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 Apr 14 Jamesb
Anais Vionet
(inspired by Malia’s poem ‘crack the code’)

the unspoken poems
are the loudest
the ones you don’t utter
the times you don’t bother
symphonies of silence
votes of no confidence
trust marbled with rust
what's become of us?
You deserve someone who gives you
More than a shoulder to lean on--Someone who gives you
Their right arm,

Someone who protects your heart,
Nourishes your soul,
And keeps your spirit
Away from harm.

You deserve someone
Who brings out the very best in you,

Someone who appreciates
All that you are
And all that you do.

You deserve someone
Who wants you to be
Nothing more
Or nothing less
Than the real you,

Someone who will never
Extinguish the light
From the fire
That burns deep within you.

By Lady. R.F. (C)2018
I wish you had arrived
when I still believed in love
I wish I had met you
when there was still
space in my heart
I wish I had heard your song
when I still believed in melody
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