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When we are away or leave
We hunger for the scent of home
We wish for something familiar
Something we can cling to
Something we know
We will do anything for it
It’s precious

When we are away or leave
We hunger for the scent of home
The flowers
The trees
The landscape
The people and the food
The feeling of it

It becomes an intoxicating perfume
For the soul and heart
To comfort and calm
When we are away or leave
We hunger for the scent of home
It never leaves us
It’s in our heart
Sometimes we get lost in the wind
When a large gust blows
Our spirit gets caught and taken away
Sometimes we lose our way
The path seems to disappear and
becomes hard to see

We may end up where we didn’t intend doing what we hadn’t planned

We may feel out of place and lost struggling to find our way back
To a time of comfort and safety
To a time of care and love

Sometimes we get lost in the wind
Fighting to find our way home
I am in the murky waters of life
The water is cold to the touch
Up to my knees
Hard to walk
The bottom feels like sand with dirt mixed in
I can see into the bottom
Small fish swim around my legs
They gently tickle me
Reminding me that they are there
and so am I
Together. Alive

We start to move in the same direction
I am no longer alone
I am with them
Together we find clearer water
It takes some time but we do
As the water clears it becomes warmer

As we continue to walk the bottom becomes white sand
Soft to the touch
The color of the water changes
It becomes a light blue

The fish swim away leaving me at a new place and path
With open, warm waters no longer murky
The sun is almost gone for the day
It is that time before nightfall and daytime
The in between
A slight warm breeze is blowing
Teasing the face just a little
Seductive to the touch
Like a lover
The branches of the plants are gently moving
Like a slow dance
A touch of sun can still be seen in the distant horizon
The city street below is full of life
Restaurants and cafes are open
People are moving about
A drum beat of music can be faintly heard in the background
Voices talking from the restaurant and bar next door
Lights of the city coming on for the night
As the city prepares for nightfall to come
Every few months
She disappears
She hides
As if a ghost or spirit
She’s not part of anything
She’s something else
Comes from a different world
A different place

She melds into surroundings
Becoming very quiet
Keeping to herself
No one pays attention
It’s better that way
More comfortable
She watches from afar
After Covid
After the New Normal

What happens after the new normal
When we try to become just normal
When we try to put life back
Can we recreate some semblance of order
When is it the right time to even try
Or do we continue as we have been
Until the hidden enemy is at bay

What happens after the new normal
Is there yet another one
Do we continue to wait
For the rescue
Or does patience get the best of us
Does the world take on another new look
Does it become a quieter, more solitary time

What happens to the new normal
When it becomes just normal
White lights glitter against the black grill
The terrace is door open
A view of the plants can be seen
Highlighted by the lowering sun
Creating an impressionistic look

A slight breeze moves through the awning gently moving it back and forth

The light plays against the rose colored buildings giving them a magical hue
It’s almost surreal

Another day is coming to a close as nighttime encroaches
The change from light to darkness is in a holding pattern like an aircraft waiting to land
The shades of pink change as the sun drops

As the sun continues to drop
It’s time to relax and slowdown
People are gravitating to cafes
For coffee and a chat with friends
Evening is on its’ way
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