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best in partial shade
Asthmatics, plant female plants
the astilbe plant
When we find life upsetting,              
Topsy-turvy life can be:             
Life is easier to live,
When we let God set us free.                           

God wants us to be at peace,
And be serene and tranquil:                           
Joys profuse within our hearts,
There, them God wants to instill.

Life can be much easier,                                       
Cooperating with God:
Life is easier to face,
Even when uphill we trod.

In our lives keeping God first,
For wisdom , we'll want to thirst.
eight month of the year
respected and impressive
a man's name, August
Autumn Clematis

has real sweet flowers                
prune after the  blooming ends    
autumn clematis
Autumn clematis flowers,
Bloom in spring and in the fall;
Bees notify other bees,
Come in for the nectar haul.

From summer's Dutch white clover,
And autumn clematis blooms,
From these flowers sweetness flows,
Filling air with sweet perfumes.

They are sweet, poor, man's flowers,
Autumn clematis climbs trees;
When people walk near their blooms,
Folks attention, they will seize.

Autumn clematis flowers,
Some people pay money for;
I'll go where they're unwanted,
Weeding them will be my chore.

When their bloom time is over,
Next years blooms, for them I'll wait;
For their heavenly perfume,
That I always find is great.
improves one's brain health
Mexico's national fruit
avocado fruit
one and two edged tool
handled cutting instrument
cuts and splits, an ax
resilient flowers
harvest time, June through August
bachelor button plants
it treats memory
it is used for chronic pain                      
full sun, bacopa
hottest place on earth
the USA's lowest point
Bad Water Basin
swampy setting tree
grown far north of native range
the bald cypress tree
formal dance party
the padded part of foot sole        
found in some pens,  ball
formal dance party
in baseball, strike's opposite      
in some click pens, ball
pandas' staple food
used to make yarn and fabric
makes paper, bamboo
world's tallest herb
fruit high in potassium
  good snack, banana
exotic tree flowers
early stage of bananas
banana flowers
keeps a watch on wrist
one made of brass instruments
put on bird's leg, band
birds scatter the seeds
India's national tree
the Banyan fig tree
times made of iron            
must pass to be a lawyer                
a food buffet, bar
one that's chocolate            
one that lawyers had to pass  
soaps solid form , bar
sycamores' is white      
contains chocolate and nuts
a dog's sharp sound
helps stomach feel full                      
good food for diabetes  
used in malt, barley
twelve different names
they're non-territorial      
great hearing , barn owls
lower mice population////nocturnal barn owls
have razor sharp teeth        
hang out in shallow water              
barracuda fish
a symbol of peace
tomato companion plant
a sweet herb, basil
repels mosquitos
best flavor. add last
tomato companion plant
aphids' snack, basil
dung that brings high price
is swung by baseball hitter
winged cave mammal,bat
prey on mosquitos
can give somebody rabies
winged cave mammals, bats
sold in most all stores
used in electronic toys  
power batteries
powers a starter
strong placement for heavy guns
A car battery
powers a starter
strong placement for heavy guns
twelve volt battery
joist is a small one
is radiating from sun
someone's bright smile, beam
called the poor man's meat
stabilizes blood sugar
combats cancer, beans
cold blooded mammals
those large aquatic rodents
dam builders, beavers
missed with pop for plants   
tenderizer for cooking
known to **** slugs, beer
When I find life full of grief,
Lord help these times to be brief.
When crazy, me others drive,
Still I give thanks, I'm alive.    
Times in life when I'm in pain,      
Times without it there's no gain.
How do you want me to live?
To me, Lord, an answer give.
When most everything  I lose,          
Speak to me through 5the Good News,
When it seams worse life  can't be,
When I'm ill, Lord, please nurse me.
When it seams life soon will end,            
Times like this, Lord, me befriend.
bronchitis treatment
used to treat dysentery
begonia blooms
used to keep pants up                
what singers do with their voice
fan and timing belt
chicks born with pink skin
active in early morning
belted kingfisher
used to treat cancer          
once used as  base for perfume
useful Ben Tree Oil
there are tandem ones
they're clean running vehicles
different speeds, bikes
a constellation
tool used to take food from pots
useful big dipper
a name for William
what waitress brings to table
on a duck's head, bill
someone who binds books
made to store sheet protectors
has steel rings, binder
needs six hours full sun
needs sufficient light to bloom
bird of paradise
geese flew south last night
eagles flew north yesterday
bird watchers stand guard
a real small amount
it is the past tense of bite
put in drill chuck, bit
a sharp, strong flavor
to press teeth into something
fish takes line hard, bite
a sharp, strong flavor
to press teeth into something
fish takes  line hard, bite
edible when cooked                                
benefit, relieving pain              
healthy bitterroot
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