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Tina Jul 2019
I am feeling a feeling,
So sweet and loving,
One i can't stop,
Asking for,
I love this,
Feeling so much,
One that u know that,
Your really for,
One you been waiting for,
You even been looking for,
This feeling is love,
Love from the one u care about,
One that u fall in love with,
You have everything,
Love is you and him,
Love is true with that one.
You know that he ain't going to leave,
Hes all about you,
He don't want anyone else,
He's yours,
That's love.
Tina Jul 2019
Family is first,
They say,
Well they leave,
Have fun,
One only left behind,
Sadness rised over,
They having fun,
They laughing in the back round,
Shuuu. Little one,
Is you fall sleep,
Dream happy,
Be happy,
Alone don't be scared,
It's the darkness coming over,
You only cry yourself a sleep,
Don't be scared,
You only left behind,
Your loved,
Your happy now,
Your not left behind,
Your happy with the one u love,
He's your forever,
No more sleepless nights,
No more hiding under the blankets,
No more crying,
Your not left behind.
Tina Jul 2019
Your own family,
hates u,
They don't talk,
They don't text,
They don't say anything,
They don't care,
About you,
They don't ever,
want to see u again,
The pain hurt,
Your heart flys out,
Ripping you to,
Hating yourself,
Telling yourself u are hated,
That your unwanted,
No one cares about you,
That pain grow,
Bleeding out?
Well that's only your,
Heart bleeding,
You have no family,
You only have yourself,
You only have to love you,
You can only help you,
The problem is your mind,
You ain't ready to forget,
You ain't ready to leave,
Your the daughter,
You only want love,
But all that love and support,
Is gone now.
This is really how I feel as a person. I have a man but family is more important than anything else to me.
Tina Apr 2019
why you laughing,
on wait let me,
find a reaction,
well at least your happy,
you taken everything of mine,
and left me with nothing,
i tried to give you,
a chance,
but could no longer,
you broke me,
i probably will never,
be able to find a other,
you were the better sweet,
i loved you so much to lose you,
i tried to not lose you,
but you left,
i never know,
what to do now,
i fought for you,
and you gave up,
you moved on,
left me for nothing,
you said you loved me,
you played everyone,
but mostly me,
well your gone,
playing with someone else,
dont come back,
because i picked,
up the pieces,
i been thinking of,
the world without you,
better with you gone,
your the player so,
your the **** boy,
so dont come back,
lost love but not,
my faith to myself,
not needing a man,
to make me happy,
i only need the,
love for myself,
so jump right,
on to someone else,
because you can't,
have me no more.
Tina Apr 2019
would the world stop,
if i would,
be gone,
only time could tell,
slowly every minute,
to every second,
the world does,
not stop,
should the world just,
stop when you ask,
nicely for it too,
no the world,
is made so we,
can keep moving,
to remember every,
soul we lost,
to every members,
we have with them,
the world would,
never stop moving,
if we were to stop,
the world from moving,
then where would,
we be in time,
we would never know,
we have to move on,
cant hold on,
then it must be time,
not everyone will,
cry for you,
you can be,
trapped in time,
by yourself,
but you have,
to move on,
cant keep crying,
you have to let,
go of things,
its unhealthy,
you need to keep,
moving just like,
the world does.
Tina Apr 2019
i have been,
wishing on a star,
a start a new life,
so great and loving,
i have been,
wishing on a star,
to be older i would be,
i have been wishing,
to have a family,
to make you happy,
i been wishing for,
someone great like,
you to be by my side,
i been wishing,
but only one wish,
came true,
you are my wish,
and surly my,
dream man,
i loved you from,
the start,
you been the,
wish i wanted,
i finally loved my wish,
you been my heart,
you always been the,
wish i asked for,
i never could wish,
for anything better,
i could wish,
and wish for,
everything i could,
but the wish i have,
is to have you,
so all my wishes,
came true.
Tina Apr 2019
you are a outsider,
so not normal,
who would you,
you are a outsider,
just like me,
would you say,
your being true,
to what you,
believe in,
or are you,
someone who,
cases the trends,
you are a outsider,
you fight for life,
not the trends,
your you,
believing in you,
your a outsider,
in joy being,
their are so,
little left,
dont turn on,
be you and,
love it,
your a outsider,
so what,
your not normal,
believe in yourself,
dont be boring,
your a trend,
your you,
and thats what,
matters the most,
you scream for,
you but only you,
dont let the world,
change you,
be a outsider.
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