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David Hilburn Dec 2023
Tender strength, sender's excuse
A sneeze to reach to tomorrow
Avid, we determine a silence was...
A house of compromise, sincerity, and willfulness, to borrow...

Burden yourself with a memory, some other dainty...
A question thought liberty, driven by the wind
Has visited me, in the couth of decency's charity
Simple lessons of anger, and the angel of succumbing kin...

Redoubt is my only defense...
Pied, or provided a callous soul, the taint?
I seek is a lip with no meaning, meant in the essence
We direct to such, a season of wishes, we compare to ain't...

Anarchy in love, the thought to reason
Anarchy in though, the times found me a shown few
Anarchy in decision's, a guarantee of blinder moments
Anarchy in ascertainment, a host of wisdom to look at you

A yawn with no future...?
As shrewd as furious days make a prayer, a seclusion
Catching mine, in measure and deliberate other, is a cure
Forces in voices, and the rationality of mercy; loves only intrusion?

Can I have my weight in gold, a tarter heaven?
So wished for, so washed of another fight...
With heaven, to remember succor in forms of resolve to come by, loving...
When the I.R.S. comes a knocking, is it time to put the day's tact in the past? Wake up, facts, you just fell in love...
David Hilburn Dec 2023
Instincts proven
Come the height of persuasion
Secrets and totals, continue in the hope of loving?
Peace to you, the resolve of a wishful intuition...

And, a heart to live longer...
Than ourselves, a host of common avarice, the tools
Of verily, the times to win hap, a could stronger?
The image of decision we create, is it a silence for fools?

Relative to add, the needs of another
Timid repose, are we a challenge in gray stigmata?
With a new share in persuasion, to secure a loves bother
The tale of prayer, is now the voice to win stoic dilemma...

Where the vindication has gone...
Things and wonderment, wings and further, again
The silence has been broken, by the very act of us
A hallowing in the known, to seem our bared few, has seen since...
David Hilburn Dec 2023
Like-wise, bitten?
By love, to know a caring
Sojourn to little more, than a fitting
Response, to an eye out and sharing...

King's savior?
And the heat of irony to a new rule of came, desire
Welcomed staring else's, to a wish in a beauty, dour...
The reasons of courage and it's season, should be no denial

King's passion?
Long in truth's to defy a giving hour, subtle stilled
Is a many frustrated act, with poise to ask heed in kind?
Is a wish come by a strength unknown, the prayer of hell?

King's heaven?
Totaled by the court of decision, as a world goes by
Living the point, and realizing a marriage is god given...
Will we keep the obvious, or is oblivion the other side of this lie?

King's conscience?
Avid in roles and its herald, future coping
Has the remembered today, and peace, for when patience
Is but a stoney gift to liberty, to refuse a silence is hoping...?

Asking's decision?
Wealth of deeds reach, is in the embrace of sigh's, significance...
Worthiest in a days means, the name of solace and timid intuition
The pale trust of each other, earning the doles and shared justice, we named living chances...
Once upon a time, there were three stars to ask, is forth all right?
David Hilburn Dec 2023
Tonight, no fruition?
As shrewd steps of the irony to suppose
Have and maybe another face at the intuition
Glare if you want to, but a sincere mirror knows...

Longer times than a school of thought...
Realize the fate of ordeals and courts to whisk away
Hard habit and the dread of posing for a needs lot
Ask me if deeds make good acquaintances, and I may...

Give you the stare of a lifetime
But the thoughts of an ideallic song, have caught my awareness
When you emerge from a pout, the inclination of power in rhymes
Belong to me like a friend is the better of seclusion for a guess...

Won to add one, is a burden in gaiety to confess, too...
A plural being, equals a seen confirmed conscience, came beyond same...
A be in the seem, seems to be a closer friend than what was who...
Waste nothing on watery eyes, and all of character will ask about fame...

Is it me or an angel has found their wings?
Like the sorry eyes of wishes that want by the way-side
A happier time has real privilege for misery to accept, your means
Are to grow in time, and see the patience of another, have hope for a chaste life...

Baring the sanctity, of another fate, arguably the moment of prowess
Of a simple standing of reasons and the rational turn
A wish to come into its own, is a means to sincerity, bests
The whole of a subtle world, with a moment to face the music, and learn...
David Hilburn Dec 2023
No finish, no eye
Without a simpler gift
To know a better city, when wry
The hours until pasts have decency, to lift

Itself to a plane of exasperation
Powers in love, with know, a callous sorts
To a windier start to fame, than the next generation
Shown the spill of light, that limits time to such's force

Prayers in found voice, with a clue
Kind come, and the dread of sincerity
Finished with justice, and the cool liberty we soon
The tows of might, are one to find here, with reality

The truth in a handful of bared kindred
Sakes alive, the turn of vice into a sour couth
To know and to love, with the sides of fewer lead
Than fewer meant, to keep a share of what we knew, youth

Young races, younger eyes
Paces and places of virtue, with the time
To predilect a so, with a soul for sigh's
Long in looks and posed to continue in courage, is a world ours, for  trying?
David Hilburn Nov 2023
Hope you see; better
Candid was my hour; altruism
Archaic has a letter; liberty
Might's eyes to wonder; decisions

Rue of the night, in a hallowed home
Since to envy, was our only commit
Commit to memory, the burden we care shown
Avid assurance is to begin the conversation, the wit...

Threads of day, and the uniqueness of privilege
Came for a sameness, in all similarity
The simplicity of chaste, is ours for lead
And the health of sincerity, a crucial timidity...

Persuasion has seen, the better of me...?
Composed of gaiety, and the nod of spontaneity
Worth the smile you provide, a host of being
Salvation and its harmony, for wisdom to know anxiety

Anxious appetites for silence; eschew
Prowess in a kinder can; hereafters
Living testimony with a callous chance; unifies
Pride in the name of love to worry; sisters?
Doesn't fate exhibit a patience or a pity? try the banana peel on her birthday? Nuns with funny money, ask to get married...
David Hilburn Nov 2023
Misery owns me...
Angels and harmony, to till a silence
With the mouth of where simplicity has a means
To an end, of self and occlusion to find, a chance

With the hours of love
In the circle of friendship, we dote
Is a mercy in form and function, if not a covenant
Of success in its drive, to the names of an infinite vote

Strangers of pasts, in the seem?
A passion with cold shoulders but heavens heart
When we are a clash to seek a question in the stir we deemed
Is a purpose beyond our matters, a living stone of what start?

A trying hope, in the needs of mere, than a person justified...
But the call of destiny in a honor to prove, the lasting
And the lesson of providences divine mind...
Where one more soul to take the liberty, outweighs even love to lend

Running for privileges seen, patience in a worthed peace
Stopping not, for pride, the tows of when suppose is a swallow
Of complexity to turn distances into another soul, of these
We have met the only God of powers, ourselves to know better allowed

Misery owes me...
Readied kind, and salute to wishes I will keep, in know
The better of many things, the truth to rally a sojourn to we
The people of history, with a moment in the sun and its care, more
Aching wishes and detained privileges, to a fantasy of leading hope to grace? Why is a world round enough to know you? think again...
David Hilburn Nov 2023
The fat of the land
In a handful of beauty's toil
Worth the weapon, the wish in the sands
Of marvel's and erudite silence we foil...

Turns of children, into a barbaric claim
With the simple to play, we are a habit in cream
Spare to finish the season of a southern name?
Can, a song and dance with redoubt begin our dream?

For an ancient first to lately the order of final worst
Sidelined with a careful love, the strength we dote
In a clandestine seem of what God meant for theirs
Sitting with charisma's anger, the head of isn't a vote...

A world of sense, with one more step in mind?
Can a stone play in your lap...?
Lent the redress of tag, is our fate the voice of kind
Upon the hurt future, we select from seldom's hap?

Is it me, or did the future just fall in love, with meant?
Quiet spaces and tarter rooms, to pray for a calling bird
That has spoken like a king has remembered its covenant
A harrowing house of freshness and its vex, has made lurid?

War has a beautiful voice until ******...
****** is a wisdom to fetch remorse, like a pride had moments...
Moments with a tilling grace, are a hidden play for copious worlds...
Worlds that ought a heed of mendacity, save a heart by irony relents...

Silence...?, and a medicine in a bottle
If you have noticed a circumcision as a foil of worth
Spare to these, and with a promise in chides and prides, so rotten
But met in the sight of a wishful friend or lover, is an angel yours?
Go go girls plus a good bartender make true tales of wishes end, *******... One a day still meant to have daughters...
David Hilburn Nov 2023
Wait with me...
In a burdened eye, a heap of silence
Made and cared for, the shadows we flee
As if a quiet friend has the time, we begin...

A God of subtlety and success
Hid in the dread we espouse, we establish
Is a character of future hope, a suddenness?
To direct us to causes, that we saw make a wish...

Of torrid sincerity, finding only the call
Of seasons baring, the bird of paradise
Is a memory to fulfil, the rather and all
In careless should, and a need, was simplicity wise?

The fight of decency, in the driven rain...
Clouds of infamy, and the stir of repose in love
Good nature versus integrity's prophecy, for the reality of praying
To a God of wonder, that has seen our decidedly kept covenant

Cold, cold days of rage
Worth the forces of outward basis, backward to uncertainty
But winning the race of life, with a secret for fate
Long gone and sung with reason, isn't a heroism your purity?

Allegiance in now, need for the thoughts of another
We welcome the reign of strength, like a sharing is a rolling curse
Alive in the wind, for a new face, of properness and loves bother
With a couth to elaborate, the truth we ourselves, know has a world...
David Hilburn Nov 2023
Proper to still
Waiting on a charity's help
When energy's point to an obvious silliness
Is a coward to claim, a secret's wealth?

Eyes that rhymed with reason
Reality that knows a reaching tomorrow
Worth in a long stare, with liberty in the leaving
Is a coward to name, a problem for a lie to borrow?

Memory served, us a new tale
Through the might and redoubt, we dutifully finish
Meant as misery was, truer was in touch with a thought regal
Is a coward to fame, the other side of a justices sin, to wish?

Life with an obvious share, an hour to develop causes
In the way we were, a role of hysteria to live better
Than a callous more has a right, an identity of what were our odds
Is a coward to shame, a simplicity in love, with angel's and their letter?

Can love be a coward?
Shall and done, together in hell at last?
Would a party of redress triumphant, and its vehemence so far
Have the time, to know you for another cowardice, to never ask...
Just a reminder, of love in the view finder sometimes is the only way to look at the stars...
David Hilburn Nov 2023
Idiot savant...?
Homage in a round eye
Sillier to compose, a safety with its day, reliant?
Misery is such a formal taint, to the legend of life...

Thumbs of distance, we know so well
Back to heralded sighs of was, a care ours to imagine?
A silence redoubting a drum, a wind, and a bell
Looking hard and fast at a voice, is a flower a host at hand?

Music with responsibility to dance, if not answer the query
Of a mutual life, in the paces and throes it took
To know you, in a larger-than-life movement, of notoriety's faring
See the well, the chime, and the fruit of me; souled for a look...

An instinct alive in peoples wishes, with a solitary terror?
Here is the twain, in name and praise...
Your seclusion in the roguish smile, that has become a stare
Sharing the spirit no one has thought to seem, except the worlds wage

Prices of patience, and the next in kin...
Sweet honors and the redeemed silence of weal, a history to attempt
A race of solemnity, with a new world to win
The strength of an echo with no end, accept the love heroism has lent...

What comes next, for a friend and their firey embrace?
Welcome a salt to its promise, here to show a liberty is not withstanding
Minds of wisdom, have the time, for a purpose face to face
Kindness sought, kindred owed, is a soul just for love wandering?
Welcome home, sardonicism. Narcissi has stolen a kiss in the Ashdod; thumb wrestling...?
David Hilburn Nov 2023
Urges, we never said...
Were the time, the thoughts of open bother
Of a sleeping prophet, with silence to lead:
A care into the limelight, with heaven to hover

A brassier share, in the need of promises
Sent from guarded selves, a world which delves
Integrity is mine for a shall and a swallow of vices
That remembers you, when patience looked for life's health

Speaking of hell...
Strange invaders, strangers in the mystery of this yarn
Weal no more, than a crash of existence, we know so well
Letting mercy see my upset, a habit has me by the toe I shall learn...

Is it me, or did I just wake up?
City's of strength, and the embarrassment of delicate poise
Have opened their doors, to a solitude that has become a covenant
With the voice we add, is silent warnings of another's choice?

Tell me the story, comes my conscience
A hap of retribution in the same, the shadows of a scream
I have made, a promising God, a sign of the times to presence
That has looked, and seen our terror, the bitterness of a demon...

Save me from a stone of kinship, with a kiss...?
Proper shape to a wish alive, in sordid chance, a wind
Of guidance and justifying malevolence, that has stolen my wish
From the heart of me, a stare of pining finish to a lie to mind...

Pillows make fast friends, if shade is forever cool, intrepid...
Interest in a careful window, is many to fathom a liberty in shyness
Acts and paces of facts, run faster than all of the powers that are, hid
When children dance, the seed of specialness is a call to wisdom's bless...?

Care for another, victim of insincerity?
Long truth's and the tomorrow of interim
Has a rather chosen, possession of sardonic not, the charity
Of privilege run so far, for a wicked dream to lend...

Cough, cough; palpable
Anecdote to share a legend, no man has let live
Longer than a kiss in the heat of a kindness to ****...
Seeing is believing, even when our hope in a purpose above, a world in love with what we give...?
I owe kindness myself, with an air of trepidation that reminds dread is like a friend, was...
David Hilburn Oct 2023
Long time no see
Dancing into view, we are who
Have and a solitary save, with a voice for anarchy
Is remorse or persuasion a favorite, of the strength we show?

None, and the duty to living
The life of liberty
A safe place for harmony, to understate the giving
Of risen upset, we form into words and integrity

Despair seems to be...
But a beautiful vice has approached
Wishing us a welcome, in the needs we few and seem
Stares of this nature, have a lingering host

Ready to save, to be the one gave
A heed of profession, that is ours in sight
Of causes greater, by the common guidance we have
In context, and coping with a realm to the sense, of another's right

A vote is taken, with the marvel's of simplicity
Like no other, and with richness of ideas, to tell
The story of a neglect, come of age in all implicit being
Just a liberty's note, to a nary come well, to the nation we still...
David Hilburn Oct 2023
Birds always fly south
When, a winner has a moment...
Sour old fall, of life into bed with a crowd
Of feelings; never a spoil or relent?

Acceptation and divorce, artily
A shrewd person knows more than a cup of tea?
Lights and party's, fights and smarty...
When a dalliance has the floor, a candor can be...

Hair is a smile, if first and foremost denial?
Simply airs, and the deified soul to prove...
A habit in the gray, hosts of decency known a while
You are the hero, I am the pact and the silence of love...

A wager in the shadow of a waterfall?
Since rainbows are so expensive, or a mutual cause...
Where is a life more naked, with terror or mercy for a salt?
The price of love has become even more, a sit with laws...

Knowing what I do, a reason has a voice to win every argument
Spill of light, or cover of darkness...
The tooth you share, is a peace with a realm to its redoubt, patience?
Has the time to remember me; when shame has become a seen,  bless...

Sleep or sunshine, the dream is the same...
Sport of since, and the charity of a simpler sake
My moment in the borrowing of still, has come and gone with fame
Of a new time, in the shared forces of wishes, we've come to hate or make?
Sweet teeth, and the naive of rampant heath, has you by the coat tails...
David Hilburn Oct 2023
All, of simple options
Through the dark; of a little more
Satire; than whole resolve, the comparison of sin...
Has a voice, some equate with God, and his war

Cares to fulfil, an ancient prophecy...?
Where is bliss a taste of changes poise and its chances kin?
In the bathroom... a head for intimacy?
Try the vice now, the tarter the commotion, the lesser the lesson of sense...

Of a tear that revolted against, you...
Whether simple ask and acts, the done
To a cold shoulder is a wisdom to add a skew
Of silences just, are you ready for a friend that may forbid come?

Hatred, and the remorse of composure to a new face?
Set to rights, the climbing urge to share the tow...
Of a wiser question than sameness, in the sour way we make peace
A salt to the liberty of can't, being have hands for what was passion allowed?

Conscience, does a circumstance of weal, begin with us?
Proper to ourselves in the name of sigh's that devote the future all
To a whisper, that begat good nature to a realm of a silences disgust
Need in a poison stare; new is yours, now is mine to never fall...
Any house and with a silent show, we remember ourselves in the picture... (Hoping Halloween)
David Hilburn Oct 2023
The advance of spices
Found in today's shyness
The shrewd and spry, auspices
Of a count of succinctly, the face you make is...

My favor of sincerity
Such an uncertain cue, to look the other way...?
And know the silence, has a question in all civility
Does a sly thought, have the best of well, your day?

Dawn, the silver of the clouds
Has just fallen in love; with a coming star...?
Sharing only the mornings rustling, of breezes and towns
The taste of seclusion with a joy here, never to far...

Noon, the more we modernly save, the time
Happy was a heralded ordeal, of handsomeness's stone
We take to resolve, for another solution of sides
We are with, the kindness and the insist, of complication...

Dusk, and the fools of surmisal, have become realer silence...
The stare of synchronicity and its terror, love
Has the day for another you, with a realm to signify, the end
Of a wishing sky; a simpler earth, hungry for a covenant...

And the night of a lands court...
Made to order, and seldom, the love of forces we describe
As mercy, to an angel's heart, the very first vanity to flirt
Has you by a king, notice a queen share a kiss with life...

Any and all, the resolute masses, take their time...
Here, and the space for vanity to understate hell
With whose tongue; we know the contrite, the pain, and exodus of rights?
Of a coulding mirror? so did the candor it took to say desire's day, and all's well...

With the light and the shadow...
Spirit in my hand, or estrange a hair for a carnal blossom
I've seen your care become a salt, an imagination of milk and honey
That has a jew for you, a waiting wall of accord that has seen, loves and hates shown...
A candle for altruism's window...? nowhere, the other way around?
David Hilburn Oct 2023
None of the above
Somewhere, nothing to due...
With apropos silence, a corner of love
The salt to an eye, somewhere back in couth?

Shadows of change, if not the chance
Of courage and its best, peace
Bless us with a soul, if you find the instance
Of a spirit charitable, with todays patience...

Babes will affirm the know...
The sigh's of comment to be found in cope
Asking, in a deeds voice, is a wish to openly owe?
The courtesy of vices on the tip of the tongue, hope

When will aspire return, to typicality's sense?
First in the gifts, than the kisses of choice
Simple liberty is for any who would let ends
Sake the guidance a marvel makes, when we're back to voice?

Good bye, and with a reach for more...
The taste of hello, to the world, is a strength of mine
Powers of properness, and the might we form
Is a skipping light, said for in a wholesome soon, the very hour of adding a dreads shine...

Prayers of a wishing God...
Let to seem, the ire's of clash and suppose
A character of sincerity saw the reasons of beauty in its ought
For a smile in the known, that has come to these, for you
Baring a shade for the weight of sharing, does it wait or convince somebody its still...?
David Hilburn Oct 2023
Listening to the future
Sing a song, sing a deeds our
In the stark and relative promise, we cure
With hugs and kisses, the toil of anarchy in all power

Cherished time...
With imbued lips, the chastity of sorts
The wind to live once more, in world and chime
To know a clash with poise, these tears are yours...

Rights risen, to voices of callousness...
With the claim of sincerity as a tool, that becomes
A harrowed force, we have never seen without bless
Of a seclusions kindness, though even a hate may be some's

Risen rights, to voices we care
Forth a heady Christ, the trade of a lifetime?
Walls of avarice and heed of a monstrous appetite to fare
Is here and now, beloved, even in the eyes of barren lives?

Burden in sight, brief as a war with silence is
Evermore, the turn of chastity into a problem for needs
That burned a charity's flames, a grant of sin to substance
That in the spoken drive to see another become, living seeds

Welcome home
The vanity of surmisal, and its hurry to question the truth
Has added, has asked the vestige of powers, has life atoned?
For the notice of speed in the vices we spare, from even the risks of poorness, so aloof...
A row with the blessing of the neighbors, until richness has faced the music, we are a harmony that found you, blind...?
David Hilburn Oct 2023
Understand the name
Ushered with soliloquy
Urged and formed with particularity's same
Utterly and heralded if decency...

Us, words to live by...
Totals of uniqueness, a use for today
Simple replies to vestige, the way we live...
And the example, of a question to winds of strange...

Changes, the toward in the capricious deed, a harmony
To look beyond the overt, the escapism and the mayhem
We favored for a legend of the everyday, a breaking testimony
Ready to live in the times, a comparison to lend and whim

The this of thus, a lovers blessing, still a richer lessoning?
To which we never knew, a hap in the meager throe of light
That said the more, the news of sincerity for its guessing?
Was a marvel of unction, to let a reach of bests, become might?

That somber need
Enabled with the calm of a noble friend
Poise is us once again, a promise amid the heed
Of causes said for, sated with and a salt to the end

Privilege, do we remember your silent approach?
To the truth, a vanity we share to know a callous sorts of, you
Taken with a harrowed moment, to these we will know
The taint and the tender, asking in platonic voice, is ought too; soon?
Understood with a time for a tact, a providence is ours until facts are let, until we are fed the truth...
David Hilburn Oct 2023
Saving a day without your, dreams...
Sharing a whole life, with intimacy
Sordid is for future looks and cares, a grace it seems
Welcome yourself to a challenge, of a reasoned intricacy...

Met in the purposes of distances, to our problem
A silent form, if not force to know a callous sorts
Of them, and the language we due, to a passionate whim
The truth on a worldwide run, to see that calm, become mores?

Set in the sand, a wholly different view:
Tastes of common shame, with a decision to make...?
Thank you, belovedness, the sigh of virtuosity is a kept rue
The promises we made, to collect a change of valor, in sake...

Sandy futures, with our deference
To adjust to clarity's climb, to heaven
When souls take a chance, are we a fool earning sanity lends?
Such a banquet, made from sense and such and more, the tooth of giving...

Has a wiser question to blow your way...
Does an imagination save itself for the best seat, in the house?
Is a waiting wall of shadows for integrity, some took to mean and say
A hidden crush of existence, that is much more than hunger for thou...

In the east, a ball of fire with only two thoughts:
Marriage is a handsome king, and the avarice of death is his name?
Justice to avoid a seasoned cloud of pride, and austerity, made not
The fortune of a mayhem's rub and dissuasion, of a risen mere, of what was fury's same...?

Longing for a soulful kiss, the wind breaks for a time...
Tears and frustrations form, to near even the coming hint
Of paradise's blessing, how is in your way for one more trying
Set to heavens music, the role of simpler truth's has the moment...

Of a curious manhood, with a known reality to show
Advancing speed and mercy in a pre-addled fist, has become a life's generosity
Spare and decidedly questioned by the hence, is a day's swallow to openly owe?
Seems in a precocious such, we have seen your humanity...
Brace and gird, peace and heard. Letting a bared eye have the view of the future, the romance of the past; has seen all and any with a handshake, occur....
David Hilburn Sep 2023
Tales of the till to chill?
Tis the season of strange endeavor...
Wishes in places, peace to conquer and fulfil
Practice before them, the pipe of a lover...

Hands of refute, to quiet at a thought
Say with me, the mine and the sincerity of trying
We are the sitting, in reach, of another lot
Ought with the compliment of a serious time

Days with us, have their purpose
Of live and let live, hidden by a being chance...
And the total of sympathy crowned, a host
To loosen a reason in loves season, with a smiles problem

Finding them, in the name of more...
Separate from silly qualms, of just and right, the temper
Of regret, a habit in gaiety and seclusions form
The voice of persuasion is ours, for a kiss of the lender...

Lot, and the sophistication of cope, is our means
Today is the risk of demand and moments alone...
With a realm to ask, is a reserve the greater notion we seem?
And the silence of concern its choice, as a wish best kept at home?
David Hilburn Sep 2023
Rendered offenses
Sweat in the opinion, sakes
And due attention, to reason amends
Acting only a little saner, the stark stare a host makes...

Do you notice, evermore?
Anyway, the truth we prepose of...
Has a callous beginning, too sore
For a challenge of wisdom, that even does?

Prayers of dour anger...
For the aspire and means we favor
With a realm to a touch, tough knowing you and life's danger...
The reality of another fight, with sin as the futures flavor?

Speed has a question, dwindling in the wind
Suspect days, to redoubt and list the scope of an argument
That has the silence we afforded it, to keep the shadows of kin
Proper is as proper had, the hush of simple tomorrows, a problem to relent...

Toward sharing, the taste of a hoping kiss...?
That when recognized, sympathy is an answer; only a heed can tell...
The prayer of estrangement, has become a chastity's wish
Will a savior in love, know the better of kindness; here's your hell...

With a baring lip, that has suggested a toothsome reply to quips
And hearts to accept the solace of terror, a harrowing finish to past lies...?
That began and ended with a promise found in the bolting and gray wits
Of a dread simplicity, still running to wisdom's charity, which requited...
What gets rid of a ridden nightmare to and from hell and its best friend, death? Light a **** why don't you...?
David Hilburn Sep 2023
Like the other side
Pretty being you
Sour, the toes of decency
Throes of life, to thoughts we due

Special offering...
Today is a challenge, a care in a whisper
Saved from a silence, we've been suffering
With a curious look, asking the notion to differ...

Like, the other side
Spare and lean, to keep a sitting stare
Wish with me, the roles and the souls of us, so shy
With a plea for sincerity, that affluency's care...?

Pride on a sordid such, so merciless
With the paces of voice, we make a shared unction
Savoir faire, and in our interest, a whole question
Is a history a jewel, or is this beginning, a new silence?

Somewhere, somehow
The poise of anymore, than we were
Distance drawn to close, here to win a friend, wishes with the now
A friend to decide no, is still our wisdom until salvation has echoes for merely...
Regret will bloom bigger than a tongue tied, how's that eh, a flower with a moment to notice love fed love a dream? Austerity?
David Hilburn Sep 2023
Dead air
Host of acceptation
Boast of his brass band, done with a flair
The few and the gay, until avid is saying

Dressed to a tea
Do you remember me?
Sulk, indignancy, home is where the heart is keen
Of an adventuresome appetite, wishing for today to seem

A door on time and space?
Why, is an open question
Toward a new opportunity, is fade a way?
Consider us a relatively odd task, in the asking...

Are you ready, for an excitement that has no fate?
Undue the neglect you are observing, is mine to meddle?
A wish in the prime of life, that has voices to sate
An hour of ourselves, as if a weight is lifted only by ire's to settle

Presence of mind, to consume the obvious
And a waiting gift, of pace and timidity, a rage I devour
For every little pass and tumult, the tooth of meet the odious
With eyes of judgment that are a history before war

A war with only one side, your future
A whole instinct for what made us a jealous source
Of future stones and the path of significance, a reaches cure
For a windy digression into sates, that is come by force

Dismiss us when the strangeness of the night
Has come and gone, the truth to wizen at a poor justice
That has remained a friend of yours, for ages of anger and might
That knew one thing, to knock on your door is but a vice...
Dawn, and the intuition of a house has become, our excuse to remain silent. A story we favored with another kiss...?
David Hilburn Sep 2023
Hell, in a stare...
Which, need and prosper
Couldn't, find and kind, make merry?
A windy thought, for silence to serve...

A yawn in the times, to have altogether a clash
Sport of sigh's, exaction of a focused soul?
With memories, asking in an embarrassed fashion
To reach and never fail; the senses of old in their fold?

Waiting hours, that rescue a relenting since
Pretty bolts of wishes, that use wisdom as a friend
Secrets like these, are made for thumbs to lend...
A passing guidance to and from, a host oft shyness's, ends...

Total, are we a favored sincerity?
The fact we display, is a halt to seemingly, the toil...
Of everyday couth, we hope is a reason in the city
Where one patience above all, has meant us for a kept health...?

Running and playing, now
Tremendous sours and happier sweets, share futures...
Like a miracle to witness, the curiosity of ought and how about
Is yours forever, until a friend comes for it, a burden we have worthed?

With the lips of fortune, or the silence broken by dissuasion?
Time is a caring hour, such made, for ourselves...
Letting sunshine have the mercy, its supposed to be, stay...
A doubt to compare so with well, the voice that delves...
Satan appears, to have fallen by following you, too...
David Hilburn Sep 2023
How is in the house
Drama, fearsome now, and a gift?
Sordid we knew, the count of thou
Simple reach and prosper, with an eye to lift...

Here, seldom...
The deeds we fated in the shadows
Have a quiet keep, of what hope will love...
The rue and the risk, of vanity that a silence avowed?

Share, sakes...
The pout we made, for avidity to bloom
Security to fare, the court a decision makes...?
Has the silence for a hero, that is the future to groom...

Clarity, sense...
Has us by the toe, like a fruit...
Of simplicity to step forward and make amends
That seem to be ours, to worth and reveal to you, a tongue mute?

Savagery, sides...
Regret for a friend found in the times, a wish
We shall reason, is a recreation of soulless pride...
We deceived from a poignancy, with a kiss...

Now, is in the none
Achingly, our sincerity is a fashion of prodigy
Where in a thought, all of a tout to see the sanity of since all along
Took and never mistook, for a phantom of privilege, we mean...
Do I chew soap, when I press for a lover's cope ... yes, lover, the cleaner the whole, the better the truth eats...
David Hilburn Sep 2023
Set to rights, unknown
Merit we should give, the tout
Of recourse in its strive, a wish of variety to own
The very words of another, season of worth's power

Here to fore, and with symmetry to tow
Sakes alive, the times are a deed in a push
And severity's way, a lucid response to how
Would be, the actual with the pace; allowed with a hush

Maybe we are the one...
Smiles and utter reliance
Of cause curious, the total we due of resolve to fun
To create a simple though, of causes with a choice...

For greater interest in sense and its carry, the our of some
A heart of purpose and need?
Isn't a secret admirer the taste in a fruition to loan?
Mercy me, and the besought peace of a question to heed...

Can a wholesome gift of a time, dance here?
Lucre and the presence of merely, another beginning to being
A liberty amidst hope, the security of a wish to deign the answer
Which we have saved from a charity's lot, a sorts to silences best, seeming
Notice the tired eyes of distant feelings, find distinction in the power of granting a wish
David Hilburn Sep 2023
Tale of the none, with silence
The risks we endeavor, are forever?
And a daydream, that has a moment to suffice
Create me an avid soul, shrewder thoughts for lovers...

People of charming since
And guarantee's hence, with a smile
Of recourse, I will know a rage, insight lends
The times of virtue in calm, and duty to shyness...

Mercy in a carried few
Witnessing the gifts and presence of mind
With the senses of curiosity come patience, we due
To a passion of simply asking for help, in time

Allied solace, the terms and needs of equity
Privileged intuitions of a charity in call, and prowess
The turn of composure into gold, absentia in divinity
Suggesting hope, is a long cool look at love we guest

Many days like these
Energy in forms we can understand
Solitude forth a response, to aging tomorrows we please
First and foremost, the basis of comparison to answer a land

My needs are my promise
Salutations in couth, the liberty to accept austerity
With the sincerity of kind, a sharing seemliness of the wise?
And to a shrewder how in the season of now, the candidness of disparity?
Funny how the future catches, first there is wonder, than a shoe, then the tying of shoe laces, and off we go to tomorrow...
David Hilburn Aug 2023
Since meaning you
A tool of wishes that never was
Mercy me, and the tone of a voice, with should...
The times are a glittering star, that knew ourselves thus

Shape of things to come:
Hap is such a worldly ply, of a hosts among
Sense is mine, that could, a reprimand in heat and one
Same to you, after such an introduction, are we going long?

Share the bite of distance, the tale to tell
Is heed, a speed with special eyes?
If nowhere has a call to air, the littlest bit of well...
A hard swallow of persuasion, a solace with moments of pride

Sacred? or the stir of person's in the name
Of cope, the tooth to display a better tongue
Which for a seldom used word, is the better of a cares fame
Caught in the now, and lost in the voice of eaves, wronged?

And the calling of a world to the simplest of so's
Looking a sanity, with a single idea, a query
Of what was the cold shoulder of a smile, that came to woes?

And found me, in the turn of chaste into sweeter pasts
Time to remember the court, of decision we made
An aging hope, to live longer by the need, which asks
Is it time to dance again, like a prettier sorts said...
Welcome home honey, timidity has chosen us to share a miracle's kiss, with a pretty silence...
David Hilburn Aug 2023
Did, a heart of sincerity...?
Made pure, made true...
With the soon, a vestigial anarchy
Came to these, the rue of what we fate, to irony due...

Life and a laugh
The instilled today, the tone of a voice
Given the wishes of the frank, and endearing more we hath...
The compliment of sorry eyes and sudden why's, a unity's choice?

Cope, tomorrow in league with such, a service
To fragile ideals, and the carnal low...
Seemingly mine, the inclined shrewdness of austere sigh's
Is a head at pride, a lover's lie to compel a friend to owe...?

Me, a hardier since, seclusion in a waiting worth...
Can a heightened sense of curiosity, begin here?
With the claimed sake, and kindness of silenced gain, by earn
And turn of chaste into a needy repast, is my ought's notion clear?

Waiting on the words to divine a character's politics?
Sate and uniformity in mind, for another go round
With such a treatise to sympathize with truth, that a gesture meant
Is a gesture in the fate, we knew as a careless whisper, to allow...?

A hat of composure make the day for neglect, isn't a worlds eyes drawn
Meant and imagination, to a seemly rise and flow; was distance to form the words?
Which brings us to the shade, of conscience's seldom, as if a waiting song
That has a notion to become, hungrier than me, that sees the problem of seasons early...
In retrospect, to a crying's elect; the tow we provide for kindness is as simple as that ... who the hell just gave a heck for me?
David Hilburn Aug 2023
Just the peace, the least
Of a lesson in gray seem...
Care for any of a mere in is...?
The pasts day come by a heart to win...

Places we played, we fated with a new passion
To call upon what we knew, for a deeds many
In held today, the common with the lasting
Of a smiling friend, that has the voice to lend any...

Heard in a clash with silence's blessing
Today is a merit in keeping style
Through a moment alone, we saw the hour we are giving
Have the affect of heeding the same, still powers, all the while...

Mercy in a roll of thunder...
Time with a being sit of earn, to know a charity to burn...
Sacrifice and learning, dealt the blow of wonder...
Sameness of a presence of mind, with shyness to churn...

Final guarantee of a simple care, in the hands of life's appetite?
Here to say, and know a seldom in the name of comparison
A snapped finger has its way of settling an argument, a fight
With itself, and the world of other's, without mercy on the run...

Cares of vice, within the range of your ears...
Patience in kind, if strength has a say...
Lucid forces to intone, a way amid pain and fears...
And wholly fated shame, we almost missed for nix, that just learned how to pray...
Where angels fear to treatise, the miracle is on the now, with vows to count...
David Hilburn Aug 2023
Hello, anarchy
Which to fame, has us at a loss...
Speed and deliberate need
Come compare the such, much more than what was

Life in the shadow
Of couth, the tale to tell
In the reach of so, the only more
To well put sorts, give a hell...

The flight of fate, in a fanciful eye
Succor and the distinct, preparing a same
To rid a single now, of roles of reversal in line
With the cares of seclusion, a worldly name...

Made ours, for doubt or pout of adding avarice
Such as known, no man without his hap...
Making souls a redoubted glance, a have of what sides
Of reason meant, a dross made sensation, keeping only apt

Done with the total of seem and decision taxed
Here to aim, the solace of strength, at could
Whimsy in whether's esteem, the doles of wisdom's act
Is a child of avidity, come by you, with an eye for should...
Waiting on a sun's shadow, is like waiting on the ends of the earth...
David Hilburn Aug 2023
Toll of an evening bell
Of a land far away from sense neither
Welcoming the scope of sharing, seemed little
The rue of roles and omnipresent goals, is a requite to bare?

Many and dread; the toil of another eye...
Followed briefly, to wind a searching cause
Simple lows and metaphor, with a sincere edge for why
Is a shadow ever mere, and dear, to ways we laud?

A riddle that makes the night a special peace
A privilege in tantamount time, of questions and answers
That when dismayed, has the voice of anarchy
Intimate, but ****** to rights, adds the humor of heed; to learn...

West with the common, the vices we assure are may in motion
If but a seemlier kind, to these we knew a reason about a shown
And carnal liberty, with which we keep ourselves all and any, a devotion...?
In the aspire of coping, a handsomeness that delivers a promise known

Whimsy stands before a whether, and a care of silence, comes into view...
Trees and fruit, pets and forsooth, are we the people of candor?
That when asked to lead, a marvel of must if the name of doting shew
Shrewd is the cold shoulder, of more than a clash of distance with more?

So, what remains to gall, is a friend in needful deed?
Or was that a paradises fall, into the arms of reality, sake
Of a wish that completes the tact, we envoy is a careful means
To an end, that works like this, can hope become a call to make?

And about the swallow of pride, that made us
Confirmed sincerity of an asking patience, is worth now?
Or if how is to ever be, the gift of poise to claim ourselves thus?
Lions for lambs, and Grandma eating too much ham; your Aunt says try the applesauce...
David Hilburn Aug 2023
Angel's of better through
Myself, to a fascinating yarn
Of what went where, a since of owe...
That collect a share in more, to earn

Callous decision begins the day...
When is a legend of promises and due count?
Of a shadow in the grand scheme of things, say
The utmost of tries and tribulation, within a certainty's pout

Credence to verify a care, the toil of just
The riddance of guarantee, to account a new play
Oft the light of simplicity, but complex in sides of must
That have harrowed a call, a cause of means in altruism's way

Stepping forward, in the name of a treatise vaunted
We spy the court of prodigious example, for a nefarious ghost
My time here, is a walking and silent myth, a risk haunted
For the gain of truer heed, in a wish there is patience for most?

Could a faring wealth of passions decree, be?
Here is the solace of worth I will know, a caring hardiness
Made shall, a redemption to a tow and show of order, to lead
The audacity of a hand of fortune, to the rise of charisma I bless...

With that, the treasure is many and magnificent
Couth in final compare, in the spare and presiding
A wish of summation and its thought to drive, a share meant
With the lips of dignity, that shall continue without airs of denial

At role and delve of omnipotent trust
The tooth of the day, is to hope, is a forth and will of kind?
Long looks and summations hope, is a silence to discuss
Letting ours begin here, with purpose beyond fear, is mercy to mind?
Is the gift of a new friend, of the hand or land? Some would ask, is a handsomer view of life to be shared?
David Hilburn Aug 2023
Wish upon wish
Of a simple day to reserve
A stringent care, to enliven a mission
To decency's stare, the tone of a voice I share, worth's...

Places and names, thought's and conditions
Today, I have seen a callous approach
Since to fame, and a family of just renditions
Of a palpable song, I know by heart and hosts

Sanity's feather
Loved by loan and lore to signify
A rational deed, a promise to air the most, another
Call to a beauty's wish, mine to live and begin a worth's sigh?

Forces may mix and mingle, even make the time of day
A wholesome vestige, sights that calm a reason
Of comparison, might over the tale of visions may
Being a careful lip, in the world of shared seasons...

My nap, my hap
Is a legendary conversation with all of a kind
Seldom in passion, but given the stand of notoriety, under my cap
Heed is a longing taken to understate the silence, I mind

Awakening, I see the seasons become like fruit
Tentative to the distance, and the mayhem of need
Spare and special, the liberty of clashes, to know a decision to suit
Wishes are like these, a character of privilege with how to lead...

An angel's wish for better possibility's...
A care of work's in loves embrace, as if a can't of sincerity is hope
A legend of solace that has the causes of youth, for a wield of civility
And the futures presence of mind, that will with the ought I chose

And the entourage of absolution I will know, is mine
Ends of worth set to winds of change, and the new fate of reliance
Which with sense as our guide, has asked, is when to become ours for time?
Wide eyed and willing to save piety for life, does a chance meeting with an angel mean the better as a friend? Don't be a fool and ask...
David Hilburn Jul 2023
Promise me a day
Time in its opulence
Merit a tow to know may
Ask me when the rain is silent

Finishing a step, forward
Turn and see the call, to erudite calm
Become my poem, my retort
To liberty so avid, some would say all...

Light's and harmony
Stoic to a fault, in the name of presence
For an unknown side of stranger levity
With the evidence of a bright mind living for airing ends

Patience audacity
The tone of my voice, is our self in love
Seeing nothing more, the court of nativity
For a risen deed, of beauty and heed; a covenant...
David Hilburn Jul 2023
Roses, we never...
Stations of man...
Seasons of women, lover...
The promise of cares to know elan...

The personality of curiosity
The passion of consciences need, me
Actual live and lets live, is patience's heed?
The voice of causes in love with the sea...

Prepare a friend for a choice, in silence
In a careful our, the times to share a challenge
That lowly, is a seldom seen force, that comes to ends
Like us, but in the portion of beauty, is a stone to many...

Finish your daydream with a salt...
Majority's and meager kind, waits with a palpable goal
Prevailing upon a coping house, we conceive of liberty's all
As a welfare of stigmata, like a child of quiet to fulfil strength's, of  old...

Archaic sensibility's, the role of service
To an ideal, adding wishes, of privilege to step forward
Thirst and communion of hunger, has become a beauty's sigh
With but a kindred to assume a whole chance, of a needy star?

Resolute, lovers remind, the sincerity of ambience
Is like the back of the land, a halo of voice to share, the new
And then, the silence of composure broken, with a stare to bless
The rosey attitude of health, that worships a pace of peace to come soon

Fed with liberty, and the tooth of summation
A body will know the lingering shadow of timidity
Shall, tows of waiting powers, the keep of intuition...
Is my fury at secrecy owed, or is my cause a saving identity?
What did the mermaid say to the merman? Sea food, the future depends upon having a wave...
David Hilburn Jul 2023
Don't it so...
After the plan, a wholly made can...
For the salt of the seen, a caring woe...
A happening place made, with also and...

In the arms of dismay, is an hour said
Or is being a choice made, in lots to be, won?
With the worlds we invest, a care in lead...?

The stone of freedom
Today, is the silence of justice, broken for a time
To know a callous share, the irony of a question
Meant with a smile's cope, and harmony to become, trying

Whether amid seldom or comparing rarity to obligation
We have ours, an appetite of simplicity, keeping a noble prophecy
A redoubt to the ends of the ear, if not the bests of listening
All of due couth, and the promises to know youth, we mean...?

A world of sincerity with an eye for summation
And to a deed in love, with scope for a mightier future
Where one day, with sense beyond any other, condition
Well, is ours for a song, given the places and faces of needs, more
And vice versa, a little bird once said...
David Hilburn Jul 2023
Liberate the train
Inch by inch, mile for mile
Speed is a waiting land, devoted to plain
Excuses and accusation, in the lips, all the while

Independance, is our reward
Found futures, in a problem silence, now
In last, the problems of candor before the words
Of compelling a heart to action, as if guidance allowed

Travel of the ******?
Suppose to wither with denial?
Sordid capture of a freer insanity?
Cares of presumption, to live with fear, filial?

Callous worth, we's of owed solemnity
Trading hunger for wheel's
Spare adroitness to tame a keeping nativity
Boxes of avarice, with purity to establish a host feel's

Rage, for a dream in the land
Set to firsts and lest we begin the dire harvest
Of an honest soul, that has lent avarice a hand
A thought for wishful patience, that has momentum to attest
People who know a date with infamy, notice a knocked door with best's and host's of more, problem's
David Hilburn Jul 2023
Pretty to fickle, all true
Sovereign in light, and due
Sacred with love, come soon
Time can hospitality, sated who?

Rhythm of a pacing simplicity
Acts and freedom, to tell a story...
Shy faces, with these we indignancy
A callous form and its sources, with which we worry...

Worlds away...
The dancing now, and its vice with how
Suggestion is timid, and stoic, shade
Saving the gift of suppose, we notice allow...

Voiced anger, the rhythm of mere suggestion
Havoc, to come and question, a far away silence...?
Minds to verify a given stone, the break for intimation?
Is ours; are they esteem, or are they courting a promises chance?

Pity a fool for the future...?
So somber, the cares in lent choices, the truth has become
A character in a kiss, violent enough to worth curiosity
Of the pain we see, a chastity to accept a savior for home?

Epitaph, to a drama in the street
Sudden lips of shame, and the take of finite stares to heaven
Wishes and carnal know, the none you felt in heat
In the hour, and with time to slam doors, done is our reason...
Same so suns saw, it in a Magritte painting...
David Hilburn Jul 2023
If a bell tolls...
For whom, is a lover known?
Threshold to act upon weary eyes, oh you soul
The creation we find, in void moments sown...

A rue of compassion
The till in evidential hills
Sun and wine, to tell a tale to promises lasting...
A herald of simple gifts and rises of poise, will

Lovers to the end
Exactly need, in voice's portrayal
And seeking guidance for a named lip, here is mend
In the scope of distance and reality of a soul

Succinctly new?
And with sense's favors, to claim a richness of good...
In the speed we accredit to love, is worth a filial who?
Seeing the gesture bloomed, is fate acts or paces, new?

Heed me when the holiday is over, lover
Might's to consider a whole, if a liberty is to be
The thought of romance, is a changing season, meant dour
In the shared seldom, of when a passion has it, to lead...

A fruit of conscience
A hap of solace, predestined to same
A reason of couth, to collect a hardier presence
A wish of blessing the best you have to often, and the patience of fame
David Hilburn Jun 2023
Total me a dream
Find me, a corner of an eye
Save me, the turn of chaste, in whim
And poise, me is a reason to be why

A house...
A character of decency, we delve long and tight
A stirring hour, we hope is beyond a days shroud
Taken with the memory, of sincerity to share might...?

A place...
Found with the eyes of wonder, we make for ourselves
Chance heiring, in the name of a vice's pace
Of coping how, and the semblance of seclusion, a wealth?

A room...
For sign's of witness, particular to shadows of change
Wealth is to be the common, the thought to let liberty mushroom
And become a friend, of worth in loyal sates; however strange...

A step...
Forward with communion to entail even the solitude, we meant
For a night's angel, and the demands of couth we select for wit?
See the composed guide me to the strength I know, is more sent...

A stone we should know...
Passing all to follow the method of our following
Promise and privilege, in the seem, to wish once upon a time to owe
Swept away with the today we accept, is a now in the hallowing...
The blander the pillow, the better the day dream...
Jun 2023 · 78
No Man, Named Charles...
David Hilburn Jun 2023
Have in had, adding a wink
**** to truer sight...
Does a friends smile, ever stink?
Letting eye's wonder, can I save my own might?

The opinion of a surprised mess:
I have named deliberate
Sought cause, condition in succinct bests
Should a friend, have my world for sates?

Anticipation, is a cowards clue
Fate; fastness to a harrowed gleaning
Of what went where, and who?

Silly votes, at a guidance's ear
Requite the time, I saw straight
The door's of dependency, which consider
The risen order to love, a seeking of fate...

Might, passion be it?
Sense, with a sweet hour to cope
The rue of the truth, so finished a wit
That to some, a futures more, just may be hope
David Hilburn Jun 2023
Pondering took...?
Take me to the sun, shining forth
And true, a tales wits, for a look
Of cope can, the safety of bests, let worth...

Shadow of commit, the irony we deem
A stoic terror, meant in a flowers queue...
Will beginning a world with lent thought's, to seem
And imbue; is a character of wishes made, wishes should?

Impassive, the irony we avoid...
Is a call to passion, if not a heeds compassion
Ever worth more than the time it took to crave it?
Such a choice, and a memory of care in its lasting...

Now, in the hark of some's and bastions of deed
Let with course and in history, a right to liberty's boat
Lingering storms of sensitivity should, a particular means...
Where the salt of decision is a capable friend, isn't when to love?

Love with a certain kindness, to adding hope in a lore-filled smile
Shame and contempt, in league for one step
More than a callous wisdom can afford, if a season of denial...
There is more than how to tell a tale in each, there is a Godly wit...
David Hilburn Jun 2023
Both of my many
Seriously, the thanks
Of oddity, set to language
With a single hope, to simply ask...

Silence, I can afford
With only, itself...
Cause curious, the offending word
Is love, with an instinct for wealth

Paradise, was a fascinated clue
Almost and authority, undue?
Shared with poises shadow
Claiming only myself, as voice accrued

Being the fate of another
Time, is a world, before anarchy
Ought in my step's, divine is a lover...
What if a scarecrow could ask you, if I spy it in the land and it should...
David Hilburn Jun 2023
Rose redoubt
Rose few, in the hate we fed
Rose acts, when charisma is a pout
Rose timid, with a live for all ahead

Round eyes of decorum, vice in a wandering hope
Let to take, a tryst of potential...
Long if tooth, a wholesome day to arrive with our own
Here is my naivete, and a steads sulking breeze so beautiful...

When the world is rounder for a secret asking, to fulfil...
Promise me, a livid course, a golden truth
To the wanted more, when we are a soul of will
The tone of our voice, becomes the drama and decency of accepting youth?

Sophistication in a moment alone, with the weight of the world
Seemingly not, before the needs of others, worth is a means to amends...?
And the coltish example of the future, a repose of justness so early
That a miracle in the form of a wish, is a simplicity we lend?

Tales of the reach, the romance of curious senses
And the heart of essence, we know even will...
When boding hours are to be, the callous works of a world come to ends
With a handful of what miracles were, a common where to the liberty of silence, so real
What so wrong with a door knocked by a time with no bitterness; lies or lovers?
David Hilburn Jun 2023
Powers of side-ways laughs...
Kick of light into a searched for kiss
Make and meant, are we a hopeful hath?
Sure, the toil of adding ourselves, to a heart to miss?

And the game of can't and won't
Wished for a friend in hollow limelight, a ridiculing guest?
The taken hiss, for a wishful smile; arduous but don't...

How, or wisdom?
Or, the tale of significance
With a moment to share even kind, to these we dumb?
But a shadow of history is a muse to the light, we sense...

Any and all, to a thing of since, we are to be...
In the hands of deference, where one more step is a being
Hour, to which selfish is a range of voice, in all anarchy
We save a friends time with sour regrets, in the name of simply seeing

Martyrs of deliberate quote and silence from a boat...
Together they make a notion, to tell the truth...
West with a capable soul, the tale has become a superior love...
Argued by you and me, see the head for simplicity, that is youth...
When sight is a raging storm with nowhere to go, its up to yet and its bother, together to know what to do next...
David Hilburn Jun 2023
The sweetness of dismal forth?
Space and a tapping heavy will of the wish
Greeting the dread, a host of silence, music for worth...
Naked real enough, naked felt to mention

Raises an eyebrow, raises a hunger
To the table of vestige, the tone of mystique
For a doting hope, dancing in the arms of thunder
Reach and purpose, in the shielded eyes of a lead...

Curious rhymes and times with a patronage's bag
Hurt feelings for a lore, in the needs of more
Had like a thought, in toil we save the cursory to add...
A callous few, the society of timid eyes, knows you somehow stranger

Lights that remind, you...
Three pigs and a wolf to tell the time
Have a mirror in mind, one for alienation
Two for a side of salt, and three wishes that should, a crying...

And a wolf in the first place...
Space for happening homes, the tale of synergy in grasp
That has the continue if not the view, of when a soon is sate
Is a requite of voice and its taste in joy, a new past to ask?

Exorcism of a priest, and a tale of youths?
Without the kindness of privilege, or the epistolary of count
The wailing and the stolen tryst, of powers that be our couth's?
In the dim and violent, misery we will note, is but a secret's pout

Passionate days, with a reason to be here
Aching eyes on the verge of unity, if not use for a cross
That has said, in a treatise of vice and quiet offering, of fear...
The none, the fulfilled song, and ourselves in an eye to toss...
Old as the hills and with a bitter lip of understanding, does God remember you before himself?
David Hilburn Jun 2023
Dare the dainty
All in eaves, a dance of we've
Sour regards for a knowing heed, the eclectic key
Wavering in the air, to tell a story of finality

Salt, dust and whatever else
Rhymes with damnation, the tows of veracity
Become like lucky butterflies, the solution in bells
To worth and occur, with a certain mighty...

Sounds of music, to die for
Through the hollow of sunshine we find so warm
The completion of a single thought for avidity, so sore
Has the curiosity of chances, and the decency, only more

Should we shoulder a pathetic distance, from the nerve?
Or is causes guidance, to a realm of liberty ensconced
We woke, and walked to the notion adding, a due friend
With seasons of come, to light the way to sits, of around...

About now
The tale has become ours for a looking have, and the moment gave
Mirrors, seldom fears and a host to what nears
The romance of aptness, for a circle of deem, that has it to save...
Ask a hollow log if its safe here, and you get a response; perhaps shadowy longevity should, the taken presence we find is more than home.
David Hilburn May 2023
More to else
Favors of the sun
Whether requited, or earthen bell
Has a taste for cunning...

Anarchy in almost hold
Whole, in fates either
Comes for quiet times, a river of gold

God painted the sky
In its name
Rarity, futures or boldness high
On a revelations courage, a breath same?

See my needs, lead
By a callous soul, with memory
Served ahead, a soul fed
By all's redemption, a finality letting

Live longer than me...
Suffice and perception
Compared for a lover's means, a kiss
Of how is everything, when nothing is your intuition
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