proof.
His Holy praises sing in your loudest voice.
Incorporated within your kindest thoughts
Job satisfaction leads you through the maze
Kindred spirits guiding hands along the way
Look often then within your beating heart
Mindful slay those dragons there to slay.
Not too late to kneel and contemplate.
Perverse and foolish ? No you will never stray.
Quickly learn from all mistakes you make
Reserve your strength to lead in the affray
Stand up this day and so be counted “IN”
To the noblest Army. The Poets unity.
Useless gibberish from Satan’s next of kin.
Vessels empty makes the loudest din.
What matters is that you’re the major source
Xanadu your goal , now you are poised to win
You are the vanguard of triumphant troops
Zoila’s failure to brow-beat any poetic force.
Written by Philip
December 4th 2018.

An A. to. Z. Of a Poets Army.
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
Battered Similes
As an ABCDERIAN poem.
As battered as an aspen leaf a tremble.
Bad pennies just keep turning up
Clean as a signal from a whistle
Deaf as a post or daft as a brush
Easy like Sunday mornings epistle
Fit as a gipsy upon an old fiddle
Good as the gold you pan from the river
Happy as the longest day , a joy to be living
Innocent as a new born babe in its weaning
Jack of all trades mastering none  
Keen though as mustard, is that keen enough?
Liken as two peas in the greenest of pods
Memory like that rusty old sieve
Nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof
Obstinate as a Mule with a stone in the hoof
Pretty as a picture , the one in my head.
Quick as a flash then the picture is dead.
Read like a book that mind of the poet.
Sharp as a razor,though he don’t even know it
Talk to the hand, just like my Dutch uncle
Ugly like sin with the face of the devil.
Vague battered similes to drive poets mental
Wise as King Solomon but you must beware
Xenophobian as a dislike of foreigners
Young in years of training still to understand
Zion’s a million miles from any promised land
Written by Philip
December 5th 2018.
An A to Zee of Battered Similes
Oliver Philip Jan 2019
As an essential aid to life aid may I say
God’s spirit is at the top of my agenda
Everlasting unconditional love each day
Not just for those close I ain’t a pretender
Doesn’t have to be suiting ,if I do it my way
As I know it works for me as a befriender .
So watch and know my style if you wanna play

Written by Philip.
December 17th 2018.
We all need an agenda
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
As an essential aid to life aid may I say
God’s spirit is at the top of my agenda
Everlasting unconditional love each day
Not just for those close I ain’t a pretender
Doesn’t have to be suiting ,if I do it my way
As I know it works for me as a befriender .
So watch and know my style if you wanna play

Written by Philip.
December 17th 2018.
We all have our own life agendas.
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
A British rock star that we all know
Passing water on the Alamo
Biting heads off bats .
Why did he do that ?
Yet the USA they love him so.
Written by Philip.
November 25th 2018
From the dark days of 2003.  Ossie Osborne’s tour of America
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
A humble poet.
   a limerick
A humble poet who loves her so
Worships her daily but does she know?
Poems that he writes
By day and by night.
All he needs is advice ,stay or go.
Written by Philip.
December 6th 2018.
A humble poet
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
Air conditioner.
Air conditioner
I made it possibly to live in relative comfort
Refreshing air by clever refrigeration cycles

Clever cycling of Freon gasses as compressed
Oh Mr Carrier you made it all so possible
Natural climates in the home and malls
Dynamically altered to a comfortable temp.
I am a poet n dispense without condition
To the world I give my poetry for free on.
In some places the Freon gas is taboo
Only my free poetry creates conditions
Never has so much poetry been released
Earth bound and channeled by Gods spirit
Relax now and read in the comfort of home.

Written by Philip.
November 7th 2018.
An Airconditioner.
Oliver Philip Nov 2018

Mummy mummy mummy. !
Mummy Mummy MUMMY.!!
Look what I have done.
Rhyming moon with June.
Gived me sooo much fun.
I done it on myself.
So does it make me one?
Yes my dear sweet poet
From all that mummy taught you.
Hurry grow up fast
And make yourself a blooming
Written by Philip. 2/11/2018
(Wishful thinking)
A lesson in life from Mummy
Oliver Philip Jan 2019
All in love is fair. ?
All in love is fair?
Love ? Don’t  need me to tell you it ain’t true
Love is so one-sided , you feel taken for a fool

In love or out o’ love are there any special rules
No one can say without hindsight anyway.

Love may still be said , be essential to the plan
Of couples in attraction,magnetism draws ‘me
Violate the trust though it’s to remain unsaid
Eternal life relationships are most times rare.

In man a selfish gene’s bin resident from birth
Sons waited on by hand and foot by mum.

Females are the servants of that super Adonis
All macho drinking and reading tabloid papers
In life only love that’s fair is love n no condition
Requited love is sure “The only love that’s fair”
Written by Philip
A question is all in love fair ?
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
All in love is fair. ?
All in love is fair?
Love ? Don’t  need me to tell you it ain’t true
Love is so one-sided , you feel taken for a fool

In love or out o’ love are there any special rules
No one can say without hindsight anyway.

Love may still be said , be essential to the plan
Of couples in attraction,magnetism draws ‘me
Violate the trust though it’s to remain unsaid
Eternal life relationships are most times rare.

In man a selfish gene’s bin resident from birth
Sons waited on by hand and foot by mum.

Females are the servants of that super Adonis
All macho drinking and reading tabloid papers
In life only love that’s fair is love n no condition
Requited love is sure “The only love that’s fair”
Written by Philip
Fairness in love
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
A personal limerick.

There is a handsome man I call Crow.
Who most poets definitely know
He spends all his time
Composing his rhyme
Which is why we are here ,I suppose.
Written by Philip.
In tribute. November 26th 2018.
A personal limerick
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
Anonymous 56

There was an old man from Darjeeling
Who boarded a bus bound for Ealing.
He saw on the door,
“ Please don’t spit on the floor’
So he stood up and spat on the ceiling.
Posted November 27th 2018.
Notes on a man from Darjeeling
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
Awake soon my muse and joyful rise.
You are loved , don’t be surprised .
This is a love that you have never
known before .
And it shall open all those doors.
To Xanadu and many more.
I am to be your North and South,
Your East and West
Your eyes your mouth
The poetry you inspire today
Will serve us well along the way.
Written by Philip
For his clever Muse.
November 17th 2018.
In gracious thanks to my beautiful Muse.
Oliver Philip Jan 2019
An ABCDERIAN of soups
As an application for the post of ~
       Castle Sou Chef and would be Laureate
Below stairs a Sou Chef most extra ordinary
       Is required. ( Only stupid need apply)
Candidates must be most experienced and
      Inspiring without pride ,prejudice or ego.
Dedicated to the daily soup production and
      Miles and miles of uplifting prose for all
Each and every day, three sessions per day
      Without interruption or failure to amuse
For with failure comes “Death by be heading “
      No second chances , there’s no way out.
Granted this post has never been filled ,
     No applications have ever been received.
Hundreds of sad Sou i cidal people have tried
      To apply but their poetry was *******.
I think they were happy with the risk of failure
       It must have played a part I guess.
Joking with the chief jailer ,had this Poet with.
      His finger to write with ink in the dust
Kings loved this kind of justice, killing two birds
      Poets and Sou chefs with a single stone.
Like as if any poet could be a Sou chef
      With his head always in the clouds ?
Might I then hand this condemned Poet a life-
        Line with an aid of ABCDERIAN of soups .
Now to enable him to list by heart a few soups
        And produce a winning Anthology ~
Olives, Omelette, Onions , Oranges all make
       Special soups and very special soups too.
Pakchoi,Panchetta, Parsley,Parsnips,Pasta,
       Peas , Peppers and pretty purple prose.
Quick soups, slow soups,Pork and potatoes
       Poultry,Prawns in barley , even prunes.
Radicchio, Rice,Rosemary, roasted lamb shank
       Indeed a hundred and one different broths
Soups of the Mediterranean,Seafood ,Salsa,
         Samosas or simply left over sausages.
Thai chicken noodle,stir fry bean sprouts,
       Thyme, tofu or even mention Tuscan bean
Using recipes from around the World over a
       Thousand days ,should allay the AXE.
Vegetables both hot or cold ,sour or sweet
  Can be produced from,Knowledge of vinegar
Wild mushrooms grow in every corner of the
     Castle inside the walls and without
Xanadu can thence become the paradise a
       Poet seeks as long as he can stand damp
Yes poet if you can’t stand the damp try to get
    Into an  unbearable heat of the Kitchen.
Zucchini (or courgettes as you know them)
     May bring this poem to a close. Now Apply.

Written by Philip
December 14th 2018.

An ABCDERIAN of soups from a desperate man.
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
An ABCDERIAN of soups
As an application for the post of ~
       Castle Sou Chef and would be Laureate
Below stairs a Sou Chef most extra ordinary
       Is required. ( Only stupid need apply)
Candidates must be most experienced and
      Inspiring without pride ,prejudice or ego.
Dedicated to the daily soup production and
      Miles and miles of uplifting prose for all
Each and every day, three sessions per day
      Without interruption or failure to amuse
For with failure comes “Death by be heading “
      No second chances , there’s no way out.
Granted this post has never been filled ,
     No applications have ever been received.
Hundreds of sad Sou i cidal people have tried
      To apply but their poetry was *******.
I think they were happy with the risk of failure
       It must have played a part I guess.
Joking with the chief jailer ,had this Poet with.
      His finger to write with ink in the dust
Kings loved this kind of justice, killing two birds
      Poets and Sou chefs with a single stone.
Like as if any poet could be a Sou chef
      With his head always in the clouds ?
Might I then hand this condemned Poet a life-
        Line with an aid of ABCDERIAN of soups .
Now to enable him to list by heart a few soups
        And produce a winning Anthology ~
Olives, Omelette, Onions , Oranges all make
       Special soups and very special soups too.
Pakchoi,Panchetta, Parsley,Parsnips,Pasta,
       Peas , Peppers and pretty purple prose.
Quick soups, slow soups,Pork and potatoes
       Poultry,Prawns in barley , even prunes.
Radicchio, Rice,Rosemary, roasted lamb shank
       Indeed a hundred and one different broths
Soups of the Mediterranean,Seafood ,Salsa,
         Samosas or simply left over sausages.
Thai chicken noodle,stir fry bean sprouts,
       Thyme, tofu or even mention Tuscan bean
Using recipes from around the World over a
       Thousand days ,should allay the AXE.
Vegetables both hot or cold ,sour or sweet
  Can be produced from,Knowledge of vinegar
Wild mushrooms grow in every corner of the
     Castle inside the walls and without
Xanadu can thence become the paradise a
       Poet seeks as long as he can stand damp
Yes poet if you can’t stand the damp try to get
    Into an  unbearable heat of the Kitchen.
Zucchini (or courgettes as you know them)
     May bring this poem to a close. Now Apply.

Written by Philip
December 14th 2018.
A true story of man’s struggle to overcome adversity
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
So the streets are paved with silly rhymes
So the streets are paved with silly rhymes?
It ain’t my fault , these are such hard times
Not since the thirties.
Poets were *****
One cannot see the filth for the grime
Written by Philip.
November 29th 2018.

The limerick.
Is an Irish rhyme from the 18th Century’s
When the Irish was fighting in France  for the English. It consists of five lines.
With a syllable pattern of 9,9.5,5,9.
With a rhyming pattern.  a,a,b,b,a.

An example.

There is a young lady in Dallas,
Who remarkably lives in a palace.
Inspired she is.
To drink lemon fizz.
With her Muse an able accomplice

Written by Philip.
November 23rd 2018.
May I share with you some of the poetic forms
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
A bright Wollongong nurse of renown
A Limerick
A bright Wollongong nurse of renown
Worked hours on end for just a pound.
Slave labour in mind
Commissioners find
Move ages to when they retire.
Written by Philip
November 27th 2018.
Slave labour.
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
A perfect marriage.
Kiss cheek to cheek when our love is burning.
Speak face to face when we are talking
Fight back to back against all our demons
***** pole to pole in step we are walking
Work shoulder to shoulder millstones turning  
Plan head to head , thinking of the future
See eye to eye albeit never ever blinking
Trade hand in hand always entwined together
Standing toe to toe and share life’s pressures
Written by Philip
December 5th 2018.
The secrets of a perfect marriage
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
A perfect marriage.
Kiss cheek to cheek when our love is burning.
Speak face to face when we are talking
Fight back to back against all our demons
***** pole to pole in step we are walking
Work shoulder to shoulder millstones turning  
Plan head to head , thinking of the future
See eye to eye albeit never ever blinking
Trade hand in hand always entwined together
Standing toe to toe and share life’s pressures
Written by Philip
December 5th 2018.
Ideals of a perfect marriage
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
A Poets quest.
An ABCDERIAN poetry form.
Avant couriers of final solutions
Battalions left fighting by the way
Condescending world powers twittering
Deeming all they say as gospel of the day
Everything under the sun or darkest shadows
Foolishly not admitting their own failings ever
Gathering hatred at each turn of every corner
Happy that their heads were in the sand.
Indiscriminating constant betwixt good n evil

Janissary exterminates all cause or principal
Knowing nothing of the true skill of judgement
Lasciviously take good from good for no good
Microlithic walls of stones to cover errors
Navigatiors using ancient charts for guidance
Outrageously heralding credit for the route
Perchance they knew no natural pathway
Quadrature at ninety between the sun n moon
Revived old Christian scruples long forgotten

Saviours ? Save all states from self destruction
Tablature of a tragic outcome hard to face.
Unequivocally tough on any creed or religion
Vededictory taken two thousand years to build
Wrapped indiscriminately up in just one missile
Xenelas now mankind from each world corner
Yea from peaceful pastures grazed for years
Zion heaping up evangelical dogma.
              Pray to God and let us learn.
Written by Philip.
December.  11th . 2018.
Think about a Poets quest from A to Z.
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
Appreciate the simple gift of inspiration
Appreciate the simple gift of inspiration
Perhaps it may take a while to wake up
Perhaps you may never sleep and dream
Relaxation’s funny thing.You can or you can’t
Ever mounting stressful situations blight a day
Coming to hauntingly appear all thru the night
I try to memorise a favourite poem by heart
Appreciate the simple gift of inspiration then
The rhythms of that favourite will give tempo.
Eventually the tempo will give the inspiration

Tempos will give you the medleys in your head.
Head becomes a power housing for the brain
Establish then that white light in the centre

So relax into a meditative state of mind.
I appreciate the simple gift of inspiration
Meditation holds the key it links you with all
Poets of the bygone ages that you’ve read.
Like a spark of genius , you’ve come alive
Eventually you may write fifty lines of poetry

God given inspired poetry and it rhymes
In the space of a few minutes a masterpiece
Fortunately the simple gift of inspiration is free
The freedom that you hold is a key to the city

On certain good days it is the key to Xanadu.
For do you remember the dome of Kubla Khan

In Seventeen ninety seven the poet Coleridge
Noting his poem from a drug induced dream
Simply wrote this epic poem. But lost half a
Poem when a person from Porlock knocked
And interrupted the genius and he forgot lines
Reiterating the old saying dream and not make
A dream your master , think and not make
Thoughts your aim, to meet with triumph and
In disaster, treat the two imposters the same!
Onymous with the simple gift of inspiration
Never anonymous be forever simply proud.

Inspired by Philip.
Written November 22nd 2018.
See what happens when you stock up on inspiration
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
Aquarius ♒️  January 21 -February 19
Aquarius the symbolism for the water carrier.
Quite an important member of our community
Under spells by an association of the heart
Aquarian crystals are Garnets and Amethyst
Rainbow moonstone, Labradorite, Magnetite
I would buy thee Lithium Quartz ,Moss agate.
Under your care placing Crysoprase n Cryolite
Some Rainforest Jasper for love of this lady.

Written by Philip
December 18th 2018.
The crystal healing stones of Aquarius
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
Aquarius  ♒️
Aquarius the symbolism for the water carrier.
Quite an important member of our community
Under spells by an association of the heart
Aquarian crystals are Garnets and Amethyst
Rainbow moonstone, Labradorite, Magnetite
I would buy thee Lithium Quartz ,Moss agate.
Under your care placing Crysoprase n Cryolite
Some Rainforest Jasper for love of this lady.

Written by Philip
December 18th 2018.
Aquarius the zodiacal sign of the Water carrier.
Oliver Philip Jan 2019
Are you a victim of your time , must you live
       With your mistakes, and suffer ?
Really it’s time we wake up n smell the coffee
Every problem has solution,so let’s start today

You need not to put it off or procrastinate .
Oh I know it’s easy said , so best get o’t a bed
Unless you ever wish to live with a mistake

And identify the faults, without delay.

Verify with me , in the best way to identify
In a poetic form an A to Z of your mistakes.
Can I start with A the abandonment
The abandonment of self-surrendering
I next target B for Bacchanalia nights
Melancholic days getting over a hangover

On to The Cacodemon of an evil spirit
Found in our home , a most malignant person

Yes and Depreciation of the value of our
        assets usually by the Bankers we trusted.
Oh to have the benefits of fiscal hindsight
Understanding E as extenuating circumstance
Reason then becomes the excuse for failure.

Together with F the F word so commonly used
In emphasis to any topic or discussions
Migrating to G , not mistaking God or life alone
Ethereal spirits surround us n help us choose

Methodically H the mistake that you made
Unwittingly you could ignore Holy Spirit of God
Sympathetically I now carry the spirit with me
The change to my life is now monumental.

Yes up to J for the justice that you mistake
On the times when you are it’s sad victim.
Understandably K for Karma of getting out of

Life , whatever you put in.You are punished too
In reaching L for Life. Well the mistake is plain
Virtually you spend a lifetime getting to grips
Engage with M for the mistakes you made

With each one made , don’t cry , learn from it.
In a section for N then note daily five blessings
That you have , it is a mistake not to care.
Having an Opinion is fine but it’s a big mistake

Yes to be opinionated or dogmatic with others
O is followed by P for Procrastination of time
Uselessness , putting off what’s needed today
Reaching the Q the queue that you got into

Mistakenly got into as more haste less speed
Indicative of R for recapitulation of all mistakes
Some simple and some massive and correct
To sequester an S for sententiousness
And pompous moralising must be avoided
Knowing the T of toutological mistakes
Even though it looks good in a poetry scan
So to the U. For understanding when a mistake

And a small mistake can have repercussions
Now to  Virtually every mistake has a price
Do you admit to it and face the consequences

Simplicity of the W to weather to own up
Unless you admit it and show grace n humility
Fortunately the Xanadu is not achieved now
For all the mistakes made have a huge price.
Eventually the Y n Z. Are the yardstick to
Reluctantly measure your path on to Zion.
Written by Philip.
November 28th 2018.
Are you a victim of your time
Oliver Philip Jan 2019
Are you a victim of your time , must you live
       With your mistakes, and suffer ?
Really it’s time we wake up n smell the coffee
Every problem has solution,so let’s start today

You need not to put it off or procrastinate .
Oh I know it’s easy said , so best get o’t a bed
Unless you ever wish to live with a mistake

And identify the faults, without delay.

Verify with me , in the best way to identify
In a poetic form an A to Z of your mistakes.
Can I start with A the abandonment
The abandonment of self-surrendering
I next target B for Bacchanalia nights
Melancholic days getting over a hangover

On to The Cacodemon of an evil spirit
Found in our home , a most malignant person

Yes and Depreciation of the value of our
        assets usually by the Bankers we trusted.
Oh to have the benefits of fiscal hindsight
Understanding E as extenuating circumstance
Reason then becomes the excuse for failure.

Together with F the F word so commonly used
In emphasis to any topic or discussions
Migrating to G , not mistaking God or life alone
Ethereal spirits surround us n help us choose

Methodically H the mistake that you made
Unwittingly you could ignore Holy Spirit of God
Sympathetically I now carry the spirit with me
The change to my life is now monumental.

Yes up to J for the justice that you mistake
On the times when you are it’s sad victim.
Understandably K for Karma of getting out of

Life , whatever you put in.You are punished too
In reaching L for Life. Well the mistake is plain
Virtually you spend a lifetime getting to grips
Engage with M for the mistakes you made

With each one made , don’t cry , learn from it.
In a section for N then note daily five blessings
That you have , it is a mistake not to care.
Having an Opinion is fine but it’s a big mistake

Yes to be opinionated or dogmatic with others
O is followed by P for Procrastination of time
Uselessness , putting off what’s needed today
Reaching the Q the queue that you got into

Mistakenly got into as more haste less speed
Indicative of R for recapitulation of all mistakes
Some simple and some massive and correct
To sequester an S for sententiousness
And pompous moralising must be avoided
Knowing the T of toutological mistakes
Even though it looks good in a poetry scan
So to the U. For understanding when a mistake

And a small mistake can have repercussions
Now to  Virtually every mistake has a price
Do you admit to it and face the consequences

Simplicity of the W to weather to own up
Unless you admit it and show grace n humility
Fortunately the Xanadu is not achieved now
For all the mistakes made have a huge price.
Eventually the Y n Z. Are the yardstick to
Reluctantly measure your path on to Zion.
Written by Philip.
November 28th 2018.
Are you a victim of your time?
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
Are you a victim of your time , must you live
       With your mistakes, and suffer ?
Really it’s time we wake up n smell the coffee
Every problem has solution,so let’s start today

You need not to put it off or procrastinate .
Oh I know it’s easy said , so best get o’t a bed
Unless you ever wish to live with a mistake

And identify the faults, without delay.

Verify with me , in the best way to identify
In a poetic form an A to Z of your mistakes.
Can I start with A the abandonment
The abandonment of self-surrendering
I next target B for Bacchanalia nights
Melancholic days getting over a hangover

On to The Cacodemon of an evil spirit
Found in our home , a most malignant person

Yes and Depreciation of the value of our
        assets usually by the Bankers we trusted.
Oh to have the benefits of fiscal hindsight
Understanding E as extenuating circumstance
Reason then becomes the excuse for failure.

Together with F the F word so commonly used
In emphasis to any topic or discussions
Migrating to G , not mistaking God or life alone
Ethereal spirits surround us n help us choose

Methodically H the mistake that you made
Unwittingly you ignore Holy Spirit of God
Sympathetically I now carry the spirit with me
The change to my life is now monumental.

Yes up to J for the justice that you mistake
On the times when you are it’s sad victim.
Understandably K for Karma of getting out of

Life , whatever you put in.You are punished too
In reaching L for Life. Well the mistake is plain
Virtually you spend a lifetime getting to grips
Engage with M for the mistakes you made

With each one made , don’t cry , learn from it.
In a section for N then note daily five blessings
That you have , it is a mistake not to care.
Having an Opinion is fine but it’s a big mistake

Yes to be opinionated or dogmatic with others
O is followed by P for Procrastination of time
Uselessness , putting off what’s needed today
Reaching the Q the queue that you got into

Mistakenly got into as more haste less speed
Indicative of R for recapitulation of all mistakes
Some simple and some massive and correct
To sequester an S for sententiousness
And pompous moralising must be avoided
Knowing the T of toutological mistakes
Even though it looks good in a poetry scan
So to the U. For understanding when a mistake

And a small mistake can have repercussions
Now to  Virtually every mistake has a price
Do you admit to it and face the consequences

Simplicity of the W to weather to own up
Unless you admit it and show grace n humility
Fortunately the Xanadu is not achieved now
For all the mistakes made have a huge price.
Eventually the Y n Z. Are the yardstick to
Reluctantly measure your path on to Zion.
Written by Philip.
November 28th 2018.
Are you a victim of your time, must you live with your mistakes and suffer ?
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
Aries  ♈️
Aries children tackle life head on.
Ruby,Diamond,Amethyst and bloodstone
I know she’s into Aquamarine and Tourmaline
Especially pink, Dravite aka Tourmaline brown
Stellerite, Sardonyx , Citrine, Kunzite n Axinite
Written by Philip.
December 22nd 2018.
Aries the healing crystals
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
Ask not what the Universe can do for you.

Ask what you can do to aid the Universe ?
~.An Acrostic exercise ~October 27th 2018.

Ask not what the Universe can do for you.
Sometimes they are under relentless demand
Kings and beggars and entrepreneurs pray

Never mind ,what they can offer the Universe
On a daily basis pray for their own deliverance
To make ends meet, eat a crust , or a cure

We poets here on our favourite web-site know
Having been seeking the true way forward
Ask not what the Universe can do fo you.
Though this is the expected way to pray

The first thought in our head should ever be
Hey ! What can I do to aid the Universe.
Earth and the environment but a small part

Universe stretches deep deep into the cosmos
Now where do you think heaven rests in this ?
I believe it is here and surrounds us completely
Virtually every loved one that has passed on
Every thought process that you possess
Reacts in your minds eye as memory
So perpetuating the life span of a loved one.
Expand your own meditation to include them.

Clearly giving an aid to the Universal spirit.
Asks not what the Universe can do for you.
Never complain about being forsaken by God.

Do as you would be done by and **** it up.
Only pausing to calculate the best way to rise

From the sad position you find that you’re in
On giving something back to the Universe
Riches will flow back to you a thousand fold

Yes but not necessarily in a financial way
Or in an appropriation of jewels or art
Universal gifts seldom trade in those chattels

Ask what you can do to aid the Universe
Simply think about it in a pure and selfless way
Knowledge gained during your own life’s span

Wake up and smell the coffee if you can
Having negotiated the slings and arrows
Ask what you can do to aid the Universe
To me its a simple question n a simple answer

You can positively manifest your own pathway
On that road you have many crossroads
Universe has trained the minds of past lives

Coincidentally you carry the minds past loves
Ask what you can do to aid the Universe
Now bring back to mind all souls of meaning

Dedicate the sights and the fragrance of life
On a kind of conference call to the departed

Tell me if you think what I say is too far fetched
Only I know that it works ,well it does for me.

Ask what you can do to aid the Universe
I posed that question many many years ago
During the time that I prayed then to God

The crisis erupted between Russia an the US
Hydrogen and nuclear bombs were threatened
Europe ,a state of emergency unprecedented

Undaunted I joined the Civil defence, in ‘62
Now looking back , I realise my pathway’s set
In not expecting the Universe to be helping
Venus in retrograde and other cosmic moves
Effects of the moon phases all considered.
Reality is you hold the precious key to success
So next time you pray , you’d better pray good.
Entreating God to advise his plans for your day

An Acrostic poem written by Philip. 27/10/18.
Aid to the Universe
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
A stark lesson.
(Beware not to give it all away. )
A stark lesson I now relate.
If you put all into life and fail to withdraw
Your happy philanthropic nature giving more.
Men will arrive and take n never show remorse
Your coffers soon exhausted standing empty
Stripped by those you helped when you had
A lesson in life
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
A sticky beak.
A sticky beak from my family.
Tried to dominate the like of me
She’d better soon learn
My lucks on the turn
That my free will’s always been free.
Written by Philip
December 4th 2018.
A sticky beak defines an Australian person prone to sticking their nose into something that does not concern them.
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
A Poem ~ A valuable lesson learned as a child
Composed by Philip October 7th 2018.
A valuable lesson learned as a child.

Valuable for all the obvious reasons.
And when it comes to my minds filed
Labeled “Experience “ that is its location
Unless you are so pure. You know what I mean
As seldom in this world only Angels are pure.
But as you know, life is a series of experiences
Life is a precious hour or a hundred years
Every now n then you learn a valuable lesson

Live it , learn from it , store it in the memory.
Eventually you have a wealth of experiences.
So where am I going with this poetic analogy ?
Sometimes a valuable experience surfaces
On this occasion I was about five off puberty
Not knowing much with God fearing practices

Learned the Commandments not new to me
Every Sunday would read n recite At masses
A sacred list of ten as God watches over me.
Repeating verbatim in our daily Bible classes
No Gods before me , nor taking God in vain
Even remember to keep holy the sabbath day
Daddy and mummy would ever be honoured

And most important know “Thou shalt not **** “
Shalt not adultery commit ;Whatever that was

And the big one of all Thou shalt not steal.

Children under Gods eye cannot steal.
Having no mind bearing false witness because
I would not covet neighbours wife or goods.
Like at the time covet was not known to me.
Did I ever imagine how good life would be ?

An Acrostic poem. By Philip.
Written Sunday 7th October 2018.
A valuable lesson learned as a child
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
Begone dull cares.
Begone dull cares this Christmas Day.
Excited by the gifts we may broadcast
God knows who’s been naughty or Fay
Oh on this day leave tempers at the door
No vague irritation seek you to impart.
Enjoy the happiness of this holy day

Dutifully try to play your worthy part
Unless you cast off all dull care
Lift clouds of doubt and open sky’s of blue
Love holds the key to any gathered group

Come all yea faithful , it’s not just about you.
And do your best to make this joyful day
Remember happiness promotes a happy way
Excite all about you and remember when I say
Sacred is the Space where this family dwells.
Written by Philip.
December 25th 2018.
Begone dull cares this Christmas Day
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
Cancer ♋️
Cancerarians are high on the emotional scale.
And they benefit from Emeralds and Rubies
Natural Amber,Rhodonite ,Rainbow Moonstone
Chrysoprase,Carnelian, Citrine, Moss Agate.
Even with the beautiful crystal Fire Agate
Ruby stone and Pink Tourmaline healing.
Written by Philip.
December 22nd 2018.
The healing crystals for the Cancerian
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
Can’t buy me Love.
Can’t buy me Love
And why do you think that is ?
No amount of money is enough.
To me money cannot buy you happiness

Because love holds the key to everything
Unless you have LOVE and the hunger to build
Your lives together in love would be wasted.

Maintaining that love for each other is crucial
Even though grass may be greener elsewhere

Love is the key , never forget , money is a fuel
Oh you can maintain love on an empty tank.
Very many people absolutely know this is true
Every lover tells me this and I say this to you. !
Written by Philip.
November 21st 2018.
Can’t buy me Love.
Oliver Philip Jan 2019
Capricorn  ♑️  December 23-January 20.
Capricornian don’t mind me. I can’t live as you.
As you have the highest of standards always.
Peridot,Garnets, Agate or Turquoise to wear
Ruby’s grace a  beautiful young maidens hair.
I see the jewels in your eyes when you smile
Carnelian stones or Malachite for soul healing
Or Jet ,Smokey Quartz or shiny Black Onyx.
Red Garnets,Blue Aragonite,Green Tourmaline
Nonsuch is the birth symbol ,graceful as thee
Written by Philip.
December 19th 2018.
Capricorn ♑️ and the healing crystals
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
Capricorn  ♑️
Capricornian don’t mind me. I can’t live as you.
As you have the highest of standards always.
Peridot,Garnets, Agate or Turquoise to wear
Ruby’s grace a  beautiful young maidens hair.
I can see the jewels in your eyes as you smile.
Carnelian stones or Malachite for soul healing
Or Jet ,Smokey Quartz or shiny Black Onyx.
Red Garnets,Blue Aragonite,Green Tourmaline
Nonsuch is the birth symbol ,graceful as thee
Written by Philip.
December 19th 2018.
Capricorn as a zodiacal sign.
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
City Desk

Each day my poet pathway
Is paved with good intentions
With so much sad fake news
Necessity soon becomes ....
The mother of invention.

Written by Philip
November 18th 2018.
Practice five lines of semi-rhyming humour
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
Come fly like an Eagle
                Come fly like an Eagle

                        A sea Eagle
                We will fly from Sydney
              Up and away to Brisbane
           So make yourself comfortable
       We will fly so high above the clouds
    Without the aid of any mind altering drugs
                         Don’t look down !
                          Trust in only me
                           For I am a poet
                           With the license
                           A special license
                           To an inspiration
                   Living your dreams
- [ ]                     From that Fantasy
- [ ]                     Into your true Reality
- [ ]                    Fasten your safety belt
- [ ]              It’s just at the joint of my wings
- [ ]              Turn off all your mobile devices
- [ ]           Now let the poetry begin my friends
- [ ]       Write to me with your poetic inspiration
- [ ]                        Kind regards Philip.
- [ ] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- [ ] November 4th 2018.
Fly with your imagination
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
Day tripper. (An Acrostic)
Day tripper.
An Angel of the streets
Yes  looked good in the dark with light behind

Though her behind sagged She were a tripper
Ripping through every penny that she made.
I knew her when she was young n beautiful
Pimps ran her life now and oh how she’d aged
Persecuted by the cops with the tricks to play
Eventually she became the tripper every day.
Rita was the meter maid of Liverpool they Say

Written by Philip.
She had a ticket to ride
But she don’t care.
November 4th 2018.
Day tripper. She had a ticket to ride. And she don’t care.
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
A Villanelle poetic form
Is a Nineteen line poem
5 Stanzas of three lines
Followed by a single Stanza of four lines
Two refrains and two repeating rhymes
Rhyme patterns
A1 ,b A2.a,b ,A1.a,b,A2.a,b,A1.a,b,A2 ,a,b,A1,A2
Here is a famous Villanelle by Dylan Thomas.
Do not go gentle into that good night
Old age should burn and rage at close of day
Rage ,rage , against the dying of the light

Though wise men at their end know dark is right.
Because their words had forked no lightening they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men the last wave by crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a Green Bay.
Rage,rage, against the dying of the light

Wild men who caught and sang the men in flight.
And learned too late ; they grieved it on its way
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men near death , who see with blinding sight.
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay
Rage,rage against the dying of the light

And you my father there on the sad height
Curse, bless me now with your fierce tears I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Posted by Philip as a Villanelle Exercise.
December 7th 2018.
An exercise in writing a Villanelle
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
Everlasting love is a commitment  

Everlasting love is a commitment.
Virtual reality cannot ever compare
Everlasting reality is my love for you
Reality that continues unabated
Longer than  affairs of the heart
As my darling I know you by heart
Since the first Happy days meeting
The first day of the rest of my life
I discovered an everlasting love
Not withstanding your aloof brow
Golden are the moments shared

Love's unconditional commitment
Only true lovers understand it .
Very close encounters promote it
Especially within thy noble form

I love you so much my Barbara
So much once to inspire my mind

As constant is my wish to praise

Composing lines of loving prose
On each and every living day.
My mind races with the inspiration
Mastering words of literary giants
In songs of praise dedicated to thee
Then understand my commitment
My commitment ,to my darling girl
Everlasting love is my commitment
Not just for now but forever always
Thank you for our life commitment
Philip. 22nd January. 2017
Everlasting love is a commitment
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
Everything is poetry and  poetry is everything.

Everything is poetry and poetry is everything.
Variegated and multicoloured rich rhyming
Every line a rich tapestry of finest work.
Rhyming refulgent words brilliantly shining
Y-chromosomes with male characteristics
The male poems less feminine than the female
How do you tell the gender of a rampant poem
In everything is poetry and poetry is everything
Naughty poems are food and drink to youths
God fearing Catholic Poems are ubiquitous

In praise of God these poems are school fed.
Sunday schools singing their hearts in praise.

Prayers set to the music of the mighty *****.
Oh the Victorian poets were the masters of it.
Everything is poetry and poetry is everything .
The modern poets have lost the art of praise
Redemptions are hard achieved in gods name
Yet more poetry written on a toilet wall.

As six mumf ago they cuddent even spel poet
Now by Jove they are one. Hallelujah.
Desuetude books of self published remainders

Poetry being all things n all things being poetry
Osmosis of a dilution of simple talent lost.
Epistemological studies of poetic knowledge
******* in blue ribbons in chronological order
Rarely seeing the light of day on a dusty shelf
Years on a collection of dead poets published

In everything is poetry and poetry is everything
Sagas of eponymous hero’s before a nation

Escalading castle walls to rescue fair maidens
Vexatious poetry going nowhere but hanging
Every stanza a cliff-hanging story of old.
Refineries built to recycle old poems for new
You know everything is poetry as I have stated
There is not so much on web-sites ever seen
Hundreds of poems viewed n little critique
It gets brushed over with a simple thumbs up
Now next time you wonder ...Can I inspire. ?
Gainsay with gusto the death of the verse.

Written by Philip.
November 16th 2018.
Everything is poetry and poetry is everything
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
Five wits hold the key.
Having been blessed with wits of five
Of common sense the product of the senses
Imagination is the wit your sense is still alive
Fantasy’s imagination to which wit condenses
Estimation estimates the absolute infinity
Memory the wit of recall of passed empathy
Bring together all five in the same proximity
Check out the licensing of this poet anyway
Common sense, imagination, fantasy,
       Estimation, memory.
Written by Philip
December 1st 2018.
The poem of the five wits
Common sense
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
For your eyes only.
   ~A Villanelle ~

For your eyes only I never need to hide.
For you can see so much of me that’s true
For your eyes only read between the lines

From now onward I feel our hearts are tied
There are people want to cast our plans askew
For your eyes only I never need to hide

We are good together I’m happy at your side
But snakes and jealous ******* make us blue
For your eyes only read between the lines

It’s strange but true our families allied
I have to say their not walking in our shoes
For your eyes only I never need to hide

Our love mustn’t be cast off to the wayside
They try to stop me from your natural rescue
For your eyes only read between the lines

You’re a woman I’m a man we are qualified
So we must play things right
For your eyes only I never need to hide.
For your eyes only. Read between the lines.
Written by Philip.
December 9th. 2018.
Poetry between two lovers
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
Four fighters
Four fighters on opposite sides.
With brave and just causes to fight.
Scared of each other
Ran straight to mother
On the very first order to fire.
Written by Philip November 27th 2018.
Four brave fighters
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
Fulguration ?
Understanding the powers of a single bolt
Lightening to a high high frequency
Gold and silver will brighten remarkably
Understanding the powers of a single bolt
Reacting with a hundred million grains of sand
And producing a nugget of crystal clear quartz
The alchemy as amazing as turning to gold
In a heavenly rare moment to the Cosmos
Onto and into the Earth’s central  core.
Never underestimate the sacred power of God.
Written by Philip
December 29th 2018.
The sacred power of God
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
Gemini ♊️
Gemini never grow up.They are so  flirtatious
Ever wooing and seducing their audiences
Moonstone,Agate,Aquamarine,Tigers Eye
Into the healing powers of Chrystoprase stone
Naturally Green Tourmaline and Serpentine
I also see Anyolite, Citrine,Thulite and Variscite
Written by Philip.
December 22nd 2018.
The healing stones of Gemini
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
Give everybody the truth
Give everybody the truth.
In a nutshell let’s be open about this.
Virtually nobody knows the meaning of life
Experience helps but it is a long journey

Every year goes by and you learn something
Very soon after seventy years you know all
Even though you cannot remember breakfast
Really you still don’t understand the meaning
You don’t understand the meaning of life
By now you would think they’d give us truth
Oh as some say the answer is forty two.
Did they think that they could fob me off ?
You have to get up early in the morning

The truth with a full disclosure is desired
Having no more beating about the bush
Every politician that wants our precious vote

Trust me. They rant, believe in me , I am truth.
Relax and smile , yes you’ve heard it all before
Unicorns are the holders of the whole truth
They are out there and only visible to Poets
Have faith my friends and the truth’s reveals

Everybody needs the truth.
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
Good advice.
Now Nature’s pen gives me good advice
The fruit that I buy is seldom nice.
The reason’s simple.
Fruit markets sinful
Now try to grow one’s own every time.

Written by Philip
December 6th 2018.
A dialogue between two poets on the merits of fresh organic fruit.
Oliver Philip Dec 2018
Humble patronage.
Facts of life (1)

The facts of life hard learned
May take full course to run.
Although as a tender youth
You thought you knew it ALL
It’s not for want of trying now
That lessons came together
Our self confessed pure Genius
Or humbled muttered stammer.
The need to be someone revered
Both loved by all and sundry
Is whittled down with smiles n frowns
Be content you’ll make it someday.
Written by Philip.
December 13th 2018.
Humble patronage is an important fact of life.
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