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Nov 2019 · 199
Bansi Adroja Nov 2019
I keep you in my pocket
a constant charm
reminder of the good times
old days
spent young and foolish
in the summer sun
living in love songs
all night long
we go on...
Opposite day
Nov 2019 · 301
Bansi Adroja Nov 2019
The city always reminds me of you
amber leaves in Hyde Park
your coffee under the trees keeping my hands warm

Our nervous laughs
all the way to our love lost somewhere in the dark
cold shoulders through phone fights

But we never walk away
from a chance of feeling something
like that first date

Hearts out of hibernation

I loved you from that moment
our borrowed time
lost in October sunshine
Far from perfection
Oct 2019 · 215
Bansi Adroja Oct 2019
Wish we'd met at a different time
as different people
living their lives in a different way
lost inside a big city
with so much space to grow
into each others arms
a real meeting of the hearts
as poets in usual haunts
or suits looking for a thrill
after a week of number crunching
over beer, pizza
and enough stories to fill a lifetime
only pausing for breath
only pausing to say
ain't it funny
how we met this way
Oct 2019 · 934
Bansi Adroja Oct 2019
You belong to the credit card statements on your coffee table
to your bosses emails at 7pm
to plans you can't cancel
to conversations that just don't end

You belong to morning commutes
to browsing produce same time every Tuesday
to the caffeine fix it you missed
to sad days you want to escape

You belong to everything
but you
Oct 2019 · 239
Bansi Adroja Oct 2019
Fair-weather love is all the rage
like plastic wine glasses
lost in the grass

A summer haze

Fair-weather love is all the rage
And we are just having one of those days
Aug 2019 · 334
Bansi Adroja Aug 2019
We are always falling together
like the waves and shore
pulling apart
at every opportunity
but addicted to each other
in a way only we know
under the moonlight
waiting for a sunrise
on and on
we go
It's just you.
Jul 2019 · 415
Bansi Adroja Jul 2019
I still think about when we first met
sometime in late  October
with rain in your hair
the sound of a beer cracking open
the sinking feeling
of just knowing
A poem stuck in my head.
Apr 2019 · 482
Bansi Adroja Apr 2019
I was a stargazer
sky watcher
full of hope
tracing pictures in clouds
(cats on surfboards and such)
with bright sunlight
or deep blue midnight
until it ended
with a crushing sunrise
A Poem a Day: Return from the abyss
Mar 2019 · 257
Bansi Adroja Mar 2019
I always thought you’d be the one that stuck
through the three am fights on our phones
through cold winters
and even colder shoulders
but here we are undone
in the worst kind of way
A Poem a Day: Fading out
Feb 2019 · 286
Bansi Adroja Feb 2019
I love the idea of us
having a place of our own
somewhere to share discussions
about the meaning of life
and drink good wine
a place we can hide
from the world
and all of it's cruelties

I imagine us choosing the paint
or the perfect coffee table
being content with the small act
of decisive stability
we chose to be there
in the place
that feels like home
A Poem a Day: Day dreaming home
Feb 2019 · 435
Bansi Adroja Feb 2019
We're all just zeros and ones
on a mailing list somewhere
we signed up for
on a whim

Waiting for days to pass
into darkness and oblivion
because who knows
if we matter
in the grand scheme of things

Against this background
of wars and weather change
we fight battles with paperwork
who's turn it was
to load the dishwasher

Who would notice
if we disappeared
lost in the wilderness
A Poem a Day: Monday Mood
Feb 2019 · 297
Bansi Adroja Feb 2019
You stand in the school yard
waiting for the bell to ring
for the day to disappear
they tell you not to
wish away your life
but you want to be someone
outside of those gates

These will be the days
you ant back later in life
they tell you
but you're not so sure

They don't tell you
about 9am tedium
hours spent in traffic
endless forms about taxes

Days lost behind your desk
watching the clock
wishing for the day to end
as you keep your head above
the bills, deadlines
and desperately needed alone time
A Poem a Day: Sunday Blues
Feb 2019 · 243
Bansi Adroja Feb 2019
Wanting is a strange feeling
an abstract emotion
that can tie you up
in all sorts of ways
days undercover hiding
or running away
from a ghost
a promise
something tangible
A Poem a Day: What do you want from life?
Jan 2019 · 291
Bansi Adroja Jan 2019
We're halfway between
two different worlds
caught up amongst the chaos
of all the colours
fighting against the dark side
of cigarettes at the back
of the bars we shouldn't be in
glasses of gin or something
more like liquid guilt
A Poem a Day: Finally starting 2019
Dec 2018 · 965
Bansi Adroja Dec 2018
He told me he loved me
on a Tuesday night
sometime in summer

Straight after work
heels kicked off
a ball on the sofa

He told me he loved me
and I felt light
like running

My heart is a stone

It doesn't care for
pretty blue eyes
or his pretty little lies
A Poem a Day: Fear of Intimacy
Dec 2018 · 225
Bansi Adroja Dec 2018
I feel waves of rage
anger that I can't place
it consumes me
bubbles in soda cups
fizzling out
A Poem a Day: Anger
Dec 2018 · 310
Bansi Adroja Dec 2018
It's odd how much people change
old friends from childhood
feel like strangers
and you wonder
whatever happened to them

I have changed too
detached from myself in a way
it's almost uncomfortable
not feeling like me
like a dreamscape
it is almost somewhere safe
A Poem a Day: Disassociation 101
Nov 2018 · 462
Bansi Adroja Nov 2018
It's a funny feeling
not wanting to exist
it's overpowering
but I feel it

Laying still at midnight
wishing away time
for it all to stop
the anxiety
the constant drowning

What a waste of sunlight
what a strange way to be
A Poem a Day: Depression
Oct 2018 · 1.5k
Bansi Adroja Oct 2018
I keep you in my back pocket
for lonely Sunday evenings
or Tuesdays when he doesn't come home
when he's busy with something else
someone else

You hate me for it
and I hate me too
for calling when I shouldn't
for needing you
when I really shouldn't
A Poem a Day : Guity 3am Phone Lines
Oct 2018 · 379
Bansi Adroja Oct 2018
We're painfully predictable
don't you think?
half a decade
plus some change
of this same insane
almost love story

We make plans we won't keep
the house by the sea
just simple nights on the sofa
or star gazing somewhere
we're just so tired
and it's been so long
we're all talk
we always have been

We fight about nothing
on the quiet days
just to fill the gaps
and as an excuse to make up
but still there's so much
radio silence

A Poem a Day : Six Years
Oct 2018 · 515
Bansi Adroja Oct 2018
I miss the simplicty
of being yours
being young
in the back of class rooms
in tragic classic novels
with folded down pages
something you always hated
the songs about heartbreak
autumnal sunsets
champagne coloured skies
perfection at the horizon
A Poem a Day : Nostaliga Revisited
Oct 2018 · 2.3k
Bansi Adroja Oct 2018
Do you ever count the bad days
and wonder why
you let those hours pass you by

Why get out from under the covers
the comfort of memory foam
and the cold side of the pillow

Why sit in traffic
listening to those same over played songs
wanting to scream at the top of your lungs
at the changing lights

Why sit at a desk
with almost strangers
checking for the count down to lunch
or any type of break
from the relentless machine
of the everyday

Why not pack up and leave
move to a place where you count
do something that matters
without a six am alarm
but that's just another thought
to pass the day
A Poem a Day
Oct 2018 · 890
Bansi Adroja Oct 2018
Sometimes I want to crawl
out of my skin
into a beach body
sun kissed perfection

Lost somewhere out at sea
amongst nothing but rolling waves
miles of silence
and occasional stillness

No longer existing
far away from dry land
and all of the anchors
scattered in family ties
and at nine to five desks
A Poem a Day : On a particularly bad day
Sep 2018 · 258
Bansi Adroja Sep 2018
You're a firework
a momentary thing of beauty
on cold nights
under amber city lights

You're a leaving train
when you're already running late
and endlesly frustrating

You're an alarm
on a Sunday morning
with the cold side of the pillow
putting the day on snooze

You're rain
with a forecast for summer
or the cup of tea
and you're feet up
at the end of it all

You're everything wonderful
but terrible all the same
A Poem a Day
Sep 2018 · 325
Bansi Adroja Sep 2018
The summer is a dream
heat through open windows
on lazy, restless nights
bringing out the best
and the worst

The summer is a storm
just waiting to happening
breaking the silence of clear skies
falling against dusty concrete

The summer reminds me of youth
days spend in parks
pretending to be warriors
fighting the monsters
on the other side of the swings
A Poem A Day
Aug 2018 · 586
Bansi Adroja Aug 2018
While you stay still
the world keeps spinning
without end
without regard
without repent

Everything is different from one day
to the next
friends move on, move away
lovers pass through
not stopping
not staying

But you stay still

People learn and start anew
new feelings
new findings
a brand new place to be

But you stay still
wondering if its ever going to change
if you'll ever be like them

There's a pace to life
steps to follow
but you stay still
A Poem a Day : Nineteen
Aug 2018 · 343
Bansi Adroja Aug 2018
You never say the right thing
but like a desert
like a drought
I wait for rain
for a dramatic declaration of love
for an apology
that never comes

You always walk away
at the worst time
when I need you to stay
but still I wait
A Poem a Day : Eighteen
Aug 2018 · 429
Bansi Adroja Aug 2018
Do you ever think about me
during Sunday lunches or at piano rectials
of holding hands in the dark
our bodies against each other

Do you ever feel like you're missing out
while you're pretending
to be who are you out there  

Do you ever look at the ring
on your left hand and wonder
what if it had been us
A Poem a Day : Seventeen
Aug 2018 · 865
Bansi Adroja Aug 2018
I try to reset sometimes

Wind back the cassette to before
that rainy November day
to when I didn't feel lost
without you
holding me down
keeping me anchored

I close my eyes to see the fine details
the loud confidence
the smell of rain on your skin
the can of beer in your hand
how you took my hands
like a winter coat against the cold

I go back and chose an empty seat
or don't talk about the traffic
how glad we were it was Friday
I would never have heard you laugh
seen the way you look in love

We fit
And I wish I could undo it
A Poem a Day : Sixteen
Aug 2018 · 2.0k
Bansi Adroja Aug 2018
You're a little boy trapped
stuck in a moment
buried decades ago
on a summers day
when everything changed

You're an angry man
stuck in his old ways
bar fights and cheap dates
nothing new these days
just more of the same

You're as damaged
or as mended
as you want to be
depending on the light
or who caught your eye

You're a lone wolf
with no place to call home
and no need to hold on
I want to love you until it hurts
I don't want to let you go
A Poem a Day : Fifteen
Aug 2018 · 262
Bansi Adroja Aug 2018
We are an idea in someone's head
how they think we spend our mornings
who they think we spend our nights with
It all gets added together
like a jigsaw puzzel
we rationalise the pieces and parts
but does it matter what they think
as long as it all fits
as long we're someone
to someone
A Poem a Day : Fourteen
Aug 2018 · 484
Bansi Adroja Aug 2018
there is nothing wrong with it
being comfortable
just being ok

It's not worth rocking the boat
No sparks
No fireworks or fights

It could be different to the past
He could be the one that stays
when it gets boring
when there is nothing to talk about

It could be good enough
He is predicatable at times
but everyone can become tiresome after a while

He isn't you
But in the end you weren't either

Maybe this is it
how it should be
how it's going to be

I guess this is it
I have decided to settle
A Poem a Day : Thirteen
Aug 2018 · 1.3k
Bansi Adroja Aug 2018
We all have our own monsters

In our homes
In our heads

Darkness we can't chase away
With bottles of *****

The kind that drag us down
Further than we've ever known

Feeling that something's missing
That fear that leaves us all alone
A Poem a Day : Twelve
Aug 2018 · 264
Bansi Adroja Aug 2018
I'm not enough
but neither are you

We disappoint each other
over and over

I want romance
and you miss passion
up close and...

I hate your silences
you hate my vague answers
there are all the small things
the big things
and everything in between

There were long nights
talking about the world
holding hands on rainy streets
the sound of your voice
at one am

Like old French movies
we're tragic

At the end of it all
we're classic
A Poem a Day : Eleven
Aug 2018 · 414
Bansi Adroja Aug 2018
We're the same in a way
the same eyes
the same bad temperament
but I'm a mess
you can't clean up
and you hate that
no lemony freshness could work
on the broken hearts
day dreams spilt in ink
the time wasted searching
for something that matters
A Poem a Day : Ten
Aug 2018 · 915
Bansi Adroja Aug 2018
James I'm in love with the idea of you
I think about it all the time
who I'd like you to be
in this sad little life of mine

The knight in shining armour
saving me from a burning building
chasing away all of the demons
without all of the posions
no more bottles of whisky needed
A Poem a Day : Nine
Aug 2018 · 791
Bansi Adroja Aug 2018
We were addicted to strawberry creams
And lemon sherbets
Searching for anything with a sugar rush

Our jumpers tied around our waists
Dragging textbooks and revision notes
Across gravel on summer days
Counting down till it would all be over

There was a world out there
With dragons and knights in shining armour
Or pant suits and project meetings
Depending on who you asked
Or who you were at the time

We wore black and talked about death
Or wished the short days wouldn’t end
At the back of the music block where no one would see
The smell of cigarette smoke on our breath
First kisses and first heart breaks were had

A life time ago but we still have strawberry creams
and those lemon sherbets
A Poem a Day : Eight
Aug 2018 · 174
Bansi Adroja Aug 2018
I like the bad ones
the ones that break
and damage everything they touch
it's a bad habit
a twisted predilection
I just can't give up
A Poem a Day : Seven
Aug 2018 · 523
Bansi Adroja Aug 2018
We are the secerets we keep
the songs we dance to in the kitchen
when no one else is home
the drunken kisses at parties
we told our parents we weren't going to
the regular nightmares that make us want to run

We are the things we want
when no one else is looking
the second slice of cake
the quiet lazy days we crave
all of the pet peeves
we still hold grudges for

To me you are who you were
in the park last summer
after two glasses of wine
holding hands while the light
faded out
A Poem a Day : Six
Aug 2018 · 220
Bansi Adroja Aug 2018
I feel it on my skin when you touch me
sometimes its the only thing
as you breathe on my neck
so close
as you push further
holding me in place
while pushing me further away
as if I'm not the same
drowning in a feeling I can never place
A Poem a Day : Five
Aug 2018 · 350
Bansi Adroja Aug 2018
I want a Sunday morning kind of life
coffee on the porch
pile of pillows in bed
the newspaper folded the way you always did

Those days wasted
talking about heading for the coast
living in the sand and sea
your skin on mine
in perfect pace

I want just another one of those days
with ice cream on your chin
and the grass between our toes
the smell of lavander or honeysuckle
long walks in the sun
A Poem a Day : Four
Aug 2018 · 446
Bansi Adroja Aug 2018
We are our blood
all of the family ties that bind us
keep us in our place

In the same country towns
on roads we walked with backpacks
dreaming of the beyond

The things we said we'd do
to keep our parents happy
the school plays and good grades

Sometimes it's all too much
being the good one
or knowing you have to grow up

Sometimes there is nothing more
than being nameless in the wilderness
with no expectations to weigh us down
with no scars from the past

born brand new
A Poem a Day : Three
Aug 2018 · 222
Bansi Adroja Aug 2018
Life is hours spent in traffic jams
changing radio stations
waiting for the sound of nostaliga
that song
that year
the one that reminds you of summer
of rain on clear nights
a sky full of stars
or the way that kiss caught you off guard
A Poem a Day : Two
Jul 2018 · 659
Bansi Adroja Jul 2018
I want you
your strange habits
your bad moods
the stories you tell on Friday nights
after a beer
or six
the sound of your voice first thing
breakfast in the sun
stolen days in bed
the pace of your heartbeat
lost under covers and clouds

Oh, I want you
A Poem a Day : One

— The End —