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Star BG Jan 2021
I peered into the many corridors of my heart and found a museum of memories waiting to be examined. Some I craved, as they carried me into landscapes of smiles and sweet breezes. Others were framed in emotions with dark shades that made me inspect briefly before moving on.
Ticket to my museum was a simple breath and the time to drift in chamber walls. And as I did moving spiraling energies time dissolved into my naked self.
inspired by Ashley K
Star BG Jan 2021
Never too far away
the vision of your face
in my mind
filed for eternity.

No never oh never
to far my
who floats in a memory
that stops time
as if we first met.

I step onto floor
to dance in our favorite song
The one that plays
on awakening.

I drift in a breath
catapulting self into visions
of us floating
in stream of love.

Moments melt into
fiery stars
that vibrate
night sky.

We shall meet again
when surface of skin fades
and highway
of universe leads.
For you are never too far away.
Star BG Jan 2021
Gentle frost quilted upon maple tree
weaving glass texture calling to eyes
as breath circulates giving wings to thought.

implants of walking steps formed
celebrating gift from clouds
while gratitude centered within

Kiss of Winter moved upon cells,
opening portals amid landscape
worthy of any artist to paint.

And mockingbirds echoed in distance
merging with rustling leaves to
explode in moment that blessed ears.

I rose in icicle palace of trees
putting walking steps in gear
as pale moonlight release rays of songs.

Winters air quenched breath
in silvery puffs launching thoughts
before disappearing to open senses.

Peace fell upon consciousness
as mirage appeared gracing mind
with visions holding blessings

And as delicate snow fairies tickle
igniting opulent dreams of heart
self felt engulfed in radiant beauty.
Star BG Jan 2021
Every moment,
holds woven threads of inspiration
when you appreciate fabric of journey,
to move with needle-like pen.
A poet seamstress, I be.
Star BG Aug 2020
Sun swims inside blue sky
Birds mimic sweet air
Day unfolds to celebrate.
Celebrate the phylogeny of a new day.

Summer air percolates in lungs.
Ears drums attune to moment
Time to whisper prayer
Prayer of thanks for gift of day.

Heartbeat pushes cells to dance
Eyes open window of light
Smile mounts upon face
Footsteps cavort upon Mother Earth.
with graceful tango  
And graceful Soul expansion meets sacred day.
Star BG Aug 2020
Lions gate
Expand so great
Feel you fate

Feet alate
Move, create      

Conquer hate
Dance gyrate

lift your weight
Peaceful state
Love checkmate

Find soul mate
Take life bait
graceful gait

8/8 l

8/8heart inflate
light spate
forgiveness trait

8/8 meditate
feel first rate
Happy 8/8 all. mIts a powerful gateway to expand the self and align with energies of creation.
Star BG Aug 2020
I sing the blues
in the Key of C
for catastrophe…
with sharpen bow to self
if resolution isn’t found.

I sing the blues
in the key of D
for death
with tears as accompaniment
that stain face and heart.

I sing the blues
in the key of B
for begging
with hope someone will hear
to teach me a new song.

I sing I sing
with keys to see which door
will open for new beginning.

Singing competition begins
D and G (death to God)
 F and E (freedom inside  human existence)

What song will prevail?
Time will tell.
Inspired by Gideon Thank you
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