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She had a hard time sleeping
Tossing and turning
Morning came too soon
Sleep had left her
Though tired, she gave up
It was still early
Birds were chirping outside
The streets were quiet from the night
A cool breeze was blowing
Moving the branches of the plants
Colored bags hung outside moved
It was refreshing after the heat of the day
The cat was sleeping on a chair outside
It was peaceful and serene
A stillness was in the air
The sun had not fully risen
City noises had not fully started
Early morning rise
2d · 25
She was in the water
She was struggling to get to the surface
Fish swam all around her
As she desperately thrashed

She wanted to be free
She felt trapped
She had a hard time breathing

She was in the water
Struggling to get free
She wanted to push through
But couldn’t

Whales started swimming around her
Every now and then going to the surface to break free
As their bodies lifted above the water and dropped down they created a huge splash

She watched with envy wishing she could do the same
Then all of a sudden the chains broke
She was free
Her burdens lifted
She felt light

As she made her way to the surface a whale swam beside her
As if it was guarding her
Then she grabbed its back fin and the whale lifted them both out of the water
She felt joy as she broke free
She lifted her head and looked at the sun

She climbed onto the back of the whale
They swam together towards the shore
She climbed off the whale and walked to the beach
She was free
Her burdens had been lifted
She looked out to the sea and smiled
Watching the whale swim back out
3d · 31
Sometimes change is good
Whether a place, home, clothing or coiffure
There are many more ways
To evoke a change
Learning or travel
We can become embedded
In the same thing
Change can loosen us up
Brighten up the brain
Offer new challenges

It can make all the difference
In attitude, overall happiness
With a quick change
One can become anew
It’s a new start

It can inspire
Lift one up
And just be fun
3d · 28
Together then…
They had been together for almost a year
Their time was ending
They had gone out to dinner
In the big city
One last time
Spent time walking around enjoying their time together
They were with her parents
It was spring
The weather was perfect
She wore a lilac colored dress
It was a perfect night
The city was full of magic

Soon they would have to leave
To head back home north
They didn’t want to leave
They didn’t want the night to end
But it had to
They had no choice

When the car came around
They sat in the back
Her parents were in front
As her father drove
They were quiet
Then his hand reached out to her hand
Touching it ever so gently
They sat holding hands the entire drive
4d · 27
Slow Drumbeat
In the background playing at the cafe
Drums beat ever so slightly
There is a faint, hypnotic rhythm
It is both entrancing and calming

In the background playing at the cafe
Drums beat ever so slightly
They draw me into memories

My heart starts to slow
Matching the beat
My imagination wanders

In the background at the cafe
Drums beat ever so slightly
Like a meditative dance
4d · 234
Stand in the Light
At times of darkness
Stand in the light

At times of cruelty
Be kind

At times of hate

At times of judgment

At times of wrongdoing
Do right

At times of hardship

At times of darkness
Stand in the light
6d · 26
Just Me
Just Me

I may not be like you
Look like you
Sound like you
But I am also human
I’m just me

My language may be different
My country
My customs
But I am also human
I’m just me

I have hopes and dreams
Wishes and desires
Though I am not of your blood
I am human
I’m just me

Trying to live my best life
In a good way
I am a peaceful person
Also human
I’m just me

I’m a traveler
An artist and writer
No more or less
Than another
I’m also human
From another place
No better or worse
I’m just me

So when you see me
Don’t judge
As I am just human
Walking my destiny
Just like you
I’m just me
May 15 · 30
After the high heat
The burning sun
When it finally cools down
Even just slightly
It’s a big relief

When the air clears
And the morning cool comes
Once again
So one can sit outside
And breathe freely
Not feeling repressed
It’s a relief

When the sky is blue
With a few clouds
Actually visible to the eye
It’s a relief

There’s a feeling of refreshment
A reprieve has been granted
From the worst of heat
Just for a moment
We are so very grateful
May 13 · 22
Sometimes we may fail
We may even feel like a failure
We may fall down or not meet expectations
Ours or others
But if we try, including new things are we?
As long as we get up and try again

People judge others all the time
Holding them up to their standards
Whether they are appropriate or not
How can one truly know about another
Without being in their shoes

If we take a risk and try something
If we reach beyond our means
If we find our own way
Even if different and unique
If we define ourselves based on our choices
Are we a failure
It’s in the eye of the beholder
Especially ours
May 11 · 32
Red Maple Rain
Red maples surround the empty road
The emptiness is calming
The color of the trees is so brilliant it almost looks false
It’s beautiful
The black asphalt road is a contrast to the color of the leaves
Hints of bright green highlight the red
Almost like a painting
It’s surreal
Even the rain doesn’t dim the leaves
It creates a look like a fairy tale
Or part of a movie set
Yet it’s real
Part of the artistry
Of Mother Nature
Pure magic

Red maple rain
May 10 · 23
The Voyager
The Voyager

She was leaving a place
Not like home
Heading to another
She couldn’t wait another second
She was heading home
To a place she had been before
To a place she knew and felt comfortable

She would drive all day and night
It didn’t matter
She knew where she was going and why

She began in the morning with her cat by her side
She would arrive at night before the end of the day

She drove through all types of weather ending her drive in heavy rain

At times it felt like the drive would never end
Rain pounding on the road and her car
It felt like it took forever

Large trucks racing by causing her car to be bathed in water
She was leaving a place
Not like home
Heading to another
She was heading home
Nothing would stop her
This was meant to be

Then she finally saw the signs of home
She smiled
She was getting close
Almost there
She was going home
Leaving a place not like home

Once she arrived where she was supposed to be
She settled herself in for the night
The rain had stopped
The air was cool but not cold
It was springtime
Trees were flowering
Flowers all around
Before sleeping she opened the window
The aroma of the trees filled her lungs and room
She took a deep breath and took it all in
The smell was like intoxicating perfume
She felt great relief and a sense of comfort
Her body started to relax
She knew she was finally home
May 10 · 20
The Scent of Home
When we are away or leave
We hunger for the scent of home
We wish for something familiar
Something we can cling to
Something we know
We will do anything for it
It’s precious

When we are away or leave
We hunger for the scent of home
The flowers
The trees
The landscape
The people and the food
The feeling of it

It becomes an intoxicating perfume
For the soul and heart
To comfort and calm
When we are away or leave
We hunger for the scent of home
It never leaves us
It’s in our heart
May 9 · 30
Lost in the Wind
Sometimes we get lost in the wind
When a large gust blows
Our spirit gets caught and taken away
Sometimes we lose our way
The path seems to disappear and
becomes hard to see

We may end up where we didn’t intend doing what we hadn’t planned

We may feel out of place and lost struggling to find our way back
To a time of comfort and safety
To a time of care and love

Sometimes we get lost in the wind
Fighting to find our way home
May 8 · 26
I am in the murky waters of life
The water is cold to the touch
Up to my knees
Hard to walk
The bottom feels like sand with dirt mixed in
I can see into the bottom
Small fish swim around my legs
They gently tickle me
Reminding me that they are there
and so am I
Together. Alive

We start to move in the same direction
I am no longer alone
I am with them
Together we find clearer water
It takes some time but we do
As the water clears it becomes warmer

As we continue to walk the bottom becomes white sand
Soft to the touch
The color of the water changes
It becomes a light blue

The fish swim away leaving me at a new place and path
With open, warm waters no longer murky
May 8 · 24
At Dusk
The sun is almost gone for the day
It is that time before nightfall and daytime
The in between
A slight warm breeze is blowing
Teasing the face just a little
Seductive to the touch
Like a lover
The branches of the plants are gently moving
Like a slow dance
A touch of sun can still be seen in the distant horizon
The city street below is full of life
Restaurants and cafes are open
People are moving about
A drum beat of music can be faintly heard in the background
Voices talking from the restaurant and bar next door
Lights of the city coming on for the night
As the city prepares for nightfall to come
May 7 · 20
The Disappearance
Every few months
She disappears
She hides
As if a ghost or spirit
She’s not part of anything
She’s something else
Comes from a different world
A different place

She melds into surroundings
Becoming very quiet
Keeping to herself
No one pays attention
It’s better that way
More comfortable
She watches from afar
May 6 · 144
The New Normal
After Covid
After the New Normal

What happens after the new normal
When we try to become just normal
When we try to put life back
Can we recreate some semblance of order
When is it the right time to even try
Or do we continue as we have been
Until the hidden enemy is at bay

What happens after the new normal
Is there yet another one
Do we continue to wait
For the rescue
Or does patience get the best of us
Does the world take on another new look
Does it become a quieter, more solitary time

What happens to the new normal
When it becomes just normal
White lights glitter against the black grill
The terrace is door open
A view of the plants can be seen
Highlighted by the lowering sun
Creating an impressionistic look

A slight breeze moves through the awning gently moving it back and forth

The light plays against the rose colored buildings giving them a magical hue
It’s almost surreal

Another day is coming to a close as nighttime encroaches
The change from light to darkness is in a holding pattern like an aircraft waiting to land
The shades of pink change as the sun drops

As the sun continues to drop
It’s time to relax and slowdown
People are gravitating to cafes
For coffee and a chat with friends
Evening is on its’ way
May 2 · 35
Hot baked sun streaming down
Intense bright light all around
Penetrating everything
Wilting flowers fighting to live
Lazy cats and dogs seeking shelter and shade
Streets and sidewalks hot to the touch
Laundry put out dries in a minute
It’s summertime once again

Bright blue skies
Sleeveless tops and dresses
Nothing feels comfortable
Beds too hot
No where to sit in comfort
Cold drinks tempting the mouth
Thoughts go to sandy beaches
And soft cool ocean breezes

It’s summertime once again
May 2 · 33
Cotton Candy
It's 6am on the east coast
Washington DC
Up high, over the horizon is a wide open sky
As far as the eye can see
threads of cotton candy pink streak across the sky against a pallet of
It is so beautiful, it almost looks surreal and artificially created.
The city has not yet awoken.
It is still, calm and quiet.
A slight, ever so gentle breeze rustles through the trees.
Then, slowly, the pink cotton candy streaks start to blend together
and dissolve into a bright red ball.
As the ball begins to rise, it announces the coming of a brand new day.
A few birds fly by a balcony and land on a ledge to watch the view.
And once again, Washington DC wakes up
May 1 · 22
Every morning I wake with joy
Joy in my heart
Joy in my soul
Every morning I wake with joy
Because of you
You fill my life with love and hope

Every morning I wake with joy
Joy in my day
Joy every hour
Joy every minute
Because of you

Every evening I fall asleep with joy
Because of you
I dream sweet dreams
Filled with joy
I awake refreshed
Filled with joy
Because of you
You fill my life with love and hope
Apr 30 · 26
Our time was always fleeting
Never enough
We were always running somewhere else
Yet wanting to be together

Our time was fleeting
Never enough
Sometimes we had an hour
Sometimes a half hour or a few minutes
Before it ran out

We always wanted more
But we never got it no matter what we tried
Our time was always fleeting
Like sand in an hourglass

Delicate like a rose petal or butterfly
Impossible to hold onto
Our time was always fleeting
Apr 28 · 232
I exist
Therefore I am
In this world
Am I living
Or just treading water
Avoiding negativity
Hiding from
Am I separate
From the world

I exist
But do I live fully
In each moment
Or just go through
Each day
Almost robotic
In movement
I’ve lost my joy
Of life
I find solace
In peace and quiet
I exist
But do not live
Apr 27 · 28
Busy Streets
Busy streets where I live
Cafés full
People out and about
Signs of life returning
The quiet leaving
For the sounds of the city
Tourists returning
Daily life returning
Bit by bit
All over the world
In cities and towns
Humanity is restarting
A new normal has arrived
After a long time away
Busy streets
Apr 25 · 24
Dance of the Nuances
The gentle dance of the nuances
The nuances are ever so slight and almost hidden, just a slight difference, or way of being, perhaps even thinking or feeling. Sometimes it seems that they are not even there, invisible to the touch and senses.

From one familiar land to another that is somewhat familiar yet unfamiliar. There is a chemistry to a place, and a rhythm which one needs to fit into and the melody may not be exactly the same. Similar to an orchestra, one needs to find the right instrument and music to play.

The dance of the nuances can happen. Between people, between worlds, between almost anything.
What seemed so sure so many times before may seem unsure now, steps feel a bit uneven as one moves out onto new terrain and unchartered territory. Like a baby bird gathering twigs for a new nest.
But, through each step, learned and accustomed nuance, the unfamiliar starts to become more familiar.
The music to the dance is one of patience, time and learning.
Apr 25 · 32
Light Keeper
Marginalization diminishes the spirit
Eventually extinguishing it
Until it no longer exists

Whereas when we uplift someone
We enhance the spirit and life

We create spiritual magic
Lift someone up today and help light the world

Each time we do darkness disappears just a little
Light is always stronger than darkness
Be a keeper of the light and a light worker
Apr 24 · 31
The Teacher
We all have them
Every country
Across the world
They are vital
Some are our favorites
Others are not
But they help to shape us
They inspire
Encourage us
Their time is golden
Beyond words
Because of them
We learn and grow
We expand our minds
We learn to think
Beyond ourselves
They are committed
Beyond reproach
It’s a calling
They ask very little
Just that we learn
They are real heroes
Each and every day
Giving of themselves
To lift us up
To help us become
All we can be
We owe them
Apr 22 · 28
The Artist
She was well known
Everyone had heard of her
All over the world
Her works were second to none
No other artist could top her
The definition of her pieces
The colors and detail
The choices she made in expression
She was truly the best
She had been around forever
Perhaps since the beginning
Her works were priceless
They were all unique
She was able to touch everything
And everyone
Mother Earth
Apr 22 · 20
The Field
It is a late spring day
Early afternoon
The sun is out
The sky is a bright blue
There is  a scattering if white clouds across the sky
There is a slight breeze -- not too warm, not too cold
Just perfect
You are sitting in a field of tall grass alone
The grass is a light beige color
The grass sways gently to the breeze and makes a soft rustling sound
The breeze is calming as it touches your face ever so gently
There is no sound only the grass moving to the breeze
You feel complete stillness and calm
You are at peace
Apr 21 · 24
Sahara Dream
She had gone to see the Sahara
She had never been before
She wanted to see the sun rise
Over the desert
The night before she was in a camp
It was hot at night
Hard to sleep and rest
Before sunrise
She was wakened from her sleep
Time to walk to the top of the dunes
It was hard with the sand shifting
It was almost slippery
Once at the top
She sat down
Her feet dangling over the edge
She waited
Quiet and serene
For the moment
That moment
When the sun begins to rise
Over the desert
She was excited, anticipating
The view and experience
After a while
The sun began to come up
A bright red ball
Lifting high
It was incredible
Almost indescribable
Natures art
She felt her spirit lift
Towards the heavens
Just as the sun finally came up
Sahara Dream
Apr 20 · 19
Invisible Mist
A mist, invisible to the naked eye arrived
No one knows for sure where it came from
Some say the Far East
It started to move it’s way country by country
Slowly seeping into every city, town and village
It traveled by air, sea and land
At first undetected
Invisible mist

It can’t be seen, but can be felt
In the deepest recesses of our bodies
It wrecks havoc
Some people are spared the worst
Others suffer greatly
Some heal and others succumb
It shows very little mercy
Invisible mist

Over time since it first arrived
It has covered the world
Animals and plants are spared
Yet humanity has suffered a great deal
Life as we know it has been put on hold
Some call it the pause
Countries have shut down
Streets are empty
Economies stalled
Invisible mist

While we sit and wait
Shuttered inside
For a vaccine and treatment
Knowing any trip outside has risk
Yet tempted by the beauty of nature
The call of the familiar
Haunted by what may happen
In the end all we have is hope
That in time this will pass and become a memory
Hope that we will recover
Hope that we will begin again

Invisible mist
Apr 20 · 27
The rain is finished now
The city is drying out
With some wet places
It’s quiet
Not the normal hustle
The sky is a muted gray
With a hint of white clouds
It’s a cool morning
Great for walking
There is freshness in the air
Breathing is a pleasure
It’s a beautiful day
Apr 19 · 32
May the luck of the wind carry you in times of duress

May the luck of the wind bring you happiness at times of sadness

May the luck of the wind
take you to unexplored places

May the luck of the wind touch
your cheek gently like
butterfly kisses

Let it protect you
Keeping you safe
May it bring you peace and comfort
Apr 18 · 29
She was always the
Never thought of first
Put in the back
She was different
Came from another place
Where she was
She was an outsider
Never really fitting
Even with her friends
She was an
It hurt
Inflicted damage
She felt she
wasn’t good enough
No matter what
She turned
To writing
For expression
Apr 17 · 38
Red Velvet Blues
Red Velvet Blues
He’s got the red velvet blues
He loves the feeling of the fabric Smooth and silky to the touch Intoxicating in its beauty
Red Velvet Blues
He once saw a girl wearing one He was mesmerized
He’d never seen anyone like her Nor the dress
Together they were beyond belief Red Velvet Blues
She looked like an angel Almost not human
So beautiful and fresh The dress was stunning So was she
Red Velvet Blues
He asked her to dance
Held her close
The red velvet dress soft to his touch He never wanted to let go

Red Velvet Blues
Even to this day
Many years later
He remembers the girl and that dress He never forgot
She was embedded in his soul
Apr 17 · 25
The Shield
Ever since she was a child She was protected Something was always there To keep her safe
Like a shield
It was invisible
When she went out
When she was with others While she slept
Whatever she needed
Came to her
When there was hurt and pain She healed
When there was peril and danger She was safe
It wasn’t of the spirit
It was something else
But it was always there Covering her
Protecting her
It would never leave her
It would be there till the end Like a shield
A force of protection
Apr 17 · 21
Loving Places
Safe spaces
Loving ones
We all need them
They are sacred
Places we can go
And feel safe
Cared about
Stress free
They are very important
To our well being
They can be anywhere
Anything really
A bar
It doesn’t matter
What’s important
Is how we feel
When we are there
They bring comfort
Love and care
They are precious
Apr 16 · 23
Our True Home
Home can be anywhere
Home can be at anytime
It’s not a location
But a feeling

Home is where the heart is
Home is where we belong
Feels comfortable
Feels safe

Is loved and cared about
Home is everything
We need it in this world
Never let it go
It is a true treasure
Apr 16 · 22
When covered in darkness
Seek the light
Let it cover you like a coat
When full of despair
Seek the light
When the mind is empty
Seek inspiration

When feeling lost
Seek the light
When overwhelmed
Trust yourself to see it through

When nothing seems right
Look to what you have
We all have treasures

When tired and fatigued
Try something new
When bored
Learn something

When the heart is empty
Seek art and music
Let it lift you up

When you feel alone
Help another

Apr 15 · 33
The Island
It was a remote island
Away from everything
Quiet and peaceful
Absolutely beautiful
Very tropical
The ocean was
Turquoise colored
and warm
Like bath water
Surrounded by
White sandy beaches
With the feel of silk
To the touch
Soothing on the feet
Palm trees swayed
In the breezes
All kinds of flowers
All colors and scents
Other types of trees
Abundant flora and fauna
With deep rich greens
Off in the distance
Whales and dolphins
Swim by every now and then
Rising up into the air
A regal sight
It’s pure paradise

Not too far away
Is a small village
Filled with restaurants
Small stores
And places for food
Various other sundries

Music usually plays
In the background
Creating a lazy feel
to the place

She sits on the beach
In early morning
As the sun rises
Watching the waves
Their rhythm
The sound
It’s hypnotic
Like meditation
As she watches
Her mind clears
Her heart slows
And she relaxes
She’s in paradise
Her forever home
It’s wintertime.
Imagine walking through the snow into a forest full of tall pine trees and others.
Pine cones litter the ground.
There is a strong scent of pine in the air.
Almost like nature’s perfume.
As you stop amongst the trees, all you can hear is the silence.
A slight cool breeze rustles through the trees moving the limbs.
The branches sway back and forth to the rhythm of the breeze.
Snow left on the branches gently falls down slowly, as small flakes.
As they also hit your coat and face.
Before falling to the ground.
You reach out your hand to try and capture one. It melts instantly.
An owl sits up high on one of the branches looking down at you and the world all around.
Every now and then it hoots. As if greeting the night.
The sky is clear, and there is a glimmer of the moon lighting the path ahead.
At the end of the path, is a log cabin with a light on in the window.
Smoke is coming out from the chimney.
You are returning home.
Apr 13 · 23
Spring Has Arrived
Butterflies, tulips, robins and daffodils
Warm gentle breezes
Leaves beginning to bud
Flowering trees and bushes
Pinks, whites and red
Greenery everywhere
Cherry blossoms out in their full regalia
Bright, hypnotic blue skies
Signs that Spring has once again arrived
Apr 12 · 26
Open Your Eyes
See what you can see
Feel what you can feel
Touch what you can touch
Take in all the fragrances
See the wonder of life
See me for who and what I am

Take it all in
Look everywhere
See Mother Nature
In all her glory
See the oceans
See the forests and mountains
See the animals
See me for who and what I am
I am Mother Nature

Feast upon the glory of it all
Apr 12 · 29
Listen to the music
Let it guide you

Listen to the music
Let it lift you up

Listen to the music
Let it heal you

Listen to the music
Let it touch your heart

Listen to the music
Let it soothe your soul

Listen to the music
Let it make you smile

Listen to the music
Let it show you the world
Apr 11 · 21
Joy of the Day
Waking up
Letting sleep leave
Early morning rituals
Watching the sunrise
Surveying the blue sky
Enjoying the coolness
Admiring the beauty outside
Anticipating the day
Waiting for coffee or tea
What to have
Checking out the news
Being alive
Savoring the pure joy of it
Heart filled with lightness
Apr 11 · 19
The Forest
When feeling lost
Go to the forest
Smell the trees
Take in the freshness
Let it cleanse you

When feeling unease
Go to the forest
Feast upon nature
Walk amongst the trees
Listen to the wind
It’s talking to you

When feeling confused
Go to the forest
Sit amongst the beauty
Let it calm your soul
Let the beauty fill your heart
Be lifted up

When not sure what to do
Go to the forest
Listen to the answers
It will show you
Let it inspire you
Apr 9 · 30
Spring on the Horizon
It was a cool sunny morning
Spring on the horizon
The sky had a crispness to it
Sky was bright blue
The cool air was refreshing
Before the heat of summer

Tourists were coming back
After a slight hiatus
People were out sitting at cafe
Coffee and goodies
Some seats were empty
The atmosphere was somewhat muted
It made one long for the coming of spring
It’s just around the corner
Apr 8 · 121
Light a Candle
Light a candle
Save the world
Sit in stillness and pray
Light a candle
Save the world
Sit in stillness and pray

Light a candle
Ask for help at this troubled time
Stand in the light repelling the dark
Ask for healing for all
Ask for that we may move forward

Light a candle
Lift up yourself
Then lift up the world

Apr 7 · 104
Cloudy Gray
Dark cloudy gray day
Coolness to the air
Dankness permeates
Birds on the roof eating
Chirping sounds in the air
Creates stillness and quiet
A cat cozied up sleeping
Looks like rain is possible
Good day for coffee or tea
Safe and warm
Offers needed respite
Doing quiet things
It offers comfort
Apr 6 · 25

She comes from afar
She lives overseas
She has for some time
She speaks differently
But that’s okay
She came for a reason
The nazarene

Every morning
She walks up the street
To visit a café
For coffee and croissant
To run errands
To exercise
The nazarene

While she sits
She writes
If the muse are there
She listens to music
To inspire
She watches people
She listens
She becomes still
The nazarene

She watches the city
As she walks
She has a strident step
She passes shops
Street vendors
People selling their wares
While she’s different
She’s become
Part of the tapestry
In a way
She belongs
The nazarene
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