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everything costs something
some things much more than others
and what one person considers cheap
another will have a deeper understanding of the cost
Surely the end is always near
When life becomes a disease,
death is the only cure
Sooner or later
all we loved will disappear
But you know
it’ll all still be here
all those things in life
we foolishly fear.
Summertime is a gift
to all who survived Winter
I’m looking back you can’t change anything
Seeing the world through different eyes
No one knows why people
Walk out of your life
Some doors open
Some doors close
It’s time to compose yourself
I’m grateful for my life
I will always miss some people
Reasons come
Reasons go
I gave up trying to know
Looking back only makes me wonder
Taking in all these lessons
I’m grateful for my life
By his side, the devout chant God's glory
in a life so brittle and fragile
yet not lacking in strength to navigate
on the river of chaotic turbulence.

Some are tearlessly silent,
a few are about to embrace a cry
and there is one whose wails
reverberate and pound the walls.

The ascent to the greater kingdom
is adorned with white lotus
and incense that smell of heaven.

Filled with the finality
there is no point denying,
the atheist sleeps on peacefully.
what a special relationship birds have with air
not only breathing it but riding it
the same as fish with water
and Humans have learned to put their complex communication
their voices, exhaled onto their breath.
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