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Tintin Aug 2013
My glass chest is cracked.
Enough not to laugh
Enough not to dance
Not enough to shatter
Not enough to cry

Tiny Fractures one by one
One Forgets
One Ignores
One Insults
Many don't ask

My glass is usually strong
Enough to withhold most
But weakened by blows
Slight but sure
I hope i won't break any more
encapsulating emotion
Tintin Aug 2013
You wrap your word so delicately
They almost feel sincere
But i can see the cracks that tear
The O's perfect sphere

Flour made of crushed fake smiles
And water from eye dew
Newspaper strips torn carelessly
And drowned in smooth white glue

Your hands are sticky from the words
You tried so hard to mould
Happiness not gifted to me
But rather your to uphold

You act as though you've done no wrong,
No fault from the start
Perhaps now you should paper mache
My bruised and bleeding heart.
It was my birthday yesterday. It's amazing how many "friends" come out of the wood work to wish you. Some of whom, seemingly, only want to convince themselves that they have been a good friend to me all along.

Oh well at least it's got me writing again...
Tintin Jul 2013
I locked my beating heart in a dead man's chest
Finding safety underneath the sands
Fourteen years it remained buried far below
Yet somehow found it's way to your hands

With unconcerned plunges of your careless knife
Don't bother to watch my heart bleed
Soaking the base of the box; red and hot
Yet you merely day dream, walking sleep

I removed my heart from love's reckless hands
But pain; dull, fresh, endless is still felt
It should end now yet the sea i still roam
Trusting now in blackholes i never before dwelt

My unbalanced chest suffers an unliftable burden
As my heart's held 'ransom' by you
Love's cruel trick; i remain Davy Jones
With not even my broken heart, only a ship and crew
And the curse of the writer's block continues...
Tintin Jul 2013
Weeping Willow please don't stop your tears
Fill the lake with salts that restrain my fears
Ignore the handkerchief for drops to dry
And release them full and fast, just cry

Swims in your sea of pains keep mine at bay
Youv'e wept for long, continue i pray
If you're not falling apart then i will be
Sacrifice your smiles and sob also for me

Your base is stronger than mine i am sure
If i lament as you do i would not long endure
So i'll give you my troubles to keep the lake high
For if you cease wells will form in mine eye

I'm too weak to give the pool it's due pay
Without you the lake and i will waste away
Undergoing writer's block...sorry it's ******
Tintin Jun 2013
Miles of ivory silk,
draped across the heaven's rafters
painted in the lightest of blues

The deception cheats your eyes
yet skin, oh clever skin,
is not so easily fooled.
The eyes state audaciously that
the day is pleasant but the skin,
in it's connected wisdom shouts "Liar!"
as the bold winter breeze picks your pockets.

The once refreshing diamonds of dew
that rescued from the suns angry rays
now blanket it's old damsel in crystals of frozen death.

The crunch of the boot,
unwillingly emerging from the warmth,
upon the already waning grass
sealing the blade's inescapable fate.
The action is welcomed
by the lowest lying fog and mist
as it rushes to kiss the feet of the new ally.

Upon awakening, a simple "ah"
releases smoke of a tepid body about to freeze
as the chilling bite is reluctantly embraced

Warmth must be sought
through the enemy's blaze
The orange dance is begun and grows
As hands of flame reach for the sky
eating, destroying the invisible foe
that naively wanders into the inferno
the crackle of wood hides the screams  

Day walks on and the cold ceases
it's relentlessly harsh attack
'til morning is received once more.
Tintin Jun 2013
East Wind: kiss my face and sway my meagre clothes; use them as your hands to tickle my skin, a rare sensation.

West Wind: let me continue to breathe your sweet freshness; chilling my throat at the swift intake of your being

North Wind: release the constraints of my hair; run your ghostly fingers through it,  sculpt an unseen, unusual beauty.

South Wind: become my nourishment; let me cling, don't leave me in need of your significant presence

Travel the world to find me, i plead.
Allow me to forget your vitality and forgive me for that.
Let me breathe on and on until my lungs become foolish enough to resist your eager kindness.
Tintin Jun 2013
The death of sound before the inevitable blow
Stomach should be rumbling; not a sound
Heart should be cracking, shattering, you know
There are tremors and tingles, mind; never slow
You stand but you feel you must run or drowned

The earsplitting silence is too much to take
Just begin, just end; you hesitantly plead
For when it starts the choice you must make
No more questioning or ideas for the future; opaque
No matter the result you must simply be freed

Of the never-ending watch and wait
You'll take what comes, despite the fear
Your mind and heart can no longer relate
Your senses diminish under the copious weight
By this your body talks; the end is near

The Silence ends and the war, the journey, the future begins.
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