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Mary Gay Kearns Jan 2018
Oh Mr Spaceman, it seems a long way off,
Since you landed, carefully, on a lunar spot;
Standing at the station gazing at the stars,
On our way to Walthamstow to spend happy hours;
I recall that day, vividly, holding Roger's hand,
Thinking how wondrous,
And lucky I am.

Love Mary **
Mary Gay Kearns Jan 2018
The Camelias think it is Spring
One white bud ,two red
Daffodils lift a head
And the aconites
Shower a golden ring
And yet last years hollyhocks
Still in leaf ,promising flowers.
The skies are overcast
The air damp and crisp
Inside my window
I notice the change
It is January 2018.

Love Mary **
Mary Gay Kearns Nov 2018
The black cloud burst the horizon
spilling a deluge of ominous hate
The evil of nations, of people
And organisations, and of arrogance.

It scraped and swamped the rivers
Cascading each venomous paw
As it moved the land to death
The destruction of life crunched.

And Wendy just sat on the sand
Wearing her hand knitted gloves,
Blue, made by a loving friend
Then she raised herself and flew.

Love Mary ***
Mary Gay Kearns Jan 2018

Who will carry a candle
For those lost unseen
The people forgotten
Whose faces
Have no screen
The children
Without childhoods
Who die all alone
From starvation
And malnutrition
And those from drugs at home.

Today is a sad day
As we all reflect
That this human race
Is still under attack
Not from the outside
But inside ourselves
It only takes a little
To turn the human mind
From something
kind and loving
To a place that is blind.

For if we are not equal
However that be described
There will always be fighting
Deceit and lies
Will we ever see
A candle burning bright
Because we have extinguished
The darkness of the night.

To all those for whom today
Must be unbearable sorrow
I am sorry .

Love Mary ***
Mary Gay Kearns Oct 2018
A birthday gift was given in Autumn
To a girl younger than her blue eyes
She held out her hands to this bonny
Babe and cradled her all the way home.
To Katharine Happy Birthday for the 8th of October.
Love Mummy ***
Mary Gay Kearns Feb 2018
A birthday to remember

Today I'm three what a surprise,
We're all going for a ride,
Off to the find a secret place,
Filled with colours, a landscape,
Inside the halls are brilliant lights,
I can walk and run about,
Mummy follows close behind,
I can even hold her hand;
Then there's music from a band,
All is wonderful I do expand;
Now it's time for home and tea,
Daddy made a cake for me,
I watch the candle as it blows,
Another birthday and so it goes.
Thank you all my family,
For taking care and loving me.

Love Grandma for Evelyn ***
Mary Gay Kearns Jan 2019
The boat was moored
In a place in Norfolk
When Summer came
It was renovated
Ready as were the broads
For the sunny season
And trips taking places

A favourite spot  
To visit and find surprises
A boat of singular, solidarity
Painted in the colour
Of a great philosophy.

Love Mary ***

Love Mary ***
Mary Gay Kearns Apr 2018
From' Twopence to Cross the Mersey' we became friends
Finding in each other's soul a companion
And so we trudged, together, pushing the unwieldy pram
Along the streets of Liverpool where the river swam.

Structure, meaning, characterisation, the book had its plan
But we loved dear Helen, little waif from another span.
The waters had their beauty that we could see,
Finding yet another  moment to share a read.

Love Mum ***

Thank you dear Vics for all the good times we had.
Mary Gay Kearns Jul 2019
Float me Abraham in my country’s fields
Where the white mice come forth in shields
And bargain with the great provider that
We may cup the day of peace without harm.

For in the time of sanctities the cloak glows
And we look to freedom in those fields.

Love Mary ***
Mary Gay Kearns Sep 2019
Only on week days when the sunshines
Do I chat to my Evelyn about all times
She has mouthfuls of honey and yogurt
Reading new words in her school book.

What is it to stop and watch the day break
Misty on window frames, dewey in grass
To see a young life take a step into this day
Secure in her treasures the drawing she made.

Love Grandma **
Mary Gay Kearns Apr 2019
She would toddle off unaccompanied
In a short Summer dress and cardigan
That few brisk yards across the close
It would be early and the child small.

This was a regular feature of dailies
And the old man and little girl had
Great fun in his large back garden
With tea and a marmite sandwich.

Love Mum xxxx
Mary Gay Kearns Jan 2019
Slowly the currents gather
bringing me near to blue
Higher I fly and further I go
To a place where others have gone
In sadness and joy the beginning and the end
A swathe of grass, a cut of corn
A child in a meadow
Playing a tune
The tree tops reach to the sun.
All this has been for me to see
And now it is time to say farewell
And to travel lightly along.

Travel along.

Love Mary xxxx
Mary Gay Kearns Mar 2018
There in a garden with flower beds
Laid out with a patch of green between
And old pink roses smelling of cold cream
Spread out in an oval ring
Asparagus fern blows in the wind
Sending its red seeds into the lawn
The birds sing in a damson tree
And I sit upon a rubber tyre swing.

So I recall those warmest days
When there was nothing but play
And the quietness of those times
When my mind was mine
Never went away.

Dear little girl in your simple dress
Lying with the sun
Watching the shadows move about
Their shapes cast on the ground.
Finding only what was good
Under the prickly gooseberry bush
And ants and snails to watch all day
With fondness and respect.

But time and peace end in ways
None of us expect
But the Beauty of those years
None of us regret.

Love Mary ***
Mary Gay Kearns Feb 2018
Looking through my photographs
For an image that will last.
Having something to say
About how I lived my days
Individual not in disguise
No forced colours or inverted skies
Or those enhancements using other links
That make your mind blink.
Has to be simple not constructed or planned
Touch of serendipity lending a hand
So my new update from a photo I take
With a child's windmill and a bird on a slate
A friendly sheep , a ceramic heap
Scattering stones, last season's bulb grown
A clematis shoot ******* with string
These are some of my favourite things.
For what is beauty but a surprise
Something unexpected, a moment's desire.

Love Mary
Mary Gay Kearns Aug 2018
The broken biscuits lay in a tin
An ordinary oblong tin
With turquoise pattern
And pink embossed flowers
Gold edged to finish the job.

How many times I visited
That tin on the middle shelf
In the top half of a cupboard,
Sawn door, to allow for fridge,
And quietly took out the tin.

Broken biscuits were my delight
All shapes and sizes tasty bites
Wafers,  bourbon, custard creams
Rich tea, digestive all suited me
Sometimes fig sandwich, pleased.

Love Mary
Thank you Mum and dad .Love your daughter .
Mary Gay Kearns Jan 2019
Ballooons bouncing between the stars
Little ladybirds lighting the Lily path
Whirligigs whizzing near an open door
Aconites in ascension this Winter hour.

Love Mary ***
Mary Gay Kearns May 2019
I love you
Probably people love you more than you will ever know,
You know what you are like
Thinking people don’t care,
Silly Billy,
Still fighting aren’t you?
Keep fighting, big brave man.
Between a daughter and her father.
Just so poetically spoken.
(Between life and death).
Mary Gay Kearns May 2018
The road lay empty down the lane
No bird flew out across the sand
Alone this trampled world goes by
And dancing hours beneath me call
But in this place that is no more
The latched gate closes once and all.
My grandparents’ backgate to their garden and bungalow in Totland when they lived on the Isle of Wight.
(not far from Tennyson’s Lane )
Mary Gay Kearns Apr 2018
We watched the black and white movies
The old ones from the thirties
With Gregory Peck.
His favourite was
‘South Pacific’
And he would whistle
‘Some Enchanted Evening’
As he came home up the lanes.

Love Mary
For my dad Eric otherwise known as Bill.
Love Mary his daughter.
Mary Gay Kearns Jan 2018
Lying  in the sunshine
I turn to you and smile
Across the busy ocean
Where the tables are
Beneath a blue umbrella
Celebrating beer
I hear you calling out
We're having fun here
Sipping Costa coffee
From a cardboard cup
I know you are a-hatching
Writing another plot.

In my perfect quietness
I whisper in the sand
Thank you for the knowing
The lending of a hand
Tides will change
And boats come in
But our friendship
Will always
just begin.
Love Mary ***
Mary Gay Kearns Apr 2018
By the river just outside Paris George Seurat
Painted his tree trunks using black conte crayon
In a cream sketchboook
The year was 1893.
Critics say of this work,
All most black,
That it is hovering between
Regularity and irregularity
Reversing the lights and shades
I think he was just trying to get it right.

Love Mary x
Hovering between Regularity and irregularity. Pointillism

Reflections in the water 1893- 1894 . Paris. Black Conte drawing
Mary Gay Kearns Jul 2018
I am nothing beyond the starry sky
Just an atom in the fiery furnice
Smaller than a telescope can hit at
I once was a girl who moved in air
Kissed a boy and jumped for joy.

My days are gone for others to steal
Maybe someone with a face like me
To begin a story they nearly knew
And burst upon universe in flames
A daughter for someone to rename.

Love Mary x
Mary Gay Kearns Jul 2018
Yes. I remember Adlestrop—
The name, because one afternoon
Of heat the express-train drew up there
Unwontedly. It was late June.

The steam hissed. Someone cleared his throat.
No one left and no one came
On the bare platform. What I saw
Was Adlestrop—only the name

And willows, willow-herb, and grass,
And meadowsweet, and haycocks dry,
No whit less still and lonely fair
Than the high cloudlets in the sky.

And for that minute a blackbird sang
Close by, and round him, mistier,
Farther and farther, all the birds
Of Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire.
Mary Gay Kearns Jun 2019
I liked it, that time of adolescence
When my heart and body gripped
Tightened, relaxed and expanded
And the days spilled me all over .

Short dresses, small *******
Rolled their way with you
I loved to sit upon your knee
Head resting on you.

In that front bedroom with broken glass
And curtains grey, unwashed opened to
The streets below and our bodies warm
Curled and curved together in the light.

Love Mary x
Mary Gay Kearns Feb 2018
The beer glass empty
Time to leave
My arm  slipped gently
Around your sleeve

The day remained the same
Nothing did we say
Just walked to the station
The usual way.

Love Mary
Mary Gay Kearns Oct 2018
Autumn by John Keats

Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,
   Close *****-friend of the maturing sun;
Conspiring with him how to load and bless
   With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;
To bend with apples the moss'd cottage-trees,
   And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;
      To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells
   With a sweet kernel; to set budding more,
And still more, later flowers for the bees,
Until they think warm days will never cease,
      For summer has o'er-brimm'd their clammy cells.

Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store?
   Sometimes whoever seeks abroad may find
Thee sitting careless on a granary floor,
   Thy hair soft-lifted by the winnowing wind;
Or on a half-reap'd furrow sound asleep,
   Drows'd with the fume of poppies, while thy hook
      Spares the next swath and all its twined flowers:
And sometimes like a gleaner thou dost keep
   Steady thy laden head across a brook;
   Or by a cyder-press, with patient look,
      Thou watchest the last oozings hours by hours.

Where are the songs of spring? Ay, Where are they?
   Think not of them, thou hast thy music too,—
While barred clouds bloom the soft-dying day,
   And touch the stubble-plains with rosy hue;
Then in a wailful choir the small gnats mourn
   Among the river sallows, borne aloft
      Or sinking as the light wind lives or dies;
And full-grown lambs loud bleat from hilly bourn;
   Hedge-crickets sing; and now with treble soft
   The red-breast whistles from a garden-croft;
      And gathering swallows twitter in the skies.
Mary Gay Kearns Oct 2018
The Footfalls of Memory

Time present and time past
Are both perhaps present in time future,
And time future contained in time past.
If all time is eternally present
All time is unredeemable.

What might have been is an abstraction
Remaining a perpetual possibility
Only in a world of speculation.
What might have been and what has been
Point to one end, which is always present.

Footfalls echo in the memory
Down the passage which we did not take
Towards the door we never opened
Into the rose-garden. My words echo
Thus, in your mind.

By TS Elliot
Mary Gay Kearns Mar 2018
Although I wore my best wings
Which took me as fast as light
And though I ran trembling
All through the night
Even if I called your name
I knew you could not hear
The distance was too difficult
More than any words.

So taking from my back
I put down my wings
Picked up a flower
And we began to sing
Saw in this beauty
All that you were
But just could not
Get to you, anymore.

Love Mary x
Mary Gay Kearns Mar 2018
I just wanted a friend
To be there at the end
Someone kind and thoughtful
Who knew how to spend
Those last precious hours
Holding my hand
Showing me that
They loved me
Please understand
I just wanted a friend.

Love Mary xxxx
Mary Gay Kearns Jan 2019
Waiting out with feet in the sea
The little boy called Charlie and me
He wore red and I wore green
Love to swim in the spangly sea.

The sky blew over a cobble stone
Dropped some raindrops that afternoon
It was very dippy in the weeds
But fun was had by Charlie and me.

Love Mary **
Mary Gay Kearns Jul 2018
I shall miss you
Though me be gone
And the chair
Filled with toys.

And flowers bloom
In the afternoon
From a window
I once knew.

Love Mummy x

Love Mary x
Mary Gay Kearns Mar 2018
Holding the Summer you would play
In the close like a horseshoe
Where garden gates met
And a garage stood beside a hedge.
After four when school had closed
There you all gathered in this close.

Love Mary
Sycamore Close , Bushey .
Mary Gay Kearns Jan 2018
They told me I had to
Those girls from Southfields,
Buy why did I
Crumpled angel that I was
Straight out of Winnie the Pooh
And Start - rite shoes.
Waiting to be had by some lads
In the back bedroom.
"Taking it in turns" they said,
"You next".
I waited it out
Someone took an age
Then we had to leave.
Thank goodness
For early returning
Mothers .

Love Mary
Mary Gay Kearns Oct 2018
I asked a cricket if he please
Could come and play a game
With me
The wind was soft, the sky fair
He loved to touch my golden hair.

We jumped the pond in half a bounce
Travelled the bridge in delight
Then underneath the chestnut tree
He came, we both lay down to read
And I had made a friend that day
Please don’t ever go away.

Love Mary ***
Mary Gay Kearns Mar 2018
Standing by the fridge
We could see the roses
In a flower bed
Beneath the kitchen window.

We took to tidying
The cupboard, together,
Where the contents had grown
Hard and dusty with time.

The roses were transplanted
From a London home
Finding leaving her garden sad
So carried them with her in a van.

We made pizzas for tea
Using a simple base recipe
Adding tomatoes and chives
Topped with grated cheese.

In the flower bed the three
Roses, fed, pruned and watered
Cleared of greenfly with soapy water
Flourished and bloomed in the sun.

Love Mary for her mother Grace Westbrook
Mary Gay Kearns Feb 2018
The room was full of a quiet light,
She lay back in the chair
Letting peace find her,
Cradle her in its arms.
Everything seemed still.
Then she noticed the curtain
At the bottom,
About the height of a child,
She said it was like a baby
tapping it from behind.
She had to go over, eventually, and look.
Nothing and no reason for the curtain
To have done that.

She had longed so much
Just for some comfort.
To know he lived
And lived her as she had
Lived him.
She was very emotional
When she called to tell me.
She said "Mummy at least I know he's ok...
I am so sure it was him."
She just felt after all this time,
That he was letting her know,
He was there.

A few weeks after, she found out
She was expecting a baby.
A sister, Bonnie, for Alfie.
He was letting her know,
She was coming.
Time is different in immortality....
to how we see it.

Pam's beautiful phrasing/words in a poem
By me.
Love Mary ***
Mary Gay Kearns May 2019
The wonders of a morning
Is watching Evelyn dress
She does it as slow as a feather
Falling from a great Oak tree.

Each item of clothing lifted
From the floor where it rested
Pants, socks t-shirt, pinafore,
Cardigan, shoes, coat.

The show complete
The child ready for school
Shows her shells
From her small collection
Ammonite, cowie, conch and
Waves goodbye.

Love Maryxxx
Mary Gay Kearns Jan 2018
When I was born we still had prefabs,
Just across the road on a patch of land,
Stood four homes like big camper vans,
Windows and a door,
Chimneys too.
People seemed to love them,
A home for a few.

Now most are gone,
Replaced with flats,
Or new houses,
With gardens at the back,
But after the war,
With poor housing stock,
These prefabs were a luxury,
Many glad to have.

Love Mary ***
Mary Gay Kearns Feb 2018
Everyday you kissed me goodbye
In your blue candlewick dressing gown,
The cat rushing out of the door
In his hurry for freedom.

A peck on both cheeks and a spoken phrase,
Always remembered till this day,
"Rather be late than the late",
I waved back till you closed the door.

Love to my Mother ,Grace Emily Westbrook.***
Mary Gay Kearns Jan 2019
I found you on a train
Sitting opposite me
Face to face we were
So you could see me.

I had my best coat on
Leather M@S brown
Things in the pockets
Buttons to turn around.

When we got off
The sun was in the sky
Went to see the Alabasters
They were a surprise.

Love Mary **
Mary Gay Kearns Apr 2018
I will be there for you in the days that follow
Do not worry, my son
For when you take each child's hand
You're holding mine too.

We'll walk in the park in the Summer
I will be there, my son
Life is a repeating pattern of smiles
I am always your Mum.

Love Mum x
Mary Gay Kearns Feb 2020
A life.

Our lives come and go like the blossoms on a tree
A story told by many voices
It cannot be conveyed with any accuracy
Beyond that of dates and time
For the rest remains a secret
Nothing can describe.
Neither plan nor preparation maps our path
For it meanders like the tributaries of a river
Into unknown clearings
Stopping short of perfection
Clinging to the goodness found
Loving where it can that night owl of wisdom
Belonging to a tribe of people
Who at the end pick up the petals
And put them in a drawer
Saying this was he or she
Who we came to know
Whose name in an address book
Brings tears to our eyes
This was a life.

Love Mary ***
Mary Gay Kearns Feb 2018
Our lives come and go like the blossoms on a tree
A story told by many voices
It cannot be conveyed with any accuracy
Beyond that of dates and time
For the rest remains a secret
Nothing can describe.
Neither plan nor preparation maps our path
For it meanders like the tributaries of a river
Into unknown clearings
Stopping short of perfection
Clinging to the goodness found
Loving where it can that night owl of wisdom
Belonging to a tribe of people
Who at the end pick up the petals
And put them in a drawer
Saying this was he or she
Who we came to know
Whose name in an address book
Brings tears to our eyes
This was a life.

Love Mary ***
Mary Gay Kearns Apr 2019
You can say much by saying very little
You can say everything by saying nought.

Love Mary xxxx
Mary Gay Kearns Jan 2018
All our Christmases.

Standing at the window when the snow falls,
Feeling the coldness seep in
As the ice builds up on the ledges
It is Christmas Day.
The street is white tracks and on hedges
Peaks gather like our festive cake.
Under the window laid out in names
Are the unopened presents.
The fur tree, tallest ever,
Lights the room with its fairy bulbs.
Robins and plastic angels twirl in the heat.
I wear my cream jumper and tartan skirt
To begin the day.

Love Mary ***
Mary Gay Kearns Jun 2018
In the ashes of division hope ignited
Unity decided a new fate, in its wake.
My father lived in Chester Road,
Off Ladbrook Grove, eight children
In a tenament flat back to back.

The poverty of the forties are
Now palatial palaces, white pillared.
My father joined the army to escape
To marry and move to Streatham,
South London, to an Edwardian terrace.

Notting Hill, the divided community
Chelsea and Kensington let it happen.
My grandmother moved to a new town
And this year we all watched on TV
Grenfell burn as an inferno in the dark.

Love Mary
In memory of those lost in the fire.Love Mary ***
Mary Gay Kearns Mar 2018
Let me take you from your bed
Kiss you gently on the head
Heap you to my willing breast
Fold you in loves tenderness
Though the night may still be dark
The house is cold with no fire
I never minded feeding you
Being woken all night through
In my nightgown I stood by
Watched the clock move the hour
Longed to have us skin to skin
Your baby hair and dribbly chin.

Love Mummy **
For all my four beautiful babies .
Mary Gay Kearns Jan 2018
A love song .

And if he thought it he did not say
But turned away in quiet despair
As if the air had cooled right down
And only others remained to stay.

Mary Gay Kearns Feb 2018
And if he thought it he did not say
But turned away in quiet despair
As if the air had cooled right down
And only others remained to stay.

Love Mary x
Mary Gay Kearns Jan 2018
Little baby sweetly sleep,
Gentle in our arms do keep,
Watching every tiny move,
Mummy and Daddy,
Are holding you.
We are waiting for a smile,
Know it will come in a little while.

Two dark eyes look at us,
Giving now all your trust,
We will always honour you,
With a love that is true,
Be there at your side,
Little baby sweetly sleep,
Daddy will make you a fimo sheep.

Love Grandma Mary xxxx
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