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  Aug 2014 Trayc Plaja
Staunch masculinity
I have hair on my chest
I drink whiskey
I work out
I like Karate
I drink beer
I like heavy metal
Let’s fight
Lets ****
I smoke
I stay out late
I win
I read  (ie: I’m smarter than you.)
Let’s ****
Sometimes I lose ….but I learn
I don’t care
That’s my job
I had steak for lunch
Do you want to ****?
I provide
I take care of business
C’mon let’s ****
I build
I take
I teach
I preach
Let’s ****
I’m happy
Don’t cut me off in traffic
I lead
I challenge
How about we ****?
I yell
I critique
I solve
Are we going to ****?
I drive a sports car
I save money
I spend money
I make money
I brag
I show off
I really really need to ****
I said  I drive sports car
I drink…. did I mention that.
Let’s ****
I wait
I wait
I’m patient
I drink
I smoke
I emote
We aren’t going to **** are we?
I work out
I compete
I shoot guns
I ride a motorcycle
I’m cultured
Don’t make me beg for it *****.
I judge
I ****
I love
I ponder
I create
I scheme
I think you are really special
Let's ****
I can lift heavy boxes
I can hang pictures
I can drive you around
I can buy you dinner
Trayc Plaja Jan 2014
One after the other.
Trying to fix them.
Forgiving yourself easy.
Others forgiving you not so easy.
How long do we call them that till we realize they are called **** UPS and can not be taken back.
Trayc Plaja Jan 2014
Life, it hits you.
Harder and harder.
Some days you wonder if you will get back up.
What will happen if you don't.
Lots of things.
My child will be sad.
My dogs wont get walked.
No one will eat.
Bills will not be paid.
No one will laugh.
No one will cry.
Crying is for me, my talent.
How did I get here?
Life. This is it.
Accept yours and move on.
It can only get better.
Trayc Plaja Jan 2014
When times are rough..
I look at you.
I remember why I do all the things I do.
I remember your unwavering love for me...
I remember the day you looked in my eyes and I said FOREVER..
You and me kid.
I remember the first time you needed Nikes so you could run faster and you won that ribbon.
It was not the shoes but your incredible courage.
I remember all the times I have let you down...
You smile and say it is okay mommy...
Five minutes later...
You remind me that you love me.
I love you...
Today I got out of bed because of you.
One day at a time..
You and me kid. FOREVER.
Trayc Plaja Oct 2013
My child
Not a child anymore
beautiful, perfect.
Your smile makes my whole world change.
Your happiness, your sadness a part of me.
If only I could make it different for you.
If only I could start over.
Start over and make me perfect to you once again.
One day I will be.
Be perfect.
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