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Andreas Simic Apr 2018
Can you help me please
I have been born into someone else's life
how else to explain a child like me
living on the streets filled with quagmire
alone and lonely watching your children pass by
They dressed in clothes that fit not found
in an alley filled with the worlds least desirable
Their mouths having tasted a regular meal
not the hand me down scraps that provide
sustenance but not nourishment
They walk to school for education while I
pander to humanity for another day of living
idle chatter a commodity I can ill afford
laughter a luxury that evades me
smiles are for financial gain not for expressing inner joy
Yes this is not my life, but a temporary stop, is my hope

Andreas Simic©
Picture prompt and credit: https://mweiss-art.devi
Andreas Simic Jun 2022
Dear Suicide
You were like my unwanted bride

Left in the rear view mirror of life
Your existence no longer a daily strife

Every once in a while
Returning as if on trial

I’m no longer waiting to end it all
Appreciating each and every “fall”

Your clutch no longer around my throat
Myself having constructed a deep enough moat

For years you were a constant companion
Now left behind with much abandon

You had me convinced I was not good enough
That my life was rough and too tough

Though I miss the mind games played
Freedom from fear has away stayed

As I appreciate each day one at a time
My life is now much more like a poetry rhyme

So don’t come back with your useless thoughts
I’m not looking for any new plots

Farewell I say unto you
You are no longer my glue

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Nov 2017

In moments of reflection
I ponder, what inspires us

What makes one human being
Happy, delighted, having fun

And another sad, less enthusiastic,
Dreary, down trodden, seemingly on the run

Why do those impelled to change the world
Live alongside those that seem to be along for a ride

How can we have an Einstein
In amongst the sublime

What pip or kernel separates
The inspired from the tired

Does it arrive through some gene
Or something else not foreseen

Can it be developed through age and wisdom
Allowing us to become sage

Is it a seed or
A need

I scratch my head
Time for bed

Another day I will revive this quest
For now I just need some rest

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Feb 2018
What an amazing thing it is
the center of the highways and byways of humanness

A rhythmic beating that stirs the soul
the ultimate example of the word dichotomy

It can survive attacks with incredible resilience
yet be shattered by mere words

Lobbed in your direction to inflict pain and suffering
these powerful weapons wielded like a sword

Leaving it in shreds like shards of glass
strewn carelessly about each crystal abandoned unto itself

The results can be deep incisions leading to permanent scars
picking up the pieces far easier said than done

Some say it is akin to a stab wound with a twisted blade
that literally and figuratively can invoke fatal damage

Often; time, space and love encourage healing
While a touch, hug or kiss can re-ignite its flame

Occasionally it requires the talents of a skilled surgeon
To bring it back to life using ordinary means sans heroics

Hope, trust and faith the elixir aligned with patience
A potent cure commingled with a mix of prescriptions

The combination of memories and senses
Delivering messages for it to act upon

Call it heart break or heart ache or any other name
The result can end up being the same.

In the end it is not a matter of whether science
can complete a successful transplant
But whether a broken heart can be mended at all

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Nov 2017
Journey to Tranquility©

As I nestle into the seat of my
Far from new mode of transport
I steel myself for the journey ahead
In my mind I plan out the route for this day

I'm sure bumper to bumper was invented here
There will be that slow crawl up the parkway
This will turn into the raceway as we hit the expressway
Where I let her go

Road rage is the new adage
So one must be aware not to stare or glare
This gauntlet must be run to arrive alive
Success here brings relief as we turn,

Turn onto a highway of only two lanes
Gains can be made here though watch for deer
Home after home turns into farm land
As the lights of the city disappear

Another left, then one more with pavement
Becomes gravel for many a mile
Don’t go too far there it is on the right
A smile appears as it comes into sight

The scurry of a fox across the driveway
The chirp of birds as you exit the car
The smell of a lake and its shore
You are at the cottage and tranquility galore

It is worth the drive every time.

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Oct 2017
Kiss My…©

Morning people,
Those people up at the crack of dawn

With more energy than a ball of fire
All done up like they haven’t even slept

It is in those moments I want to say
Kiss my sass

Looking at them through my bleary eyes
Me feeling like something off a scrapheap

Their exuberance like a cup runneth over
Excitement exuding everywhere

It is in those moments I want to say
Kiss my sass

My rear glued to the bed
Unable to muster the motivation to get up

I listen to them espouse great plans for the day
Bubbling with sheer excitement

It is in those moments I want to say
Kiss my sass

We all have our place and so do they
I have to admit with some dismay

Andreas Simic©
I am a morning person so this is how people view me.
Andreas Simic Apr 2018
Le Madam

She is most like her age

Time having eroded some of her natural beauty

A few warts have appeared here and there in spots

Yet there is this blend of young and old alike melded into one

She has transformed herself from bilingual to multi-lingual

Despite this her character has little changed over a long existence

The night life she relishes still as vibrant as ever

If she was a building one would say she had age and charm

Her busyness belies her serenity

Blessed with a deep history she exudes confidence

Allowing her to grow and prosper

Into whom she is today

Nothing can dampen her spirit it seems

Though sometimes turbulent periods have been had

Through it all a humorist slant developed and enjoyed by many

Her name Montreal

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Oct 2017
Life is ...©
Life is ...
... A journey
... A process
... Time travel

Life is ...
... Seconds, minutes, hours
... Days, weeks, months
... Years, decades, a century

Life is ...
... Spring, summer, fall, winter
... Flowers, plants, trees
... Nature, stars, the universe

Life is...
... Seeing, hearing, touching
... Tasting, smelling, speaking
... Doing, participating, accomplishing

Life is...
... Hope, inspiration, aspiration
... Laughter, joy, jubilation
... Disappointment, tears, sadness

Life is...
... Family, friends, neighbors
... Friendships, relationships, marriage
... Classmates, teammates, workmates

Life is...
... Working, playing, human development
... Dreams, goals, plans
... Self-awareness, reflection, refinement

Life is... Birth, living, death

Life is... Remembering we are human beings, not human doings.
Every once in a while we need to stop and smell the roses,
hear what is really being said, taste the essences of life,
touch someone’s heart and see life for what it truly is,
“a journey with rest areas”
Andreas Simic©
Includes one of my all time favorite quotes. Enjoy.
Andreas Simic Feb 2018
Overlooking the bow of the ship
With nary a thing in sight but the lake they call Gitche Gumee
The waves crashing against the hull with a thunderous roar
Winds howling like the sound of a jet engine taking off
Nothing I have not seen before all these years at sea

My thoughts turn to home
A wife, a son, friends and family
Celebrating yet another birthday without me
Below I can hear the men at dinner equally jubilant
Soon another lake crossing will be met with pay checks

How did I get here all alone at the helm
Responsible for so many heading into yet another storm
Riding in and out like tides on the ocean of life
Highs and lows each day rippling through the hours of a journey
The aroma of my coffee brings me back to the present

Radar indicates others are around me but what are they up to
Racing to cover like we are or hunkered down already
In a safe cove readying for bed, dreams about to be launched
Like this ship when she was shiny and new and held out great hopes
For both crew and owners

Now my fears mount as does the heaving of the ship
Listing from side to side the fateful sounding of the alarm
Despite their best effort the engines are fighting a losing battle
For the first time my thoughts turn to failure
What if she actually went down to the ragged sea bed below

Sinking to the bottom like a stone tossed into a pond
My men scurry to ready the life rafts
We all know this will be in vain the seas too rough to set them adrift
Through their silence they too communicate our doom
It is now only a matter of time

And so we wait.

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Oct 2017
Lost Words©

It was only later
After seeing him hooked up to a ventilator

That I realized what he had said
And a reflection came that I would later retread

For deep down inside I always knew
That my dad was there for me as I grew

He was harsh and intense on occasion
Some would even call it abrasion

But there was that other side
When we were alone me along for the ride

He did his duty as a father
Bringing home the bacon with little bother

But the lessons taught
Were what I bought

How to strive
To stay alive

To be the best I can be
For all to see

Have kindness for my fellow man
Help wherever I can

Be a father to a son
Be there to protect everyone

Give a care
If you dare

That tomorrow will be a better day
When you get ego out of the way

As I sit here to lament
I recall those lost words he had repent

After waiting all those long years
And though he is long gone they still bring me tears

Those lost words you ask “I love you…”

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Sep 2017
Love’s Fatality©

Love is a fickle partner

One moment it is deep like the color of a red rose
The next it is melancholy like a faded yellow lily

For the slightest interpretation of the mind
Can render it to be trivial almost useless

Inevitably time will find fissures in the walls of life
These become cracks that cannot be mended

Good intentions are mere bandages to a wound
That will not close

Slowly but surely like the wilting of a flower
The inevitable occurs

Best to remove any ill will afore it spreads
Like a cancer run amok

To call a ***** a *****
Before the pain becomes too great

Love lost is better than none found
This is the plague that follows us all

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Sep 2017

What is maturity?

Is it knowing that tomorrow will be a better day?
Is it having made all the mistakes until there are no more to be made,
Is it sitting in front of a computer playing games with your inner child and it being okay?
Is it a sense of knowing that the world is unfolding as it is meant to be.

Maturity is defined as development,
Is this the development of the human body?
Is this the development of intellectual matter or
Is this the development of human potential?
Is this the development of a spiritual knowing or connection?

How is maturity obtained?
Do we grow up to be mature?
Are we taught and learn to become mature,
Do we obtain maturity through experience?
Or does age provide an automatic pass to maturity.

Is maturity that stage where all is lost?
Or is maturity when the world is our oyster,
Or when there is an inner knowing of ourselves,
Or is it when we achieve all of our goals and dreams,
Or is it when we have figured out the world around us.

Maturity, let me know what it looks when you find yours,

I seem to have misplaced mine.  

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Sep 2017
Mind Games 1001©
Silhouettes here shadows there they could be anywhere
At home I check everywhere with a thorough sweep
On the road like this motel, I make sure that they can’t peep
Always look out the window before you leave they can deceive
When driving check mirrors often it might be a tail and
they could be on your trail
A disposable cell phone is a must or use a public one just
don’t let them hear you, they might be near you
Move often from city to city they can be witty
and they are not beyond sending someone pretty
She might say they are here to protect the nation
in a conversation, like she’s as good as her word
Never trust anyone including a neighbor
even if they say they are a savior
When submitting to WikiLeaks be anonymous
for it is your identity that they seeks
When the occasion arises you may need
to wear disguises, a wig, hair dye, no less
you may resort to wearing a dress
The car you drive you should never own
a rental is safer in a different time zone
CIA, FBI, NSA, Homeland security
anyone of those it could be
My name is paranoid but you
can call me delusional or
Bob which is not that unusual

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Oct 2017
Missing You!©

When I am here, I miss being there
When I am there, I miss being here

When I am in solitude, I miss companionship
When I have companionship, I miss solitude

When I am single, I miss being in relationship
When I am in relationship, I miss being single

When I am working, I miss not working
When I am not working, I miss working

When I am in the city, I miss the countryside
When I am in the countryside, I miss the city

When it is winter and it is cold, I miss the summer
When it is summer and too hot, I miss the winter

When I am on the prairies, I miss the mountains
When I am in the mountains, I miss the prairies

When I am on the rim of the Grand Canyon,
I miss being at the bottom
When I am at the bottom of the Grand Canyon,
I miss the rim,

When I am on the ocean, I miss dry land
When I am on dry land, I miss the ocean

When I am flying, I miss the ground
When I am on the ground, I miss flying

When I am on the east coast, I miss the west coast
When I am on the west coast, I miss the east coast

Maybe what I am missing is the point of it all

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Jun 2022
Modern Warfare

Hearts and minds won

Cyber attacks
Diplomacy feigned

Bullying and intimidation
The UN meeting
Pleas for peace


Land grab
Rigged elections

Headlines galore
Time passes
New normal tolerated

Status quo accepted
Mission complete
Rinse and repeat

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Sep 2017
My Little Queen©

I’m not her father, but she is my daughter
I knew her when she was young,
A small girl with a twirl

Time went on we moved to the coast with the most,
My bride and I as we said goodbye

One day a bus arrived with this little princess fresh
From a three day journey by bus made with no fuss

Swollen feet and tired as could be she lay on the couch
And I realized then and there she was no slouch

During those early days she would amaze and
Watching her grow was quite a show

The more she grew the more beautiful she had become
Even if it felt like she was always on the run

Her vivid imagination would have her end up
Working at a gas station to my fascination

Then one day she would announce out of the blue
It’s time to live on her own and have a home

A new job and boyfriend would ensue as she blossomed
From princess to bride and I would profess my pride

My princess now a little queen was far from done
For she had a son that I could adore galore

But life presents many ups and downs and even frowns
Even for someone with a crown, as we all do, who knew

A move here, a move there,
yet she found her way to another day

When revelations would arrive at home, my bride
Would give me a glare and stare and say

“and who do you think she got that from”
I am not her father, but she is my daughter

Now settled in a city nor far away, a wife, a mother
But still my pretty little queen

Andreas Simic©
A True Story
Andreas Simic Dec 2017
My Modern Age Reality©

The daily commute a daily grind
Bumper to bumper you will find
Asking “are you out of your mind”
Hoping to spot someone that is kind

Road rage is now the new adage
To get where you’re going at this stage
Maybe this can be forestalled with courage
Though that is wishful thinking at this age

My child in the back seat
She’s my daily joy when I do pick her up and we meet
Her arms outstretched as if to greet
Though the morning drop off isn’t so neat

A woman in a job no less
That a man used to do my guess
Why does it feel so thankless
Although that paycheck is a bliss

At the end of a long day I just want to rest
But hubby dear has announced a guest
Shopping, cooking, cleaning is now my quest
After all we want to show our best

The closing of the door and a big sigh
Tells me that bedtime is nigh
But first tidy up both low and high
Maybe it’s worth a hug from my big guy

My head comes to rest on the pillow
A last glance out the window at the willow
And a snuggle with mine bedfellow
Leads to a day’s afterglow

That’s all I have for today’s sideshow

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Nov 2017
My Plight in Sight©

I find myself alone
I was once with many
Dwindled to a few
Now a sole survivor

I am huddled here
In the cold
In this ditch
That now serves as shelter

It is not my fault
I did my very best
To help them survive
To keep them alive

Now I am freezing
My hands shake
And quiver
As I hold my metal defense

They are all around me now
It is just a matter of time
My thoughts are of home
Of family and that tree in the yard

The odds are not good
I know they are not
That I will hold your hand
For now it is just a thought

To have and to hold is just a dream
Our baby in my hands
Something I glean
What happens now is unforeseen

The din of earlier in the day
Gives way to an eerie silence
And here I have to stay
To see if I will live another day

This is war
And I am a soldier

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Nov 2017
My Plight in Sight©

I find myself alone
I was once with many
Dwindled to a few
Now a sole survivor

I am huddled here
In the cold
In this ditch
That now serves as shelter

It is not my fault
I did my very best
To help them survive
To keep them alive

Now I am freezing
My hands shake
And quiver
As I hold my metal defense

They are all around me now
It is just a matter of time
My thoughts are of home
Of family and that tree in the yard

The odds are not good
I know they are not
That I will hold your hand
For now it is just a thought

To have and to hold is just a dream
Our baby in my hands
Something I glean
What happens now is unforeseen

The din of earlier in the day
Gives way to an eerie silence
And here I have to stay
To see if I will live another day

This is war
And I am a soldier

Andreas Simic©
To honor Remembrance Day and those who serve.
Andreas Simic Sep 2017
Now and Then in 2017©

There was a time when I was younger
That there was this constant hunger

Time has passed and the years have flown by
Sometimes joy and laughter, sometimes a good cry

Vows kept under the stars we met
A grandson that keeps me young without regret

Where once I had a great left hook
I now rely on Facebook

Used to compete at a track meet
What I do now is Tweet from my seat

In lieu of at the rink with my team
I’m Linked In to the latest dream

Before, at the diamond with a bat
After, share the world with Snap Chat

Amazon was a great river in Brazil
Now an eCommerce site with a bill

Past, hanging out at the mall looking for chicks
Present, watching Netflix pics

It used to be four on the floor
Instead my best friend is an I Phone more

Many hours once spent polishing chrome
Replaced by Google Chrome in your home

Parallel parking used to be a real pain
My car parks by itself again and again

At the pumps no more
The car is electric and less a chore

I find myself often saying
Is there an “app” for that, and then playing

In conclusion I have no dilution of days gone by
The days of yore are long gone and I’m on standby

To give it all a try

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Dec 2017
Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree
How I love thee

Where’s thy pine cone I want to see
That fills me with so much glee

And has me plead
Where is thy seed

That will spring forth future generations
And hence bring great tribulations

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree
How I love thee

For now and evermore
You bring happiness to my shore

They vibrant colors I behold
If the truth doth be told

Thy aroma in my nose
Brings me to a close

Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree
How I love thee

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Nov 2017
My One Day Bucket List©

When I was young life was tough enough
As I sat behind that old wooden school desk I would dare to dream

I had a dream that…

One day I would fly a plane and soar like the birds in the sky away from the pain

One day I would find someone to love and be loved back just because they wanted to

One day I would have friends and feel like I belonged and not be different

One day I would own a home, a house to call my own because it looked like everyone else

One day I would sail the oceans to know what it would be like to be totally surrounded by water and feel like no one could find me to hurt me anymore

One day I would make money so no one would know I was poor

One day I would move a thousand miles away to an island so
No one would know I was not okay

One day I would own a business so that I could control my destiny

One day I would travel, to see what made the Panama possible and
Learn how deep the Grand Canyon is, see why people go to Las Vegas and experience what it would be like in Alaska

One day I would return to my father’s place of birth and see where it all began on that small family farm in the middle of seemingly nowhere and how he got to be so far away to escape a war

One day I would be there when Mom and Dad were passing on
So that they would not feel alone as they made that last human transition

One day I realized how my dreams had turned into reality that
Those early beginnings became an incredible life
Filled with family and friends

One day aspiration had turned into inspiration and inspiration into reality.

One day looks like inspiring others both young and not so young to hold on during those dark moments for the light to shine through and the opportunity for dreams to come true

One day

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Feb 2018
I am the symbol of pride for a nation
Decked out in paint and decoration

Though I have colors of my own
Artistry of others I have shown

Representing endurance and strength
Taking you on journeys that vary in length

Subject for a photo or picture to behold
Witness to many stories left untold

Equal abilities to work or play
Whether ridden for fun or transport this day

My worth is immeasurable to those in need
Even when they speak the tongue of a different creed

Equally adept in peace or war
I can swim from shore to shore

We have lived both wild and tamed
******* and saddled even been lamed

Ability to stir many an emotion
Returning the favor through dedication and devotion

So write the message you need to spill
I’ll carry it up any given hill

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic, horse , painted
Andreas Simic Feb 2022
Passing Through

We are like two sailing ships
Passing through a narrow canal

Veteran captains standing  on our decks
We nod heads to each other

In acknowledgement as if to say
Congratulations on a job well done

The sails of our boats once taut now sag
A sign of the relics we have become

In our hey day
We were the top of our class

The envy of the fleet
Known for speed and cunningness

The scourge of the open seas
Few willing to take us on in a battle of the minds

Feared in competition
Avoided where possible

But alas like all things in life
There is decline and decay awaiting us

When you know the time has come
For navigating into the sunset for safe harbor

All that is left is to idle away time
Sitting on the sandy shore until...

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Sep 2017
Poet Don’t Show It©

As I sit here and ponder what to write

I suffer every poet’s plight

What to put in it that may bypass a cynic

Will it pass the test of time or be it a rhyme

Is it about a crime or will someone even pay a dime

How will I tell it if I can’t even spell it

It won’t be shock if I get writer’s block

Once more it would lead to things being hocked

How will I blend smarts and wit in it

With critics abound ready to pounce a limerick

When I made this a career choice

I knew then that I wouldn’t be driving a Rolls Royce

My Father would often say

Are you getting a real job that will pay

But Mom would often defend me and herself relay

Let the boy play he will make it some day

So now I sit here with a dry piece of bread

Trying to forestall the dread, what if they’re right I plead

Just then and there it came to mine head

It’s time for bed, don’t let this spread

Enough said

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Oct 2017

As the waves come crashing into the shore
And the gulls fly overhead
And the sounds fill my ears

I am reminded

Of the frailty of life
Of nature’s cycle
Of destiny for all of us that inhabit this planet

Is life fair
Is life just
Is life a must

Or a journey to be endured
Or a lifetime of highs and lows
Or something to see as we go

Sometimes I do wonder why we are all here
Sometimes I am amazed of all the fear
Sometimes I can’t resist to insist

A prayer for those near and dear
A prayer for those unknown to me
A prayer for those I have yet to see

And as I dose myself to sleep
And my eyelids become heavy and deep
Another day awaits for me to greet

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Oct 2017

As life moves along its continuum
As reflection of the past becomes an increasing occurrence
As the sun rises and sets each day as before

When the hours pass just like they always have
When one day leads into the next
When time seems to be fleeting

What do we think about
What do we do to pre-occupy our minds with
What can we do to prepare for life’s eventualities

How do we justify our being
How do we look at how our life unfolded
How do we move on from here

Why, why now
Why the process and the journey
Why me

Into the abyss we move
Deeper and deeper into our own sole journey
To be remembered or forgotten

That is the question to be pondered this day

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Nov 2017
Prince Charming©

I know he is out there somewhere
Living a life without a care

He’s the guy that will fill my dreams
Maybe end all my screams

The one that will my problems solve
That’s why I play a game I call revolve

In and out they go
Hoping the right one will show

It seems like it is an endless chain
One day one will remain

The few have become the many
Life passes by with nary a penny

They come they go
Yet I have little to show

Years pass on by and still I date
Hoping to find someone to relate

They move in for just a while
Till I realize they are not my style

To the curb they do go
When the next will show I don’t know

It’s not you it’s me
If I could only see

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Mar 2018

Each footstep heard as though it is the only human imprint
On a land left unmarked by our presence
The stillness in the air as if wind did not exist
I gaze upon a frozen lake far and wide with nothing but ice
A white dusting like that of icing sugar on a cake for a topping
Covering imperfections caused by occasional crags bursting forth
Mother Nature showing she has been here
Birds wisp before me, displaying her colorful art
A robin and its orange belly, a red cardinal, a blue jay
Birds chirping to a rhythmic tune interrupted by
The hoot of an owl or a woodpecker hard at work
Amidst this display footprints leave a puzzle to be solved
Deer and wild turkey presence is easily identified
But what of those others, may they be fox, wolf or coyote
Are they nearby watching or on a distant foray
Moving between trees eyes ahead the cracking of branches
A signal to all ahead of my progress
An invader to be respected
Each step forward deeper into an array of trees
Maples, oaks, cedar, poplar, elm, pine, spruce
A cornucopia of height, width and breadth
Deeper into the forest I move alone-ness envelopes me
Yet this is where I find serenity
Amongst those not of my species
Alone but not lonely

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Apr 2022
you are the Ambrosia of my mind
the apple of my eye
crisp and Red delicious
a Macintosh in waiting

     Granny Smith is exuberant
     over our Gala to toast the Empire
     I see a Pink Lady in Fuji
     Honeycrisp in every way

you are the Envy of Pazzaz
playing Jazz in Cameo at the Braeburn
in front of Lady Alice in Holstein
like a Hidden Rose

     though Janagold is **** mixed with sweetness
     your Liberty embraces Gravenstein
     akin to a Pacific Rose like an Opal
     enjoying Winesap instead of Mutsu

Andreas Simic©
Written about the 25 kinds of apples listed here.
Andreas Simic Sep 2017
She is the Flower Amongst the Flowers©

Like her fellow kind she is graceful as her petals reach for
the morning sunlight
Soft and gentle in the cool morning breeze she sways
In that moment there is calmness that belies her truth
For she sheds the morning dew drops like the tears of someone
you hold dear
Her long slender neck carries the heavy load which grows
with time and maturity
If she had lips one would need to be cautious for she is
laced with thorns
Thorns that can stab you whether wittingly or unwittingly
and make you bleed
The cuts sharp and piercing and not something to be taken lightly
They will leave you in pain like a heart that has been torn
Her beginning is like most from a small acorn of a seed,
she begins to sprout
Only a glimpse of what she will ultimately become shows
in those early days
But one day her long stem like the legs of a shapely woman
will be firm and supple
Time will pass and she will outgrow many of her family
She will be more popular and hold a special place
When selected for meaning in people’s lives
Like the moods of a woman her colors are varied
And carry with them the potential for an array of emotions
The deepness of meaning representing the well of life
Sometimes half full and sometimes half empty,
but always refreshing
Each color part of a spectrum and the bounty
of feelings it can bring
The folds of her blossom are complicated and intricate yet delicate
From a distance she stands out to your eye,
her beauty catching your breath
Her shapeliness recognizable on sight like a familiar friend,
relative or lover
She is the flower amongst flowers
She is the rose

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Dec 2017
She is a Vulcan
Part Seductress
Part Enigma

She will lure you into her sphere
The sound of her music a trap
You’re unaware of its allure

Like a kiss that captivates your heart
Leaving you wondering is this madness
Until caught in its entanglement

You ask how did I get here
Why was I such easy prey
When will I learn

Yet again shopping around
The fractals have led you wrong
Is this self sacrifice you ponder

Led down a garden path
Betrayed by yearnings thought pure
Her crown like a shiny object reels you in

Her lipstick captivates you
Her eyes like a gravitational pull
Her horns pierce your heart

Like a cigarette burn left unattended
The wound festers like an assassin
Until it feels like a lobotomy

It is only as the poison spreads that you realize
It was all a game to bring on a revolution
Vengeance the end goal

She is an artist vying for your love
Throwing gasoline on our passion
As if struck by lightning the reverberation hits

There is a lesson to be learned
But what
And is it too late

Andreas Simic©
Written for a poetry contest
Andreas Simic Nov 2017

If I was a kitten
Maybe I wouldn’t be so smitten
It’s as though I’ve been bitten

There is no chance
Of romance
Maybe under a different circumstance

Though it seems she was heaven sent
And I feel an urge to relent
It would likely lead me to repent

Don’t know why the attraction
Am I looking for some sort of satisfaction
Help me Lord to inaction

For I know not why there is this thing
Leading me to ponder a fling
Knowing it will only grief bring

Yet there it is this temptation
Is it there as some sort of revelation
Providing a piece of education

But alas with all my will
I bring a chill
To that part of me seeking a thrill

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Mar 2018
On that day
I will cast away
the chains of responsibility
like a cruise ship leaving port
to places unknown and far away

On that day
I will relinquish
the title of
good son
and share the load

One that day
I shall let go
of always being in control
allow my inner compass
to lead

On that day
I shall purge
the voices
those demons of my mind
and hear silence

On that day
I will be free
to explore the world
having released the burden
of adulthood

On that day
I will awaken
to find contentment
that place in my heart
where all is good

Someday this
will all be mine


Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Jun 2022
Lined up like soldiers

you stand tall and straight at attention

like them you guard humanity

by providing for us

through your shade and ever presence

sometimes in your dress of leaves

other times dormant, asleep but not

though no matter the season or the reason

whether as a heat source or inspiration

as a haven for insects or resting place for birds

the livelihood for a wood pecker or mushrooms

you’re there waiting to fulfill your destiny

Despite man’s insatiable hunger

to mow you down like blades of grass

yet it is the oxygen you provide

which allows us to live another day

the irony of it all

even for the tall

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Dec 2017
Take My Hand©

When you are

No matter
where you are
the place you’re in now
or how deep you have sunk

Know that
there is always a tomorrow
those who lead sometimes follow
success is measured by you

I will be there
to hold you up
give you strength
embrace your soul

Life is
lived one day at a time
each moment counting on its own
from blessing to blessing

my voice to guide you
through times that are tough
for you are never truly alone

Let your
thoughts be bright
even when it doesn’t seem all right
all the while remembering I am holding your hand

Andreas Simic
Andreas Simic Feb 2018
Tick tock goes the clock
Sometimes fast sometimes slow
Especially Fridays ergo

With great anticipation
The game begins
When it hits five everyone wins

Until then our minds tend to wander
In that moment of reckoning
The weekend beckoning

Of the things to explore
When we head out that door
Having just finished our last chore

Will it be fun to enjoy
Or entertainment to employ
Either way jumping with joy

There’s that sense of freedom
Coming to our life
Leaving behind work strife

A big smile or a grin
Coming my way
No more din for this day

A few beers to quench my thirst
Sleeping in is the option first
Time with my honey never a curse

Leaping children in mine arms
The substitute for alarms
Bringing their delights and charms

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Sep 2017
That Feeling ©

Maybe it's the snow-capped mountains piercing the clouds with their magnificence

Maybe it's the tall green pines that have been here since before
Columbus's birth and are over thirty stories high

Maybe it's the roaring river cascading down the mountainside
To the valley below with its salmon defying logic and odds

Maybe it's the rocky ledge so subtly shaped by glaciers thousands of years ago

Maybe it's the smell of the ocean air that greets you in the morning

Maybe it's the pod of killer whales playing alongside the island ferry

Maybe it's the ocean going vessel like a ghost ship on its way to parts unknown

Maybe it's the sight of a soaring eagle gliding oh so effortlessly through the blue skies

Maybe it's the sound of a baby deer born within earshot of a friend

Maybe it’s the fragrance exuded by the myriad of flowers of varying shapes and colors

Maybe it's the sunrise and sunset that makes you gaze in awe

Maybe it's the open arms that greet you when you return home.

And that feeling, it is the knowing that you are exactly
Where you are meant to be

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Feb 2018
That Kind of Day

Woke up late
Too much wobbly pop
The night before a blur

Race to get ready is on
Make up applied
Toast burnt

Out the door
Car won’t start
A bus is no fuss

Miss it by that much
When it begins to rain
Mascara running in shame

Hail a cab
Hair dripping went
Am I there yet

Andreas Simic
Andreas Simic Oct 2017
The Balancing Act©

It is as though I am constantly in a balancing act
I envy those that seemingly do not go through
This process of weighing things in my mind

Those like poker players that can go “all in”
Shove their chips into the middle of the table
As if there wasn’t even a fore thought involved

No, my mind has to go through “the process”
Is this a good decision or bad
What will be the consequences

Why am I doing this
What are the odds of something bad happening
How will the results affect my life

I look at the homeless who wander my streets
Judgment floods my mind
But is there jealousy at the heart of it

Is theirs a conscious choice
To have no bosses, no one to account to
Are they free from the balancing act

What of the daredevils that navigate Niagara falls
Who leap to peril do they juggle their decision
Or is there absolute clarity of the mind

Pros and cons
Ins and outs
Good or bad

Happy or sad
Mad or glad
The balancing act

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Oct 2017
The Blame Game©

I am irate, I want to be angry.
Something has set me off
And I want someone to be responsible
To be the target of my rage

I just want to let loose
To vent this unexplained feeling
It is like a storm that has brewed
And now like a tornado wants to become a twister

To unleash that which has been pent up
Now looking for someone to ****** my energy upon
A nameless victim who doesn’t even see it coming
Who will be the benefactor of the ****** released

Likely someone who is close like a spouse or a friend
Or maybe a complete stranger
Unaware of the catalyst
That will spark this verbal assault

I just need that someone who will listen
To my frustration, my angst, my worries
Hear what I have to say and just be
The voice of reason

And as time passes
As I journal and negotiate with myself
It has begun to dissipate, to unravel
And the storm has passed

There is no one to blame
It was all part of the game.

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Oct 2017
The Craving©
Until now I have never really FELT the meaning of craving
Yet here I am doing exactly that

I crave to write
For some unknown
Unexplained reason

The words
And ideas
Are pouring out of me

Like a faucet
That cannot
Be turned off

Why now
Why here
Why at all

It doesn’t make sense
Is it mere pretense
Or heaven sent

Do the words
Have meaning or
Is it me just screaming

My goal is inspiration
For others or
So I think

What if what I write
Readers see as
Something that stinks

So back to
Where it
All began

Why am I craving
This particular
Fall or at all

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Oct 2017
The Dower Flower©

It is a misty summer day, the morning rain
providing a sheen on the sidewalks
the temperature warm with the touch of a coolness

My eyes are drawn to a neatly
manicured bush with a bouquet of flowers
freshly awoken from their protective buds

I stand in awe of their beauty and the magnificence
they hold, the expression of vibrancy in their colors
The tenderness they exude softly swaying in the gentle breeze

My walk continues and our paths cross as they have many a time
She is tallish, young with usually longer blonde hair
Most would call her attractive and good looking, even statuesque

I often imagine her to be a model given the varied times of the day
that our paths have interwoven and her stylish and fashionable attire, yet in the midst of the mystique something feels asunder

There is an aloofness, a sense of unhappiness,
never a smile or a warm glow on her face
in its place I feel sadness maybe lonesomeness

My conjecture leads me to ponder and surmise
how someone so young can be so dower
she is the other flower, the dower flower

There is beauty but it is locked up inside
one day my hope is that her bud too will blossom
and she will become the flower she is meant to be

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Sep 2017
The Dreamers©

I think oft  what it would be like to be one of them

To look at the world through rose colored glasses

Where the world is perfect according to my childhood dreams

In that dream I would be a pilot, handsome and tall
A world traveler to boot

I would be married to the girl next door
The vivacious blonde with that voluptuous figure

Somehow as if by magic I would be rich as well as famous

My model looks would have me featured in a magazine

This would be a follow up to my bestselling book which is
Now being turned into the greatest movie of all time

The movie is a documentary about my days as a rock star

It would highlight my younger years
As a pro athlete and renowned artist extraordinaire

The captivating television interview for my hit movie
Held at my countryside estate overlooking the ocean
It is prominently featured in Homes & Gardens magazine

Having won the lottery my days are filled with
Time to spend with family and friends at will
Or inventing the greatest next best thing

My ideal children seemingly raise themselves
To become childhood prodigies

When I come back to reality in my modest home
Readying myself to go to my everyday job
And writing poetry waiting to be discovered

I wonder “Is this as good as it gets”

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Feb 2022
First the diagnosis
Then the prognosis
Indeed it is cirrhosis

Alongside the cancer
Is the answer
They will no longer be a dancer

First comes shock
At no longer being a chip off the old block
Wanting to throw a rock

It just can’t be they are too young
Why has it spread to the lung
Will these be the last words rung

I want to ring its neck
But we need all hands on deck
So emotions are kept in check

Then sadness comes along
Oh this is so wrong
They want us to be strong

All leading to depression
And many a session
Even a confession

Can’t they be given another chance
Couldn’t there be a different circumstance
But in the end we all end up at acceptance

The five stages of grief
In a brief
Poem is my belief

Andreas Simic ©
Andreas Simic Oct 2017
The Flower – A Tribute ©

Thank you flower for the wonderful bouquet you present to me

Thank you flower for your fragrance
That fills the air and makes me smile

Thank you flower for allowing me touch your silkiness
And to feel beauty

Thank you flower for blessing me with your array of colors

Thank you flower being there...

On my Birthday and to count the years

On Mother’s Day to thank Mom for being Mom

On Father’s Day to be with Dad

On Valentine’s Day to let my sweetheart know I love her

On my wedding day to celebrate my relationship

To celebrate my child’s birth

At so many special occasions

Even when there wasn’t a good reason

And one last thank you,
Thank you for being there when I pass on

I know you will brighten the room
Even if it is a sad moment for those left behind

Thank you flower for making me feel better
Knowing that you will be there

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Nov 2017
The Funny White Stuff©

It is hard to believe
That there is a part of the world

Where no funny white stuff exists at all
This thing that can create great pleasure

Or be seen as a plague or aggravation
Which some will never experience

How something so good can also be so bad
In one moment a plaything

And in another a quagmire to escape
A symbol for the chills and cold

Or that which can bring a warm glow to our hearts
Those that love to slide cherish it

While those that drive oft curse it
Yet it is made of the same thing

You can throw or fling it for fun
Build a fort or igloo too

If need be it’s a water source
And hence a precious resource

Floating from the sky above
It can create quite a scene

Leading people to dream
Especially those that have not seen

The magic and wonder
Of the season and the funny white stuff

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Oct 2017
The Glimpse©

As he rode down the escalator
Eyes upon the next step
Caution on his mind
The throng of people
Surrounding him like a fence
Something told him to look up
Was it an inkling
Was it intuition
Was it a premonition
Was it fate
But look up he did
And in that moment their eyes met
It was a mere seconds of a lifetime
But they were both transfixed
He going down
She coming up
A passing of two strangers
Eyes locked
Was this a flight of fancy
Or the real thing
He would never know
For she was gone around the corner
And he was on his way to work
Destiny would have to prevail
Someday but not today

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Sep 2017
The Lonely Loon©

Long before my daily ritual begins
Your call as distinctive as any sound on the lake
Beckons me with your unique overture

Each day like clockwork I see you there
Bobbing like a cork on the shimmering lake
On guard like a sentry at Buckingham palace

As I meander down the long rocky spit
We eye each other like boxers in a ring
One step past the mythical line you have created

And you will take flight to your safe haven
We are so much alike seeking our solitude
Drawing lines in the sand that shall not be crossed

For now we cautiously examine each other’s presence
Respectful of the boundaries we have set
One wrong move on my part and…

There will be a flapping of wings
Like a plane making its initial ascent
Soon you will be out of sight

Until tomorrow,
See you then my friend

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Jan 2018
The Lone Wolf©

Exiting the cabin I instinctively look up
Maybe it is out of habit now
I spy you perched atop the distant ridge
How different are you and I

What do you see when you look down at my humble abode
Nestled amongst the trees the smoke wafting from the chimney
My home in the wilds of the woods; alone
How different are you and I

When you are not there I wonder where you are
Foraging for food, a drink by the fast flowing river,
Seeking solitude
How different are you and I

Do you see a man with a broken heart
One that has been cut so deeply it will never mend
Relegated to healing the wounds through nature
How different are you and I

Each day is a new day
One filled with wonderment
Of opportunity found or lost
How different are you and I

Time has inevitability
Someday one of us will not be there and I wonder
Will this be the last time I see your grace
How different are you and I

Andreas Simic©
I love being in nature and often think of what it would be like to live in a remote faraway cabin.
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