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339 · Jan 2018
Each person has Many Faces
CJ Sutherland Jan 2018
The faces we show
in the work field,
 Our business or to
our Boss,and customers
The faces we show
at church,
when we ask for
forgiveness and pray
The faces we show
our friends,
Even those differ
with each person

All predicated  
by the walls we so
carefully construct
strategically hiding
who we really are

The faces we show
a loved one
When we
Let down
the walls

The faces we show
to the innocent children
are the most honest  
depending upon
the age of the youth

The inner me is in
direct contrast
to who I am
The only time
we show
our true face
Is when we
look in the mirror

Do we know
who is looking
back at us
Do we like
what we see
Is it you?
is it me?
Push away

We are all
masters in  disguise
Hiding in plain sight

The inner me
is in direct
contrast to
who I am

What I see
in the mirror
I think
Who is that
old lady
looking back
at me

My faces
have deceived
Even Me!
That is an oxymoron  I have yet to understand
339 · Apr 2018
Frustrated with this site
CJ Sutherland Apr 2018
Please excuse me I am not one to rant and rave
I need to vent some frustrations I crave
My patients are ****** beyond belief
This sites’ flaws are a thief
I have have lost parts of poems two completed ones as well
Written on the cuff
It’s a nightmare a living hell
The perfect poem lost in time

This is a unfortunate  crime
I hope you all learn from my pain
Write it out so your original remains
Lost the  sentence are easy to fix
But disrupts the flow creating a new feel mix
That’s not always a good thing first the curser drops Down
Several lines then the fun begins its happening now
Making corrections hard to manage
I know this site is free is it just me
I have know poets to leave in the past
Pleaset tell me these problems will not last
Or I fear more poets will be a thing of the past
I love the people on this sight
But posting is a constant fight
335 · Dec 2017
New Years Resolutions
CJ Sutherland Dec 2017
The last month in the year
The holidays
Christmas is near
The last event will be
New Year’s
holiday cheer  
I take stock
in the past year
A time of reflection
What I have accomplishedn
what I have failed to do
I write it all down
Looking back
past resolutions
I begin a new list
New Year’s resolutions
So many years
The same list
Until I eventually achieve them
And many I do achieve
  My list is achievable
Two categories really
Personal goals and long-term goals  
I encourage all to set goals  
To set dreams
Without looking to the future with optimism
Life could be just going through the motions
What are your dreams for the new year
334 · Jan 2021
A Silence is Golden
CJ Sutherland Jan 2021
My third grade teacher
used this phrase often
I never understood It
BUT I knew it mean
Be quiet shush
NOW with what is going on in the world
it takes on the opposite meaning.
IF you catch my drift.

IS                     GOLD
GET              RICH

In the face of injustice we must stand for what we believe in
for what is morally right honest and decent
united we stand divided we will fall
there are those who want to silence our voices
330 · May 2018
A captured life
CJ Sutherland May 2018
Autobiography and memoirs  
Are more then just a way
To share stories
They can keep family in touch
Sharing yesterday and today
Accolades and glories

When we have passed on
Your memories will fade in to gone
Who will remember our life
Our children, husband, wife
It’s the memories we share
For those to read and care
Told directly by you the more you give
The Stronger your voice will live

With sites such as  
Ancestry and family tree
Our next Generation can learn and see
However Only Legacy story can be told
A deeper perspective as we grow old

Writing your  autobiography  
  book of short stories,memories to share
From youth to old age secrets are there
Every emotion from joy to pain
Life’s lesson our refrain

If you choose a  memoir to share
A  specific time frame is centered there
A detailed event or period Is time
Sharing what you learned
The good the bad  exposing the crime  

Everybody has a story to tell
Situations create life’s joy or hell
an exceptional life have one
Every story is different Once you begun

I have kept a journal, diary books
since  the age 12 twelve I started writing
I was hooked
Capturing the emotion
in the moment
Our heart a deap ocean
its powerful, accurate writing what I saw
Yes sometime exstreamly raw
An actual account what you saw
did ,feel ,the whole ordeal

In some cases
you’ll have to change the names
to protect the guilty
face it, we’re all guilty of something

People like stories
that are based on real events
if you seek publication

Carpe Deim
Time is of the essence
Society is fascinated with
Stories of the past
Your voice, spirit will last
You will be celebrated remembered
A relatable story people will grasp
325 · Oct 2023
CJ Sutherland Oct 2023
It’s not hard to do
The right thing, it is knowing
What the right thing is
There are eight different types of haiku’s
5-7-5 focuses on human foible
CJ Sutherland Feb 2018
My mother was a *** on the streets of L.A.

I use to pray
Let mommy be alive
Father told us
She was dead

Sisters whispers
That’s not true
He took us away
So now I knew

Years of search
To find her and care
Many empty faces
It’s awful out there

The streets of L.A.
A bitter cold place
Survival changes
God’s good grace

My preyers
Had been answered
She was alive
Dying ,each passing day

God gave
Her to me then
He took her away

No more
My mom had throat cancer I got to know her for 3 months I was 18 I prayed my younger years for her to be JUST ALIVE I  blamed myself for not praying for more she was only 46 when she dyed it took Amiy years to realize at least I got to know her
324 · Mar 2023
E.E.Cummings poem
CJ Sutherland Mar 2023
To be
but yourself
in a world,
doing it’s
to make
somebody else
Is to
the hardest
you are ever
going to
EE Cummings is one of the best writers. Up in the corner of this website you can click on to the top 100 riders to get inspiration. To learn from the masters. I encourage everybody to get out of their comfort zone and try a different style. It’s not all about free verse poetry. There is structure meter and rhyme many different types of poetry
322 · Nov 2023
CJ Sutherland Nov 2023
Thunder in the sky
Dog shaking under covers
Scary noise is gone
There are 8 types of haiku 5-7-5 syllables about nature
320 · Dec 2023
Christmas Needs
CJ Sutherland Dec 2023


don’t Need

to exchange

Gifts for Christmas

They Need to exchange

Apologies, Settle old Disputes,

Make Peace, Forgive and Seek Healing
That would truly be A Blessed Christmas.

The Reason

For the



Families that don’t see each other all year long and then all of a sudden they’re going to get together is if they’re just some wonderful family. But that undercurrent of destabilization. the egg shells we so carefully walk on.. Nothing ever seems to change.
319 · Sep 2017
CJ Sutherland Sep 2017
Nana wants very slow
perfect for little legs
to keep up
wherever they go

The whole world rushs by  
yet stops for them
in the wink of her eye
there is nothing more important
then the tears of her grandson's cries

Play time a must at Nana's house
building a castle out of Play dough
for Mickey Mouse
playing games, reading books
watching them grow
time is priceless she knows

Nana can see no wrong
in the innocence of childhood
Her unconditional love is a lullaby
a sleepy night song
morning, noon, and night
a smile graces her face
there's no place
like home
In Nana's Grace
I wrote this when my grandsons were  age 5 and age 2
the oldest is now 17
317 · Sep 2017
CJ Sutherland Sep 2017
Brothers and Sisters are we
standing proud of our heritage tree
Deep rooted values are held so dear
Our family bond that kept us near

One by one we married or moved away
Yet still remain close to this very day
we have all grown in our love
Our Parents and Peter keep watch from up above

As we start to reach old age
will look back on life and love as our gauge
Smile knowing for better or worse
A Bowen giving up, now that would be a first

Sitting back in our rocking chair
Jessie and I will both be there
Life passes by in the blink od an eye
Proud to be a Bowen until the day we die
Bowen is my maiden name
312 · Sep 2017
A Poets Nightmare
CJ Sutherland Sep 2017
It happens
to the best of us
306 · Jun 2023
John 3:16
CJ Sutherland Jun 2023
For  God

So  Loved

The  World
That He Gave     HIS.    Only Begotton
SON             Whosoever.         Believeth  
In  Him

Should  Not

Parish  But

Have  Ever­


This was the first Bible verse I was taught as a child. This is how my journey in Christ begin understanding this small verse.
Word art happens Organically.
The sword represents the spoken word, a double edge, sword. Part of God’s holy armor. I did not set out to make the pattern it just happened.
302 · Sep 2017
CJ Sutherland Sep 2017
A godmother has much to do
Isaac nearly two
It was a bright sunny day  
he wanted to run and play

Isaac didnt understand
what the priest had to say
Wiggling in his mother's arms
to her dismay

loudly asking for Nana
Full of sweetness and charms
in the warmth of my arms
I held him tight
quieting him with patience and foresight

Whispering sweet nothings in his ear
for only him to laugh and here
Isaac looked up at the ceiling
we were praying while nelling

His young life bright without a flaw
Pointing determined intently  
to show me what he saw

PRIT-TEE (pretty) he flashes a smiles
"Nana see" he points
Above the fourth isle

I didn't know what he was trying to show me
he continued to do this you for a while  
Whispering I asked" tell me what you see"
Until I understood his plea
his face lit up instantly

He smiled with a joy that would last
"Angels " he whispered
Skipping a beat my heart gasp
in the heart of a child
so willful and wild  
yet he could still see
the glory of where he used to be
My grandson had never heard about angels at  18 months old
He was still so young. I have no doubt that he saw angels  while he was being baptized
Isaac  name means laughter.
CJ Sutherland May 2018
I have written on other
Poetry sites
As this one you
have to be invited
For the right

There are issues with this site
Freezing word lines ,curser going
Unable to fix your errors

I have also noticed
When you offer critique of  a poem
that you feel is great
  Admire Even
Yet you see a little tiny
thing that could suggest
To be looked at by the author

Your jumped on by someone
And band wagon begins

Poetry on other  sites
you must make
Two critiques on the poem
and one on the title

It’s all about working
Together with fellow writers
Of verse and proses

A site without helping each other
Is  only about posting for practice
Nothing else
People are too sensitive

Writing with blinders on
Does not allow for growth

It’s all a matter of perspective
people don’t mean
criticism negatively
they are just  honestly
trying to help
but then others
take it wrong
feathers get ruffled

And out comes mr. nasty
Giving a poem thumbs down
REALLY IS THAT  necessary
Just don’t read or write on it
Pass it by

If  you want to get published
advise should be welcomed
Surely rejection letters are
Not the end goal

When one is not able to
here the reflection
In one’s voice
it’s difficult to determine
Friend or foe

just let it go
It’s not worth the effort
only have good intentions

It’s all a matter of
Those who  make negative comments of a poem or comment are not contributing in anyone’s best interest I have taken to private messages with my suggestions who needs the drama
296 · Dec 2017
What are we fighting for
CJ Sutherland Dec 2017
Anger consumes the heart
Blinds the eyes
Two in pain soon part
Frustration sobbing cry’s

Living in the past
Unable to enjoy today
Judgements never last
There has to be a better way

Marriage is easily destroid
When both are quickly annoyed
With so much to lose at loves core
What are we fighting for

In the end you could not take back what you said
When your heart is broken and love is dead
You cannot unring the bell
Your arguments now quiet, replaced with a new lonely living hell

Be careful what you wish for,
Is it what you wanted
That final slam of the door
Left a lonely soul lost love haunted
People are so quick to end relationships but when is enough enough time to stay time to go
295 · Mar 2019
LOVE, The Double Edge Sword
CJ Sutherland Mar 2019
Word Art
284 · Aug 2021
Time is at hand- WAKE UP
CJ Sutherland Aug 2021
I Died
And was sent back
My soul cried
I slipped into a coma
for four days.
My essence
In the corner
of my room
An Angel
was present
No longer a tomb
I knew
I was not alone
Much to repent
No words spoke
Yet much said
it’s all in the contents
of my head
We all have a purpose;


Perhaps the most important
question to ponder
my dear
There is not one thing God has made that does not have a purpose. We’re just not here to buy stuff to go through the motions. There’s a purpose for each of us to the Holy Spirit all will be revealed. The time is at hand
CJ Sutherland Jul 2022
A child stamps her feet
Holding a sign
Looking around
in  wide-eyed FEAR
Watching her mother
the entire time

A new generation
Lack of emotion

From rules and decorum
From respect for others
Soul less empty forum

Her mother lights a
Molotov cocktail
Holding it high,
HER holy grail
While walking
down the middle
of the street
“there is
NO Defeat”
Yelling, screaming
FISTS clenched
in the air

Her ****** expression
Her kindness, and beauty
Until the evil
from inside
matched her
Outward behavior

of logic and reason.
Her latest
Word, *****
Filled the air.

Daddy, A prisoner to
the unfolding  situation
“I’ve exhausted My patience!”
His words dwindle
in frustration

Daddy believes
” Patients belong in hospitals”
Is this another case of retribution!?
He concedes  
Offering no solution

There  comes a point ,when the person
you’ve engaged in Conversation
just won’t hear, what you have to say.
I’m right, you’re wrong, GO AWAY

What do you do?
Perhaps Ponder this
What is FAIR?
All fair means is
somebody gets what they want
while the other person
cannot contest it.

Who ever told you
life is FAIR?

It’s a CRAZY world
out there!!
todays generation
2020 riot I saw this on TV. They burned down a police precinct and a Federal building. No one arrested. The only thing lost that mattered, in my opinion
was a child’s innocence.
CJ Sutherland Mar 2018
A school poet" Clever"
Stated she was NOT allowed
To participate in the scheduled WALKOUT
They escorted her back to her classroom
Less she face Repercussions
that would linger on her school record
permanant  suspension  
Walk out vs family trust
The administration even
locked the bathroom doors
And exits for 17 minutes
Instead the students were given 17 minutes
Of free  exspression
The didn't say she couldn't walk out
The choice was not a choice
it was an ultimatum
Rather like a bully tactic
Which is why the students are
here in the first place
At first I like many believed
There is a fine line between integrity  
And a students true intent solidarity
Rather just a ploy no classes for the day
Until my grandson told me about
A shooting in the park
he just walked through
To get to school
He arrived in time for the lock down  
His older brother's friend died in his arms
Neither youth attended that school
That were walking to work
His friend feared he would be jumped
Ask his brother to walk with him
As an educator I have to wonder
What is the problem
A gun has no power on its own
It's the hearts bad minds of the user
There has to be a better way
To keep our children safe
I don't think a walk out is the answer
It's not a bad idea to
Educate teacher in self defense
As a person we should all know
It's a sign of our times
Thank you clever for the poem inspiration
276 · Dec 2023
Baby Boomers My Generation
CJ Sutherland Dec 2023
The Baby Boomer Generation
was between 1946–1964.
Currently today between
the ages of 57 and 75.
So that would make most
of us still alive and kicking

No, two people experience,
their generation the same.
It depends upon your age
going through the experience
Facilitates our gauge.

These is what I remember along my way.
Details, I leave out the baby boomers will know what I’m talking about.
One of 8 kids I’ve seen many layers
These recollections are from many players
This memory train stops ,Ends 1979

My generation as a child;
Buying our clothes from the
Sears and Roebuck catalog
Weekend chores morning till night
Sunday church, youth fellowship group
A treat to play baseball in the street
First set of wheels a Banana Bike
with high handlebars, Ten Speed bike
We road for miles but never lost our way.
Made and played with Paper, Airplanes,
Lincoln Logs, Click Clacks and Jack’s
We dug holes to make a Mini Golf Course

I sold fruit from our many trees For lunch
money cafeteria food 4 fruits NO sac lunch,
We were resourceful, earning our own way.

The boys had a Paper Rout
The girls Babysitters. I bought my clothes, by the age of 12 with babysitting money.
And happy to doit.!NO more sister’s things
The embarrassment of hand me downs

We covered our School Books with
Brown paper, trash bags, creative Kids used
comics from the newspaper cool!
We walk to school and back, never alone

We dial a rotary phone plugged in the wall.
Dial zero for operator to connect your call
Yellow page phonebook to find numbers.
chores and homework done, before fun!
Boys collected Baseball Cards MadeCrafts

Junior High; The quarterly Shop classes
Boys Only,
Auto Shop, Wood Shop,
Electronic Shop and Plastic Shop
The boys sold what they made
for a pretty penny(expensive price)$$

Drivers Ed
In the classroom and in the Car
The schools had four Cars;
4 kids and the Instructor

Home economics
Girls Only;
learn to Sew, A-line Skirt, Gym Bags
with Embroidered Names, one freestyle project. Anything from Turning jeans into a Jean skirts. Imagination creation,
Original design Homemade crafted gifts

Cooking Class had 7 mini Kitchens
Nutritional well-balanced meals, but my favorite Cake Baking tips and techniques.
We had a lemonade Stand in the summer
Sold Fresh lemons off your fruit trees.
Baked cookies, cupcakes, and cakes as well.

Every meal was made from scratch
Feeding 10 meant more than one batch.
We ate Dinner as a Family every night
Us kids, brothers and sisters were tight
We went to Drive-in, Movies in our PJs
We got our information from Encyclopedias
We waited for the Milkman, and the Helm’s 
Whistle Blow, Diaper Services at the door.
We listened toTransistor Radio on the floor.

My Generation as a Teenager
Bellbottoms and Crop Tops” peace signs”
mini skirts, go-go boots, moccasins beehive
Hair with Flowers everywhere
Bought my First Vinyl Record

Rationing Gasoline;, odd, and even days
By The last digit of your license plate
In 1993 and again in 1997. Gas Ran Out!

Changing the TV channel with the ****
First black and white TV followed by color
FineTune the antenna, rabbit ears for clarity.
We piled in the wood panel station wagon

A Phone Booth on every corner $.10 a call.
The simplicity of it all
Until The Moral pendulum Shifted Society
The shooting of John F. Kennedy
I knows where I was the day it happened
The shooting of Martin Luther King
These two Events shaped our Generation.

The Vietnam war, Kent State Univ. shooting
Our Generation Before
Cell Phones, CDs, ATM, machines, Internet, Pagers, Cassettes Tapes Eight Track tapes
in the car. The swear jar

We barter food, sold eggs Goods,& Serves
Wore Galoshes to school on muddy roads

My generation as an Adult
Neighbors Voted in our garage
Their loving façade was an allusion Mirage  
Never answer “Who did you Vote for”
Airing ***** laundry in public, not smart
VOTING couples screaming, fighting in the street taught me.NEVER talk about;
Religion and Politics. Two Deadly Battles
The price, too High, to lose, your happy life

Gypsies gave daisies At the Airport
Make Love Not War, Peace bohemian style
California rock ‘n’ roll bands in the city
And to the sand, Artistry in the air
Music flourished,Bands played everywhere

The Doors, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd,
The Beatles, , Crosby, stills, Nash, Young
Simon and Garfunkel every day fair
Woodstock a whole other scene
To describe it, you had to be there

Drugs,;mushrooms, ***, psychedelics, acid
Roxy, & Rainbow Club where the weirdos went or Chinese tour buses,
filled with people dressed in 60s wear
Men wore a camera around their neck, Hawaiian shirt, black Horn rimmed glasses, Ladies poodle skirts with Peddicoats and white button down blouses and sweaters
in the 1979. I kid you not. strange people!
I wanted to ask what movie they saw that made them think this was California style?

Car Races on Van Nuys Blvd.
Parking with your boyfriend
Teen center held under 21 Dances.
The San Fernando Valley(Valley Girls)
Really said “for sure”. “Totally awesome” “whatever” “ not even” “ As If”

Orange Grove and walnut trees as far as the eye can see. The city Tarzana was named after Tarzan. South of the Boulevard 4 miles from Michael Jackson’s house. Modest home. Difference as night and day

Curiously, I never thought we were poor
We were rich in love, and that was more than enough. Help a friend in need
Because it’s the right thing to do.

people were people, Just getting along
Decent folks Kind and Caring,Sharing
God-fearing Christians, Moral Values
Live and let Live. The American Way
A trip down memory lane. Every 10 years your life change is 100% birth to age 10 is easy to say. Age 10 to age 20 you get the point. Each of those are new lives. I am in the second year of my sixth life.
266 · Oct 2023
The will
CJ Sutherland Oct 2023
the will
of the

is predicated.

By the
of our
265 · Dec 2017
What child is this?
CJ Sutherland Dec 2017
Did you ever notice
what we do
when we hold
a small child ?

We all do it

Our Eyes

we look straight into
the child’s face and
silently speak
the wonder, awe, love,
that can’t be
put into words.

Our Lips

we use our lips a lot
when holding a baby
we purse them,
makes sounds
that aren’t words,
and we kiss
the child
from a distance.

Our Arms

if ever arms
holding something
they do it
when we cradle
a tiny baby.
Few could describe
such grace,

But everyone
can picture it.

Our Whole Body

Did you ever
we never
stand still
when holding
a tiny baby?

we slowly sway
from side to side
turn in half circles
forward and back

Did you ever
to think
that you were once
held that way?

Who ever held you
as a tiny baby
held you that way

Did you ever
to think
that God holds
you that way?
just when you
were a tiny child
but now
even if things
aren’t going well
if things aren’t going well

what child is this?

it’s ME
In God’s arms

Merry Christmas
Advent teaching at my church
258 · Sep 2017
Promise to keep
CJ Sutherland Sep 2017
Promises to keep; yet
Death is beating at my door
Rock myself to sleep
What Am I living for
when all I do is
Weep, weep, weep
Longing for life once more
   Promises to keep
The grim Reeper is keeping score
From my destiny chance; leap
Family, friends; ignored
All I want to do is
Sleep, sleep, sleep
   Promises to keep
No pain I implore
Please end it ever more; worrying
   Promises to keep
Upon the cold bare floor
Walking with Jesus once more
   No more promises to keep
In peace, I shall sleep
Cancer was a wake up call I'm fine now but those were dark days
256 · Mar 2023
The family Circus
CJ Sutherland Mar 2023
He will always be there
the serpent in the room,
Life in his burning tomb

Come one Come all
To the Family Circus

The walking Dead
Calculating numbers
in their Head

Always in Control
Follow the Agenda
Play your Character’s part
Lose your Soul.

Come one Come all
To the Family Circus

Boyfriend Stocker,

Always a Smile
Painted on the CLOWN,
Who hides
An Emotional Frown.

in the same sick play
year after year
Fighting Fears and Tears

Control what you Do,
Control what to Say,
Predator becomes Prey
The Eyes look Away

The Eyes are the
Windows to the Heart
Where pretend Ends
And LIFE begins
A New Start

Come one Come all
To the Family Circus

The Extravaganza
called “Perfect”
Their Lives are Filled
with too many SINS

How Long do We
have to STAY
make our GETAWAY.

Come one Come all
to the Family Circus

Watch the
The Absurdity
of it All

Glide carefully
hiding their

Beautiful of Creatures  
Look closely
At Her Features

See the Wicked Web
She is Weaving

Come, one Come all
To the Family Circus

What God do you SERVE,
What do you Think
You Deserve?
Do you Feel
The Difference
In Their CALL

The Rarest of Rare
Nearly Nonexistent ,

Who Stands
to fight
The greatest Deceiver

He will tell you a Story,
Parables and Sermons
of  God’s Glory
A Christian will drop  
To Their KNEES

Yet at the
Family Circus
They DO
As they PLEASE.

Come one Come all
To the Family Circus

The Serpent in the room,
The Albatross
around your neck

Satan waiting
in his tomb,
The Prodical  
SON returning

Come one Come all
to the Family Circus,

Here God’s CALL
Free Will
one and all.

William  Shakespeare said it best
“What a tangled web we weave
when we practice to deceive”
253 · Jan 2018
The flu What’s a girl to
CJ Sutherland Jan 2018
I was up all night last night
Tonight a repeat
With one
I have the flu
Achy body
I feel like I was hit by a truck
Stomach doing flip
Like after  
A meal on the high sea
In a storm
My head is pounding
I want to close my eyes
Dark quiet yet can’t sleep
Body restless
A dice proposal
When taking medications
That can throw me in
Toxic shock
Water room temp
Saltine crackers
251 · Sep 2023
Searching For Answers
CJ Sutherland Sep 2023
Is A
Powerful.                Thing.
The.      QUESTION.       is,





This is true in every walk of life.
the quest for truth
answers who we are9/1/23
251 · Sep 2017
Both sides
CJ Sutherland Sep 2017
There is
The right side
There is
The wrong side

There is
Your side
There is
My side

Some where
  Residing between
The two
Do you ever get caught in the middle between two friends and they both want you to take their side
250 · Oct 2023
A threat
CJ Sutherland Oct 2023
An Idea

The embracement
of an Idea

One person
is of NO significance,

But the more who can see
what is, and what will be


Now your awake
Which leads to


The building blocks
To Create

A Movement

Shared with other
like minded people

A Community

To inspire change

What if
They are listening?
Are you listening?
There are governments that believe you should not be thinking for yourself. Ideas can be deadly therefore, no more free beach or free thought.
249 · Oct 2017
CJ Sutherland Oct 2017
What makes us
who we are ?

And let live

Accept people
for who they are

Find Peace

Do not try
to make people
into whom you think
they should be

with every fabric
of your being

Quick to forgive
Slow to judge

Until your belly hurts

Live life to the fullest

journey to self
20004 /2017 rewrite
my poetry grows as I do
247 · Oct 2023
On Step Forward
CJ Sutherland Oct 2023
One step forward
With Faith
         One step forward
         With Hope
                   One step forward
                   With Love
                            A willingness
                            To Embrace
                                  Peace and Goodwill
                                   Towards all Mankind
I feel so helpless with what’s going on with the wars today, perhaps good thoughts and prayers 10/23
245 · Jan 2018
4 in the morning
CJ Sutherland Jan 2018
am I awake
will it take
To let
my head rest
Pillows, heating pad, oxygen
I try my best
More pills to
numb the pain
Staying awake all night
is driving me insane
Too many thoughts in my head
unable to sleep in my bed
write poems all night
Thank God for this site

I’ll try sleepy time tea
and melatonin
And I will have to *****

Ten more pillows
For the sheep to jump in the willows
Good night
Wishful thinking
243 · Sep 2017
Predator or Pray
CJ Sutherland Sep 2017
We are
The only animals
Who allow
Our off-spring
To return to
The nest
Many animals
Eat their
Kids returning home lol
241 · Dec 2017
Christmas Word of the Day
CJ Sutherland Dec 2017
When you decorate
Lights ,ornaments
Nic Nacks
Everything accumulated by a lifetime
of memories
So much love
Your house
With.              Who
You.                    Are
Then.                   Now
239 · Jul 2023
Bible prophecy
CJ Sutherland Jul 2023
Wake up !wake up !
before it’s too late
It won’t be long
until the date
Jesus Loves
The Bible prophecies ,6000 years old
Has come to surpass what God foretold,
Exactly how each prophecy will unfold
Our Lord Jesus Christ has a Grand Plan
This is HIS world ,country, and land
At a precipice we stand
Tribulation is at hand
The beginning of the end
NO need to deny, pretend
God’s watchman will defend.
The Bible tells us what will transpire
Earthquakes, meteors, famine, plagues,fire
God wants to get our undivided attention
Every judgment in the Bible is mentioned.
God wants to save all mankind
Every precious soul he can find
Judgments to cleanse man’s SINS
God’s cup is full, Tribulation begins
God’s Angels will destroy this land
wicked refuse to atone,TheyTake a stand
Satan kills Christian; woman and man
The trumpets will sound loud and clear,
Every Language, Every Soul will HERE
“ I                Am
The.               Lord
Thy.              God
For all the.        world to See
The WRATH.             of God,
The Glory.                        is HE
This poem refers to the start of tribulation. We are in the last generation in time is at hand. 7/25/23
235 · Jan 2018
Posting problems
CJ Sutherland Jan 2018
Has anyone else noticed
Posting problem
After awhile the page
does not work properly
I have to post in draft then
Return to make changes
The line curser act crazy
Or is it just me
Inquirig minds wamt to know
I know of one fellow poet who left
Because of such problems
235 · Oct 2017
CJ Sutherland Oct 2017
What does it  say about us?
What do we show people ?

What do people speculate; see, decree
is that the real inner  me?

Screaming words over joyed
People interpt
My reputation destroyed

Out of control
Anger all to see
Gone crazy would people agree

The death of a family member
Will People understand be tender

Sometimes our emotions
get the best of us
Yet, do we understand why
emotions happen so deeply
Perhaps that's why we are so uniquely

Have we become
a victim of ourself

Anger and fear
Laughter love so dear
Live is trying to teach us
Do we listen ,Do we here

What do we show Society
Should it matter or
just get over our anxiety

In the end does it matter
what people think  

Let yourself off the hook
pour yourself a drink

I am on a quest
inner journey
to self
2004 write/2017
234 · Dec 2017
Another year looming
CJ Sutherland Dec 2017
Another year  
is looming
do you have a prediction
of a dooming
have your resolutions come true?
or are they
  silly superstition
what's another year for you?
233 · Oct 2017
Deal with it
CJ Sutherland Oct 2017
You can hide from
the rest of the world
You can't hide from yourself

Deal with it

I have become
A master at hiding
Smiling just enough

Yet, looking closely
The eyes never lie
The pain; hurt, sadness
All there to see

When the world is
Upside down
I  graciously help others

My undevided attention
Intently listening to
Their problems

So, I don't have to
Share my feelings

Have  you ever noticed
When somebody asks you
"How are you "
they really don't want
To know the TRUTH

Hiding in plain sight

We have become
a society of disconnect
Interactive  on-Line
without physical contact
2004/2017 rewrite
I am a  lonely person I've become very  good at putting up the walls
231 · Oct 2017
Which way do we go
CJ Sutherland Oct 2017
of self

we always
move in the

as our most

Think about it

There are times
when I'm a

Other times
my thoughts
are crystal-clear  
profound thoughts
come to me
at the oddest times  
this is what happens
when I  
2004/2017 rewrite
Webster’s Word of the Day challenge
Each day a new word is given

BLT has issued this challenge
Use Webster’s Word of the Day
in your poem
After you post your poem
let BLT know

In the notes of your poem indicate
The word of the day Challenge
The word and definition
I try to put the date of the word,
but sometimes I forget

Then notify BLT
He will read the poem to
make sure it meets the HP standards
Then  he will post it to his site
Then BLT notify you that he did so
This way your poem
gets additional exposure

You can see by the haphazard way
I laid out the instructions
These are not strict guidelines
This should be FUN

I find it a challenge at times,
To use the word on the exact day
Yet, curiously many times
I can incorporate a word
into my current poetry
that I would not have used before.

It’s challenging and fun when it’s done
It’s a game that has opened
up a brand new door daily.
Putting my braggadocio aside
Personally There are times when I have felt I have an inadequate vocabulary

This challenge is a self confidence booster
Also a way to improve your language
and add a new word to your lexicon.

A heart felt . Thank You
To BLT For creating this game
It’s truly been a challenge and adventure
BLT word of the day challenge
Haphazard 3-30-24
No apparent plan, order, or direction
Bonus words
3-29 Braggadocio
A brash boating annoying or exaggerating appearing more then you are
Lexicon a person’s vocabulary and branch of knowledge
You do not need to use more than one word per day but it’s cool when you can.
CJ Sutherland Dec 2017
We are blessed to live in a place
Which offers freedom to choose our religion
Yet now we have to exercise tolerance to others at our exspence
This new thinking  is infringing upon my right to religion

There is a Catholic mission that has been standing near 100 years
A group takes offense with the cross and steeple ontop the Church
They want it removed a court battle maybe on the horizon  
Why is their belief more important then mine?

There are groups who challenge institutions to insue change
What happened to live and let live ,who are these people ?
What will be next ?the cross around my neck
Carrying a bible in public or worshipping all together

In public schools our children can no longer pray
A Christmas tree is now called a holiday tree
As if the words change the reason for the season
Christmas break is now winter break

They changed the pledge of allegiance
No longer does our nation’s children say in God we trust
The big bang theory takes the place in our history books

Look around at the beauty in our world
How can it all be an accident
56% of the world population do not believe in God
We are on the brink of a precipice

When we start giving up our liberties we stand on a slippery *****
If people don’t believe in God ,the Bible
by what gage are morals values set and followed
Is the moral compass based ones self?

Isn’t that rather like playing God?
The belief God Got it wrong because they are in the wrong body?
Don’t get wrong it’s not for me to judge
but I do have to exsplain these topics to my grandchildren

We are living in ***** and Gomorrah
Mass killing are the norm, while satin laughs in delight
I believe we are living in the end days why most are oblivious
Read Revalation , The last book in the Bible, wake up
A seed is planted
228 · May 2023
Into the Sea
CJ Sutherland May 2023
Rubber, dub dub
Three men in a tub
And who do you
think they be?

The butcher,
the candlestick maker
the widow maker

A rock of the boat ,
A large wave
Gave a forceful jolt
A Brisk breeze
A loud sneeze
And they all
fell into the sea

The butcher caught
the largest fish that day
The candlestick maker
blew out his last wish they say
And the widow maker
claimed their souls
All three
Rubber dub, dub
three men in a tub
This is example of a limerick
228 · Jan 2018
Our world today We are lost
CJ Sutherland Jan 2018
Who are you?
what do you believe?
what do you stand for?
we are a society living lost  
oblivious in our own little worlds
Do you see what is happening all around you?
the homeless living on the streets
do you know your neighbors names ?
What is your form of entertainment ?
Television shows;  
Satan worshipin,
demons, horror movies,
bloodly corpses, ******,
****, ****** violence,
sexually  scenes with under age,  
we see every commandment in the Bible broken daily
on prime time for entertainment
Do you remember waiting all week
for the Disney family show  Sunday night ?
The news shows q
terrorist cutting off somebody’s head on the internet
in the name of God,
schools, Music concerts, ands  churches mass killings
Cultures collide,  mass death because they believe it’s the end od days
Mass shootings, hundreds of people for no reason.
The worst wheather in history;  
earthquakes, tsunami‘s  floods
our earth is on fire.
people Suffering; starving, sickness, superbugs,  
epidemics beyond proportion:
Isis Wars using child as A human shields strapping bombs to Babies  and elderly
all in the name of God
There is an attack on ALL Christians and Christianity
We have taken religion out  from our schools,cities and states
no longer allowed to pray.
You used to be able to go to any hotel room and find a Bible in the nightstand drawer no longer . 
 56% of the entire world no longer believe in God
we allow same-*** marriage
you can change your *** to whatever you want
We wonder why our children are so out-of-control
Why they have no respect for their parents or for anything
why they’re lost
why they try to **** themselves and others
Why they Turn to drugs; alcohol
Trying to escape reality

The Bible talks about a day when wrong is right and right is wrong
I would say we are there

If you do NOT believe in the Bible
then how do you base your moral compass ?
if it feels good do it ?
if it’s good for you then it’s good
if it’s bad for you then it’s bad
Isn’t that rather like
playing GOD
It’s time to wake up
225 · Dec 2017
Merry Christmas
CJ Sutherland Dec 2017
The English word “Merry”
Did not originally convey
It was more along the lines of
A deep down inner joy
Rather then revelry
One gets a sense of its original meaning
In the well known carol
“God rest ye merry, gentlemen “
As can be seen from the comma
The word is not used to describe
But rather was a
Blessing from God
Invoked upon them
God rest ye peaceful gentlemen
Merry Christmas
Is a Blessing
Words in the eighteen hundreds had different meanings then do now
A word meaning can make all the difference in a new understanding
225 · Oct 2017
Crafty Creations
CJ Sutherland Oct 2017
If I can imagine it I can make it

Just as poetry flows freely

So does my need to create something

To take random objects
a doll dress made  Made out of
paper mache lace  lots of embellishments
Always the small imbellishments the small
Details that take it over the top

Crocheting a blanket from several different patterns creating an one of a kind original

A  fairy made of wire, a wooden ball embroidery thread and a silk flower

Victorian Dresden Christmas
ornaments from 1890 those are my favorite
In the olden days things were made by hand
They didn't have store bought ornaments they were keepsakes, memories of years gone By

I can see a picture then bring it to life
Or make it from an idea in my head

I have made something for all to see
it was within me and will always be

It's such a rush to have that Finnish project
Knowing I made that

It's strange to know so much creativity lives
Within me yet others can't do the same

They see a thing as it is  I see all the  possibilities
Of what it can become
Perhaps I'm making my own keepsake
I'm working on three different projects right now forget all the things I need to get done at the end of the day I get a chance to create something new after all isn't that what poets do?
225 · Dec 2017
Why is it called Christmas
CJ Sutherland Dec 2017
In  medieval England
The name of the feast
Being celebrated was joined
To the word “Mass”
and this became
The name of the day
For example
The feast of
St Michael is called
The feast of the presentation
Because candles were blessed
On that day is called “candlemass”
Thus it is that in English
The feast of
The birth of Christ Is called
“Christmas “
in some other languages
“Dies Natalia Domini”
The birth of our Lord
Holy Night
“La Navidad”
The Birthday
“Bose Narodzenie”
God’s Birth
I wonder how many people
Really know what Christmas is
And what it REALLY represents
This history was from Bible study and advent
220 · Sep 2017
Life's Lessons
CJ Sutherland Sep 2017
Older and older
The clock ticks
Fewer and fewer
The men pick
The games
I use to play
Are now fantacies
I dream of today
Older and wiser
Now I take
Sunday Naps
I wrote this 15 years ago
CJ Sutherland Dec 2017
Propels us into night gear
Christmas almost here
Shop tell you drop

Christmas Day
Came and left as swiftly
I was tired from
All the hustle and bustle

Sitting at the dinner table I asked
What did you get Jesus
On his birthday
Blank stares from a
Confused group
A nervous roar of laughter

the children listening
unsure of what I was after
I smiled
Talking over
A Side comment or two
I began to explain; honesty, faith,and love

Those are gifts Jesus would want
Still the group seem lost in what answer
I was looking for
Then I heard it

Someone with a bit too much
Christmas Cheer
Cleared his throat and said
“Well Honestly
I gave him nothing”
Nervious roar of laughter
deafened my ears

My heart was so sad
I smiled and excused myself
From the table
Charity, patience,and forgiveness
Begins at home

All I can think of Is
Dying for us
“Lord for give them they know not what they do”
I have so much to learn
That was awkward so not how I thought the conversation would go
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