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SL Aug 2021
It's one thing that can help sleep
Once you start there it can become an addiction
It helps me think and study
Stops me from eating
Stops me from being scared
It just helps with my feeling and emotions
Stuck in my room alone
It's the one thing that can help
Isolation is fine with me
Family is hard though but I don't mind or care
It has always been this way.
Covid-19 has struck again in Brisbane and my professionals are worried about my body and the way it is.
SL Feb 2021
You were my friend
My recovery buddy
For the thing that lead to your death
I am so lost for words
It can't be true. It just can't be
You were my closest friend when it came to it
I thought that you were doing OK
But you weren't
I know you were trying so hard to fight it
But it won in the end
Love you so much and I will miss you so much more
Bye Tia
I just lost one of my closest friends when it comes to having an eating disorder.
SL Mar 2020
Why would you do this
Why did a simple procedure go so wrong
You were the only person in my life that tried to understand me
Even though you abused me and did the things you did
I still love you
You are my rock
Last year my dad was in a coma for 14 days I thought he was going to die but he got through it
SL May 2019
Someone who has self-harm scars
Don't say that you shouldn't do it
It is inconsiderate and rude
You don't know what that person has gone through
Don't comment that you are selfish
This person has gone through a lot of stuff
Especially for not hurting them-self for a few weeks
It is not okay to comment on someone's body especially their self-harm scars because that you don't know what they are going through or have been through.
SL May 2019
Mental health issues
Is not something to joke about
You have friends for a second
Then they leave you
Your case manager is ****
He doesn't listen
The only person who listens is your gp
Your family doesn't support you
They just say **** IT UP
Hospital is no place to go
All I want to do is end this fight
The fight that has been going on for so long
I'm just done fighting
More scars on my body
And I don't care
Take No Doz to not fall asleep
To prevent from any nightmares to occur
Just to fight another day
A lighter looks like the perfect way to hurt yourself
But that sensation doesn't last for too long
All that's left is cutting
You see the blood drip down
But that's not enough
You think that if you cut deeper
That it will end everything
But that's not the case
Nothing helps anymore
Life just isn't for me anymore
I'm just at the point of not caring anymore whether I die or don't recover. My fate will soon be found out on Thursday if I am back in hospital
SL Apr 2019
Why did you do this
Why didn't you ring me
Why was I not there
You know I would have helped
You took my heart
You were there for me as I was there for you
So what was different this time
I would do anything for you
Now that you are gone
I can't recover
I wish that you were still alive
But you're not
So I have to go on by myself
I just had a close friend **** them self. Please don't do anything like that. It has a ripple effect on everyone around you.
SL Mar 2019
A cry for help is what you do once in a blue moon
This thing that you say that you need help but it never comes true
You keep on fighting with the voices and the demons
They control your every move
But you know what you have to do the night you cried for help
You have to hurt yourself in order for the demons to be happy
You have to do everything they say to you have to not eat for a week
You have to not do this for a week
You have to work out every day
You have to whatever the demon tells you to do
Because if you don't then you die
It keeps going on all day and all night
When you cry in your room cutting your arms and cutting your legs
The blade that you hold is the demons voices and the demons actions
The next day comes and you're thinking about crying for help
Instead you just say what the person asking how are you with a lie
They don't care no one cares about you
You go back to square one of telling no one that you are struggling
You put your boundaries back up
You tell what they want to hear
Truly you just want help and need help but that is not given
I asked to be admitted yesterday and my gp did everything but send me up to hospital. That night the demons took over and I was cutting when I was sleeping and I needed seven stitches because of it
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